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Vince Palamara: Survivor's Guilt

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Vince Palamara has sent this message:

Finally (!)..."SURVIVOR'S GUILT": the book NOW AVAILABLE for 30 dollars


The Last Hurrah Bookshop

937 Memorial Ave

Williamsport, PA 17701


(NOTE: this price does NOT inc. shipping and handling)

The book is a massive update from its initial format (then known as "The Third Alternative" [approx. 1994-1999]). If you have that edition, throw it away and get this one to replace it; the difference is night and day in terms of updated information, quality & quantity of information, etc.

New material available for the first time in "Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The Failure To Protect The President" by Vincent Michael Palamara---

1) The primary, first-hand accounts of over 70 former Secret Service agents, White House aides, and family members, many of whom have never spoken publicly before. No other author or government investigative body has successfully interviewed and contacted as many of these men as has author Palamara. No other book has ever examined the conduct of the Secret Service in such voluminous and authoritative detail.

2) The long-standing and wide-reaching myth that President Kennedy was difficult to protect and somehow, directly or indirectly, made his own tragic death easier for an assassin or assassins is exploded for the first time in devastating and authoritative detail.

3) The fraudulent notion that JFK had ordered the agents off the rear of his limousine in Dallas is conclusively debunked. Agents on or near the rear of JFK's car would have thwarted his death.

4) The popular and widespread myth that President Kennedy personally ordered the bubbletop off his limousine in Dallas is likewise shown to be a convenient exaggeration. An impossible multiplicity of responsibility is painstakingly demonstrated, as are multiple options involving the bubbletop that were not used in Dallas.

5) The premature approval of Kennedy's speech site in Dallas by members of the Secret Service, over other options, which determined the type of security used for the site, the choice of the route used to get to the destination, and even the speed of JFK's limousine, is detailed in full.

6) Despite the rabid, right-wing environment in Dallas, it is shown that there were allegedly no threats found by the agency in this troubled city, a seeming impossibility. Like the choice of speech site, this situation likewise determined the level of security - or lack thereof - used for JFK's mortal trip to the Big D.

7) For the first time ever, an exhaustive account of all the recent prior threats to Kennedy's life just before the President's journey to Texas is revealed.

8) Another major discovery by the author is the covert monitor of mortal threats to JFK's life for the New York, Florida, and Texas trips - the last three major Presidential forays - by two members of the Secret Service's Protective Research Section. Also, a little-known military intelligence presence is shown to have existed in Dallas on November 22, 1963, yet another probable covert monitor of mortal threats to the President that was covered up after the assassination. Finally, the presence of a CIA agent at the hospital the dying President was taken to is revealed.

9) The presence of unauthorized Secret Service agents in Dealey Plaza, the site of the assassination, is exhaustively documented in devastating detail. Likewise, the media's reporting of the death of a Secret Service agent the day of the assassination is painstakingly examined. Finally, the untimely death of a Secret Service agent shortly before the Texas trip is revealed in context.

10) The alarming and shocking behavior of perhaps the most important agent connected to the Dallas trip, JFK's driver, is explored in unprecedented detail.

11) The lack of proper local police and military involvement will be shown to be Secret Service responsibilities and, ultimately, failures. In addition, the strange omission of key members of the Secret Service is duly noted.

12) It is shown that overpasses, buildings, windows, and rooftops were not properly monitored, due to Secret Service negligence (or worse). In addition, the strange conduct of local police and the agents themselves is also noted, along with the ramifications of this behavior. An unprecedented agent-by-agent examination is scrupulously documented with disturbing results.

13) Evidence that the fateful motorcade route Kennedy rode in Dallas was changed at the eleventh hour by the Secret Service is detailed in full. Also, like the speech site, it is conclusively documented that other options - and alternate routes - were available and not used that fatal day in Dallas.

14) The Dallas police plan to use many flanking motorcycles, used to shield the President during the motorcade, was changed shortly before the assassination by the Secret Service. Also, the press and photographers, Kennedy's personal physician, military aides, and several important vehicles were moved from their normal positions close to JFK at the last minute, again by the Secret Service.

15) It is amply demonstrated by the author that President Kennedy was actually very personable and friendly with the Secret Service and did not interfere with their actions at all. In addition, JFK's oft-noted obsession with death will be shown to be a byproduct of his knowledge of threats to his life just before Dallas.

