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Thomas G. Clines

John Simkin

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Has anyone got any information on Thomas G. Clines? His name keeps on appearing in my research. For example, he was involved in covert operations in Cuba (1961-1962) before joining Ted Shackley, David Atlee Phillips and David Morales at JM WAVE in Miami.

In 1966 Ted Shackley was placed in charge of CIA secret war in Laos. He appointed Clines as his deputy. Shackley also recruited Carl Jenkins and David Morales for this project. In 1972 Clines was involved in helping Augusto Pinochet overthrow Salvador Allende.

Clines became friends with Raphael Quintero while working on the attempt to undermine the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba. When he was given responsiblity for Nicaragua in 1978 he recruited Quintero to help the CIA in its struggle with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). This included helping Anastasio Somoza to develop a counter-subversion program in the country.

In 1978 Clines left the CIA. He now joined with Raphael Quintero, Ted Shackley and Ricardo Chavez (another former CIA operative) to establish API Distributors. According to David Corn (Blond Ghost) Edwin Wilson provided Clines with "half a million dollars to get his business empire going". In 1979 Clines established International Research and Trade Limited in Bermuda. Later that year he joined forces with Hussein Salem in providing U.S. military hardware to Egypt.

Shirley Brill, a former CIA official, published a 24 page affidavit in 1988. Brill had lived with Clines in 1977 and claimed that he was involved in illegal activities with Raphael Quintero and a drug dealer living in Miami. After retering from the CIA in 1978, Brill claims Clines joined forces with Ted Shackley, Richard Secord and Edwin Wilson in order to gain Pentagon contracts. Brill also argued that she heard Clines, Secord, Quintero and Shakley plotting to frame Wilson.

In 1990 Clines was charged with under-reporting his income from his various business enterprises by at least $260,000 and with failing to disclose on his tax returns that he had an overseas bank account. Clines was found guilty and sentenced to sixteen months and a $40,000 fine.

On 12th December, 1986, Daniel Sheehan submitted to the court an affidavit detailing the Irangate scandal. He also claimed that Tom Clines and Ted Shackley were running a private assassination program that had evolved from projects they ran while working for the CIA. Others named as being part of this assassination team included Raphael Quintero, Richard Secord, Felix Rodriguez and Albert Hakim. It later emerged that another source for this story was Carl E. Jenkins.

Recently Gene Wheaton claimed that Jenkins and Quintero were involved in the assassination of JFK. If that is the case, Tom Clines and Ted Shackley were also involved in this conspiracy to kill JFK.

I have to say, I am surprised and disappointed by the lack of interest in Tom Clines on this message board.

I hear that CIA planes are flying over Canada, are they coming to get me LOL !

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Namebase entry for Thomas G. Clines:


Bainerman,J. The Crimes of a President. 1992 (67-9, 75, 77-8)

Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush. 1992 (201)

Chasey,W. Pan Am 103: The Lockerbie Cover Up. 1995 (142)

Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 (25, 29-31, 34-43)

Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1988-03-25

Cockburn,L. Out of Control. 1987 (96, 98-105, 120)

Corn,D. Blond Ghost. 1994

CounterSpy 1983-02 (7)

Covert Action Information Bulletin 1987-#27 (66)

Covert Action Information Bulletin 1987-#28 (4, 6, 8)

Crile,G. Charlie Wilson's War. 2003 (306)

Emerson,S. Secret Warriors. 1988 (146, 217)

Fonzi,G. The Last Investigation. 1993 (356-8, 361, 369)

Goulden,J. The Death Merchant. 1985 (xv, 15, 109-10, 116, 155-7, 379-80, 411)

Gritz,J. Called to Serve. 1991 (182, 301, 383)

Hartung,W. And Weapons for All. 1994 (180, 182-3)

Intelligence/Parapolitics (Paris) 1986-11 (8)

Kwitny,J. The Crimes of Patriots. 1987 (15, 309-12, 335, 379)

Livingstone,N. The Cult of Counterterrorism. 1990 (377, 382)

Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews. 1994 (437)

Maas,P. Manhunt. 1986

Marshall,J. Drug Wars. 1991 (56)

Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (16, 25, 29-30, 34, 37-41, 66, 95, 155-6, 194-6)

McCoy,A. The Politics of Heroin. 1991 (308, 462, 471-2, 476, 477)

Minnick,W. Spies and Provocateurs. 1992 (39)

Mother Jones 1988-03 (24)

NameBase NewsLine 1997-01 (12)

Nation 1999-10-04 (20-2)

National Security Archive. The Chronology. 1987 (51)

Naylor,R.T. Hot Money and the Politics of Debt. 1994 (402-4)

Parade Magazine 1983-09-18 (24)

Parapolitics/USA 1981-08-15 (11)

Parapolitics/USA 1981-10-31 (3)

Parapolitics/USA 1982-03-31 (5)

Parapolitics/USA 1983-03-01 (28, 31)

Parapolitics/USA 1983-06-01 (14, 19)

Piper,M.C. Final Judgment. 1993 (139, 149)

Pizzo,S. Fricker,M. Muolo,P. Inside Job. 1989 (341)

Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars. 1988 (370, 443, 450-1)

Progressive 1987-05 (20)

Rodriguez,F. Weisman,J. Shadow Warrior. 1989 (100-1, 113, 207-8, 215, 246, 248)

Scott,P.D. Marshall,J. Cocaine Politics. 1991 (134)

Seagrave,S. The Marcos Dynasty. 1988 (366-9, 372)

Silverstein,K. Washington on $10 Million a Day. 1998 (200)

Sklar,H. Washington's War on Nicaragua. 1988 (22, 101, 253-7, 344-5)

Spotlight Newspaper 1987-04-06 (1, 3)

Stich,R. Defrauding America. 1994 (303, 305)

Stich,R. Drugging America: A Trojan Horse. 1999 (13, 15, 19)

Stich,R. Russell,T.C. Disavow: A CIA Saga of Betrayal. 1995 (95)

Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (307)

Thomas,K. Keith,J. The Octopus. 1996 (74, 80, 93)

Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005

Trento,J. The Secret History of the CIA. 2001 (344)

Trento,S. The Power House. 1992 (250-1)

Turner,S. Secrecy and Democracy. 1985 (58-9)

Vankin,J. Whalen,J. The 60 Greatest Conspiracies. 1998 (312)

Village Voice 1987-06-23 (31-2)

Walsh,L. Final Iran-Contra Report. Volume III. 1993-12-03 (53-7)

Warner,R. Back Fire. 1995 (185-6, 194, 223, 266, 270, 285, 298-9, 367-8)

Washington Post 1983-03-11 (C18)

Washington Post 1984-01-17 (B2)

Washington Post 1986-11-24 (B11)

Washington Post 1986-12-05 (E5)

Washington Post 1987-01-18 (A16)

Washington Post 1987-02-25 (A16)

Washington Post 1987-02-26 (A18)

Washington Post 1987-04-05 (A18)

Washington Post 1990-08-25 (A4)

Washington Post 1990-09-19 (A2)

Washington Times 1992-05-25 (A4)

Z Magazine 1991-01 (71)

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Is this for people who want to do further research or is that a silly question?

Keep up the good work. Remember " Birds of a feather flock together". I too, worked with Tom Clines in the sixties and again in the eightes. Its documented. Also read Peter Brewton's and Leslie Cockbrun's books about Lijas MX , Santa Elena, and the drug routes into the USA, also check with Gene Wheaton... he is a good man... firm.. but professional. Tosh (I'm sure you have looked into Deadly Secrets by Hinckle and Wm. Turner)

Edited by William Plumlee
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Wow, that's quite significant. I didn't know about this namebased search engine, but I did a search on John Lennon and it wasn't as productive as the Thomas Cline search. That guy is evidently behind so many scandals, it would take a 10 volume book to skim the surface.

So little time, so many scandals --no wonder they get away with it.

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Is this for people who want to do further research or is that a silly question?

