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DPD Dispatcher Alterations and Tippit Murder

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On 1/3/2024 at 6:07 AM, Michael Kalin said:

Donald, some good news -- my cassette dubbing deck still works! At your service anytime.

In the meantime perhaps your tape can clarify a point raised in the article, which attributes two unacknowledged "78" transmissions around 1:08 to Benavides. This is based on CE705, but CE1974 attributes the first to "58" and the second to "488," indicating both are "garbled" [855]. Kimbrough/Shearer also attributes the first to "58" [#768] but omits the second altogether.

Can you help clear this up?

I hear the second mention as "488", which I had previously noted on my copy of 705.  Do not hear an earlier "488".  Right after the "488" is a "599".  Then the time "1:08".

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On 1/3/2024 at 4:45 PM, Donald Willis said:

I'm open to the prospect of Tippit having been shot earlier than 1:15.  It would help my own timeline for Oswald's  arrival in Oak Cliff.  Heaven and earth (or at least earth, or parts of Dallas) were moved to discredit McWatters' original affidavit, in which McW has O on the bus all the way to Marsalis, in Oak Cliff.  Why would DPD discredit McW unless that meant that O got to Oak C too late to have shot Tippit?  Yes, this eliminates Whaley from the picture, and puts O's return to the boarding house forward maybe 20 minutes.  

Thanks for being open-minded enough to consider seriously our revised timeline for the Tippit shooting.  Would you agree that, if a time for the attack is established at 1:10 pm or some seconds earlier, the most logical conclusion is that the time stamps for the original DPD radio radio transcript (CE 705) were genuine and that the version submitted to the WC by the FBI (CE 1974) was/is most likely fraudulent?

This does far more than merely put additional pressure on the whole WC Oswald/Tippit saga.  It points to, yet again, treachery by the FBI.  John A. has taught me over the decades how to look for signs of evidence tampering in this case.  Much of it seems to have been committed by the FBI, and under close examination it was often surprisingly crude.

For example, alleged W-2 forms from three different companies in New Orleans supposedly saved by LHO from his teen-age years after travel all over the world in the USMC and his stay in Russia, were, according to IBM font specialist Dawn Stanford, probably typed on the same machine, with what she told me was an unusual type font.

As another simple example, the FBI apparently completely invented the U.S. Postal Money Order Oswald allegedly used to purchase the magic rifle that shot the magic bullet in Dealey Plaza.  Despite pushback from WC fans, this forum's Sandy Larsen some years ago proved that Postal Money Orders were required to have bank endorsements according to 1963 Postal regulations.  But, of course, none were present on the apparently undeposited, uncashed money order.

There are many more examples indicating, at least to me, that regular folks like us can see through much of the fraudulent evidence by careful examination.  Which brings me to those audio tapes you mentioned.

Even if they are fourth generation copies with no chain-of-evidence info whatsoever, they still could be of value.  My bet is that if your memory is correct about the 1:16 time stamps, careful examination of the COMPLETE recordings will uncover evidence of alteration.

How  about taking up Michael  Kalin’s kind offer to produce duplicates of your cassettes on his equipment?  There would be a little expense here, postage, tapes, and especially maximum Postal INSURANCE, but I’d certainly be willing to help defray costs.  Hope you’ll seriously consider Michael’s request.

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11 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

I hear the second mention as "488", which I had previously noted on my copy of 705.  Do not hear an earlier "488".  Right after the "488" is a "599".  Then the time "1:08".

Thanks, Donald, not exactly what I expected but close enough.

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4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Despite pushback from WC fans, this forum's Sandy Larsen some years ago proved that Postal Money Orders were required to have bank endorsements according to 1963 Postal regulations.  But, of course, none were present on the apparently undeposited, uncashed money order.

Not only has he proved absolutely nothing of the kind, his work has been taken apart once again right here on this forum within the past several weeks.

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Not only has he [Sandy Larsen] proved absolutely nothing of the kind, his work [re: the Hidell Postal Money Order] has been taken apart once again right here on this forum within the past several weeks.



But banks obviously didn't treat both checks and Postal Money Orders "exactly the same way" in 1963.

How can we know this is so?

