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The Backyard photos

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Of course, there are those among us who might say that, just because you [and I] have trouble refolding a newspaper perfectly, it may be that Oswald was sufficiently anally retentive to be obsessive about achieving a perfectly folded newspaper every time.  But I personally doubt that Oswald was so inclined.

If Oswald was so obsessive about it, why didn't it show in anything else?

I'm known for being a neat freak. I fold gum wrappers back into a perfect replica of what it was before I throw it away. My clothes are organized by color, my medicine cabinet & my bookshelves are organized in alphabetical order, & I can't leave the house in the morning before making my bed. I find it hard to believe that Oswald would perfectly fold newspapers back and then not show a single other side of a possible OCD, not in his boarding room, not in his writing, not in the memories of anyone else.

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Nic said:

I find it hard to believe that Oswald would perfectly fold newspapers back and then not show a single other side of a possible OCD, not in his boarding room, not in his writing, not in the memories of anyone else.

I said:

But I personally doubt that Oswald was so inclined.

So you see, I agree...but there ARE those on the forum who would disagree, if only because I am one of those who believes this.

Edited by Mark Knight
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Nic said:

I find it hard to believe that Oswald would perfectly fold newspapers back and then not show a single other side of a possible OCD, not in his boarding room, not in his writing, not in the memories of anyone else.

I said:

But I personally doubt that Oswald was so inclined.

So you see, I agree...but there ARE those on the forum who would disagree, if only because I am one of those who believes this.

I was simply supporting your theory.. And there are those on this forum that need a visit from the nice men with that nifty white jacket that makes you hug yourself, however - I won't name names. :)

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Of course, there are those among us who might say that, just because you [and I] have trouble refolding a newspaper perfectly, it may be that Oswald was sufficiently anally retentive to be obsessive about achieving a perfectly folded newspaper every time.  But I personally doubt that Oswald was so inclined.

If Oswald was so obsessive about it, why didn't it show in anything else?

I'm known for being a neat freak. I fold gum wrappers back into a perfect replica of what it was before I throw it away. My clothes are organized by color, my medicine cabinet & my bookshelves are organized in alphabetical order, & I can't leave the house in the morning before making my bed. I find it hard to believe that Oswald would perfectly fold newspapers back and then not show a single other side of a possible OCD, not in his boarding room, not in his writing, not in the memories of anyone else.

Yes, I'm in agreement. (to illustrate how I first noticed this here is a 3Dmap of the grayscale values of the papers rotated to show the uniformity of the paper surfaces. Its crinkled around where 'Oswald" was gripping them but otherwise as if straight off the press.) So, indicative of a staged photo set. What does it mean? It to my mind is still separate from an analysis of the photos being doctored, but may indicate a purpose that could be interpreted as it not being Oswald?

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Please, I wonder if someone could comment on whether l,ll, and lll here corresponds to the conventional wisdon with regards to the sequence in which these photos were taken?

The shadow as it rises up the post seems to be evenly spaced indicating a setting sun and a regular timing of the photos that seem to me to indicate this sequence.

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Guest Stephen Turner

John, God knows I am no expert in this field, but with the rising shadow pattern's the sequence of shots must have been some time apart,not simply click, click ,click? What is your estimate for the time elapsed between shots?


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John, God knows I am no expert in this field, but with the rising shadow pattern's the sequence of shots must have been some time apart,not simply click, click ,click? What is your estimate for the time elapsed between shots?


Good question Stephen, I don't know. you're preempting me :angry:. I was going to get to that. I know there are charts for differrent seasons showing daily solar angles at different places on the earth. I think one needs to know where the object casting the shadows are. Shadows can travel surprisingly fast. The camera is a self winding one and apparently Oswald (if the story as told by Marina is true) had to put down the gear to help Marina wind.

edit:: if someone could confirm/debunk my suggested sequence of photos in above image. I'm assuming, because I read somewhere, that the time was in the afternoon. In the morning it would be reversed of course. If it's not known, then the location/orientation of the building should help.

Edited by John Dolva
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edit:: if someone could confirm/debunk my suggested sequence of photos in above image. I'm assuming, because I read somewhere, that the time was in the afternoon. In the morning it would be reversed of course. If it's not known, then the location/orientation of the building should help.

Yes, John, the HSCA photographic analysts concluded the phhotos were taken in the order of 133 C (right hand newspaper at side), 133 B (left hand newspaper) , and then 133 A (right hand newspaper at chin). So you are correct.

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the graphs of grayscale in these 'ditortion corrected' images are of the forehead just above the eyes and the chin. It seems to me that all three faces are all over the same. The fact Oswald had not shaved for the mugshot doesn't obscure the overall reflectivity/shape of his chin. I'd still appreciate a statement on the conventional wisdom re the order in which the photos were taken. I'm suggesting as above.

EDIT :: Oh , OK thank you, Pat I missed your post. Thanks.

Edited by John Dolva
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Guest Stephen Turner

John, the shadow patern on Oswalds neck in photo's 1 & 2 appears the same ( difficult to tell in photo 3, because of the papers.)If the shadow patern had changed on the post, should not something similar be happening to the shadows on LHO's face and neck?

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Stephen, yes, absolutely. Whether that is measurable is another question. So far I've focused on the background in order to see what the body/face ends up like.

The sequence seems clear. The fact that the sheet of paper next to the fence is the same in all three photos indicate that during the photoshoot it did not rain nor blow a strong wind. This (apart from the even spacing of the shadows up the post, the widening light bars through the stairs on the ground etc) indicate the photos were taken in one session.

Now, with regards to the body/face. The contours that are providing the surfaces blocking light, shift as the body face shifts. In the middle photo the chin is closer to the base of the neck indicating the head is tilted forward. This alters the shadow position. The way the body is tilted/leans supporting the presumably heavy rifle, balancing against a light newspaper alters it as well. And the fact that the first photo is blurred in vertical direction changes what is perceived too.

Further a shadow cast by something close to the shadow moves proportionally less. Given the resolution of the material available it may be impossible to give a certain answer to your question. To some extent the profile can be tilted and shadows guesstimated. The overall cumulative error margins may however move any definite statement into the realm of 'belief'. However trying seems worthwhile.

BTW:: any idea what the paper on the ground might have been. Perhaps a poormans 'brown bag' to conceal the newspapers. Which may negate the idea I suggested at an earlier stage about the 'mint' condition of the papers. If it's Oswald he may have just been cautious while bringing them home. And as soon as home photographed. This would also indicate an ignorance of the Postal Inspector-CIA-FBI letter opening program?

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Ok, JL, sorry I missed your post before. The way I see it is that the shadow of the post is almost completely behind the post. There is a wedge of dark shadow that thins perceptibly and moves up along the ground (which is not level, confusing the actual location of shadows.) while the wedge of light broadens. 'Oswald' leans to the (his) right , the post is most likely plumb.

Edited by John Dolva
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