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Mark Adamczyk on the JFK Records Act, Where Matters Stand Today

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Hat's off to stalwart souls who try to pry the JFK Records from the hands of the Biden Administration, and who largely labor in obscurity. 

Mark Adamczyk relates latest details, a couple days back:

Featured Article-American Greatness 

Serious Progress on the Horizon for Release of the JFK Files?

Thousands of JFK assassination files remain withheld, raising suspicions of intelligence agencies concealing details about Lee Harvey Oswald and anti-Castro operations.

September 20, 2024

By now, it is pretty widely known that government agencies are still withholding thousands of “protected” files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. As of 2023, 4,684 assassination records are still “fully or partially” withheld from the public.

All remaining JFK assassination records were supposed to be released in full by 2017. That is the law created by Congress in the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Collection Act (JFK Act).

What happened instead? President Trump ordered a delay of more than 3 years. Biden took over the task of declassifying the JFK records and actually made things worse. Biden placed discretion back in the hands of the very agencies that fight so hard to keep these historical records locked away forever. Both presidents did not comply with the clear language and intent of the JFK Act.

What is the reason for this? Our government told us through the Warren Commission that only one individual (Lee Harvey Oswald) killed JFK. A “lone gunman” who had no co-conspirators. We were given that story over 60 years ago, and it was (and is still) sold brilliantly by the mainstream media and in school history books. Interestingly, the JFK Act says that an assassination record can only be withheld if it poses an identifiable harm to a living person, a current military operation, a current intelligence operation, law enforcement, or U.S. foreign relations. So, where’s the connection between the “lone nut” Oswald and a legitimate reason to withhold an assassination record in 2024?

What can stop this ongoing cover-up? A big step forward was taken in 1992 by Congress with the JFK Act. That law created the Assassination Records and Review Board (ARRB). The ARRB was empowered to declassify all JFK assassination records. And that was in 1992, almost 30 years after the assassination! The ARRB declassified several million assassination records. However, the ARRB had a limited shelf life and closed down in 1998. From 1998 to 2017, Congress did nothing to ensure that the ARRB’s purpose was carried out in full. Every president since Clinton ignored the issue. Trump and Biden simply kicked the can down the road when the JFK Act required full and final disclosure in 2017.

In 2013, ARRB chairman Judge John R. Tunheim expressed his frustration with the CIA. To the Boston Globe, Tunheim said, “There is a body of documents that the CIA is still protecting, which should be released. Relying on inaccurate representations made by the CIA in the mid-1990s, the Review Board decided that records related to a deceased CIA agent named George Joannides were not relevant to the assassination. Subsequent work by researchers, using other records that were released by the board, demonstrates that these records should be made public.”

Tunheim pointed out that the CIA had not told the Warren Commission that George Joannides was the CIA lead for the agency’s links with the anti-Castro group Oswald had a public fight with in mid-1963 (in New Orleans); nor had they told the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), of which Joannides was the CIA’s liaison. Tunheim said in a separate interview that “it really was an example of treachery… If [the CIA] fooled us on that, they may have fooled us on other things.”

Tunheim’s comments shed credible light on the reason(s) for the continued secrecy. We know that Trump, when president, announced his intent to release all of the JFK records. We know that Trump got a visit from the CIA at the eleventh hour and instead authorized a delay of more than three years. We know that Trump has privately told a friend and advisor that he simply “could not” release the remaining JFK records because of what he was shown and told by one or more intelligence agencies. Could it be that certain intelligence agencies are still protecting an operation involving Oswald that was not explained (or even investigated) by the Warren Commission?

What can we expect now? Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) has recently initiated legislation to finish the declassification work required by the JFK Act. If Cohen’s bill is successful, declassification authority would be turned over to an independent civilian review board—in other words, the ARRB 2.0. This should have been done years ago by congressional oversight committees, but it’s a start. Trump has stated (again) that he will release all JFK records if re-elected, and Trump is of course supported by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in that effort. We do not know what Kamala Harris will do if elected. But at the end of the day, Congress already has the authority in the JFK Act to do this work. The next president simply has to follow the law and only authorize continued postponement for a legitimate reason.

