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Harry Dean: Memoirs

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Dream on Paul.

Actually, one of the significant aspects about the serials in Harry's Los Angeles FBI file (starting in March 1964 when Wesley Grapp became SAC Los Angeles) is that Grapp never wrote a single comment on any internal or any outgoing communication about Harry (or about any other matter discussed in Harry's Los Angeles file serials).

Many of the outgoing memos to other offices or to HQ which are shown as being sent by "SAC Los Angeles" have author/typist codes on file copies which reflect that "WJM" (Special Agent William J. McCauley) was the author of the comments made.

Also, it is now very clear that Special Agents McCauley and Ferd J. Rapp Jr. were the primary Los Angeles Special Agents who initiated or reviewed all contacts which Harry had with the Los Angeles field office. Grapp was never involved.

Actually, Ernie, what's evident so far is that your records remain incomplete.

Therefore, you revert to your modus operandi of exaggerating the value of the data you possess.

Based on your exaggeration, you then jump to conclusions about Harry Dean; conclusions which are not fully warranted.

The jury is still out -- only the prejudiced have already made up their minds.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Dream on Paul.

Actually, one of the significant aspects about the serials in Harry's Los Angeles FBI file (starting in March 1964 when Wesley Grapp became SAC Los Angeles) is that Grapp never wrote a single comment on any internal or any outgoing communication about Harry (or about any other matter discussed in Harry's Los Angeles file serials).

Many of the outgoing memos to other offices or to HQ which are shown as being sent by "SAC Los Angeles" have author/typist codes on file copies which reflect that "WJM" (Special Agent William J. McCauley) was the author of the comments made.

Also, it is now very clear that Special Agents McCauley and Ferd J. Rapp Jr. were the primary Los Angeles Special Agents who initiated or reviewed all contacts which Harry had with the Los Angeles field office. Grapp was never involved.

Actually, Ernie, what's evident so far is that your records remain incomplete.

Therefore, you revert to your modus operandi of exaggerating the value of the data you possess.

Based on your exaggeration, you then jump to conclusions about Harry Dean; conclusions which are not fully warranted.

The jury is still out -- only the prejudiced have already made up their minds.


--Paul Trejo

Paul, the only possible way for you to make any conclusion about my records being "incomplete" or any "exaggeration" on my part would be if you have seen materially important documents which I have NOT seen -- and, consequently, you have more complete evidence upon which to base a well-informed judgment.

However, since we all know that you...

(1) have never seen any such new documentary evidence and

(2) you have never once bothered to upload a single document into this (or any other) thread discussing Harry Dean and

(3) your eBook provides absolutely NO documentation of any kind whatsoever -- not even so much as a bibliographic footnote ---

......we can, therefore, reasonably and fairly conclude that you are a chronic, habitual, pathological xxxx.

The ONLY person who has ever presented verifiable factual documentary evidence is ME. You provide NOTHING but your personal opinions, wishes, speculations, and insinuations.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Update #2

I have added more scanned copies of relevant documents during the past hour to my webpage on Harry Dean. With any luck, I should be finished uploading most documents within the next 2 or 3 days (I have other projects competing for my time).

Incidentally -- what Harry's Los Angeles file clearly reveals (just as his FBI HQ file also reveals) is that when FBI Agents summarized their contacts with Harry after his phone calls, or letters, or in-person visits, they recorded those contacts on FBI FD-71 contact forms (used for any ordinary communication from anybody) BUT they NEVER used the FBI form which was used by Agents to record info from actual FBI informants!

In every instance (without exception) where we can now compare a letter which Harry wrote to FBI HQ in Washington DC or to FBI-Los Angeles -- to the subsequent summary on an FD-71 contact form OR to a summary submitted via an FBI memo -- the summary by the FBI was spot-on accurate. This should establish to any rational person (obviously not including Paul Trejo) that FBI Agents did not "forge" or invent or manipulate, or otherwise edit their internal documents to misrepresent what Harry was saying or writing.

Nor is there any valid reason to insinuate (as Paul Trejo always does) that there is something suspect or defective about the information recorded by FBI Agents when they had contacts with other individuals who presented the FBI with information about Harry.

Paul (and Harry) may not like what documentary evidence reveals -- but, nevertheless, there is no reason to believe that FBI Agents "lied" about, or misrepresented, what they were being told by third parties because they supposedly had some agenda to "smear" or "persecute" Harry.

When I prepare my detailed analysis of FBI documents -- and compare what they reveal to what Harry has written here in EF and compared to what is presented in the eBook, I will discuss this matter with considerable detail.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Paul, the only possible way for you to make any conclusion about my records being "incomplete" or any "exaggeration" on my part would be if you have seen materially important documents which I have NOT seen -- and, consequently, you have more complete evidence upon which to base a well-informed judgment.

However, since we all know that you...

(1) have never seen any such new documentary evidence and

(2) you have never once bothered to upload a single document into this (or any other) thread discussing Harry Dean and

(3) your eBook provides absolutely NO documentation of any kind whatsoever -- not even so much as a bibliographic footnote ---

......we can, therefore, reasonably and fairly conclude that you are a chronic, habitual, pathological xxxx.