Keep up the good work. Remember " Birds of a feather flock together". I too, worked with Tom Clines in the sixties and again in the eightes. Its documented. Also read Peter Brewton's and Leslie Cockbrun's books about Lijas MX , Santa Elena, and the drug routes into the USA, also check with Gene Wheaton... he is a good man... firm.. but professional. Tosh (I'm sure you have looked into Deadly Secrets by Hinckle and Wm. Turner)


Great to see you posting! You are one who can add a great deal to this issue by linking these individuals from the 20 year span that I can only speculate on. I believe we are walking on some very nasty ground here that can produce results if the researchers dig hard enough.


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Is this for people who want to do further research or is that a silly question?

Keep up the good work. Remember " Birds of a feather flock together". I too, worked with Tom Clines in the sixties and again in the eightes. Its documented. Also read Peter Brewton's and Leslie Cockbrun's books about Lijas MX , Santa Elena, and the drug routes into the USA, also check with Gene Wheaton... he is a good man... firm.. but professional. Tosh (I'm sure you have looked into Deadly Secrets by Hinckle and Wm. Turner)


Great to see you posting! You are one who can add a great deal to this issue by linking these individuals from the 20 year span that I can only speculate on. I believe we are walking on some very nasty ground here that can produce results if the researchers dig hard enough.


Al. Good to hear from you also. I have always thought that some of the activities I am aware of pro and con might some day help in respect to history. As you know I have never claimed to have all the answers, but I do have a few.

I thought I would again try to communicate with the research community on a few matters. However, it appears the information is not of interest. So much, as you know, is missed in postings of embedded name, facts, and places. People seemed to be more focused on forum entertainment and little on research digging.

You can tell when you do put out something worthwhile because a host of wanta bees go wild and attack your background and try to block the information from coming forth. I think you also have had your spat with that.

There have been new CIA files released recently of which were mentioned a few years ago which supports what you and I know happened down there. At the time some of that information was discussed on this forum. However, I and you were attacked, curused, and discredited by some special interest nuts and agency people. As a result of these types nothing gets done in reference to real progress on the case. I think that is by design.

You have proven to me that you were a part of history and have something of value to add in understanding the makeup and launching of real operation.., not like some mercs I know of.

Some matters are best left alone for now. I can tell it is not time to go into those operations. It would be a diss service to them. In due course after a few "clean-up" dudes from old who hang around these forums hang themselves by their own words and actions.., and it becomes obvious and "clean" again, then perhaps the research community will be ready for the real deal and put it all together. Until that time, I will just watch and wait.

The best to you friend and always remember those who have gone before us, KiKi, Scott Wheeler, Mike and Don. They paid the price... they went up the hill. Cheers to them.

Take care Tosh

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Has anyone got any information on Thomas G. Clines? His name keeps on appearing in my research. For example, he was involved in covert operations in Cuba (1961-1962) before joining Ted Shackley, David Atlee Phillips and David Morales at JM WAVE in Miami.

In 1966 Ted Shackley was placed in charge of CIA secret war in Laos. He appointed Clines as his deputy. Shackley also recruited Carl Jenkins and David Morales for this project. In 1972 Clines was involved in helping Augusto Pinochet overthrow Salvador Allende.

Clines became friends with Raphael Quintero while working on the attempt to undermine the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba. When he was given responsiblity for Nicaragua in 1978 he recruited Quintero to help the CIA in its struggle with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). This included helping Anastasio Somoza to develop a counter-subversion program in the country.

In 1978 Clines left the CIA. He now joined with Raphael Quintero, Ted Shackley and Ricardo Chavez (another former CIA operative) to establish API Distributors. According to David Corn (Blond Ghost) Edwin Wilson provided Clines with "half a million dollars to get his business empire going". In 1979 Clines established International Research and Trade Limited in Bermuda. Later that year he joined forces with Hussein Salem in providing U.S. military hardware to Egypt.

Shirley Brill, a former CIA official, published a 24 page affidavit in 1988. Brill had lived with Clines in 1977 and claimed that he was involved in illegal activities with Raphael Quintero and a drug dealer living in Miami. After retering from the CIA in 1978, Brill claims Clines joined forces with Ted Shackley, Richard Secord and Edwin Wilson in order to gain Pentagon contracts. Brill also argued that she heard Clines, Secord, Quintero and Shakley plotting to frame Wilson.

