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Why the CIA was involved in the JFK Assasination

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Robert, Where did you get this? Thanks, BK

At the time of the House Select Committee investigation in 1976, inquiries to the CIA about Clay Shaw were coordinated by J. Walton Moore, the former Dallas CIA contact for Oswald's friend George DeMohrenschildt.

I am reupping this thread to supplement the new thread on the same topic recently started by Bernice


I will state a belief of mine that one of the now apparent, at least to me, issues regarding the Kennedy Assassination, that has helped contribute to the roomfull of mirrors effect, of discordia regarding the assassination, that is, still unresolved areas, is that since the Secret Service has no official record of just how many plots to assassinate President Kennedy existed, were foiled et cetera, there is a strong likelihood that when reviewing declassified documents and the intel history before 11/22/63, one is at times, analyzing, what are different plots that existed. It is a belief of mine, which I mention due to the fact that, over the years my research has lead me to believe that the areas that underscore the reality of a conspiracy, have a lot to do with cryptologic history, the White House Communications Agency transcripts from 11/22/63 still not declassified, and what very knowledgeable researchers realize, that if the documents that have been destroyed, are missing, or possibly even those categorized currently as "not believed relevant," were accessible, a moot point unfortunately, they would be more than elucidating......I also do not believe the current "JFK collection," includes every pertinent fact.

These comments are opinions and as such, I will not engage in debating regarding same, my time is more valuable than engaging in such antics, and arguing over history is a ludicrous

concept, for the most part, at least on this forum. No disrespect intended.

Edited by Robert Howard
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