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Steve Czukas

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William Seymour, there is a name that keeps showing up, that for some strange reason nobody talks about.............

I agree with James, I have no doubt in my mind that is Alfredo Duran in those photo's in DP after the shooting.



RE: that Spartacus collage w/ reference to Sturgis and Barker. The I.D. is incorrect for the boat pic in the second row.

That is a pic taken onboard Rorke's boat "The Violin III" [dated February 1963]

and the guy w/ the spectacles is our Remigio "Cucu" Arce. He skippered the boat to the Bahamas South Banks with some college kids looking for adventure and putting out Buck$. Jerry "Bucky" Buchanan was aboard, and they ran out of fuel off of the Cuban Coast. Freddy Duran called us to make an airdrop of fuel for the ChrisCraft. ["Cucu" Arce was arrested with us at Sombrero Key a month and a week prior and is pictured w/ us at the front of the Monroe County [Key West] Jail.]

"Cucu" was married to Freddy Duran's Aunt Rosa. Freddy's step-father was former President of the Cuban Senate, Anselmo Alliegro, who took power for three days after Batista fled on New Year's Day 1959. My business partner at Parabellum Corporation was Freddy's half brother "Anselmito" Alliegro. Anselmo senior died just after the Bay of Pigs, lamenting the fact that his wealthy teenage stepson [Freddy] had enlisted in BA-2506 as a private and was then a POW in Cuba.

Reinaldo Pico came back to Miami during the negotiations to ransom the BOP POWs,

this was during late 1961. Pico dishonored his pledge to return to captivity [given to Cmdte. Fernandez Mell], remained hidden in Miami -- and was scorned by all of the BA-2506 families and 99% of the extant Miami exiles. He quickly moved to NYC, and later to Union City, NJ. He was not of any use to JM/WAVE, or any of the Cuban groups -- he remains an outcast to this day.

During late 1964, "Cucu" Arce went to the Congo where he skippered a swift boat on Lake Tanganyika. He was involved with the Mercs & the CIA Cuban T-28 & B-26 contingent that roamed in northern Kivu Province. He almost caught "Che" one night as Guevara's group was being transported across the lake to Uganda aboard a ChiCom barge. The CIA boss on duty diverted them to another barge that was loading near Baraka, which they attacked and sank.

[Che had decided after the debacle at the "Battle of Baraka" that he and his advisors were wasting their efforts supporting the cannibal "Simba" rebels.

Freddy Duran later became Chairman of the Florida State Democratic Party [but continued to practise law] during the 1970s.

More later if you need it.

Cheerio Mate,



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Thanks for that, Gerry. I'll make the corrections and replace the images in the collage.

A couple of things, do you know if Remigio Arce and Danny Arce (TSBD worker) were related? I know the name Arce is reasonably common but I have to ask.

Interesting regarding Duran. He was mixed up with De Torres, Collins, Seymour and Harber in that propaganda broadcast thing mid '63 I believe.

Re the three photos below, is the guy with the machine gun Anselmito Alliegro? The guy with Sturgis would then be Remigio Arce and the other character would be Jerry Buchanan? Do you put any credibility in the story that Buchanan was involved in a fist fight with Oswald in Miami late in 1962?

Thanks again.


Edited by James Richards
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