1. There's no bank stamps on the Hidell Postal Money Order (other than the Klein's endorsement).

BUT, even though #1 is true with respect to Oswald's $21.45 money order....

2. There IS a File Locator Number (FLN) stamped on the Hidell PMO (just where it should be, in the upper left corner). And we know that FLNs are the very last thing stamped on a PMO after it has been deposited and processed.

3. And the PMO in question ended up in Alexandria, Virginia, at the Postal Records Center --- which is just exactly where it should have ended its journey after being properly processed.

Now, tell me again why anyone would believe the Hidell Postal Money Order was a fraudulent document.



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7 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Thanks for being open-minded enough to consider seriously our revised timeline for the Tippit shooting.  Would you agree that, if a time for the attack is established at 1:10 pm or some seconds earlier, the most logical conclusion is that the time stamps for the original DPD radio radio transcript (CE 705) were genuine and that the version submitted to the WC by the FBI (CE 1974) was/is most likely fraudulent?

This does far more than merely put additional pressure on the whole WC Oswald/Tippit saga.  It points to, yet again, treachery by the FBI.  John A. has taught me over the decades how to look for signs of evidence tampering in this case.  Much of it seems to have been committed by the FBI, and under close examination it was often surprisingly crude.

For example, alleged W-2 forms from three different companies in New Orleans supposedly saved by LHO from his teen-age years after travel all over the world in the USMC and his stay in Russia, were, according to IBM font specialist Dawn Stanford, probably typed on the same machine, with what she told me was an unusual type font.

As another simple example, the FBI apparently completely invented the U.S. Postal Money Order Oswald allegedly used to purchase the magic rifle that shot the magic bullet in Dealey Plaza.  Despite pushback from WC fans, this forum's Sandy Larsen some years ago proved that Postal Money Orders were required to have bank endorsements according to 1963 Postal regulations.  But, of course, none were present on the apparently undeposited, uncashed money order.

There are many more examples indicating, at least to me, that regular folks like us can see through much of the fraudulent evidence by careful examination.  Which brings me to those audio tapes you mentioned.

Even if they are fourth generation copies with no chain-of-evidence info whatsoever, they still could be of value.  My bet is that if your memory is correct about the 1:16 time stamps, careful examination of the COMPLETE recordings will uncover evidence of alteration.

How  about taking up Michael  Kalin’s kind offer to produce duplicates of your cassettes on his equipment?  There would be a little expense here, postage, tapes, and especially maximum Postal INSURANCE, but I’d certainly be willing to help defray costs.  Hope you’ll seriously consider Michael’s request.

If 1:10 is established as the time of Tippit's death, I think it will have to be by means other that the "1:10"s printed on page 19 of CE 705.  I think they were indeed just typos--actually altering that page would have entailed also altering page 18, at least, and it doesn't seem to have suffered any emendations.  As I say, 1:10, though, would be preferable to me, too, with my scenario re Oswald on the bus to Marsalis arriving there about 1:20.  Even further outside the margin for error...

That said, I have found the first full-length DPD transcription of the logs, the Sawyer Exhibits, as transcribed by DPD Sgt. Henslee, to be fraudulent, at least at key points.  However, like 705, it also has "1:19" (on page 395) for "What's that address on Jefferson?", etc., and down to "This officer on 10th..."  That transcription was done on 12/3/63.  

Right now, I'm working on a comparison of early Tom Alyea statements to later ones.  But after that, maybe I could take up the taping project with Michael.  I assume that the resultant tapes would be ordered directly from him rather than go through the extra step of having them sent to me first.  And we'd have to know how many tapes to make.  And what kind of packaging should I do for the tape I send him?  I've had packages damaged in transit before!

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4 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

Right now, I'm working on a comparison of early Tom Alyea statements to later ones.  But after that, maybe I could take up the taping project with Michael.  I assume that the resultant tapes would be ordered directly from him rather than go through the extra step of having them sent to me first.  And we'd have to know how many tapes to make.  And what kind of packaging should I do for the tape I send him?  I've had packages damaged in transit before!

