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Where's the BEEF?

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Ashton Phelps


Son of Esmond Phelps, former Law Partner with Charles E. Dunbar and Louis B. Claverie.

Esmond Phelps:  Board of Tulane University--1894-1909

                        Board of Tulane University--1915-1950

Ashton Phelps, Jr.--Director, Times-Picayune Publishing Company

                            Director, Times-Picayune New Media Corporation

WTPS Radio

Owned by the Times-Picayune

Operating out of one portion of the Confederate Memorial Hall

New Orleans, LA


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Charles E. Dunbar


George Washington Dunbar-----Fenner's Battery, Louisiana Light Artillery.

A Son:

George H (Hacker) Dunbar-----Fenner's Battery, Louisiana Light Artillery

Married:  Louise F. Toutant Beauregard---The Niece of General PGT Beauregard

A Son:

George Washington Dunbar:

A Son:

Charles E. Dunbar



The "Charles E. Dunbar, Jr Fund" of New Orleans, LA, is established at the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, TX.

This is the governing body which supervises the Chamberlain Hunt Academy at which LHO & his brothers attended.

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Sumpter D. (Davis) Marks


Named for the Battle of Ft. Sumpter, SC, the first actions of the Civil War, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America

Son of:  Sumpter Davis Marks & Janey Woods Waldo

Son of:  Isaac Newton Marks & Leah Louise Samuels

Isaac Newton Marks was a delegate to the Louisiana State Convention, which on January 26, 1861, passed the Louisiana Ordinance of Secession.

Isaac Newton Marks was a signer of the Ordinance.

Isaac Newton Marks was also President of the New Orleans, Florida, and Havanna Steamship Company,

Descended from the Humphrey & Frances Marks family of Charleston, SC

Humphrey & Frances Marks ultimately moved to Columbia, SC.

On February 16, 1865, the home on Richardson St. was occupied by Dr. Frederick Marks and his family when the residence was burned by Federal Troops under the command of General W. T. Sherman

Isaac Newton Marks originally married Hannah Josephine Lee, and they had eight children. After the death of Hannah Lee Marks in 1857, Isaac Marks married Leah Samuels of New York City in 1858.

Isaac Newton Marks & Leah Samuels Marks thereafter had twelve additional children. These included Sumter Davis Marks (Sr.) and Henry Malvern Marks (Sr.)

Henry Malvern Marks was named after the "Battle of Malvern Hill", which was one of the earliest engagements of the Civil War.

During the battle of Malvern Hill, Henry Clay Marks, son of Isaac Newton Marks and Hannah Josephine Lee Marks, was killed July 1, 1862 while serving as the Commanding Officer of Company "B", 10th Louisiana Infantry.

Lucius Albert Marks, son of Isaac Newton & Leah Samuels Marks was a dispatcher and later manager for the New Orleans Transportation Department.*

*John Claverie, father of Marguerite Claverie & grandfather to LHO was a streetcar driver for the New Orleans Transportation Department for 30 years.

Henry Malvern Marks (Namesake of Battle of Malvern Hill in which Henry Clay Marks was killed)

Born: Aug 4, 1865, New Orleans, LA

Died: Aug 29, 1920

Buried: Ft. Worth, TX

Occupation: Railroad Agent


Henry Malvern Marks, Jr

Born: Jan 24, 1892/1893* (conflicting dates) New Orleans, LA

Died: September 1986

Buried: Ft. Worth, TX

Henry Malvern Marks, JR. of Ft. Worth, TX was first cousin to Sumpter Davis Marks, Jr, of the New Orleans, LA Law firm of Phelps/Dunbar/Marks/Sims/Claverie.

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Sumpter D. (Davis) Marks


Named for the Battle of Ft. Sumpter, SC, the first actions of the Civil War, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America

Son of:  Sumpter Davis Marks & Janey Woods Waldo

Son of:  Isaac Newton Marks & Leah Louise Samuels

Isaac Newton Marks was a delegate to the Louisiana State Convention, which on January 26, 1861, passed the Louisiana Ordinance of Secession.

Isaac Newton Marks was a signer of the Ordinance.

Isaac Newton Marks was also President of the New Orleans, Florida, and Havanna Steamship Company,

Descended from the Humphrey & Frances Marks family of Charleston, SC

Humphrey & Frances Marks ultimately moved to Columbia, SC.

