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More "Bunched-Up" Jacket And "Connally Is Sitting Lower Than JFK" Photos

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Below are a couple of additional 11/22/63 photos showing the "bunched up" nature of JFK's jacket during the motorcade through Dallas.

These pictures, which were taken on Lemmon Avenue by a high school student named Richard Clark, also clearly confirm the fact that Governor Connally was sitting a few inches lower in the limousine than the President.

Click to enlarge:




Photo Source: The Sixth Floor Museum (via this video).

Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Below are a couple of additional 11/22/63 photos showing the "bunched up" nature of JFK's jacket during the motorcade through Dallas.

These pictures, which were taken on Lemmon Avenue by a high school student named Richard Clark, also clearly confirm the fact that Governor Connally was sitting a few inches lower in the limousine than the President.

Click to enlarge:




Photo Source: The Sixth Floor Museum (via this video).

Gentle reader,

Please note JFK's jacket collar rode above the top of his shirt collar in both photos.

Elm St. photos show JFK's jacket collar in a normal position with a half-inch of exposed shirt collar.

You can't have a "bunched up jacket" without a pushed up jacket collar.

Thanks for destroying the SBT yet again, David.

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5 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Below are a couple of additional 11/22/63 photos showing the "bunched up" nature of JFK's jacket during the motorcade through Dallas.

These pictures, which were taken on Lemmon Avenue by a high school student named Richard Clark, also clearly confirm the fact that Governor Connally was sitting a few inches lower in the limousine than the President.

Click to enlarge:




Photo Source: The Sixth Floor Museum (via this video).


Here is what I don't get about LN'ers and even many CT'ers. 

Do you really believe that Gov. Connally, after being shot through the chest---a slug that took out five inches of rib, collapsed a lung, and then when exiting, due to the exiting bone matter, left a 2"x2" hole in his chest skin, and then fractured his wrist---and then after all that, Connally turned to look over his own right shoulder to check on JFK? Making a 180-degree turn in his seat? 

That seems so implausible. 

Moreover, JBC testified the shot sequence was: He heard the first shot, sensed something wrong, then turned to look over his right shoulder, couldn't see JFK,, and was returning to position when shot. That testimony, btw, lines up with the Z-film. 

JBC further testified the blow of the shot he received pushed him forward, and he was immediately incapacitated. That seems very believable. 

Witness testimony can be all over the board. But a witness describing what happened to himself, after he was shot, seems somewhat solid.

On the Z-film, JBC is pushed forward about Z-295.  As you know, JFK was shot at Z-313, and the Z-film moves at 18 frames per second. 

That leaves about one second between shots. 

Too rapid a sequence for a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

The sequence of JFK getting shot at ~Z-222, JBC at ~Z-295 and JFK at Z-313 also lines up with the many witness statements of a "bang...bang-bang" sequence of shots. 

IMHO, it is the timing of shots that requires more than one gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle, on 11/22.

This does not exonerate LHO. But whatever happened in Dealey Plaza, it was not LHO's doing alone. 


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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Here is what I don't get about LN'ers and even many CT'ers. 

Do you really believe that Gov. Connally, after being shot through the chest---a slug that took out five inches of rib, collapsed a lung, and then when exiting, due to the exiting bone matter, left a 2"x2" hole in his chest skin, and then fractured his wrist---and then after all that, Connally turned to look over his own right shoulder to check on JFK? Making a 180-degree turn in his seat? 

That seems so implausible. 

Moreover, JBC testified the shot sequence was: He heard the first shot, sensed something wrong, then turned to look over his right shoulder, couldn't see JFK,, and was returning to position when shot. That testimony, btw, lines up with the Z-film. 

JBC further testified the blow of the shot he received pushed him forward, and he was immediately incapacitated. That seems very believable. 

Witness testimony can be all over the board. But a witness describing what happened to himself, after he was shot, seems somewhat solid.

On the Z-film, JBC is pushed forward about Z-295.  As you know, JFK was shot at Z-313, and the Z-film moves at 18 frames per second. 

That leaves about one second between shots. 

Too rapid a sequence for a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

The sequence of JFK getting shot at ~Z-222, JBC at ~Z-295 and JFK at Z-313 also lines up with the many witness statements of a "bang...bang-bang" sequence of shots. 

IMHO, it is the timing of shots that requires more than one gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle, on 11/22.