The ONLY person who has ever presented verifiable factual documentary evidence is ME. You provide NOTHING but your personal opinions, wishes, speculations, and insinuations.

Well, Ernie, as I keep repeating -- but your mind seems as closed like a steel trap -- you're not giving me enough time.

For example, on NARA today, under the FBI records under the Wesley Grapp heading, there is one file that is also cross-labeled "Harry Dean", and it is dated 6/28/1961.

That's 1961, Ernie.

Hmm. You haven't found anything like this, Ernie, but NARA is displaying this item for public viewing today.

Why don't you have this FBI file, Ernie? Well, maybe you're just so prejudiced that you overlooked it!

See, Ernie, your prejudice can jeopardize your entire project. I keep warning you of this, but you refuse to listen to reason.

But soon -- given just a little more time -- I'll have a copy of that NARA archive of the FBI, with both Wesley Grapp and Harry Dean's name on it, and dated in 1961 -- something you have been calling INCONCEIVABLE for many months on this very Forum.

Also, you keep callling me a xxxx in public, as above, even though the rules of civility and even the rules of this Forum forbid it.

I haven't stooped down to your level, Ernie Lazar, but actually, the truth-challenged party on this thread is yourself.

All I need to prove my case about Harry Dean is a little more time...

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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To illustrate how Harry's and Paul's story constantly changes with respect to Harry's narrative --- I copy below a message written by Paul in August 2012:


Notice the entirely different dates presented for when Harry allegedly began providing information to the FBI about the Birch Society. [i use blue font to highlight it]

Also notice that Paul deliberately lies about the position of J. Edgar Hoover in "1959".

There was NO public statement by Hoover regarding the JBS in 1959. NONE. The first chapters of the JBS were not even formed until February 1959. Hoover's ONLY public statements about the JBS/Robert Welch were made in November 1964 (at a press conference) and during his Warren Commission testimony (volume 5, page 101). In the Warren Commission instance, he did NOT mention the JBS or Robert Welch by name but he described the general position they promoted as "extremist".

At NO time did Hoover ever describe the JBS (as Paul claims) as "un-American" -- yet another DELIBERATE LIE by Paul Trejo who is never satisfied with factual truth so he just INVENTS whatever he wants and attributes it to someone.

Posted 26 August 2012 - 03:02 PM

'Josh Cron', on 22 Aug 2012 - 4:41 PM, said:snapback.png

Can you elaborate a little? Not all of us have Crosstrails.

Josh, I'll add some detail here, from chapter 2 of Crosstrails.

The memoirs of Harry Dean recall events in which he, a young college activist, joined the Castro movement (at the same time that Frank Sturgis, Gerry Patrick Hemming, David Ferrie and assorted gun-runners also supported Castro) because of the corruption of the Batista government in Cuba in 1958. They wished to befriend the new Cuban government, to ensure Castro would remain friendly with the West.

However, in 1959 it became clear that Castro would turn to the extreme left when he began to hunt and kill moderates among his USA supporters. Then Harry Dean (as well as those mentioned above) quit Castro's side, and began to attack Castro instead.

Harry became a spy for the FBI at this point, and he used his undercover role to obtain the release of some US citizens from Cuban prisons (although Harry was unable to save them all). Harry Dean provided useful information to the FBI in those days.

In 1960, says Harry, the FBI gave him a further request -- to spy on the JBS (John Birch Society) in Southen California, and to send the FBI any seditionist information that he picked up. (By the way, we know the FBI had already spied on the JBS in 1959, because Hoover declared them Unamerican in 1959, and set a policy that no FBI agent could ever become a member of the JBS.)

Harry took that assignment, and in the course of spying on the JBS, he became swept away. He made friends among the BIrchers, and they came to trust him so much that the Birchers invited Harry to more and more clandestine meetings.

Harry studied the Bircher materials closely, and he dug deeper into their background. Among the startling discoveries that Harry made was his unique perception of the JBS which I'd never seen before; namely, that the Birchers are actually an extension of the Church of LDS (Latter Day Saints) more popularly called the 'Mormons.'

This seemed implausible to me at first, until I researched it myself. High-ranking LDS official, Ezra Taft Benson, was indeed an early and avid supporter of Robert Welch, as a matter of factual history.

Ezra Taft Benson was also the Secretary of Agriculture for President Eisenhower, and was at the same time a vocal critic of Eisenhower's farm policies -- calling them 'socialist'. (Eisenhower didn't mind that very much -- he tolerated Benson because of his professional value.)

Anyway, Harry Dean came to believe that the LDS had been trying for generations to attain greater political power in Washington DC, and that Washington officials who were also LDS members would support each other in a clandestine system called "the Sisterhood."

One of the best tools of the LDS in their rise to power, says Harry Dean, was the JBS, which presented an ultra-conservative face while (like Joe McCarthy) charging Washington officials with Communist affiliations. According to the JBS, every US President starting with FDR had been a communist traitor.