On February 16, 1865, the home on Richardson St. was occupied by Dr. Frederick Marks and his family when the residence was burned by Federal Troops under the command of General W. T. Sherman

Isaac Newton Marks originally married Hannah Josephine Lee, and they had eight children. After the death of Hannah Lee Marks in 1857, Isaac Marks married Leah Samuels of New York City in 1858.

Isaac Newton Marks & Leah Samuels Marks thereafter had twelve additional children. These included Sumter Davis Marks (Sr.) and Henry Malvern Marks (Sr.)

Henry Malvern Marks was named after the "Battle of Malvern Hill", which was one of the earliest engagements of the Civil War.

During the battle of Malvern Hill, Henry Clay Marks, son of Isaac Newton Marks and Hannah Josephine Lee Marks, was killed July 1, 1862 while serving as the Commanding Officer of Company "B", 10th Louisiana Infantry.

Lucius Albert Marks, son of Isaac Newton & Leah Samuels Marks was a dispatcher and later manager for the New Orleans Transportation Department.*

*John Claverie, father of Marguerite Claverie & grandfather to LHO was a streetcar driver for the New Orleans Transportation Department for 30 years.

Henry Malvern Marks (Namesake of Battle of Malvern Hill in which Henry Clay Marks was killed)

Born: Aug 4, 1865, New Orleans, LA

Died: Aug 29, 1920

Buried: Ft. Worth, TX

Occupation: Railroad Agent


Henry Malvern Marks, Jr

Born: Jan 24, 1892/1893* (conflicting dates) New Orleans, LA

Died: September 1986

Buried: Ft. Worth, TX

Henry Malvern Marks, JR. of Ft. Worth, TX was first cousin to Sumpter Davis Marks, Jr, of the New Orleans, LA Law firm of Phelps/Dunbar/Marks/Sims/Claverie.

Howard Harper Marks


Another son of Henry Malvern Marks, Sr., and brother to Henry Malvern Marks, Jr.

Born: New Orleans, LA, June 28, 1893

Wife: Hazel Marie Graham, born Nov 21, 1897 in Kaufman, TX

Married: Nov 15, 1916, Ft. Worth, TX

Occupation: Insurance Salesman

Another First Cousin of Sumpter Davis Marks, Jr, residing in Ft. Worth, TX


"I am a Marxist"

Lee Harvey Oswald.

The principal problem being whether LHO meant:

"I am a Marxist" as in a follower of Carl Marx.


"I am a Marksist"!


P.S. LHO was somewhat of a "smart-ass" who enjoyed playing word games with those who had no understanding of what he was referring to

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Louis B. (Bordelon) Claverie*

Descended from:  Bertrand Claverie & Clara Bordelon

Registered Agent with Charles E. Dunbar Jr. & Sumter D. Marks of "Front" organization called:


Registered in 1954 in Louisiana

Address:  208 S. LaSalle St.  Chicago, ILL

208 LaSalle St. Chicago, ILL is the address of the "Travellers Aide Society" which assisted LHO upon his return from the Soviet Union

Registered Agent with Charles E. Dunbar Jr. & Sumter D. Marks of "Front" organization called:


Registered in 1951 in Louisiana


Central Automatic Sprinkler Co. of Dallas

Business Corporation- (Non-Louisiana)

Address: 9760 Lemmon Ave., Dallas, TX

Registered Agents:

Esmond Phelps

Louis B. Claverie


9760 Lemmon Ave. is located just adjacent to Love Field in Dallas.

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Please accept that it is probably my ignorance that has motivated me to post this....but I absolutely must!

Do I need higher education to understand your motive for this kind of posting?

Have you ever heard of the phrase called the Bottom Line?

Try as I have to stick with this, I not only lose interest as I scroll thru this, but I Lose The Subject!

For my sake and for possibly some other unfortunates, would you tell me in 10,000 wors or less what you are trying to say. Preferably in one posting!

I didn't mean to be offensive, but I not only don't understand, I feel that you are wasting a good bit of my time.

Charlie Black

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Please accept that it is probably my ignorance that has motivated me to post this....but I absolutely must!

Do I need higher education to understand your motive for this kind of posting?

Have you ever heard of the phrase called the Bottom Line?

Try as I have to stick with this, I not only lose interest as I scroll thru this, but I Lose The Subject!

