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Catherwood Foundation & Mockingbird

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Shortly after the CIA was established in 1947, the British liason to the CIA was Harold Adrian "Kim" Philby, who was in the room when the director of the CIA's Office of Policy Corrdination OPC - Frank Wisner explaind how the CIA's operations were to be financed through a network of private, ostensibly philantropic non profit charity and educational foundations. The KGB new it from day one but it would be years, decades before ordinary citizens would learn about it.

Among those private foundations that are entwined with the assassination of President Kennedy are the San Jacinto Fund of Texas, the Ford Foundation, the Catherwood Foundation and dozens of others.

Here's what I got on the Catherwood Fund.


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Good stuff, Bill.

When researching the Catherwood Foundation, did you ever come across the name Reeves Wetherill who I think was the Foundation's vice-president during the mid 1950's? I ask as many years ago, I jotted down in my notes a connection to Michael Paine but due to my haphazard style at the time, didn't include the reference.

I have a photo of Ellen Cowen Catherwood and Reeves Wetherill somewhere. If you are interested, I will dig it up.


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Good stuff, Bill.

When researching the Catherwood Foundation, did you ever come across the name Reeves Wetherill who I think was the Foundation's vice-president during the mid 1950's? I ask as many years ago, I jotted down in my notes a connection to Michael Paine but due to my haphazard style at the time, didn't include the reference.

I have a photo of Ellen Cowen Catherwood and Reeves Wetherill somewhere. If you are interested, I will dig it up.


Hello James,

Yes, it would be new to see a photo of Catherwood's wife and Reeves Wetherill, both of whom served on the Catherwood Foundation board. Also any connection to Michael Paine. Reeves, like most of those on the board, were Philadelphia area blue bloods, old money, like Catherwood himself, and like Wisner was looking for: "people with conspicious access to wealth..."

I learned about the Catherwood Foundation, not through the "Invisible Government," which confirms the CIA connection in a footnote, but in a Philadelphia Magazine article about "The Philadelphia Connections" to the JFK assassination, by Mike Mallow (not by Gaeton Fonzi, who also wrote for the magazine at one time). Mallow mentions the Catherwood Foundation, one of its CIA operations - the Cuban Aid Relief (CAR), but neglects to mention the Paine's connection to either.

Attached is my report on the CAR:


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Hi Bill,

Thanks for your report on the CAR, very interesting indeed.

Ellen Cowen Catherwood and Reeves Wetherill below. I can not reference the Paine connection at the moment but will keep digging through my notes and reference material. Frustrating to say the least.



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Thanks for the pix - What are they holding - jewel encrusted crosses?

Is there a caption for this photo?

Also notice that Reeves is on the board of the CAR - so he's a player and not just a money man.

The Mallow article was weird for interviewing Ruth Paine and having her photo - as a resident of Philly and patron of the accused assassin, and there was a mention of the Catherwood Fund and CAR but no connection was made.

Maybe it has something to do with Julio Fernandez, the third part of the trilogy - attached.

And BTW James,

Where's the Gold Coast - is that Sydney and east coast or elsewhere.

I spent some time at King's Cross before spending a few months in Freemantle/Perth for the America's Cup back in 87'-88'. What a wonderful time and great country.

What ever happened to my good friends Mel Fisher and Alan Bond? Is Bond still in jail?

All the best,

Bill Kelly


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In the photo, Catherwood and Wetherill are holding jewelry designed by Salvador Dali. The Foundation was organizing a display during the mid 1950's I believe. Thanks for the attachment regarding Julio Fernandez. If I remember correctly, he was was a part of the Army Intelligence Service along with Sergio Sangenis. Both men were arrested on a raid into Cuba during the very early 1960's. I know Fernandez got out quickly.

The Gold Coast is in Queensland. A tropical tourist town near Brisbane. However, I was born in Perth and grew up in Fremantle. Fremantle was a pretty rough and tumble seaside port that had to be completely transformed before the overseas visitors connected to the America's Cup arrived. I wasn't there for the event which was probably good as we Aussies got our butt kicked.

I was working in Sydney's King's Cross during late 1986, early '87 at The Pink Panther Club on Darlinghurst Road. Lousy pay but free booze if you didn't mind being shot at every now and then.

Alan Bond is out of jail but I have no idea regarding Mel Fisher.



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Bill, Richard, I was living in freo when Bonds team won the cup, it was a very quiet one cafe' sleepy working class port back then,full of rajneeshies, hippies and italians. The cup changed all that and I headed east before the cup was held, it was turning into a 'noosa' (tourist joint up near gold coast, queensland) kind of place. Bond wasn't going to have it in freo in the beginning (or so he said to make some of his real estate further up the coast attractive). He's out and about now again, still bankrupt I think, though that wouldn't keep him down. Freo is still much as it was when the cup was held. The market's still the same. Papa's is gone across the road. (hmm, The Pink Panther, did you know Chopper et al? A friend of mine managed The Cauldron, but that might have been after your time.)

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The Pink Panther Club?

Surely must have been a hang-out for intel agents!


The Pink Panther Club was mainly for bumbling French Gendarmes. :D

And John, I did cross Chopper's path a couple of times. He was a real charmer. I am not familiar with anyone at the Cauldron.


Edited by James Richards
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