Whether this was literally true or only mildly plausible did not matter much to the JBS or LDS leadership -- the key is that it was influential in the public marketplace of ideas. The JBS doctrine weakened confidence in traditional Washington DC leadership, and made ultra-conservative candidates more viable over the generations.

Furthermore, says Harry Dean, the vanguard among the JBS were responsible for organizaing the JFK assassination. The most liberal US President of our time was prevented from moving forward, to allow more conservative politicians to guide the fate of the USA, and this was made possible by the LDS/JBS combination.

Over the generations, proposes Harry Dean, the LDS members in Washington have been attaining higher and higher rank. For example, former Vice-president Dick Cheney is affiliated with the LDS. Cheney was the highest ranking LDS player in US history so far; but as we all know, the current GOP candidate for President, namely, Willard "Mitt" Romney, is a full-fledged member of the LDS.

If Romney wins the current election, warns Harry Dean, the LDS will have finally attained their highest goal, and would then proceed toward the next phase in their plans for global world theocracy.

Harry's theory concerns the ultra-conservative LDS in Washington DC, as aided and abetted by the ultra-conservative John Birch Society. As long as people believe this is far-fetched, this ultra-rightist movement can escape scrutiny and can continue to operate freely, without obstruction.

Now -- in case you might be thinking that this theory is totally new (because it's so rare), I'd like to quote something from the 1964 Warren Report. In this testimony, Chief Justice Earl Warren himself is questioning Jack Ruby. Here is what Jack Ruby said:

------------------------- BEGIN Warren Commission Hearings vol. 5 ------------------------------

MR. RUBY. There is an organization here, Chief Justice Warren, if it takes my life at this moment to say it -- and Bill Decker said be a man and say it -- there is a John Birch Society right now in activity, and Edwin Walker is one of the top men of this organization. Take it for what it is worth, Chief Justice Warren. Unfortunately for me, for me giving the people the opportunity to get in power, because of the act I committed, has put a lot of people in jeopardy with their lives. (pause) Don’t register with you, does it?

CHIEF JUSTICE WARREN. No; I don’t understand that.

MR. RUBY. Would you rather I just delete what I said and just pretend that nothing is going on?

CHIEF JUSTICE WARREN. I would not, indeed. I am only interested in what you want to tell this Commission. That is all I am interested in.

MR. RUBY. Well, I said my life, I won’t be living long now. I know that...

----------------------- END Warren Commission Hearings vol. 5 -------------------------------

Best regards,
--Paul Trejo
<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo, 27 August 2012 - 06:04 PM.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Paul, the only possible way for you to make any conclusion about my records being "incomplete" or any "exaggeration" on my part would be if you have seen materially important documents which I have NOT seen -- and, consequently, you have more complete evidence upon which to base a well-informed judgment.

However, since we all know that you...

(1) have never seen any such new documentary evidence and

(2) you have never once bothered to upload a single document into this (or any other) thread discussing Harry Dean and

(3) your eBook provides absolutely NO documentation of any kind whatsoever -- not even so much as a bibliographic footnote ---

......we can, therefore, reasonably and fairly conclude that you are a chronic, habitual, pathological xxxx.

The ONLY person who has ever presented verifiable factual documentary evidence is ME. You provide NOTHING but your personal opinions, wishes, speculations, and insinuations.

Well, Ernie, as I keep repeating -- but your mind seems as closed like a steel trap -- you're not giving me enough time.

For example, on NARA today, under the FBI records under the Wesley Grapp heading, there is one file that is also cross-labeled "Harry Dean", and it is dated 6/28/1961.

That's 1961, Ernie.

Hmm. You haven't found anything like this, Ernie, but NARA is displaying this item for public viewing today.

Why don't you have this FBI file, Ernie? Well, maybe you're just so prejudiced that you overlooked it!

See, Ernie, your prejudice can jeopardize your entire project. I keep warning you of this, but you refuse to listen to reason.

But soon -- given just a little more time -- I'll have a copy of that NARA archive of the FBI, with both Wesley Grapp and Harry Dean's name on it, and dated in 1961 -- something you have been calling INCONCEIVABLE for many months on this very Forum.

Also, you keep callling me a xxxx in public, as above, even though the rules of civility and even the rules of this Forum forbid it.

I haven't stooped down to your level, Ernie Lazar, but actually, the truth-challenged party on this thread is yourself.

All I need to prove my case about Harry Dean is a little more time...

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Please provide a link to whatever you are referencing so everyone can see it.

Even though I have not seen what you are referencing, nevertheless, based upon your constant lies and exaggerations, I am confident that there is no June 1961 "file" linking Grapp to Harry.

But post the link to whatever you think you found and then I will comment upon it.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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As readers review my very detailed and often completely verbatim summaries of every serial in Harry's Los Angeles file (on my new webpage) AND as readers review the numerous FBI or CIA or HSCA file serials about Harry which are posted on the Mary Ferrell website (link below)


....it is important to consider Harry's previous excuses for never requesting his own FBI, CIA, or NARA files -- particularly when you consider that all of these documents have been available to any interested researcher for almost 30 years!