This does not exonerate LHO. But whatever happened in Dealey Plaza, it was not LHO's doing alone. 



In the second photo, Connally has his right arm resting on the limo door. He could not have been too far inboard as would be required for a 6th floor TSBD assassin. Plus, if Connally was seated further to the left, he would likely have seen JFK when he turned.

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12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Do you really believe that Gov. Connally, after being shot through the chest---a slug that took out five inches of rib, collapsed a lung, and then when exiting, due to the exiting bone matter, left a 2"x2" hole in his chest skin, and then fractured his wrist---and then after all that, Connally turned to look over his own right shoulder to check on JFK? Making a 180-degree turn in his seat?



I have no idea why you're labeling it "the DVP version", because the version of the SBT that you're talking about in your [2022] post [linked] above (as it relates specifically to Governor Connally having the ability to turn completely around in his seat AFTER being hit in the back, wrist, and leg by a bullet) is exactly the same as the Warren Commission's version and even the HSCA's version.....because both the WC and the HSCA also concluded that Gov. Connally definitely DID turn around in his seat and stare right at JFK at a point in time after Connally had been hit by the one and only bullet that pierced his body.

But it's still okay with me if you want to call it the "DVP Version". I like being associated with something filled with so much common sense and logic (plus the number of whole bullets that are in evidence---one).

David Von Pein
September 25-30, 2022


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:



I have no idea why you're labeling it "the DVP version", because the version of the SBT that you're talking about in your [2022] post [linked] above (as it relates specifically to Governor Connally having the ability to turn completely around in his seat AFTER being hit in the back, wrist, and leg by a bullet) is exactly the same as the Warren Commission's version and even the HSCA's version.....because both the WC and the HSCA also concluded that Gov. Connally definitely DID turn around in his seat and stare right at JFK at a point in time after Connally had been hit by the one and only bullet that pierced his body.

But it's still okay with me if you want to call it the "DVP Version". I like being associated with something filled with so much common sense and logic (plus the number of whole bullets that are in evidence---one).

David Von Pein
September 25-30, 2022



You are correct; I should have said "the JFKA version to which you subscribe." 

There have been Niagaras written here about the WC, so no need for my elaboration; I will say the WC was not an adversarial proceeding, with a capable and robust defense counsel. It was like the 9/11 commission, the J6 hearings, HUAC, etc. 

The HSCA is a puzzle; but these are the guys, Robert Blakey and Michael Baden, who concluded that due to a large scar on his back, JBC had been struck by a tumbling bullet, and ergo the bullet had first passed through JFK's throat and that caused he tumble, and that proved the SBT.

We know, from photographs I have provided, that JBC's assassination-day shirt has a small round hole in its back, and the bullet was not tumbling when it struck JBC. JBC's surgeon Shaw testified that he debrided, or enlarged, JBC's wound to treat it (cut away dead flesh, standard procedure). How Baden could not know such a thing about bullet wounds...defies the imagination. 

The WC/HSCA version, to which you assent, rests upon the theory that JBC was unaware he had been shot through the chest (~Z-222), and then made a 180 degree turn in his chair to try to see JFK, turned forward, and only then imagined he had been shot at ~Z-295 (rather than four seconds earlier) and imagined that then he was pushed forward. Although the Z-film in fact shows JBC being pushed forward ~Z-295.  JBC's recollections about the timing of shots are corroborated by the Z-film. 

I find the WC/HSCA version to which you assent implausible. Also, Blakey and Baden were incontrovertibly in error when they saluted the SBT, as the bullet that struck JBC was not tumbling. 

See photo below--and this was after the shirt hole was enlarged to remove cloth for testing. 


IMHO, the SBT'ers cannot plausibly answer when JBC was shot. 

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On 9/9/2024 at 11:20 PM, David Von Pein said:

Below are a couple of additional 11/22/63 photos showing the "bunched up" nature of JFK's jacket during the motorcade through Dallas.

These pictures, which were taken on Lemmon Avenue by a high school student named Richard Clark, also clearly confirm the fact that Governor Connally was sitting a few inches lower in the limousine than the President.

Click to enlarge:




Photo Source: The Sixth Floor Museum (via this video).

It would seem to me, if the bunching is that pronounced, that there would be 2 holes in JFKs jacket, instead of one, spaced a few inches apart due to a bullet having to go through 2 layers instead of one.

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