In 1990 Clines was charged with under-reporting his income from his various business enterprises by at least $260,000 and with failing to disclose on his tax returns that he had an overseas bank account. Clines was found guilty and sentenced to sixteen months and a $40,000 fine.

On 12th December, 1986, Daniel Sheehan submitted to the court an affidavit detailing the Irangate scandal. He also claimed that Tom Clines and Ted Shackley were running a private assassination program that had evolved from projects they ran while working for the CIA. Others named as being part of this assassination team included Raphael Quintero, Richard Secord, Felix Rodriguez and Albert Hakim. It later emerged that another source for this story was Carl E. Jenkins.

Recently Gene Wheaton claimed that Jenkins and Quintero were involved in the assassination of JFK. If that is the case, Tom Clines and Ted Shackley were also involved in this conspiracy to kill JFK.


note: Background article on Ed Wilson located at website:


Willson was also involved with the Bell Hellicopter "Texatron" matter at Amarillo, TX.

Zackarella (pho) was involved in a shooting in Denver CO. He was a student at Colo. University, Boulder and got shot in the eye. Willson and Tom Clines surfaced in this investigation and "Eugene Toffya" (sp) pho) had something to do with it. ( I think he was the shooter in behalf of Willson) It was covered in the Denver Post about 1982-83, I think... this is all from clouded mememory. I'm sure I will get my butt kicked if I am wrong on any little bittie detail about this.

Its been said that Willson was in Deep Lock Down in the 1980's The following is the record date of Willson's conviction

"..... The US Department of Justice announced on April 14th, 2000 that it is going to open an investigation into federal prosecutors' misconduct in obtaining a conviction (February 5th, 1983) of Wilson for selling the C-4 to Quaddaffi. The disclosure came about as a response to Wilson's filing a motion to hold seventeen current and former CIA and 'Department of Justice' ('DoJ') officials in contempt of court for not informing his defense that the prosecution was knowingly using a false document in prosecuting Wilson. ..."


Edited by William Plumlee
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Ed Wilson has largely been exonerated.

It turns out he was working for CIA all along, even when he was

doing the weapons deals with Qaddafi's Libya.........

I have seen Clines in this Cuba-Vietnam-Contra career procession.

Shackley and Clines are known "cowboys" and are suspect in the context of this debate.

Heroin and Nugan Hand, Air Force night runs, international arms swaps, this is what the right wing

allows to happen, and when democratic oversight fails.

Thomas Clines was around when Wm Colby was in Saigon...........>>> >>> >>>

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What many are confusing is official retirement from the CIA and covert actions afterwards. An example being Tom Clines and Edwin Wilson being present at an SOA class on Counterinsurgency in the late summer/early fall of '81. Wilson being the presenter for a large portion and utilizing the actual manual on Assassinations and Torture in Central America and Clines assisting him in the classroom. Clines supposedly being retired from service and Wilson supposedly being on the run from Federal Indictment for selling explosives to Lybia. My source on this, Me.

Also be wary of believing that Hand was retired from SF. Ask Jack McConnell about his activities in El Salvador in '81.

This is very dangerous ground we are treading on here when we start to link the names of Clines, Wilson, Hand, Secord, Conein and Chi Chi to activities of the '80's. Does this link back to the Kennedy assassination of 18 years prior, it would make an interesting jump off point for researchers. These were very dangerous times that dealt with very dangerous people who many are still around.



Larry Barcella, who I worked with on the "Letelier Assassination Case" (1977) -- lured Ed Wilson to the Dominican Republic during mid-1982. Barcella, after leaving his job as Asst. U.S. Attorney (Wash. DC); was hired by the Antigua government to get Israeli Mossad agent Mike Harari. Harari had imported a few thousand AK-47s into Colombia, and delivered them to the "Right-Wing Death Squads" [A.U.C.]

Wilson was in continuous custody [bailed denied] since 1982, and remains so today !!

So there is NO WAY that he was running around during the "Contra" business !!





Archives -- November 10, 2003


by Eric Margolis

NEW YOK - The shocking case of former CIA officer Edwin P. Wilson recalls the words of the great American thinker, H.L.Mencken: ‘Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.’