I copy below a February 2008 reply by Harry to a question posed to him by Bill Kelly concerning whether or not Harry had ever requested his files (message #4 in the following thread) : http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=12223

I bold type and underline two comments made by Harry which reveal that Harry did not have even the remotest clue about what is actually available by making an FOIA request.

The precise type of documents containing "intel" which Harry claimed were "missing" (in his 2008 message) and "withheld from public view" have been memorialized in every FBI HQ and field office file which was released decades ago (and many of those documents have been posted online on the Ferrell website)

AND Harry knew that as far back as 2006 when he posted comments about the documents on Ferrell's website.



Posted 12 February 2008 - 12:32 PM

William Kelly, on Feb 12 2008, 06:36 PM, said:


Have you requested copies of your CIA or FBI files and were told they are not available, or some of them are still not available and being withheld?


Hi, Bill

No, have not made request re; such Intel. or NARA files, but read available NARA superfical reports, and know that contacts with Intel. are missing from Chicago, FBI and CIA, and especially FBI Los Angeles office. It is known that any and all Intel. contacts brief or lengthy, by usual methods, ie; personal meetings, phone, mail et al. are recorded by Intel. agents. Such as these are not shown, therefore are withheld from the public view. Thus my concern as outlined in previous post.


Edited by Ernie Lazar
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As readers review my very detailed and often completely verbatim summaries of every serial in Harry's Los Angeles file (on my new webpage) AND as readers review the numerous FBI or CIA or HSCA file serials about Harry which are posted on the Mary Ferrell website (link below)


....it is important to consider Harry's previous excuses for never requesting his own FBI, CIA, or NARA files -- particularly when you consider that all of these documents have been available to any interested researcher for almost 30 years!

I copy below a February 2008 reply by Harry to a question posed to him by Bill Kelly concerning whether or not Harry had ever requested his files (message #4 in the following thread) : http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=12223

I bold type and underline two comments made by Harry which reveal that Harry did not have even the remotest clue about what is actually available by making an FOIA request.

The precise type of documents containing "intel" which Harry claimed were "missing" (in his 2008 message) and "withheld from public view" have been memorialized in every FBI HQ and field office file which was released decades ago (and many of those documents have been posted online on the Ferrell website)

AND Harry knew that as far back as 2006 when he posted comments about the documents on Ferrell's website.



Posted 12 February 2008 - 12:32 PM

William Kelly, on Feb 12 2008, 06:36 PM, said:


Have you requested copies of your CIA or FBI files and were told they are not available, or some of them are still not available and being withheld?


Hi, Bill

No, have not made request re; such Intel. or NARA files, but read available NARA superfical reports, and know that contacts with Intel. are missing from Chicago, FBI and CIA, and especially FBI Los Angeles office. It is known that any and all Intel. contacts brief or lengthy, by usual methods, ie; personal meetings, phone, mail et al. are recorded by Intel. agents. Such as these are not shown, therefore are withheld from the public view. Thus my concern as outlined in previous post.


Ernie, things are much different in 2014 than they were in 2008. The Mary Ferrell site has revolutionized JFK research, for one thing.

Your petty complaints about Harry Dean are beginning to disappoint me, Ernie. I used to think that you had something valuable to share, regarding FBI files and insight into them. Now it's becoming increasingly clear that you just want to carp and complain, and you have nothing positive to offer.

We don't even know your motivation. It's kind of sad.


--Paul Trejo

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As readers review my very detailed and often completely verbatim summaries of every serial in Harry's Los Angeles file (on my new webpage) AND as readers review the numerous FBI or CIA or HSCA file serials about Harry which are posted on the Mary Ferrell website (link below)


....it is important to consider Harry's previous excuses for never requesting his own FBI, CIA, or NARA files -- particularly when you consider that all of these documents have been available to any interested researcher for almost 30 years!

I copy below a February 2008 reply by Harry to a question posed to him by Bill Kelly concerning whether or not Harry had ever requested his files (message #4 in the following thread) : http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=12223

I bold type and underline two comments made by Harry which reveal that Harry did not have even the remotest clue about what is actually available by making an FOIA request.

The precise type of documents containing "intel" which Harry claimed were "missing" (in his 2008 message) and "withheld from public view" have been memorialized in every FBI HQ and field office file which was released decades ago (and many of those documents have been posted online on the Ferrell website)

AND Harry knew that as far back as 2006 when he posted comments about the documents on Ferrell's website.



Posted 12 February 2008 - 12:32 PM

William Kelly, on Feb 12 2008, 06:36 PM, said:


Have you requested copies of your CIA or FBI files and were told they are not available, or some of them are still not available and being withheld?


Hi, Bill

No, have not made request re; such Intel. or NARA files, but read available NARA superfical reports, and know that contacts with Intel. are missing from Chicago, FBI and CIA, and especially FBI Los Angeles office. It is known that any and all Intel. contacts brief or lengthy, by usual methods, ie; personal meetings, phone, mail et al. are recorded by Intel. agents. Such as these are not shown, therefore are withheld from the public view. Thus my concern as outlined in previous post.


Ernie, things are much different in 2014 than they were in 2008. The Mary Ferrell site has revolutionized JFK research, for one thing.

