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Winston Scott: CIA Station Chief in Mexico

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I was not aware until reading Jeff Morley's "Our Man in Mexico" that in 1995 the Assassination Records Review Board ordered that Winston Scott's eight-page chapter on Lee Harvey Oswald should declassified. In the chapter, Scott argued that the Warren Commission was wrong to claim on page 777 that Oswald's visit to the Cuban consulate "was not known until after the assassination."

He claimed that the CIA investigation of Oswald in Mexico had been superficial and that it failed to take into account his relationship with Silvia Duran. The manuscript included the following: "Every piece of information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald was reported immediately after it was received to: "U.S. Ambassador Thomas C. Mann, by memorandum; the FBI Chief in Mexico, by memorandum; and to my headquarters by cable; and included in each and every one of these reports was the entire conversation Oswald had, from Cuban Consulate, with the Soviet Embassy".


The Oswald impersonator did not use the name Lee Oswald in a phone conversation until October 1, hence they did not have anything to report until that day. Win Scott's statement that "every piece of information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald was reported immediately after it was received," makes it seem like there was information that was reported and kept secret.

I've counted at least 34 cable and memorandums in my book, and most of them occurred after the assassination.

And, of course, the Warren Commission WAS wrong in contending that Oswald's visit to the Cuban consulate "was not known until after the assassination." Oswald spoke by phone to the Soviet Embassy FROM the Cuban consulate. But the Warren Commission was established to cover up any possibility of Cuban involvement, and the cables and memorandums had not yet been declassified.

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Mr. Morley:

Thank you for the extraordinary book, and your continued research & advocacy efforts. A few questions:

(1) I read somewhere else that Michael Scott had suspicions of foul play in his father's death. Can you please comment on this?

Thanks for your kind words. Three people suggested that Scott had not died a natural death: Clare Petty, Tom Mann, and Fergie Dempster. The first two did not live in Mexico City at the time of Scott's death. Dempster, a British intelligence officer, did not credit the reports, only say that the had heard them from others. All in all, I didn't see evidence. I don't rule out the possibility. We don't know what the Mexican security services made of Scott's death.

I just finished the book last night and was amazed to come across the name of Fergie Dempster in connection with "another agency man named Al Ulmer, who first met Win back in his Havana days and more recently had served as London station chief."

I'm assuming this is the same Al Ulmer mentioned in Russ Baker's more recent book, Family of Secrets. Were you aware of any connection Ulmer may have had to Bush back in the "Havana days"?

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  • 6 years later...

Ferguson "Fergie" Dempster I believe was a member of SIS. I found the following to be enlightening.

Malaya's Secret Police 1945-60: The Role of the Special ... - Page 16


Leon Comber - 2008 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

In 1954, Sir John Sinclair, a senior MI6 officer from London, and Fergie Dempster, the MI6 representative in Saigon, flew to Washington, DC, to discuss

intelligence operations in the Far East with Allen Dulles, the CIA Director-General.

The following book mentions Dempster, ASIO and how Fergie Dempster interfaced with the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, specifically he was "Present at the Creation" of ASIO.


Another thread here on the Forum regarding Al Ulmer......


John Rettie?

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 1 year later...
On 4/6/2005 at 0:07 PM, John Simkin said:

H. R. Haldeman, President Nixon's chief of staff, claimed in his book, The Ends of Power: "After Kennedy was killed, the CIA launched a fantastic cover-up. The CIA literally erased any connection between Kennedy's assassination and the CIA... in fact, Counter intelligence Chief James Angleton of the CIA called Bill Sullivan of the FBI and rehearsed the questions and answers they would give to the Warren Commission investigators."

I have already written about Angleton's role in removing Mary Pinchot Meyer's diary after her death. There was also another incident where he took away a manuscriot after someone died.

Winston Scott was CIA's station chief in Mexico in 1963. Scott retired in 1969 and began a memoir about his time in the FBI, OSS and the CIA. He completed the manuscript, It Came To Late, and made plans to discuss the contents of the book with CIA director, Richard Helms, in Washington on 30th April, 1971.

Winston Scott died on 26th April, 1971. No autopsy was performed, and a postmortem suggested he had suffered a heart attack.

Michael Scott. Winston Scott's son, told Dick Russell that James Angleton took away his father's manuscript. Angleton also confiscated three large cartons of files including a tape-recording of the voice of Lee Harvey Oswald. Michael Scott was also told by a CIA source that his father had not died from natural causes.

Michael Scott eventually got his father's manuscript back from the CIA. However, 150 pages were missing. Chapters 13 to 16 were deleted in their entirety. In fact, everything about his life after 1947 had been removed on grounds of national security.


That is the first post in this thread. The link to the Spartacus bio does not work for me. I am posting a link to that bio that does work for me.


Edited by Michael Clark
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