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A new look at paper bags, curtain rods, and Oswald

Greg Doudna

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The JFK Conspiracy Fantasists have people scheming and plotting and planting and lying and conniving and altering and framing patsies all over the place in this case.

You think all of those never-ending accusations can be wiped out by replacing all of those terms I just used with the simple word "WRONG"?

Get real.


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2 minutes ago, John Iacoletti said:

So, I guess now all Alan has to do is just say that the people weren't l-word-ing about the curtain rods, they were just wrong. 

Fair point, Mr. Iacoletti (hello here btw!). I must indeed concede the theoretical possibility that the following people were suffering from severe dementia in March '64:

------------Agent Howlett

------------Lt. Day

------------Mr. Jenner

After all, Mr. Von Pein inspires us to see that the mendacity explanation is off the table, because brotherhood of man.

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17 minutes ago, Alan Ford said:

next time you trot out your provably wrong claim that There is no evidence any curtain rods were found in the Depository after the assassination, WITHOUT mentioning your utter inability to explain away evidence pointing precisely that way....

Now you're just making stuff up. There is NO EVIDENCE which points "precisely" to any curtain rods being recovered from the TSBD. None. And your fantasy and cloak-and-dagger crap regarding Paine Exhibits No. 275 & 276 doesn't come CLOSE to showing that any rods were found IN THE DEPOSITORY.

Why you think otherwise is yet another mystery.


Edited by David Von Pein
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2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

The JFK Conspiracy Fantasists have people scheming and plotting and planting and lying and conniving and altering and framing patsies all over the place in this case.

You think all of those never-ending accusations can be wiped out by replacing all of those terms I just used with the simple word "WRONG"?

Get real.


Sounds like one of the the usual strawmen that gets trotted out when DVP finds himself cornered.

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Just now, David Von Pein said:

The JFK Conspiracy Fantasists have people scheming and plotting and planting and lying and conniving and altering and framing patsies all over the place in this case.

Warren Gullibility has Mr. Von Pein's brain melting down over his humiliating inability to explain away inconvenient evidence about the curtain rods.

When called out on his complete intellectual collapse in the face of this evidence, he breaks into I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing In Perfect Harmony.

It's just too funny!

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Just now, David Von Pein said:

Now you'rwe just making stuff up. There is NO EVIDENCE which points "precisely" to any curtain rods being recovered from the TSBD. None.


There is NO EVIDENCE which points to your ability to explain away the damning CSSS document about two curtain rods. None.

Ya lost, Mr. Von Pein! 👍

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1 minute ago, Alan Ford said:

Warren Gullibility has Mr. Von Pein's brain melting down over his humiliating inability to explain away inconvenient evidence about the curtain rods.

The March 15 date was wrong. Simple as that.

No l-i-a-r-s required. Just a mistake on a paper.

CTer Version = L-i-a-r-s / schemers / evidence manipulators everywhere!

Which version is more likely to be the truth---mine or yours?


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5 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

ANY date after March 23.



Okay, Mr. Von Pein, let's take March 24, and see where that gets us...................



Mr. David Von Pein's Soopah-Doopah Solution To The Curtain Rods CSSS Conundrum:

9:45 a.m., 24 March: two curtain rods are submitted for testing for Mr. Oswald's prints

7:50 a.m., 24 March: the same two curtain rods are released after having been tested for Mr. Oswald's prints.

Man, those cats worked fast!



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1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

Try March 25.


Ok, I'll play................

9:45 a.m., 25 March: two curtain rods are submitted for testing for Mr. Oswald's prints

7:50 a.m., 24 March: the same two curtain rods are released after having been tested for Mr. Oswald's prints.

Great Scott, Mr. Von Pein! How do you do it?

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2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

I'm very talented, that's all.

So in all the many months since I last schooled you on this issue, Mr. Von Pein, the best you can still come up with is time-travel: The curtain rods were submitted to the lab for testing after they had been tested in the lab.

You do realize that other people are reading this exchange, don't you? Oh well, if you're comfortable making a complete fool of yourself, who am I to stop you?


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Friends, just in case you missed the problem that has defeated Mr. Von Pein here------------------

The reason why Mr. Von Pein cannot even in fantasy change the 3-15-64 date to one EARLIER than 23 March is that the extraction of two curtain rods from the Paine garage by the WC took place on the evening of 23 March.

The reason why Mr. Von Pein cannot even in fantasy change the 3-15-64 date to one LATER than 23 March is that the release of two curtain rods from the crime lab took place at 7.50 a.m. on 24 March.

It's the perfect checkmate.

As for the reason why Mr. Von Pein will omit to mention this document next time and every time he pops up with the declaration, There is no evidence any curtain rods were found in the Depository after the assassination, it's that he's a Warren Gullible propagandist whose modus operandi is to just filter out inconvenient evidence and hope no one notices what he's up to.

Keep serving the l-i-e, Mr. Von Pein! 👍

Edited by Alan Ford
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