Your petty complaints about Harry Dean are beginning to disappoint me, Ernie. I used to think that you had something valuable to share, regarding FBI files and insight into them. Now it's becoming increasingly clear that you just want to carp and complain, and you have nothing positive to offer.

We don't even know your motivation. It's kind of sad.


--Paul Trejo

No, Paul, as usual you miss the point.

1. You are on record months ago stating that I have nothing "valuable" to share re: FBI files and insight into them, so stop pretending (now) that your position was ever different.

2. There is nothing "petty" about pointing out a major deficiency in a person's understanding about available documentary evidence, and his phony excuse for not pursuing historical records about himself.

3. You refer to a difference between 2014 and 2008 -- but you do not specify what that difference is. My point was that at least as early as August 2006 (not 2008 or 2014), Harry was completely aware of what type of documents were available -- because he SAW them on Ferrell's website and he then posted comments about them. [I previously copied his comments here in EF and I copy them again below.]

4. So, it strains credulity for anyone to believe Harry's subsequent 2008 excuse in reply to Bill Kelly's question -- because Harry already knew that the exact type of information which HE claimed was "missing" or "being withheld from the public" -- actually had ALREADY been released and was posted online.

Now, it is certainly true that Harry may not have known about these documents being originally released in 1984-1985 (as a result of an FOIA lawsuit) but that does not change the fact that Harry was aware of materially important documentary evidence in 2006 while he pretended otherwise in his 2008 reply to Bill Kelly.

5. And lastly-- because both you and Harry REFUSED to make FOIA requests 10 or 20 or 30 years ago, certain files or serials which mention Harry are now destroyed. If I was conspiratorially-inclined, I could even build a case around the supposition that the reason why Harry did not bother to make FOIA requests was precisely because he wanted as much documentary evidence destroyed as possible AND that also could explain why he waited until almost all the principals in the "JBS plot" were DEAD before publishing his narrative (in 1990 and again in 2013).



Letter Nov. 19, 1963

by Harry Dean on Tue, Aug 29, 2006, 11:19 PM GMT (#1465)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 4

There is more to the Hoover letter..? The Chicago Bureau office dumped me when I casually mentioned to my FBI contacts I had confided to a CIA agent about also advising the Bureau re; Cuban affairs. They said " You told them!" Both agents seemed equally angry and disappointed, adding," You can no longer deal with the Bureau"! This put me on the outs with All sides of the U.S. and Cuban fury. We hurriedly packed and hauled for southern California. In the transition phase from heartfelt facination with the Revolution and Cuba I came to realize that all of my involvements for and then against them, were in the final costly waists. Mr. Hoover must have known about my earlier contacts with Central Intelligence Agents? The first was 1960 close to my departure time to visit the Cuban Revolutionary Government. The second encounter after returning, to be interviewed\debriefed. The third connection, several days prior to the 1961 planned invasion of Cuba. H. Dean

Code Name "J.R."

by Harry Dean on Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 2:25 AM GMT (#1463)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 11

At the outset {1960} I told FBI agents I could never go to the office, as Cuban activists and others I dealt with would spot me, or worse. They agreed. When I first contacted the Bureau, the agent answering the phone registered suprise, saying "we did'nt know that The Fair Play For Cuba Committie had started yet in Chicago." The Chicago Office instructed me to choose a code name for use when either of us contacted the other. I came up with the initials "J.R." My wife and I knew who was calling when they ask for J.R. requesting information and\or to set up a meeting. Agents also advised me to work out a code for message writing, kindly offering to do it for me if I could not. H. Dean

FBI Los Angeles

by Harry Dean on Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 1:25 AM GMT (#1462)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 14

The FBI office in Los Angeles wanted information on the activities of SWP\FPCC member Ed Swabeck. The Bureau gave me his address in the Venice section of L.A. When I walked in Swabeck and wife Marge were suspicious and said so! Under fire, I grabbed their phone, dialed information saying, I told you are listed Ed. I did'nt know his name and address were listed, I did'nt even know they were in 'Southern' California. The beauty of that assignment netted Cuban DGI Castro agent, Fransisco Vega, then illegally in the U.S. Much other information also resulted. The Bureau was extremely pleased. So was I. Vega had arrested and interrogated me in Cuba, for several hours. H. Dean

Page 2

Who said I said that?

by Harry Dean on Sun, Aug 20, 2006, 2:18 PM GMT (#1459)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 12

I do say; The sudden change in Eisenhower's Cuba Policy had left me hanging. I knew I was just as suddenly in trouble being a member of two pro-Castro groups. Castro's Network In The United States the Fair Play For Cuba Committie, and Castro's 26 July Movement. Contacting the FBI would save me being considered a Communist subversive {executive order 10450} The Bureau convinced me to stay-in and pass it all information. I did. Later, in 1961 the Bureau fired me when I mentioned previous dealings with CIA agents re; Cuba. They were plenty excited and angry. I wondered why? So thats what it's like to be suddenly out in the cold with no explanation. I had accepted cash expences at their insistence, but not this time. A few months later in Los Angeles, California I became involved in simular actions for that office. I sure welcome the opportunity to correct such semi-official twisted statements on the MaryFerrell.org site. Thanks. H. Dean


by Harry Dean on Sun, Aug 20, 2006, 1:00 PM GMT (#1458)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 14

