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Are JFK researchers "weird people"?

John Simkin

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IF anyone of us say we are into JFK research and feel that Oswald did not do it.

To any person that isn't into this. Well, I can tell you the look you get is a glare and a person pulling the head back and saying to you WHAT????

So yes, In that regard I guess it is a very WEIRD SUBJECT TO BEGIN WITH.

If a true poll were to be taken of how many world wide most would not even care. THAT WOULD BE YOUR HIGHEST NUMBER FOR SURE.

The second to the hightest number would be Oswald did not do it.

The third would be that Oswald did do it, as the least.

Now I can also say the reactions of most is also a very uncomfortable feeling when the subject of JFK comes about. They twist in the seat and very nerveous and or change the subject.

Most can not take that our government was in any way in a wrong of their involvement to do any form of cover up's.

So who is the more weird the researcher or the subject in general?

I would have to say it is the subject in general.

I started to do a signing of a petition and I learned very fast how many slam doors in your face and what the most remark I got was I would love to sign it but I am afraid of our government and have not any respoect for it. NOW THAT WAS A VERY LARGE WAKE UP CALL. I got a lot.

What interested me more is that people that are not American citizens were the ones to listen to me the most. I got tired and worn out so fast from my same speech and talking and to write it all down and let them read it all again was a surpise many DID TAKE THE TIME TO READ IT.

But it took forever to get 30 signatures or so and I got very worn out and the day I stopped was on the day after Sept. 11th attack.

We are a group that is all into the same things questions answers or lack of answers and opinions regarding what interest us. Get out and do a petition and learn what American's are about. What they say to you and how they feel.

They can put you in a spot and or slam a door in your face and say I hate the goverment and what the government can do to you. NO WAY. Now, that one really opens the eyes.

JFK statements are considered to be Weird. Because also many view the subject is closed and it happened a long time ago so who cares.

But so was Columbus saying the earth was round when others thought it was flat.

The Three Wise Men when they looked for the saviour.

How does one really define the word weird?

Wise men - found

Columbus - proved

JFK - more documents are coming forth

I think - we are onto something!!!!!!

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