And in all honesty, what reason could there still be for secrecy other than intelligence agencies fighting to cover up their extreme anti-Castro and anti-communist activities from the early 1960s? Readers should look up “Operation Northwoods,” a Pentagon-CIA “false flag” scheme exposed in 1997, which can be viewed as a blueprint for the attack on JFK in Dallas. Oswald’s journey from New Orleans to Mexico City to Dallas, being portrayed as a “pro-Castro Communist sympathizer” along the way, certainly seems consistent with a Northwoods operation.


Mark Adamczyk is a Florida attorney who has studied the history of the Kennedy assassination for 25 years. He is co-author of the book, The JFK Assassination Chokeholds. In recent years, Mark has become an expert on the JFK Records Collection laws and spends significant time looking at solutions for the problem of government transparency and full disclosure of the JFK records.

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Hat's off to stalwart souls who try to pry the JFK Records from the hands of the Biden Administration, and who largely labor in obscurity. 

Mark Adamczyk relates latest details, a couple days back:

Featured Article-American Greatness 

Serious Progress on the Horizon for Release of the JFK Files?

Thousands of JFK assassination files remain withheld, raising suspicions of intelligence agencies concealing details about Lee Harvey Oswald and anti-Castro operations.

September 20, 2024

By now, it is pretty widely known that government agencies are still withholding thousands of “protected” files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. As of 2023, 4,684 assassination records are still “fully or partially” withheld from the public.

All remaining JFK assassination records were supposed to be released in full by 2017. That is the law created by Congress in the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Collection Act (JFK Act).

What happened instead? President Trump ordered a delay of more than 3 years. Biden took over the task of declassifying the JFK records and actually made things worse. Biden placed discretion back in the hands of the very agencies that fight so hard to keep these historical records locked away forever. Both presidents did not comply with the clear language and intent of the JFK Act.

What is the reason for this? Our government told us through the Warren Commission that only one individual (Lee Harvey Oswald) killed JFK. A “lone gunman” who had no co-conspirators. We were given that story over 60 years ago, and it was (and is still) sold brilliantly by the mainstream media and in school history books. Interestingly, the JFK Act says that an assassination record can only be withheld if it poses an identifiable harm to a living person, a current military operation, a current intelligence operation, law enforcement, or U.S. foreign relations. So, where’s the connection between the “lone nut” Oswald and a legitimate reason to withhold an assassination record in 2024?

What can stop this ongoing cover-up? A big step forward was taken in 1992 by Congress with the JFK Act. That law created the Assassination Records and Review Board (ARRB). The ARRB was empowered to declassify all JFK assassination records. And that was in 1992, almost 30 years after the assassination! The ARRB declassified several million assassination records. However, the ARRB had a limited shelf life and closed down in 1998. From 1998 to 2017, Congress did nothing to ensure that the ARRB’s purpose was carried out in full. Every president since Clinton ignored the issue. Trump and Biden simply kicked the can down the road when the JFK Act required full and final disclosure in 2017.

In 2013, ARRB chairman Judge John R. Tunheim expressed his frustration with the CIA. To the Boston Globe, Tunheim said, “There is a body of documents that the CIA is still protecting, which should be released. Relying on inaccurate representations made by the CIA in the mid-1990s, the Review Board decided that records related to a deceased CIA agent named George Joannides were not relevant to the assassination. Subsequent work by researchers, using other records that were released by the board, demonstrates that these records should be made public.”

Tunheim pointed out that the CIA had not told the Warren Commission that George Joannides was the CIA lead for the agency’s links with the anti-Castro group Oswald had a public fight with in mid-1963 (in New Orleans); nor had they told the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), of which Joannides was the CIA’s liaison. Tunheim said in a separate interview that “it really was an example of treachery… If [the CIA] fooled us on that, they may have fooled us on other things.”