Re; the Chicago North side branch of The Fair Play For Cuba Committie. Communist Party and Socialist Workers Parties were opposing groups. SWP Swabeck ask me as FPCC Secretary to get CP leaders to allow SWP members to set up the North Side Chapter. It was allowed only if a CP member was in top leadership. Naturally this info. went to my Bureau agent contact. H. Dean

The Bureau

by HarryDean on Wed, Aug 16, 2006, 9:51 PM GMT (#1457)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 5

Intelligence agencies naturally pour out unflatering information usually in somewhat 'twisted form' re; anyone who 'blabbs later' about having labored for them. Such information insures continued co-operation. It is their methodology. Re; FBI, they kicked me loose in Chicago because I mentioned talking with CIA agents there. Re; the Canada episode mentioned above. I went back there in 1946 to visit relatives. Sadly married a persistent Canada girl {since died}. Prison, resulted from wife, self and mother-in-law continued battles, where I was interned for much of two years, finally escaping from that awful British\Canada society with which I had since my early teens been at war! H. Dean

For the record

by HarryDean on Wed, Aug 16, 2006, 8:58 PM GMT (#1456)

Comment on document page: ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, Pg 5

I moved from Chicago to the nearby suburb of Whiting Indiana, assumed a new name to avoid danger to my family from anti-Castro agents. Began a business, purchased an apartment bldg. a rental property, and a private residence. Bad check charges were\are untrue! The Whiting, Indiana Power structue feared I intended to sell the apt. bldg. to a negro person from Chicago. They also knew of visits by a Castro official in a vehicle with Cuban government licence plates. Whiting's power structue questioned me via a Whiting cop who was also my employee. My wife, children and I were under physical attacks. Suddenly, we left, loosing everything. Their check charges were a further method of attack about which I only recently learned from the above report. H. Dean

Photos and fingerprints 1955

by Harry Dean on Mon, Aug 14, 2006, 3:34 PM GMT (#1453)


To correct the inference above, I have seen the 1955 photos taken by Detroit Police Dept.{full length front and side views}. These photos were made when I applied for and received a Detroit Cab Company licence. The unidentified Mexico\Russian Embassy photo, is a 'non-mystery' intended to invole me in anti-Kennedy actions by former associates. H. Dean

CE 237

by Harry Dean on Sun, Aug 13, 2006, 6:19 PM GMT (#1452)


In this, Ardvison is only one of several who thought I resembled #237 in Warren Report. I notice that a first cousin, George Dean, a cop in Michigan called FBI there re; seeing a photo in Bay City, MI., thought it looked like me. We had last met in 1964.The George Dean FBI call was made in 1968. Dean said he had not seen me in several years? Re; the FBI interviewing me several times, in Los Angeles areas, the purpose of such, for example: to seek out information on L.A. area ALPHA 66 activities, and specifically it's leadership, after being shown an FBI photo of same. There are endless other examples "called interveiws". H. Dean

Joe Pyne show et al.

by Harry Dean on Sun, Aug 13, 2006, 5:35 PM GMT (#1451)

Comment on document page: HARRY DEAN, Pg 2

Hayward's warning to FBI brought Bureau agents out to forbid my going on this or any TV or Radio show re; my association with FBI in Los Angeles, Chicago or elsewhere. I did go on, as a way to end my informant status with them. The Bureau was furious. No more information, no more expense money! I was glad! H. Dean


by HarryDean on Sun, Aug 13, 2006, 5:07 PM GMT (#1450)

Comment on document page: HARRY J. DEAN, Pg 3

There was a devious plan by my ant- Kennedy, anti-Communist ,anti-Castro associates, to involve me in the so-called, Mexico City, Los Angeles\Kennedy scheme having to do with the unidentified person # 237 in Warren Report.

Page 3

by HarryDean on Sun, Aug 13, 2006, 4:45 PM GMT (#1449)

Comment on document page: OSI TRACES ON HARRY DEAN, Pg 2

I am a U.S. citizen at birth through my American father, and was not arrested under the registeration act by either the Detroit Police Dept. or the RCMP. I was arrested and questioned then immediately released by U.S. Customs and immigration Service. H. Dean

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Paul, the only possible way for you to make any conclusion about my records being "incomplete" or any "exaggeration" on my part would be if you have seen materially important documents which I have NOT seen -- and, consequently, you have more complete evidence upon which to base a well-informed judgment.

However, since we all know that you...

(1) have never seen any such new documentary evidence and

(2) you have never once bothered to upload a single document into this (or any other) thread discussing Harry Dean and

(3) your eBook provides absolutely NO documentation of any kind whatsoever -- not even so much as a bibliographic footnote ---

......we can, therefore, reasonably and fairly conclude that you are a chronic, habitual, pathological xxxx.

The ONLY person who has ever presented verifiable factual documentary evidence is ME. You provide NOTHING but your personal opinions, wishes, speculations, and insinuations.

