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The CIA Did Not Do It!

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But your reading list seems to be incomplete if you have yet to read MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA. David's synthesis of the medical evidence--one of three contributions to that volume!--has to be one of the most brilliant studies I have ever read. I think it will help you to sort through some of these issues.


I actually purchased Murder In Dealey Plaza last night. As you said, my readings on the medical evidence are incomplete without it. That Dr. Mantik has demonstrated the so-called magic bullet would have had to pass through Kennedy's cervical vertebrae was news to me; this was something I'd uncovered in my own research, usng cross-sections of human torsos and the HSCA trajectory analysis. It's gratifying to know that Dr. Mantik and I agree on this point.

Just got the book, and began reading Dr. Fetzer's article The Smoking Guns. I realized while reading this that I'd read at least this article before, (probably in a Library). When it mentioned Dr. Mantik's CAT studies demonstrating that the magic bullet would have to have passed through Kennedy's spine, and that this information was in Assassination Science, one of the first books I read on the assassination, I realized that, in disagreement with my post above, I HAD known of Dr. Mantik's studies. It certainly seems likely then that knowledge of his studies was somewhere in the back of my mind when I decided to use anatomy cross-sections, available online, to study whether or not the bullet flight would hit Kennedy in the spine. Credit is due where credit is due.

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