Tunheim’s comments shed credible light on the reason(s) for the continued secrecy. We know that Trump, when president, announced his intent to release all of the JFK records. We know that Trump got a visit from the CIA at the eleventh hour and instead authorized a delay of more than three years. We know that Trump has privately told a friend and advisor that he simply “could not” release the remaining JFK records because of what he was shown and told by one or more intelligence agencies. Could it be that certain intelligence agencies are still protecting an operation involving Oswald that was not explained (or even investigated) by the Warren Commission?

What can we expect now? Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) has recently initiated legislation to finish the declassification work required by the JFK Act. If Cohen’s bill is successful, declassification authority would be turned over to an independent civilian review board—in other words, the ARRB 2.0. This should have been done years ago by congressional oversight committees, but it’s a start. Trump has stated (again) that he will release all JFK records if re-elected, and Trump is of course supported by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in that effort. We do not know what Kamala Harris will do if elected. But at the end of the day, Congress already has the authority in the JFK Act to do this work. The next president simply has to follow the law and only authorize continued postponement for a legitimate reason.

And in all honesty, what reason could there still be for secrecy other than intelligence agencies fighting to cover up their extreme anti-Castro and anti-communist activities from the early 1960s? Readers should look up “Operation Northwoods,” a Pentagon-CIA “false flag” scheme exposed in 1997, which can be viewed as a blueprint for the attack on JFK in Dallas. Oswald’s journey from New Orleans to Mexico City to Dallas, being portrayed as a “pro-Castro Communist sympathizer” along the way, certainly seems consistent with a Northwoods operation.


Mark Adamczyk is a Florida attorney who has studied the history of the Kennedy assassination for 25 years. He is co-author of the book, The JFK Assassination Chokeholds. In recent years, Mark has become an expert on the JFK Records Collection laws and spends significant time looking at solutions for the problem of government transparency and full disclosure of the JFK records.

I think that when it's all said and done, it will be revealed that the CIA was supporting Anti-Castro Cubans in training "kill teams" to get Kennedy. This always was the CIA's "M.O." for dealing with regime change: contact the opposition group, supply them with weapons, remove the target's security and let them have at it.

During the Missile Crisis, Kennedy had promised the Russians that the US would not invade Cuba or aid any third party ( exiles ) in doing so. Those promoting the theory that the Kennedys were planning a "second invasion of Cuba" don't understand that if Kennedy were to go back on his word to the Russians and invade, he'd never get them back to the bargaining table again.

And they had just signed a Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The Russians were willing to deal. There's no way in hell Kennedy would have jeopardized that or any future agreements.

I believe that the "second invasion of cuba" was a codename for the assassination of the President. During the first invasion ( the Bay of Pigs ), Castro was supposed to be killed. In the "second invasion", the target was to be Kennedy.

Why ?

Kennedy was using the FBI to shut down the CIA's domestic "training" camps ( like the one outside New Orleans ). I believe Carlos Bringuier had it right: Oswald was an FBI informant trying to infiltrate one of these camps. When the CIA's allies in New Orleans found out about what he was up to, they decided to set him up as the patsy. I believe that the record will show that at least one of those camps was re-located to Mexico City and Oswald travelled there to find out what he could about it. I suggest as proof eyewitnesses who saw Oswald at Banister's office and in the company of FBI agent Warren DeBrueys.

When Oswald was arrested, he asked to speak to an FBI agent. The agent he spoke to, John Lester Quigley, testified that on the day after the Bay of Pigs invasion, ( April 18, 1961 ) he was asked by the Dallas FBI office to search the ONI records at the Naval Station at Algiers, La. for information they had on Oswald. ( 4 H 438 )

Also, the HSCA found that Oswald had visited neither the Soviet Embassy nor the Cuban Consulate ( Lopez Report ). The man shown in the photographs supplied by the CIA and identified as being Oswald was not, in fact, Oswald. Their recording of the phone call allegedly made by Oswald was determined by the FBI to not be Oswald. 