I have a Technics Stereo Double Cassette Deck RS-T11, basic consumer gear from 35 years ago. Still use it for playback, does not eat tape, and all the function buttons work. I just copied a cassette recording to a blank. It passed the test. EBay has the same deck for $60.

Blank cassettes are available on Amazon, not expensive depending on type.

Looking for the head demagnetizer...

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Mouth of the South, CIA media asset, FBI informer and friend of the Lyndon Johnson White House and LONE NUTTER Hugh Aynesworth told Shirley Martin in 1964 that he, superstar Hugh Aynesworth, "World's Greatest Reporter on the JFK Assassination" arrived on the Tippit murder scene "at 1:05PM , not later than 1:10"

JFK researcher Shirley Martin’s letter (5-20-1967) to Jim Garrison regarding Hugh Aynesworth who said he had sex with Marina Oswald


Here is the text of the Shirley Martin letter to Jim Garrison:

May 20, 1967

Dear Mr. Garrison:

I am so sorry that Newsweek chose Hugh Aynesworth to use in its rebuttal of you.

In the summer of ‘64 I had a long talk with Mr. Aynesworth, introducing myself to him as a friend of a relative to General Clyde Watts, ex-Major General Edwin A. Walker's close friend and attorney (Oxford). Mr. Aynesworth mistakenly assumed that I was a political conservative and immediately deluged me with disgusting anti-Kennedy stories. ("Kennedy needed a trip to Dallas like a hole in the head," etc.) At the same time Mr. Aynesworth heaped what seemed to me to be inordinate praise on the city of Dallas, the Dallas police (Lt. George Butler, Captain Fritz, Chief Curry, etc.), and the Dallas Morning News (for which newspaper Aynesworth was working at the time). He confided, too, that Tom Buchanan (Paris) was a "fairy" and detailed for me a number of extremely slanderous alleged incidents in the life of Mark Lane. In addition, Mr. Aynesworth definitively labeled Mr. Lane a "communist."

Aynesworth was extremely bitter that Merriman Smith had won the Pulitzer for his coverage of the assassination. Aynesworth sarcastically remarked that Smith "did nothing and saw less" on the day in question, whereas he, Aynesworth was "...the only reporter in America to make all four big scenes." (1) In addition, Aynesworth boasted that a Commission attorney had already confided to him (in July) what the Commission verdict was to be (in September). Oswald would be named, but according to Aynesworth it was in reality "...a communist plot. Warren will do a cover-up for Moscow."

Aynesworth insisted that Marina had had an affair with him after the assassination, and that during this period she had revealed to him that she and Ruth Paine had shared a Lesbian relationship prior to November 22, 1963. Aynesworth also declared that he had been on 10th Street "looking down on the Tippit murder scene at 1:05pm, not later than 1:10..." on November 22nd. (2) Needless to say, the "only reporter in America" to be in on all four "big scenes" was NOT called to testify before the Warren Commission, which did, however, call Thayer Waldo, Fort Worth reporter, because he had been in the police basement when Ruby shot Oswald. (3)

Finally, I have the statement by an employee of the Dallas Morning News that Aynesworth was deliberately and ILLEGALLY given the allegedly stolen Oswald diary story by a Commission attorney who was in Dallas on business at that time. Earl Warren later put the FBI on the trail of this illegal "leak", but as was to be expected no discoveries were made.

This, then, is the man chosen by Newsweek to rebut you. What a pity Newsweek's taste is so concentrated in its tail.

- Sincerely,

(Mrs.) Shirley Martin

Box 226

Owasso, Oklahoma                                 

cc: 10


Dealey Plaza, 10th Street, Texas Theatre, Dallas police basement.


Thus negating the Commission claim that Oswald. shot both Kennedy and Tippit.


Waldo's testimony is pertinent in regard to Lt. Butler (not called by Commission.)

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On 1/2/2024 at 1:26 PM, David Von Pein said:

We can argue forever about the exact time that Officer Tippit was shot. There will always be disagreement amongst LNers and CTers concerning that point. But it doesn't really make a whole lot of difference precisely when Tippit was shot, because regardless of what the exact time was, we KNOW (or at least I do) that Tippit's murderer was positively (and beyond all possible doubt) Lee Harvey Oswald.