The Wilson case has outraged me for 20 years. In 1982, the federal court in northern Virginia ’ the same hang-em high, Soviet-style court the Feds now use to try terrorism cases ’ sentenced Wilson to 10 years in prison for selling 22 tons of explosive to Libya. He was also convicted on shaky charges of attempted murder and sentenced to another 15 years. Wilson, now 75 years old, has served 20 years in maximum security prison.

I always believed Wilson innocent and spoke to him many times in prison. ‘I was framed by the government,’ Wilson told me, ‘they want me to disappear. I know too much. ’ His words shake me to this day. ‘They buried him alive in prison,’ a former CIA official confided to me.

Last week, Federal District Judge Lynn Hughes in Houston, Texas, threw out Wilson’s two-decades old conviction. Judge Hughes wrote: ‘government knowingly used false evidence against him,’ concluding ‘honesty comes hard to government.’

Wilson was no angel. The veteran, tough as nails CIA field agent specialized in running arms and mounting coups. He was one of the agency’s old-time ‘cowboys.’ In 1971, Wilson officially ‘retired’ from CIA and went into business on his own. In reality, CIA used Wilson for potentially explosive clandestine deals it wanted to keep ‘deniable.’

I first heard of Wilson and partner, Frank Terpil, while covering the Angolan War between Soviet and Cuban-backed Marxist forces and Jonas Savimbi’s anti-communist UNITA guerilla army. UNITA was secretly armed by South Africa and the US, but Washington did not want to be seen as an ally of the apartheid regime. So CIA used Wilson and Tirpil to channel arms to Savimbi, using CIA-front firms and banks in Asia and Europe.

In the late 1970’s, CIA sent Wilson and Terpil to Libya to covertly strengthen the regime of Muammar Khadaffi. Washington planned to use the fiery Libyan leader as its strongman in North Africa, just as it was using longtime CIA ‘asset’ Anwar Sadat in Egypt.

Wilson sold Libya C-4 explosives and arms, and sent teams of ex-Green Berets to train Libyan commandos and ‘terminate’ some of Libya’s many enemies abroad. The explosives, Wilson has always maintained, were for Libya’s oil industry.

But while CIA was backing Khadaffi, the new Reagan Administration sought to distance itself from the soft policies of the Carter Administration by denouncing Muammar Khadaffi as the world’s leading terrorist and a threat to America.

CIA was ordered to overthrow Khadaffi, putting the agency in a frightfully embarrassing dilemma. Bureaucratic panic erupted at Langley. The Libyan operation was ordered immediately shut down and all records destroyed.

As word of secret US backing of Khadaffi leaked out, Wilson and Terpil were cut adrift and proclaimed outlaws. They fled to the Mideast. In 1982 Wilson was lured by American agents to the Dominican Republic, kidnapped to the USA, and charged with gun-running.

During numerous trials, Wilson maintained he had been working for CIA. He was not allowed to cross-examine CIA witnesses for ‘security reasons’ - shades of today’s terrorism trials.

The third-ranking CIA official provided a false affidavit to Justice Department prosecutors that the agency ‘had no knowledge of Edwin P. Wilson.’ This was a lie, a fact discovered by Wilson’s tenacious lawyer, David Adler, by poring through 300,000 documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. A lie prosecutors were aware of, found Judge Hughes, who said the jury would have acquitted Wilson had government told the truth.

In the early 1980’s, an old friend, Ed G, an Iranian-born American accountant with no intelligence experience, was convinced by CIA it was his ‘patriotic duty’ to go to Iran and build a new agent network in Tehran to replace the previous one rolled up by the Islamic revolution.

After three years of amateurish spying, Ed’s cover was blown. He fled for his life. On returning to the US, Ed called his CIA controller and was told, ‘there is no one here by that name, and we have no record of you.’ Another disaster was simply erased by throwing agents to the wolves. Penniless, Ed was reduced to begging money from friends and finally working as a shoe salesman. Compared to Wilson, he was lucky.

It is terrifying to see government’s massive weight crush an innocent man. Wilson became America’s ‘Man in the Iron Mask.’ Judge Hughes called the case ‘double-crossing a part-time, informal government agent.’ She aptly used the term ‘framed’ to qualify this disgusting legal outrage. High Justice Department officials involved in this crime are today serving judges. They, and the retired CIA official, should be prosecuted.