For my sake and for possibly some other unfortunates, would you tell me in 10,000 wors or less what you are trying to say. Preferably in one posting!

I didn't mean to be offensive, but I not only don't understand, I feel that you are wasting a good bit of my time.

Charlie Black

The "bottom line" is that in the event one can not now follow the trail, as being left, it is highly unlikely that they will ever understand LHO, and exactly what he was, as well as the guiding forces in his life.

This is referred to as the "Education Forum".

An education into the background history and family of LHO is essential in order to learn who and what he was as well as how & why he ended up on the sixth floor of the TSDB.

Just as understanding the "Link in the Chain" of circumstantial evidence can point to the guilt of an individual.

Somewhat like understanding history.

To quote scenarios related to the Vietnam war and how we ended up there without a full background understanding of the history of this region, is hardly an accurate reporting of history or of the conflict.

One can not understand the event unless they recognize and understand the history behind the event.

Therefore, if it is a "waste of your time", why bother to read it??

Personally, I recognize that there are only a few persons who will understand what is presented to the extent that they will know where to look for the facts and truth.

Others will continue to "chase smoke"! Possibly for another 40 years!


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Once again I will sincerely apologize for my sorely lacking intellect.

You see, IMHO, in your postings you seem to be baitng people to continue to read what you offer, dribble by dribble. I don't find it cogent, interesting and hardly coherent. I don't care to read 20 of your posts to get the info that could have been placed in one.

You are absolutely correct in that I don't have to read them and I certainly wont waste my time doing so.

Charlie Black

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Once again I will sincerely apologize for my sorely lacking intellect.

You see, IMHO, in your postings you seem to be baitng people to continue to read what you offer, dribble by dribble. I don't find it cogent, interesting and hardly coherent. I don't care to read 20 of your posts to get the info that could have been placed in one.

You are absolutely correct in that I don't have to read them and I certainly wont waste my time doing so.

Charlie Black

Hi Charles and Tom

While perhaps not fully understanding everything Tom is posting it does seem to me that the information he is posting is interesting in, as I see it, showing the deep southern, conservative, Confederate/racist roots of Lee Harvey Oswald and of the people with whom he associated. So I at least do find the material Tom is posting to be interesting and I thank you for posting it, Tom.

One point, on whether Lee Harvey Oswald in declaring "I am a Marxist" meant Marxist as in a follower of Karl Marx or as in a follower of the Marks clan with whom he mixed, while I agree he might have been playing with words, I think he would know the statement would be going out across the country and that most people would think he meant Marxist as in Communist, and that is how he almost undoubtedly meant his declaration to be understood.

All my best


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Once again I will sincerely apologize for my sorely lacking intellect.

You see, IMHO, in your postings you seem to be baitng people to continue to read what you offer, dribble by dribble. I don't find it cogent, interesting and hardly coherent. I don't care to read 20 of your posts to get the info that could have been placed in one.

You are absolutely correct in that I don't have to read them and I certainly wont waste my time doing so.

Charlie Black

Hi Charles and Tom

While perhaps not fully understanding everything Tom is posting it does seem to me that the information he is posting is interesting in, as I see it, showing the deep southern, conservative, Confederate/racist roots of Lee Harvey Oswald and of the people with whom he associated. So I at least do find the material Tom is posting to be interesting and I thank you for posting it, Tom.

One point, on whether Lee Harvey Oswald in declaring "I am a Marxist" meant Marxist as in a follower of Karl Marx or as in a follower of the Marks clan with whom he mixed, while I agree he might have been playing with words, I think he would know the statement would be going out across the country and that most people would think he meant Marxist as in Communist, and that is how he almost undoubtedly meant his declaration to be understood.

All my best


Quite Correct! Virtually all would associate the statement with the philosophy of Karl Marx, and obviously this is what LHO would expect us to do.

What we also know is that LHO liked to play word and intellect games with those with whom he was in the service with. Especially the Officers whom he considered to be inadequately informed and therefore unfit as an Officer.

More than adequate testimony exists to demonstrate that LHO frequently attempted to bait the Officer's into a discussion on a subject of which they had no knowledge.

The "I am a Marxist" statement of LHO certainly has more validity in being another of his diversionary tactics, along with the entire FPCC episode, than it would appear to have any basis in fact.

