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Could it be?

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Thomas and John,

Some time back, I pointed out that the vehicle in question is indeed is a 1959 Rambler. The man in the dark suit leaning into the other vehicle in the top left of frame and the hatless DPD officer is certainly suspicious in my book.

The Jim Murray photograph that shows the Rambler on Elm and a man strolling down the knoll toward the footpath was snapped 10 minutes after the shooting. I guess if we can lock in a time when the image in the parking lot was taken, then we might be able to determine if there is a chance that these cars are one in the same.



Hi James.

Here is a "Large Blow Up" i have been working on, of the carpark image.

Click Here:

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Here is a "Large Blow Up" i have been working on, of the carpark image. (Robin Unger)

Good stuff, Robin. Nice work.

What do you make of that activity in the top left corner? Do you see that particular individual potentially as a hatless DPD officer; or could this be someone dressed as a DPD officer? Curious indeed.


Edited by James Richards
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Here is a "Large Blow Up" i have been working on, of the carpark image. (Robin Unger)

Good stuff, Robin. Nice work.

What do you make of that activity in the top left corner? Do you see that particular individual potentially as a hatless DPD officer; or could this be someone dressed as a DPD officer? Curious indeed.



That's a hard call, my gut feeling is that those two guys are DPD officers going about there job searching any suspicious cars in the Car Park.

Notice in the pic below, two cops have there heads in car windows, the one at the front doesn't appear to be wearing a hat either. ?

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I think I may have who Rip Robertson's friend is - John Adrian O'Hare aka Colonel William Bishop.

The comparison below is not going to convince anyone but it's all I have at the moment. A friend of mine has a good front on photograph of O'Hare and I have to say the resemblance to our man in Dealey Plaza is remarkable.

That aside, O'Hare does makes sense. He was connected to Military Intelligence and was well associated with prominent Cuban exiles like Veciana and Masferrer. He also knew Leopoldo and Angel.

In Dick Russell's 'The Man Who Knew Too Much', Bishop/O'Hare claimed he was waiting at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's arrival when he heard about the shooting. He then proceeded to Parkland hospital. I guess he isn't going to say that he was in Dealey Plaza standing next to Rip Robertson.

Anyway, more food for thought.


Hi James,

Interestingly and tellingly, Mr. O'Hare, unlike E. H. Hunt, admitted to at least being in Dallas (and in connection to JFK's visit!) at the time of the assassination.........

Cheers, Thomas

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I think I may have who Rip Robertson's friend is - John Adrian O'Hare aka Colonel William Bishop.

The comparison below is not going to convince anyone but it's all I have at the moment. A friend of mine has a good front on photograph of O'Hare and I have to say the resemblance to our man in Dealey Plaza is remarkable.

That aside, O'Hare does makes sense. He was connected to Military Intelligence and was well associated with prominent Cuban exiles like Veciana and Masferrer. He also knew Leopoldo and Angel.

In Dick Russell's 'The Man Who Knew Too Much', Bishop/O'Hare claimed he was waiting at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's arrival when he heard about the shooting. He then proceeded to Parkland hospital. I guess he isn't going to say that he was in Dealey Plaza standing next to Rip Robertson.

Anyway, more food for thought.


Hi James,

Interestingly and tellingly, Mr. O'Hare, unlike E. H. Hunt, admitted to at least being in Dallas (and in connection to JFK's visit!) at the time of the assassination.........

Cheers, Thomas

Hi Thomas,

Yes, O'Hare/Col. Bishop claimed he was at the Trade Mart when news came through of the shooting and from there he went to Parkland hospital.

It does make one wonder if Dealey Plaza was aborted for any reason, that assassins may have been positioned at the Trade Mart. The Oswald/Castro frame may well have been discarded in favor of getting the job done swiftly and cleanly.

Also interesting to note in the Roy Hargraves interview printed in Larry Hancock's wonderful book, Hargraves has several individuals being moved around at the time of the assassination. He also claims that handlers like Bishop would always be on the ground with his people. There would be risk and exposure so the hands on people would know they were not being duped.

This aspect I find most curious.


Edited by James Richards
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I think I may have who Rip Robertson's friend is - John Adrian O'Hare aka Colonel William Bishop.

The comparison below is not going to convince anyone but it's all I have at the moment. A friend of mine has a good front on photograph of O'Hare and I have to say the resemblance to our man in Dealey Plaza is remarkable.