The Wilson case should remind us of all the US Justice Department’s recent and ongoing ‘terrorism’ prosecutions, where individuals, mostly foreign-born, poor, and uneducated ’ many of them Pakistanis - have had the book thrown at them and are threatened with life terms if they do not confess to crimes. While truth is the first victim of nationalist hysteria, justice is always the second.

In spite of Judge Hughes’ ruling, The government refuses to release Wilson and is now considering an appeal. Shame.

Posted by Eric Margolis on November 10, 2003 11:50 AM


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What many are confusing is official retirement from the CIA and covert actions afterwards. An example being Tom Clines and Edwin Wilson being present at an SOA class on Counterinsurgency in the late summer/early fall of '81. Wilson being the presenter for a large portion and utilizing the actual manual on Assassinations and Torture in Central America and Clines assisting him in the classroom. Clines supposedly being retired from service and Wilson supposedly being on the run from Federal Indictment for selling explosives to Lybia. My source on this, Me.

Also be wary of believing that Hand was retired from SF. Ask Jack McConnell about his activities in El Salvador in '81.

This is very dangerous ground we are treading on here when we start to link the names of Clines, Wilson, Hand, Secord, Conein and Chi Chi to activities of the '80's. Does this link back to the Kennedy assassination of 18 years prior, it would make an interesting jump off point for researchers. These were very dangerous times that dealt with very dangerous people who many are still around.



From GPH

Larry Barcella, who I worked with on the "Letelier Assassination Case" (1977) -- lured Ed Wilson to the Dominican Republic during mid-1982. Barcella, after leaving his job as Asst. U.S. Attorney (Wash. DC); was hired by the Antigua government to get Israeli Mossad agent Mike Harari. Harari had imported a few thousand AK-47s into Colombia, and delivered them to the "Right-Wing Death Squads" [A.U.C.]

Wilson was in continuous custody [bailed denied] since 1982, and remains so today !!

So there is NO WAY that he was running around during the "Contra" business !!Chairs,



From Plumlee

GPH your WRONG...!

Please document with locator numbers for your statements. Copies of your documents will not do. We need the file locator numbers for verification of your claims and statements.

"...I too, was under Clines operations at one time and met with Wilson in Denver many times in the early eighties....".

supporting documentation can be obtain from: 1979 thru early 82. FBI 62 and 104's files and CIA XXXXX classified number Classified Senate Foreign Relations Committee classified Sensitive, 1990. Recently de classified.

Reference; Senator Gary Hart. Senate Arm Services Committee 1981 hearings Senate

Reference letter from Gary Hart to the Senate 1993, in reference to 1981-83 activities. Reference John Winer and Dick Mc Call investigators for Senator John Kerry and the Forgin Relations investigations of the Iran/Contra matters.

other background information:

The US Department of Justice announced on April 14th, 2000 that it is going to open an investigation into federal prosecutors' misconduct in obtaining a conviction (February 5th, 1983) of Wilson for selling the C-4 to Quaddaffi. The disclosure came about as a response to Wilson's filing a motion to hold seventeen current and former CIA and 'Department of Justice' ('DoJ') officials in contempt of court for not informing his defense that the prosecution was knowingly using a false document in prosecuting Wilson.

Thomas Clines' Iran-Contra Trading CardA brief note on Thomas Clines, who owned the company 'EATSCO', along with Wilson, Shackley, and others. Willson put up a $1000,000 to Clines to set up the company. In early 1982 until shortly before his arrest he was in Amarillo Texas working on a Hellicopter deal for Central America. Shortly after that he was arrested. Ref; FBI investigation and survailence of Ed Wilson from the Denver OO and the DoJ. There is no mention of travels outside of the USA in these and CIA reports from 1981-82.

Government To Probe Ex-CIA Officer Case

Another look (April 14th, 2000) at the fact that the prosecution knowingly used a sworn document they knew was a lie to convict Wilson.

House Fully Empowers October Surprise Investigative Committee

Here Brian Downing Quig gives a brief outline of EATSCO affair, and the Ed Wilson and Frank Turpil prosecutions. .."


Edited by William Plumlee
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