LHO more or less "skirted" the peripheral zone of many such philosophies and organizations.

This is primarily how he escaped the "net" of having been fully recognized and thoroughly investigated by the FBI & others.

Had LHO taken the time and effort to become bona-fide membership in all of the organizations which he skirted & acted association with, he would have been on many a watch list.

All of which demonstrates either knowledge or guidance related to how the investigative agencies operated.

As regards the various posts, the background information is being provided for those who wish to truely sort out LHO's past as well as the associations of money and power in which members of his direct family operated.

Unless one knows and understands the Cajun society of South Louisiana and how they trust virtually no one other than family members & others of the Cajun heritage, then they can never understand the "Claverie" heritage of LHO.

New Orleans, LA was the center of wealth and power in the South.

It was also the bastion against integration.

Anyone doubt that wealth and power had considerable to do with the assassination of JFK?

Anyone doubt that integration had a considerable impact on the assassination of JFK?

If so, perhaps they should listen to what Earl Warren had to say on that subject!


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Hi Tom:

Would you have anything on the Covington/Metairie Oswald's ,or any photographs of any of the Claverie sisters. ..I may have missed such if you have posted anything pertaining to this information in earlier threads.

Also the original William Oswald - the father of Robert Lee Oswald senior? he was, I have read....Austro-Hungarian and originally lived in Covington (where much of the Oswald family still resides today). His estate was burned down during the anti-German sentiment going on in WW1 (even though Robert Lee Oswald served in the Army in that war). He ran the SOUTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY and was an associate of Thomas Edison. Oswald helped to light up New Orleans and became a staunch Republican supporter of Marcus "Mark Dollar" Hanna (who was known as "the President maker"). Many felt Hanna helped engineer the presidential assassination by a "disillusioned Trotskyite".

If you have any information on the above it would be greatly appreciated

....fascinating connections..... thanks....

B... :(

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Hi Tom:

Would you have anything on the Covington/Metairie Oswald's ,or any photographs of any of the Claverie sisters. ..I may have missed such if you have posted anything pertaining to this information in earlier threads.

Also the original William Oswald - the father of Robert Lee Oswald senior? he was, I have read....Austro-Hungarian and originally lived in Covington (where much of the Oswald family still resides today).  His estate was burned down during the anti-German sentiment going on in WW1 (even though Robert Lee Oswald served in the Army in that war).  He ran the SOUTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY and was an associate of Thomas Edison.  Oswald helped to light up New Orleans and became a staunch Republican supporter of Marcus "Mark Dollar" Hanna (who was known as "the President maker").  Many felt Hanna helped engineer the presidential assassination by a "disillusioned Trotskyite".

If you have any information on the above it would be greatly appreciated

....fascinating connections..... thanks....

B... :(


Although scattered, I have made several postings as regards William Oswald, grandfather of LHO, to include the fact that he lived at Covington, LA.

Among those items are:

Guide to the archives regarding the burning of William Oswald's home/estate during WWII due to anti-german sentiment.

Search "William Oswald" and "Cabildo" and it should pull up the location of this information.

Guide to papers which nominated the Covington (Pleasent Hill I believe it was) estate of William Oswald as a Louisiana Historic site.

Information related to William Oswald having been the Electrical Engineer for the Louisiana Cotton Exposition.

Information related to William Oswald having gone to work for Thomas Edison, and thereafter working in establishing the first electricity as well as the electrical rail car transportation system in New Orleans.

Robert Oswald, LHO's brother claims that the Oswald family is of Scottish descent.

I have nothing to verify or deny this information.

Somewhere, I have his email address if you would like it.

Marguerite Claverie was not the first marriage for Robert E. Lee Oswald, (Sr), and there are children from his first marriage according to some sources.

His brother, W.S. Oswald lived in Metarie with his wife Hazel.

W.S. Oswald, Jr worked at Reily Coffee Company at the same time that LHO secured employment there. There were also two other females with the last name Oswald working there at the same time as well.

W.S. Jr. was still alive at last account, although he claims to know little or nothing in regards to LHO.

Seems odd since LHO visited his/ W.S's mother just prior to going to work for Reily, and listed them on his employment reference.

William's father (LHO's great-grandfather ) was also named William, and he was married to one of two Bethancourt/Betancourt sisters.