And we can know this for a fact not only due to the many witnesses who positively identified Oswald as either Tippit's one and only killer or as the one and only gunman who fled the scene of the crime....but also due to the even-more-definitive ballistics evidence that Oswald was kind enough to leave behind at the scene of the murder---which consisted of those four bullet shell casings that positively came from the same gun that was used to kill Officer Tippit, which was also the same gun that Oswald still had in his very own hands just 35 minutes after Tippit was slain.

Yes, virtually all CTers will argue that those bullet shells were faked or planted or switched to incriminate the resident "patsy", but when asked what proof the conspiracy theorists possess to support such an extraordinary and vile allegation, the silence becomes overwhelming. In short, no such evidence exists and every reasonable person knows it.

And therefore....



We don't know any "facts". Facts are determined in a court of law, and Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered before any "facts" could be learned. 

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16 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

If 1:10 is established as the time of Tippit's death, I think it will have to be by means other that the "1:10"s printed on page 19 of CE 705.  I think they were indeed just typos--actually altering that page would have entailed also altering page 18, at least, and it doesn't seem to have suffered any emendations.  As I say, 1:10, though, would be preferable to me, too, with my scenario re Oswald on the bus to Marsalis arriving there about 1:20.  Even further outside the margin for error...

That said, I have found the first full-length DPD transcription of the logs, the Sawyer Exhibits, as transcribed by DPD Sgt. Henslee, to be fraudulent, at least at key points.  However, like 705, it also has "1:19" (on page 395) for "What's that address on Jefferson?", etc., and down to "This officer on 10th..."  That transcription was done on 12/3/63.  

Right now, I'm working on a comparison of early Tom Alyea statements to later ones.  But after that, maybe I could take up the taping project with Michael.  I assume that the resultant tapes would be ordered directly from him rather than go through the extra step of having them sent to me first.  And we'd have to know how many tapes to make.  And what kind of packaging should I do for the tape I send him?  I've had packages damaged in transit before!

Again, Temple Ford Bowley’s affidavit said, “I stopped my car and got out to the scene. I looked at my watch and it said 1:10 pm. Several people were at the scene.  When I got there the first thing I did was try to help the officer.  He appeared beyond help to me.”

Bowley and Ted Callaway helped load Tippit’s body into the ambulance, which drove to the Methodist hospital.  Ambulance driver Clayton Butler told the HSCA, "I was on the scene one minute or less. From the time we received the call in our dispatch office until Officer Tippit was pronounced dead at Methodist Hospital was approximately four minutes."

Tippit was pronounced dead by Dr. Richard Liquori at 1:15 pm, which within a minute or so matches a 1:10 to 1:11 arrival at 10th and Patton by Butler.  Although he overstruck the time on his report,  it appears that R.A. Davenport confirmed the 1:15 time of death.  This timeline is entirely consistent with the 1:10 time stamps on CE 705 (the original DPD transcripts), not the fraudulent timestamps on the FBI version.  Those fraudulent time stamps would have required time travel to be true.

If I ever get a chance to hear the surviving audio, I’ll listen to it while having printouts of the original DPD transcripts (CE 705) in front of me.   I don't understand why anyone could believe the 1:10 time stamps on the DPD transcripts are "typos."  They're the only ones under consideration here that could possibly be true.  

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On 1/5/2024 at 5:29 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

Thanks for being open-minded enough to consider seriously our revised timeline for the Tippit shooting.  Would you agree that, if a time for the attack is established at 1:10 pm or some seconds earlier, the most logical conclusion is that the time stamps for the original DPD radio radio transcript (CE 705) were genuine and that the version submitted to the WC by the FBI (CE 1974) was/is most likely fraudulent?

This does far more than merely put additional pressure on the whole WC Oswald/Tippit saga.  It points to, yet again, treachery by the FBI.  John A. has taught me over the decades how to look for signs of evidence tampering in this case.  Much of it seems to have been committed by the FBI, and under close examination it was often surprisingly crude.

For example, alleged W-2 forms from three different companies in New Orleans supposedly saved by LHO from his teen-age years after travel all over the world in the USMC and his stay in Russia, were, according to IBM font specialist Dawn Stanford, probably typed on the same machine, with what she told me was an unusual type font.