Well, Ernie, as I keep repeating -- but your mind seems as closed like a steel trap -- you're not giving me enough time.

For example, on NARA today, under the FBI records under the Wesley Grapp heading, there is one file that is also cross-labeled "Harry Dean", and it is dated 6/28/1961.

That's 1961, Ernie.

Hmm. You haven't found anything like this, Ernie, but NARA is displaying this item for public viewing today.

Why don't you have this FBI file, Ernie? Well, maybe you're just so prejudiced that you overlooked it!

See, Ernie, your prejudice can jeopardize your entire project. I keep warning you of this, but you refuse to listen to reason.

But soon -- given just a little more time -- I'll have a copy of that NARA archive of the FBI, with both Wesley Grapp and Harry Dean's name on it, and dated in 1961 -- something you have been calling INCONCEIVABLE for many months on this very Forum.

Also, you keep callling me a xxxx in public, as above, even though the rules of civility and even the rules of this Forum forbid it.

I haven't stooped down to your level, Ernie Lazar, but actually, the truth-challenged party on this thread is yourself.

All I need to prove my case about Harry Dean is a little more time...

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Please provide a link to whatever you are referencing so everyone can see it.

Even though I have not seen what you are referencing, nevertheless, based upon your constant lies and exaggerations, I am confident that there is no June 1961 "file" linking Grapp to Harry.

But post the link to whatever you think you found and then I will comment upon it.

Still waiting for Paul to give us a link to the webpage containing the reference which he claims exists regarding a "June 1961 file" at NARA which refers to Wesley Grapp and Harry Dean.

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No, Paul, as usual you miss the point.


5. ...[T]he reason why Harry did not bother to make FOIA requests was precisely because he wanted as much documentary evidence destroyed as possible AND that also could explain why he waited until almost all the principals in the "JBS plot" were DEAD before publishing his narrative (in 1990 and again in 2013).


What utter nonsense!

You have some nerve, Ernie, criticizing JFK conspiracy theorists, when you come up with junk like this!

Actually, Harry Dean could have no idea whatsoever that the FBI would ever destroy anything at all relating to his case or any other case.

It was clearly Harry Dean's belief for his entire life until just weeks ago that the FBI would preserve all of its records pertaining to its very serious business.

Furthermore, in 1990, when Harry Dean first published his manuscript, Crosstrails, the principals were still very much ALIVE, and Harry Dean made every effort he could to send them a copy.

You are so prejudiced, Ernie Lazar, that anything you print or publish must be taken with a large grain of Epsom Salt.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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No, Paul, as usual you miss the point.


5. ...[T]he reason why Harry did not bother to make FOIA requests was precisely because he wanted as much documentary evidence destroyed as possible AND that also could explain why he waited until almost all the principals in the "JBS plot" were DEAD before publishing his narrative (in 1990 and again in 2013).


What utter nonsense!

You have some nerve, Ernie, criticizing JFK conspiracy theorists, when you come up with junk like this!

Actually, Harry Dean could have no idea whatsoever that the FBI would ever destroy anything at all relating to his case or any other case.

It was clearly Harry Dean's belief for his entire life until just weeks ago that the FBI would preserve all of its records pertaining to its very serious business.

Furthermore, in 1990, when Harry Dean first published his manuscript, Crosstrails, the principals were still very much ALIVE, and Harry Dean made every effort he could to send them a copy.

You are so prejudiced, Ernie Lazar, that anything you print or publish must be taken with a large grain of Epsom Salt.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

You obviously do not understand my point: Conspiracy theorists can propose whatever "theory" they want -- but very few ordinary folks have the time or resources to track down every person mentioned in such theories in order to research every significant detail or just ask pertinent questions.

In 1990, the internet was still relatively new and there were not the type of databases which exist today for researchers to use to track down relatively obscure individuals (like Galbadon or Hall or Howard -- or even Harry for that matter.).

And many of the people mentioned in various "plot" theories (or matters related to Harry/FPCC/MM/JBS) were dead in 1990 including: Banister, Ferrie, del Valle, Gatlin, Milteer, Orta, Marguerite Oswald, Ruby, Shaw, Warren, Welch as well as almost all the key FBI officials (Hoover, Tolson, Sullivan, Nichols, Belmont etc.).

Many more were deceased by the time Harry and you released your eBook in October 2013 including: Criley, Friere, Galbadon, Grapp, Hall, Morris, Nagell, Rousselot, Walker, and all of the FBI agents who had contacts with Harry in Los Angeles and Chicago.

It makes no difference if Harry (or you, or anybody else) might have assumed that FBI records would be "preserved" when, simultaneously, you argue that important and relevant FBI (and CIA) files are "classified" for "national security" reasons and are, therefore, not obtainable.

Lastly, I note for the record, that you deliberately truncated my point #5 to change its clear meaning.

You edited it to present it as a declarative statement of my belief when, instead, I clearly prefaced the comment with this qualifier: "If I was conspiratorially-inclined, I could even build a case around the supposition..."

