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The Passing of Church Committee Witness Jim Gochenaur

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Hickey did not accidentally shoot JFK.  No physical witnesses to such, nothing on film, no photographs.  Completely discredited in one of three ongoing at the time lawsuits by Hickey in which he won an out of court financial settlement.

The lawsuit (the settlement amount was never disclosed, and may have been as low as $1) never named Donahue as a defendant, only St. Martin's Press, and that publishing business probably settled simply because it was financially convenient and expedient for them to do so. In the original lawsuit that named Donahue as a defendant, Hickey had let the statute of limitations expire before attempting to file. In my view, the statute of limitations expiration was deliberate, and the St. Martin's Press lawsuit was probably settled for a minuscule amount, low enough to make that publishing business want to settle, being more interested in their bottom line than in revelations of the truth. I spoke via email with the St. Martin's Press representative who was with Donahue and Menninger on their trip to the Sixth Floor Museum to view the Bronson film showing "Hickey seated at the moment of the assassination" (which it very well may have done in a dissembling sort of way, given my contention that the assassination occurred with the first shot). The St. Martin's Press man didn't believe the Bronson film showed any such thing as Hickey "seated at the moment of the assassination," nor did Donahue or Menninger. The "anger" that purportedly happened on the part of the St. Martin's Press rep actually belonged to Gary Mack. The publisher rep and Menninger both had the impression that the fit of anger was staged. I can't remember the name of the St. Martin's rep off the top of my head, but I wrote about it in one of my books, and I'm pretty sure I gave his name there. The lawsuit was just part of a ruse to give the appearance that Hickey was not involved, even though he actually was. Donahue was supposed to apologize, but he never did. Donahue's "apology" was actually a recounting of his theory, not a recanting of his theory. The only thing Donahue did in that non-apology was to praise Hickey for his bravery in attempting to return fire when the AR-15 accident occurred. Nevertheless, Hickey "accepted" this non-apology.

Note, too, who Hickey's attorney was for this lawsuit--Mark S., Zaid, a high-powered Washington lawyer with experience handling highly secret and sensitive government cases. If Hickey were truly not involved, would he have needed such a high-clearance, high-power attorney?

It wasn't a real lawsuit, intended to remedy real harm. It was a sham lawsuit intended to "discredit" Donahue's AR-15 theory. And the sham obviously worked to deceive a lot of people--including you.

I give a lot of the evidence supporting the AR-15 accident theory in my documentary. I'm also working on a rather lengthy article explaining my scenario, which is different from Donahue's original theory, though both involve the AR-15 accident. I'll post a link to it on this forum when it's done. Gonna take me a while, though. I invite you to read it when it's ready, and in the meantime, I invite you to watch my documentary episodes, YouTube links at https://www.a-benign-conspiracy.com/episodes.html. I don't discuss the frivolous lawsuit in either place, but after I'm done with my "What Happened" article, I'll post a new article giving the information that's already in one of my books, including the direct quotes I got from the St. Martin's Press rep.

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Then there was Floyd Boring, Assistant Agent in Charge of the White House Detail to Behen.  "There was no Secret Service Investigation into the JFK Assassination."  In spite of Gochenouer's statements of Moore saying Inspector General Kelley ordered him to Dallas and told him to get Dr. Perry to say it could have been an exit wound. 

For some reason Boring makes me think of this song.



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May Mr. Gochenauer Rest in Peace.  I'd like to thank him posthumously for having the courage to come forward, he was not seeking notoriety.  His statements are historically important.  Sorry for my part in this thread becoming a bit Hinkey.  

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