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Groubert: Frank Sturgis, CIA, Watergate and the JFKA

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Just now, Benjamin Cole said:


Let me ask you this: Do you think the intel state, or the neocons, have deposed four presidents in the post-war era, being JFK, Nixon, Carter and Trump? And did away with RFK1 as well? 

What has happened has been U.S. policy.  If you want to call it the deep state or the intel state or the "wise man" it's up to you.  (The "intel community" gets far too much credit, imo.)  Anyway, there's a narrative being constructed, on purpose.  If anyone was "deposed" it was Nixon.  Robert Kennedy, too, before the fact.  John Kennedy, as I have said was not so much about any policy decision, it was to create the conditions under which the US could incorporate aspects of policy that would not have been possible otherwise.  And If I may say you might want to broaden your perspective and consider that other non-U.S. actors and nations may have played a contributory role in this world scheme.  As one would expect.


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On 6/6/2024 at 3:07 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Anyone who reads Jim Hougan's classic book Secret Agenda can see that the CIA role in Watergate was a deliberate and well hidden one.

In fact,  Senator Howard Baker, who became famous on the Ervin Committee, was shocked when he discovered how extensive it really was while serving on that committee.

In Hougan's book, he meticulously describes the night of the final break in from multiple angles. No one had ever done that before.

No objective person can read that and not come to the conclusion that there was purposeful sabotage at work. I mean please, you re-tape a door after its been detected and stripped?  You tape doors on the wrong floors?  Hunt does not secure the burglar's belongings, with his name and location at the White House in one of the notebooks? And he pays them in sequentially numbered hundred dollar bills?

I mean please.

George McGovern was not going to be a viable candidate after being savaged by Humphrey and the press in the primaries, and he was finished after the Eagleton Affair.

The amazing thing about Watergate is how long it took to gain any traction.  This did not occur until after the election. And what sunk Nixon was not the break in, but his cover up efforts e.g. the Smoking Gun tape.  Morley's last book is about this duel between Nixon and Helms. As McCord said, if Helms goes--and he did--every tree in the forest will fall.  And it did.

One of the cleverest traps in modern political history.


When McCord re-taped the door - how does he know a SECURITY GUARD had removed the tape? It could have been anyone.

The CIA sabotaging the Watergate Break-in just so they can bring down Nixon and get George McGovern elected president is one of the greatest canards I have ever heard. The Nixon burglars wanted to see what Democratic VIPs were using hookers just as John Dean had been using the same hookers and they wanted this on audio tape.

Why to James McCord and E. Howard Hunt want to make their lives LIVING HELL for the next several years by getting caught in the Watergate break in? Does not make sense. Alexander Butterfield on the taping system? - a completely innocent but blockbuster revelation at a Congressional hearing.

Yes, Alexander Haig wanted to get rid of Nixon but this was after the serial revelations of Watergate that had pummeled Richard Nixon's Gallop approval rating to a pathetic 28% and this became a CANCER ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR THE 1974 MIDTERMS. This why Barry Goldwater and some GOP senators went to the White House to see Nixon and tell him to resign. NIXON WAS KILLING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY and they wanted this boy negated as an issue. In fact by July, August of 1973 the Democrats were dragging their feet and perfectly content to let Nixon keep hanging in the wind as they anticipated a gargantuan Demo wave for the 1974 midterms. Richard Nixon resigning actually blunted some of this Democratic tidal wave.

For all of you "CIA took down Nixon people" - Nick Bryant has a new book published Trine Day and it is called The Truth about Watergate https://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Watergate-Extraordinary-Liars/dp/1634244281

Edited by Robert Morrow
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16 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

When McCord re-taped the door - how does he know a SECURITY GUARD had removed the tape? It could have been anyone.

The CIA sabotaging the Watergate Break-in just so they can bring down Nixon and get George McGovern elected president is one of the greatest canards I have ever heard. The Nixon burglars wanted to see what Democratic VIPs were using hookers just as John Dean had been using the same hookers and they wanted this on audio tape.

Why to James McCord and E. Howard Hunt want to make their lives LIVING HELL for the next several years by getting caught in the Watergate break in? Does not make sense. Alexander Butterfield on the taping system? - a completely innocent but blockbuster revelation at a Congressional hearing.

Yes, Alexander Haig wanted to get rid of Nixon but this was after the serial revelations of Watergate that had pummeled Richard Nixon's Gallop approval rating to a pathetic 28% and this became a CANCER ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR THE 1974 MIDTERMS. This why Barry Goldwater and some GOP senators went to the White House to see Nixon and tell him to resign. NIXON WAS KILLING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY and they wanted this boy negated as an issue. In fact by July, August of 1973 the Democrats were dragging their feet and perfectly content to let Nixon keep hanging in the wind as they anticipated a gargantuan Demo wave for the 1974 midterms. Richard Nixon resigning actually blunted some of this Democratic tidal wave.

For all of you "CIA took down Nixon people" - Nick Bryant has a new book published Trine Day and it is called The Truth about Watergate https://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Watergate-Extraordinary-Liars/dp/1634244281

I looked on the Amazon reviews and someone mentions it is a short book like 160 pages. I am familiar with Nick Bryant from the Franklin Scandal and respect his research, does he mention Dorthy Hunt and the Plane Crash at O'Hare at all? 

I tend to think that the operation could have been sabotaged by McCord and that later people who wanted Nixon gone then made the scandal not go away to take him down. And I don't think it was all planned in advance but was felicitated by Nixon's original backers which is the Bush's and the Neo Cons. 

Intestingly Nixon tries to get people form the Warren Commission on the Water Commission which I have always assumed was to attempt to get them to do another snow job not knowing that people like Leon Jawworski connect to Texas oil men and the Bushs. 

So I do think that what you are saying is probably 3/4 of what went on and I think that the other 1/4 is actual deep state medaling to oust Nixon, they basically just told the judge not to take the plea deal and then used Operation Mocking Bird against Nixon and the people on the left never figured out they got played. 

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16 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I looked on the Amazon reviews and someone mentions it is a short book like 160 pages. I am familiar with Nick Bryant from the Franklin Scandal and respect his research, does he mention Dorthy Hunt and the Plane Crash at O'Hare at all? 

I tend to think that the operation could have been sabotaged by McCord and that later people who wanted Nixon gone then made the scandal not go away to take him down. And I don't think it was all planned in advance but was felicitated by Nixon's original backers which is the Bush's and the Neo Cons. 

Intestingly Nixon tries to get people form the Warren Commission on the Water Commission which I have always assumed was to attempt to get them to do another snow job not knowing that people like Leon Jawworski connect to Texas oil men and the Bushs. 

So I do think that what you are saying is probably 3/4 of what went on and I think that the other 1/4 is actual deep state medaling to oust Nixon, they basically just told the judge not to take the plea deal and then used Operation Mocking Bird against Nixon and the people on the left never figured out they got played. 

Nick Bryant has written a very good, very documented book on Watergate although I disagree with this overall thesis. I recommend the book although I have not read all of it.

Leon Jaworski? He was an LBJ lawyer completely in bed with LBJ and Texas power broker and JFK assassination conspirator ED CLARK!

P.S. I think you mean "facilitated."

"I am familiar with Nick Bryant from the Franklin Scandal and respect his research, does he mention Dorthy Hunt and the Plane Crash at O'Hare at all? " I am sure he does but I have not got there yet. Nick Bryant has read all the books on Watergate.


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