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AUDIO! HSCA Interview with William Walter, FBI Clerk Who Claimed He Received a Telex Regarding a Threat

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Just received an HSCA interview with New Orleans FBI clerk William Walter who claimed in 1968 that while working the night shift on November 17, 1963 he received a teletype stating that there would be an assassination attempt in Dallas. This is an excerpt. I`m wondering if the HSCA talked to the colleagues Walter claim know that he did not make up this claim.


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7 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

Just received an HSCA interview with New Orleans FBI clerk William Walter who claimed in 1968 that while working the night shift on November 17, 1963 he received a teletype stating that there would be an assassination attempt in Dallas. This is an excerpt. I`m wondering if the HSCA talked to the colleagues Walter claim know that he did not make up this claim.




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BTW, Mark Groubert also did a segment on William Walter. That Groubert has a pretty good body of work on Youtube regarding the JFK/RFK1A (and no, I am not connected to Groubert). 


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