16) Evidence of covert security tests and studies, as well as the destruction and altering of crucial documents, evidence, and testimony, is revealed. Also, disturbing FBI-Secret Service fueding is noted in context.

17) A mountain of lies and bureaucratic cover-up is duly noted, along with the ramifications of these falsehoods for the subsequent investigations into the assassination, the conduct of the Secret Service itself, and, ultimately, the writing of accurate history.

18) Disturbing sentiments regarding President Kennedy on the part of several key Secret Service agents is revealed, as well as the justifiable feelings of guilt and responsibility for the President's death by others. In addition, the suprising conspiratorial beliefs of several former agents are chronicled.

19) Gross negligence and, in some instances, seeming culpability on the part of members of the Secret Service, sworn to protect the life of John F. Kennedy, is detailed with many disturbing ramifications revealed.

20) Whether one views the assassination as the work of a lone unaided assassin - Lee Harvey Oswald - OR the work of a deadly secret cabal, the powerful information in "Survivor's Guilt" holds up in any case. In fact, it is conclusively demonstrated that, regardless of who or what was ultimately behind the assassination, it was the agents of the Secret Service who bear the heavy burden for President Kennedy's tragic and untimely murder.


"JFK:THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE REFERENCE": the book also available for 25 dollars via:

The Last Hurrah Bookshop

937 Memorial Ave

Williamsport, PA 17701


(NOTE: this price does NOT inc. shipping and handling)

The book has been ***updated*** since it's initial short run back in 1998-early 1999 to reflect the ARRB/ the year 2005 so far (it's been out of print since early '99)

Vince Palamara

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Vince Palamara has sent this message:

Finally (!)..."SURVIVOR'S GUILT": the book NOW AVAILABLE for 30 dollars


The Last Hurrah Bookshop

937 Memorial Ave

Williamsport, PA 17701


(NOTE: this price does NOT inc. shipping and handling)

The book is a massive update from its initial format (then known as  "The Third Alternative" [approx. 1994-1999]). If you have that edition,  throw it away and get this one to replace it; the difference is night  and day in terms of updated information, quality & quantity of  information, etc.

New material available for the first time in "Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The Failure To Protect The President" by Vincent Michael Palamara---

1) The primary, first-hand accounts of over 70 former Secret Service agents, White House aides, and family members, many of whom have never  spoken publicly before. No other author or government investigative body has successfully interviewed and contacted as many of these men as has author Palamara. No other book has ever examined the conduct of the  Secret Service in such voluminous and authoritative detail.

2) The long-standing and wide-reaching myth that President Kennedy was difficult to protect and somehow, directly or indirectly, made his own tragic death easier for an assassin or assassins is exploded for the  first time in devastating and authoritative detail.

3) The fraudulent notion that JFK had ordered the agents off the rear of his limousine in Dallas is conclusively debunked. Agents on or near  the rear of JFK's car would have thwarted his death.

I first heard Vincent Palamara speak at the THIRD DECADE conference in 1991 and was astonished that someone so young could show such committment to research on the JFK assassination. I remember saying then that this young man will make a significant contribution to solving the JFK assassination, and that conviction has only grown as I got to know Vince better down the years.

It is significant that if you check the McAdams newsgroup this week you will find that some of the usual suspects who clog up that newsgroup with their grafitti are able to dismiss Vince's book without even reading it - that is called voodoo science. You won't find Vince clogging up the newsgroups with pointless arguments and spurious digressions. Vincent palamara speaks only when he has something to say, and after more that 15 years of serious research Vince has a question that no one has so far answered: How could anyone shoot the President in broad daylight -- and get away with it -- without the connivance of members of the Secret Service?

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I couldn't resist t, so I just went & looked at what was said on that "forum".

Here is the link to the thread if your interested.


What I would lke to know, from fans of Vince's research &/or hopefully someone who was lucky enough to grab a copy of either of his books is, does Vince theorise or does he leave it up to the reader to decide what happened?

If you can read the linked thread, it is said by one member there that "there is nothing to his theories" & I was always under the impresson, from Vince's articles I grabbed from the net, that he only gives out the facts.

Obviously there is the underlying theme of SS involvment in the murder but how can anyone disprove that? Unless he was saying all of it's members was involved, which I know he isn't.

Alan ;)

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