This is apparantly where LHO gained his interest in Romulo Betancourt of Venezuela, which he discussed with other Marines while at El Toro.

It is also good reason for LHO to be displeased with Fidel Castro, considering the attempted assassination of Romulo Betancourt.

There was also an indirect connection between Ekdahl and Edison Electric.

I have it somewhere. As to whether this has any connection with Ekdahl & Marguerite Claverie Oswald is not known. Also possibly irrelevant!

Pearl Claverie died at the State Mental Hospital at Clinton, LA.

No big secret here as to what LHO was doing up around Clinton.

I have additional information as to who the sisters married, but no photographs.

There is someone working on obtaining the photographs of many of those persons discussed, but it is undoubtedly costing him a considerable sum and it is doubtful that he is ready to share this information just yet.

Again, according to Robert Oswald (Jr.) the family originates from Arkansas.

This appears to be factual and somewhere I have some of the data on this line of Oswalds which ultimately leads back to I believe it was SC.

This is also where the "Lee" married into the Oswald family from which the Oswalds claim some kinship to Robert E. Lee.

Since this far back had little to do with the assassination of JFK, it was just extra work and was not pursued.

As I dig back through the boxes of "stuff", I will pull out all I can find on this subject.

Let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.


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Thankyou Tom, for your information..

I have now copied all your posts and will study them and see if I can connect anything. This all does become more than confusing..

Have you any opinion at all, that you would like to express of the two Oswald

theory, and if so, that there may be a possibility of there being two Marguerites.

In Robert and John Pics testimony, she is always regarded as

Mrs Oswald, and never Mother. But most importantly when brought up on the screen side by side, and as you work your way through them , and compare ,they did not have the same addresses as children, did not attend the same schools, did not take holidays ,at the same time nor were in the same locations, and yet, there were two brothers, but another brother also it seems at times in another location, in some areas.??..The brothers testimony attests to these facts...they certainly do not comply with each others,there are a great differences,and this only makes all that much more confusing when trying to make any sense in this area.

I know that Robert has stated he has nothing more to say on all this, but yes I would appreciate his address, nothing ventured.....as they say...

We do have many photos, but of the family they are non existant...in most cases.....So I do hope that whomever is on the search has much luck, with his venture..and can afford them..

As you say seems odd, I fully agree, much of this appears odd, the further you get into all..

Many thanks for the come back, appreciated.

B :(

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Tom, Bernice, Christopher & all forum members interested:

I just want to post a few thoughts regarding this entire issue and then I wont waste more of anyone's time since my thinking may be out of line with that of the forum in general.

There are several issues which I think are important to mention.

1) For many years I have believed and stated vociferously that I think that money and power and its acquisition were The Force behind both the Coup and the cover up. I believe this as much or more than I believe anything regarding this case.

2) However I believe the actual motivation and source of the "real" money and power was not in New Orleans. This is not to say that there are NO connections.

3) I feel that the pursuit of similar tangental issues such as this is what has kept this investigation bogged down for these past 42 years.

4) I do not believe that LHO was involved except in the periphery of the plot and was at the very most "A" shooter and even then not a killer.

5) I believe that most of the actual "participants" (not neccessarily the planners) considered themselves to be true patriots.

6) I believe the path that Tom is following may be interesting to some people, but does not lead to the solution of this case. I therefore consider it chatter.

There are many other things that I am at issue with but the point which I intended has probably been made.

Tom also states such things as how Oswald "skirted the net of having been fully recognized and thoroughly investigated by the FBI and others".

How did Oz "skirt" an intelligence net? He defected to Russia. He went to the US Embassy in Moscow and advertised that he wanted to relinquish his U.S. citizenship. He stated at the embassy that he intended to share with the USSR military secrets which he posessed that included the Top Secret U2 project. When later he was ready to return to the U.S. with his Russian wife, he was able to do so with a U.S, govt. loan. It is stated by the U.S. intelligence agencies after all of the above had occurred, that he was not even debriefed.

I cannot imagine following anyone's line of reasoning who states that he believes that Oswald "skirted" U.S. Intel.

These are the reasons that I "skirt" the line of reasoning set forth by Tom. Tho consequences and possible coincidences when aligned with some actual facts and occurrances, may be interesting to some, I do not feel that they in any way make a case that is worthy of my consideration.

Thanks for your patience.

Charlie Black

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