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The Finding of the Sniper's Nest

Alan Ford

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On 11/16/2023 at 4:30 AM, Alan Ford said:

Does this suggest his truthfulness before the Warren Commission?


Let me tell you about Inspector Sawyer - he was one of the key people in the posthumous framing of Lee Harvey Oswald. Sawyer prevaricated, fabricated, dissembled, deceived, told falsehoods, perjured himself. I guess you could call him that four letter word for lying.

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On 11/18/2023 at 3:48 PM, Alan Ford said:

Mr. SPECTER. Do you know what the name of that policeman was, who was in that position where you have marked C?

Mr. EUINS. No, sir. He was kind of an old policeman. I ran down and got him. And he ran up here.

Mr. SPECTER. You mean--

Mr. EUINS. The Book Depository Building. Then he called some more cars. They got all the way around the building. And then after that, well, he seen another man. Another man told him he seen a man run out the back.

Which policeman is Mr. Euins talking about here? A policeman he had first seen at the point marked 'C' in CE365:


The officer at 'C' ain't Insp. Sawyer. So Insp. Sawyer ain't the officer Mr. Euins heard take a description from a witness who claimed to have "seen a man run out the back".

Whether you like it or not, Mr. Speer, Mr. Euins is independently corroborating what Asst. Chief Batchelor has told S.A. Drain: a man was seen running out the back of the Depository. The coincidence you are trying to posit between the shared 'error' of Asst. Chief Batchelor & Mr. Euins is just off-the-spectrum silly.

Heck, even Captain Fritz didn't try to pretend that no witness claiming to have seen a man run out the back had even existed. His solution? To dismiss the witness and their description of the suspect as irrelevant to the case!



Capt. Fritz's spin is admirably candid: The man couldn't have been Oswald, therefore the witness was hallucinating.

Are we seriously to believe that Insp. Sawyer doesn't know the name of Mr. Howard Brennan by the time he is appearing before the WC? For Pete's sake, the man is the official investigation's star TSBD witness! All he has to do to seal the lie is say, 'He was a construction guy who I later learned has the name Brennan'. And yet, Insp. Sawyer knows it's too risky thus to falsely identify the source of the suspect description. Best he can do is serve up this intelligence-insulting garbage: "I remember that he was a white man and that he wasn't young and he wasn't old. He was there."

Completely separate from the question of whether or not someone ran out the back of the building is your claim Sawyer knew Brennan by name. WHY do you believe such a thing? Sawyer was not a homicide investigator. As far as he knew, Brennan was an early witness who failed to ID Oswald. Ding ding ding. Filed in the circular filing cabinet. 

Brennan was resurrected as a witness by the FBI. He was their witness. The DPD didn't embrace him as a witness. Heck, we have reason to suspect that by early 64 men like Fritz Curry and Wade had forgotten he even existed. 

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