The CIA's narrative of Oswald's trip to Mexico City was one big lie.

I'm interested in seeing if the remaining files contain connections between the CIA and Ruth Paine, Roy Truly or Warren Caster.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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9 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

I think that when it's all said and done, it will be revealed that the CIA was supporting Anti-Castro Cubans in training "kill teams" to get Kennedy. This always was the CIA's "M.O." for dealing with regime change: contact the opposition group, supply them with weapons, remove the target's security and let them have at it.

During the Missile Crisis, Kennedy had promised the Russians that the US would not invade Cuba or aid any third party ( exiles ) in doing so. Those promoting the theory that the Kennedys were planning a "second invasion of Cuba" don't understand that if Kennedy were to go back on his word to the Russians and invade, he'd never get them back to the bargaining table again.

And they had just signed a Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The Russians were willing to deal. There's no way in hell Kennedy would have jeopardized that or any future agreements.

I believe that the "second invasion of cuba" was a codename for the assassination of the President. During the first invasion ( the Bay of Pigs ), Castro was supposed to be killed. In the "second invasion", the target was to be Kennedy.

Why ?

Kennedy was using the FBI to shut down the CIA's domestic "training" camps ( like the one outside New Orleans ). I believe Carlos Bringuier had it right: Oswald was an FBI informant trying to infiltrate one of these camps. When the CIA's allies in New Orleans found out about what he was up to, they decided to set him up as the patsy. I believe that the record will show that at least one of those camps was re-located to Mexico City and Oswald travelled there to find out what he could about it. I suggest as proof eyewitnesses who saw Oswald at Banister's office and in the company of FBI agent Warren DeBrueys.

When Oswald was arrested, he asked to speak to an FBI agent. The agent he spoke to, John Lester Quigley, testified that on the day after the Bay of Pigs invasion, ( April 18, 1961 ) he was asked by the Dallas FBI office to search the ONI records at the Naval Station at Algiers, La. for information they had on Oswald. ( 4 H 438 )

Also, the HSCA found that Oswald had visited neither the Soviet Embassy nor the Cuban Consulate ( Lopez Report ). The man shown in the photographs supplied by the CIA and identified as being Oswald was not, in fact, Oswald. Their recording of the phone call allegedly made by Oswald was determined by the FBI to not be Oswald. 

The CIA's narrative of Oswald's trip to Mexico City was one big lie.

I'm interested in seeing if the remaining files contain connections between the CIA and Ruth Paine, Roy Truly or Warren Caster.


Thanks for you collegial comments, always great to get your views, even when we disagree. 

1. I lean to the view LHO did visit MC, and was intended to meet with Kostikov. I suspect the CIA intrigued, and set up that meeting. As you know, Kostikov and his two buddies told PBS they had met the real LHO in MC. Maybe they were lying, but why? 

2. That is fascinating info on Quigley searching ONI records for LHO dope way back in April 1961. Maybe the records had been sanitized. 

3. I also wonder if LHO was trying to infiltrate, or was already buddies with, Alpha 66 in Dallas. Both Eladio Del Valle and Herminio Diaz are affiliated with Alpha 66, as was David Phillips and Antonio Veciana. The former two have been named as likely JFKA gunsels by Robert Blakey (after Blakey realized the CIA had duped him).  

By late 1963, Alpha 66 was working with Army intel, not the CIA. Even the CIA had washed their hands of the group, known for being incorrigible and very violent. 

I have been reading about Alpha 66, not coming up with much concrete. Oh, they had the training and guns, and desire.  LHO was reported to be at Alpha 66's Dallas HQ on Nov. 20, but no photos, etc. Just eyewitnesses. 

Even if Alpha 66 were the gunsels on 11/22, who knows if they were working rogue or had cues from above?

Were they working with Army intel, and someone on that side linked them up with LHO? I don't know. 

Maybe Larry Hancock has info. @Larry Hancock

One thing I hope we all agree on: The JFK Records should be opened up entirely, without exceptions. 





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