As another simple example, the FBI apparently completely invented the U.S. Postal Money Order Oswald allegedly used to purchase the magic rifle that shot the magic bullet in Dealey Plaza.  Despite pushback from WC fans, this forum's Sandy Larsen some years ago proved that Postal Money Orders were required to have bank endorsements according to 1963 Postal regulations.  But, of course, none were present on the apparently undeposited, uncashed money order.

There are many more examples indicating, at least to me, that regular folks like us can see through much of the fraudulent evidence by careful examination.  Which brings me to those audio tapes you mentioned.

Even if they are fourth generation copies with no chain-of-evidence info whatsoever, they still could be of value.  My bet is that if your memory is correct about the 1:16 time stamps, careful examination of the COMPLETE recordings will uncover evidence of alteration.

How  about taking up Michael  Kalin’s kind offer to produce duplicates of your cassettes on his equipment?  There would be a little expense here, postage, tapes, and especially maximum Postal INSURANCE, but I’d certainly be willing to help defray costs.  Hope you’ll seriously consider Michael’s request.

NoTrueFlags Here tells me (at alt.conspiracy.jfk, whose days are numbered) that the DPD radio-logs are "available online".  (See below.)  You don't have to wait for me to do my Alyea thing!

Do Donald's friends on the Ed Forum know that DPD radio recordings are available online? I would think so! https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/JFK_audio/

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8 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

We don't know any "facts". Facts are determined in a court of law, and Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered before any "facts" could be learned. 

My, what a convenient and handy cop-out for conspiracy theorists to use, year after year --- "We don't know any facts"Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif

In other words, Robert Burrows must believe that virtually everybody in Officialdom was on a mission to frame Lee H. Oswald in November of 1963 (and for many months afterward too).

Typical ridiculous over-the-top CT mindset.


Edited by David Von Pein
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4 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

NoTrueFlags Here tells me (at alt.conspiracy.jfk, whose days are numbered) that the DPD radio-logs are "available online".  (See below.)  You don't have to wait for me to do my Alyea thing!

I can't see how these tracks will help with timing Tippit's murder. The latest end at 12:46, unless the description is wrong.

I agree with Jim that Bowley's watch is an important timepiece, but Markham's clock is even better. She left at 1:04. It takes less than two minutes to walk the 400 feet from 9th to 10th. She was on her way to catch the 1:12 bus. There was no 1:15 bus. She did this every day. This has been covered so many times it's a prodigy of mental opacity that it has to be constantly reestablished.


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16 hours ago, Michael Kalin said:

I can't see how these tracks will help with timing Tippit's murder. The latest end at 12:46, unless the description is wrong.

I agree with Jim that Bowley's watch is an important timepiece, but Markham's clock is even better. She left at 1:04. It takes less than two minutes to walk the 400 feet from 9th to 10th. She was on her way to catch the 1:12 bus. There was no 1:15 bus. She did this every day. This has been covered so many times it's a prodigy of mental opacity that it has to be constantly reestablished.


Great point about Mrs. Markham!  She was apparently off by a couple of minutes on the bus schedule, but her description of the timing puts her arrival time right at 1:06 or so, matching nicely with all the other evidence.  It's a little hard to understand her convoluted words, but I think she also testified that she thought the time was 1:06 or 1:07 (emphasis added).

    Mr. BALL. You think it was a little after 1?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1.
    Mr. BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. 1:15.
    Mr. BALL. So it was before 1:15?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, it was.

According to Roger Craig, while he was on the sixth floor of the Book Depository, ".... At that exact moment a Dallas police officer came running up the stairs and advised Capt. Fritz that a policeman had been shot in the Oak Cliff area. I instinctively looked at my watch. The time was 1:06 PM."

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18 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

My, what a convenient and handy cop-out for conspiracy theorists to use, year after year --- "We don't know any facts"Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif

In other words, Robert Burrows must believe that virtually everybody in Officialdom was on a mission to frame Lee H. Oswald in November of 1963 (and for many months afterward too).

Typical ridiculous over-the-top CT mindset.


Truth. Try it sometime. 

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