That aside, O'Hare does makes sense. He was connected to Military Intelligence and was well associated with prominent Cuban exiles like Veciana and Masferrer. He also knew Leopoldo and Angel.

In Dick Russell's 'The Man Who Knew Too Much', Bishop/O'Hare claimed he was waiting at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's arrival when he heard about the shooting. He then proceeded to Parkland hospital. I guess he isn't going to say that he was in Dealey Plaza standing next to Rip Robertson.

Anyway, more food for thought.


Hi James,

Interestingly and tellingly, Mr. O'Hare, unlike E. H. Hunt, admitted to at least being in Dallas (and in connection to JFK's visit!) at the time of the assassination.........

Cheers, Thomas

Hi Thomas,

Yes, O'Hare/Col. Bishop claimed he was at the Trade Mart when news came through of the shooting and from there he went to Parkland hospital.

It does make one wonder if Dealey Plaza was aborted for any reason, that assassins may have been positioned at the Trade Mart. The Oswald/Castro frame may well have been discarded in favor of getting the job done swiftly and cleanly.

Also interesting to note in the Roy Hargraves interview printed in Larry Hancock's wonderful book, Hargraves has several individuals being moved around at the time of the assassination. He also claims that handlers like Bishop would always be on the ground with his people. There would be risk and exposure so the hands on people would know they were not being duped.

This aspect I find most curious.


Hello again, James

Yes, absolutely. O'Hare could have been at the Trade Mart in case plan "B" had to be activated, or..... maybe, just maybe, he WAS with good ole' Rip Robertson in Dealy Plaza the whole time, instead. He DOES kind of look like the guy standing next to the Robertson lookalike at Houston and Main.... And the man walking across the grass with the Robertson lookalike and the very dark-complected man (Izquierdo?) does kind of look like O'Hare as shown in the only confirmed picture of him that I've seen so far (the one that shows him wearing military-like clothes (I think), a cap, and glasses, and he's looking almost straight up into the sky).

Although I've been on this Forum for a short time, I've already come to hold your opinions, theories, and work in very high regard. So, when you say you have a friend who has a photo showing O'Hare from the front and that you've seen this photo and that the man standing next to the Rip Robertson lookalike at Houston and Main very strongly resembles the John Adrian O'Hare in your friend's photograph, that's good enough for me (although I must confess that I'd love to see your friend's photo-- is there a possibility you could borrow it for him and scan it and post it to this Forum?).

I just had a humorous thought-- all of the people who who are still alive and who were involved in assassinating JFK must have really started sweating bullets (pardon the pun) when online research and Internet forums like this one came into existence. I guess the ones who are already dead are turning over in their grave.....

Cheers, Thomas

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Is he running and carrying something. (I wonder if he was doing something strange whether more people would be looking at him?)

Edited by John Dolva
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Hello again, James

Yes, absolutely. O'Hare could have been at the Trade Mart in case plan "B" had to be activated, or..... maybe, just maybe, he WAS with good ole' Rip Robertson in Dealy Plaza the whole time, instead. He DOES kind of look like the guy standing next to the Robertson lookalike at Houston and Main.... And the man walking across the grass with the Robertson lookalike and the very dark-complected man (Izquierdo?) does kind of look like O'Hare as shown in the only confirmed picture of him that I've seen so far (the one that shows him wearing military-like clothes (I think), a cap, and glasses, and he's looking almost straight up into the sky).

Although I've been on this Forum for a short time, I've already come to hold your opinions, theories, and work in very high regard. So, when you say you have a friend who has a photo showing O'Hare from the front and that you've seen this photo and that the man standing next to the Rip Robertson lookalike at Houston and Main very strongly resembles the John Adrian O'Hare in your friend's photograph, that's good enough for me (although I must confess that I'd love to see your friend's photo-- is there a possibility you could borrow it for him and scan it and post it to this Forum?).

I just had a humorous thought-- all of the people who who are still alive and who were involved in assassinating JFK must have really started sweating bullets (pardon the pun) when online research and Internet forums like this one came into existence. I guess the ones who are already dead are turning over in their grave.....

Cheers, Thomas (Thomas Graves)

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for the kind words.

