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Richard Nixon and the Kennedy Assassination.

Lynne Foster

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Interesting Ray. Then what is your theory about what was really behind Watergate? Do you not believe that he was threatening to blow the lid on what he knew about the Kennedy assassination (omitting perhaps his own complicity, of course, if such existed)?


I do not see how Nixon could afford to threaten anyone that he would blow the lid on the JFK assassination if in fact Nixon was himself involved in that crime. That would be the equivalent of putting a gun to his own head.

What was really behind Watergate? that one is above my pay grade, but it looks like a covert coup d'etat with Nixon as the primary victim.

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Interesting theory:

that Richard Nixon knew enough about Dallas and Lyndon to force him to resign rather

than run again in 1968..........................


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Scott Edwards perceptively posted:

Ah, What if RMN had full knowledge of what took place on November 22, 1963 and also knew that LBJ was pulling the strings and somewhere down the line told LBJ that if he (Nixon) did not get into office soon that he would blow the whistle on the whole shebang, and so LBJ picked up his dogs and went back to the lone star state! Just some food for thought.

It may well have been someone else other than Nixon that actually gave Lyndon Johnson the word.

Plausible deniability and all....

Mike Hogan

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As for LBJ, even without the pressures of the presidency, he didn't make it to 1974. With them, he probably wouldn't have survived a second term, had he been willing and able to mount a campaign to begin with. By '68, LBJ was old and tired. The Pueblo incident hurt him with the hawks more than Vietnam did with the anti-war crowd.

But I sometimes wonder...was the Pueblo incident LBJ's own "Watergate," a not-so-subtle message from the intelligence agencies that it was time to go? Because if LBJ, vengeful SOB that he was, had decided to get back at whoever allowed the capture of the spy ship, would the CIA have retaliated by leaking what they knew about and LBJ's involvement in the events of Dallas [even if it was only after the fact]?

A lot of coulmn-inches of copy were generated about Vietnam over the years, but the Pueblo incident is almost forgotten. Perhaps THAT was the TRUE reason that LBJ decided not to run for reelection.

Edited by Mark Knight
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As for LBJ, even without the pressures of the presidency, he didn't make it to 1974. With them, he probably wouldn't have survived a second term, had he been willing and able to mount a campaign to begin with. By '68, LBJ was old and tired. The Pueblo incident hurt him with the hawks more than Vietnam did with the anti-war crowd.

But I sometimes wonder...was the Pueblo incident LBJ's own "Watergate," a not-so-subtle message from the intelligence agencies that it was time to go? Because if LBJ, vengeful SOB that he was, had decided to get back at whoever allowed the capture of the spy ship, would the CIA have retaliated by leaking what they knew about and LBJ's involvement in the events of Dallas [even if it was only after the fact]?

A lot of coulmn-inches of copy were generated about Vietnam over the years, but the Pueblo incident is almost forgotten. Perhaps THAT was the TRUE reason that LBJ decided not to run for reelection.

I kind of agree but it just seems to me that for a guy who wanted into the oval office as bad as LBJ did, that he did a turn around and went back to Texas almost as quick!

Maybe at some point he realized that being President was not in actuality being "King of the Hill" and that the actual puppeteers no longer needed his services! Again just a thought, Scott

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What are you talking about, Ron posted the website with the picture.

Are you just a Nixon fan who is trying to protect the image of a known criminal?

I wouldn't say the photo shows a shocked Nixon...he looks worried to me.


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