"Supposition" by definition means an idea or proposal which is not based upon proof. I presented that merely to scornfully refer to your refusal to pursue FOIA requests. This reveals, yet again, how you deliberately mis-represent what is written in order to create straw-man arguments.

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5. ...[T]he reason why Harry did not bother to make FOIA requests was precisely because he wanted as much documentary evidence destroyed as possible AND that also could explain why he waited until almost all the principals in the "JBS plot" were DEAD before publishing his narrative (in 1990 and again in 2013).


What utter nonsense!

...You are so prejudiced, Ernie Lazar, that anything you print or publish must be taken with a large grain of Epsom Salt.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

...I note for the record, that you deliberately truncated my point #5 to change its clear meaning.

You edited it to present it as a declarative statement of my belief when, instead, I clearly prefaced the comment with this qualifier: "If I was conspiratorially-inclined, I could even build a case around the supposition..."

Truncated or not, Ernie, those are YOUR WORDS. Now everybody can see how your mind works -- deviously.

All your reseach is being funneled through your prejudices, and treated with your exaggerations as you jump to conclusions based on incomplete data. It's all very clear.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

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5. ...[T]he reason why Harry did not bother to make FOIA requests was precisely because he wanted as much documentary evidence destroyed as possible AND that also could explain why he waited until almost all the principals in the "JBS plot" were DEAD before publishing his narrative (in 1990 and again in 2013).


What utter nonsense!

...You are so prejudiced, Ernie Lazar, that anything you print or publish must be taken with a large grain of Epsom Salt.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

...I note for the record, that you deliberately truncated my point #5 to change its clear meaning.

You edited it to present it as a declarative statement of my belief when, instead, I clearly prefaced the comment with this qualifier: "If I was conspiratorially-inclined, I could even build a case around the supposition..."

Truncated or not, Ernie, those are YOUR WORDS. Now everybody can see how your mind works -- deviously.

All your reseach is being funneled through your prejudices, and treated with your exaggerations as you jump to conclusions based on incomplete data. It's all very clear.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Paul, it is important that everyone see that you are prepared to edit original statements to falsely convey a different meaning and then accuse the original author of the very defects which your own behavior here reveals. It is YOUR mind which is "devious" and unprincipled.

In real life, nobody has totally "complete" data. Harry has already stated that most of his data was lost or stolen or whatever. I repeat: the ONLY proven examples in this thread of egregious falsehoods have been those which YOU authored -- not as mere ordinary "mistakes" -- but as hoaxes fabricated within the confines of YOUR mind.

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Paul, the only possible way for you to make any conclusion about my records being "incomplete" or any "exaggeration" on my part would be if you have seen materially important documents which I have NOT seen -- and, consequently, you have more complete evidence upon which to base a well-informed judgment.

However, since we all know that you...

(1) have never seen any such new documentary evidence and

(2) you have never once bothered to upload a single document into this (or any other) thread discussing Harry Dean and

(3) your eBook provides absolutely NO documentation of any kind whatsoever -- not even so much as a bibliographic footnote ---

......we can, therefore, reasonably and fairly conclude that you are a chronic, habitual, pathological xxxx.

The ONLY person who has ever presented verifiable factual documentary evidence is ME. You provide NOTHING but your personal opinions, wishes, speculations, and insinuations.

Well, Ernie, as I keep repeating -- but your mind seems as closed like a steel trap -- you're not giving me enough time.

For example, on NARA today, under the FBI records under the Wesley Grapp heading, there is one file that is also cross-labeled "Harry Dean", and it is dated 6/28/1961.

That's 1961, Ernie.

Hmm. You haven't found anything like this, Ernie, but NARA is displaying this item for public viewing today.

Why don't you have this FBI file, Ernie? Well, maybe you're just so prejudiced that you overlooked it!

See, Ernie, your prejudice can jeopardize your entire project. I keep warning you of this, but you refuse to listen to reason.

But soon -- given just a little more time -- I'll have a copy of that NARA archive of the FBI, with both Wesley Grapp and Harry Dean's name on it, and dated in 1961 -- something you have been calling INCONCEIVABLE for many months on this very Forum.

Also, you keep callling me a xxxx in public, as above, even though the rules of civility and even the rules of this Forum forbid it.

I haven't stooped down to your level, Ernie Lazar, but actually, the truth-challenged party on this thread is yourself.

All I need to prove my case about Harry Dean is a little more time...

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Today, I performed yet another "advanced search" on NARA's search webpage. I used all of the following search terms:

* Harry Dean

* Harry J. Dean

* Dean, Harry

* Dean, Harry J.

* Dean and Grapp

* Dean and FBI

* Dean and Chicago

* Dean and Los Angeles

* Dean and 1961

* Wesley Grapp

* Wesley G. Grapp

* Grapp, Wesley

* Grapp, Wesley G.

* Grapp and FBI

* Grapp and Dean

* Grapp and 1961

After spending about 45 minutes searching all of these search terms, I did not find ANY reference on NARA to ANY "file" or "document" which Paul Trejo claims exists at NARA.

So...unless Paul provides us with a link to the specific webpage where he claims he found such a reference, there is absolutely no reason to believe he is telling the truth.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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