I wish I could post the O'Hare image. In fact, there are several images I wish I could post but for now I will just have to be patient; something I am not too good at. Suffice to say, there are still some unpublished photographs out there which I believe would go a long way to prove conspiracy.

Bishop is a strange bird and I'm sure if he was present in Dealey Plaza, he was never going to admit it. He was reported to have died but there was a suggestion that he actually went to Costa Rica.




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Is he running and carrying something. (I wonder if he was doing something strange whether more people would be looking at him?)

Hi John,

I suppose he could be carrying something but I seriously doubt that he would be running if he was a conspiritor simply because he wouldn't want to attract attention to himself. If he was doing something "strange," i.e. "unusual," like going over to the Rambler to make sure that whoever was hiding inside it was o.k., and/or giving that person some information/instructions, or making sure the key was in the ignition, etc., I'm sure that he would do it in a professional "cool, calm, and collected" way so as to not attract attention.

FWIW, Thomas

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  • 4 months later...
Both these men seem younger and slimmer than the two men identified as Rip Robertson and friend. (John Simkin)

You might be right, John.

It just struck me that these 2 guys seemed to be walking with purpose toward the TSBD (or to the man seen in the background) while everyone else was milling aimlessly around.

I don't want to read too much into the Murray image but it seems that after the photograph Lee Forman unearthed, these men do not seem to be present in any other image snapped around the knoll area or behind the fence.

Having said that, there is this below in which a section of activity may be construed as suspicious. I refer to the top left hand corner where we have what looks like a hatless member of the DPD and a man wearing a suit leaning into a parked car. What is going on here?

It may of course be completely innocent but my Spidey senses suggest otherwise.





I think the man walking away from us in the upper right-hand corner of the photograph (post #18, this thread) taken in the parking lot just MIGHT be Rip Robertson walking towards/past his '59 Rambler station wagon. I do know for sure the vehicle he's nearing is a Rambler station wagon because I used to own one myself. (I didn't know that Rip Robertson owned such a vehicle until I read your post #7 today on the thread called "Bizarre Behavior?")

FWIW, Thomas :tomatoes


Edited by Thomas Graves
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I think I may have who Rip Robertson's friend is - John Adrian O'Hare aka Colonel William Bishop.

The comparison below is not going to convince anyone but it's all I have at the moment. A friend of mine has a good front on photograph of O'Hare and I have to say the resemblance to our man in Dealey Plaza is remarkable.

That aside, O'Hare does makes sense. He was connected to Military Intelligence and was well associated with prominent Cuban exiles like Veciana and Masferrer. He also knew Leopoldo and Angel.

In Dick Russell's 'The Man Who Knew Too Much', Bishop/O'Hare claimed he was waiting at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's arrival when he heard about the shooting. He then proceeded to Parkland hospital. I guess he isn't going to say that he was in Dealey Plaza standing next to Rip Robertson.

Anyway, more food for thought.


James, Bishop in (I believe)Noel Twyman's Bloody Treason, said that he was at Parkland after the Trade Mart. That isn't the guy pictured(having seen the photograph you're referring to, I don't think one of these two men wearing homburgs is Bishop. It was Bishop who said he helped put JFK's body in a zip-up suit and into a shipping casket. Bishop was CIA/Army Intel and that would put him at Parkland somewhere between 1:15 and 2pm. Before that he would have to have been at the Trade Mart.

Roy Bierma

Edited by Royce Bierma
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Roy and Thomas,

To be honest, I haven't quite figured out who or what Bishop really was. The question is, is this man below Col. William Bishop.

Some folk I have spoken with and who would know claim that it isn't. Could it get any more bizarre?


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Roy and Thomas,

To be honest, I haven't quite figured out who or what Bishop really was. The question is, is this man below Col. William Bishop.

Some folk I have spoken with and who would know claim that it isn't. Could it get any more bizarre?


Hi James, as always, good to speak with you. The picture of O'Hare referred to before shows a fellow in Vietnam in the early 1960's. He's in battle fatigues and has black horn-rimmed glasses. The picture of the man in the military uniform above has to be at least 20 years older than "O'Hare, which is quite possible, but it is difficult to determine with just two photographs, taken that far in time apart, if they are the same two men. Now, I'm not sure who you spoke with, but unless they are military intel or CIA or ex-intel, how would they know? But you may have this sort of contact, I don't know. I personally believe the man in the photograph you posted is William Bishop.

Roy Bierma

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