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Larry Hancock: Someone Would Have Talked

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John, as a little bit more background on Phillips and Veciana, the following is from the upcoming fourth version of my updated errata and news on the book:

Page 114 New information suggests that Phillips would not have had to identify

Veciana as contact on his own. In early 1960, Veciana had approached the CIA (contact crypt Olien) with a proposal for a plot to “wipe out” Prime Minister Castro and his top aides. The memo disclosing this information also references that Viciana worked for Julian Lobo’s bank and we now know that Lobo, his New York connections and his contact to Alberto Fernandez and Unidad were all key connections for the CIA into the early counter-revolutionary activities against Castro. This information suggests that Phillips may have been targeted on Veciana. (Reference RIF 104-10315-10038, Havana to JMWAVE, subject “Viciana Report on plot to wipe out Cuban PM and Top Aids).

-- Larry

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In his book, The Last Investigation, Gaeton Fonzi writes about an organization called the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba. The group was led by Paul Bethal, the United States Information Agency in Havana in 1960. For a while Fonzi believed that Bethal was CIA operative, Maurice Bishop, the man who recruited Antonio Veciana. Other members included Clare Boothe Luce, William Pawley and Nathaniel Weyl. Fonzi also implies that John Martino was also a member of this organization. These were of course all people involved in Operation Tilt in 1963. Fonzi also claims that Bethal was a close personal friend of David Phillips.

Did you come across any information on the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba in your research? Do you know the names of other members of the organization.

Fonzi seemed convinced that the members of this organization could have information about the assassination of JFK. Luce gave him the run-around and gave him various disinformation stories. Pawley committed suicide before he could be interviewed by Fonzi. He does not say whether he interviewed Weyl. As he is a member of the forum, maybe I can convince him to discuss this issue on the forum.

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John, check page 120 of the book for some elaboration on the Committee; I think Gordon Winslow may have a copy of it's membership list on his site. In any event I have seen such a list circa 1963. The organization was primarily a media/PR vehicle - if Martino was a member it might have been because he was serving in a speaking role against Castro's regime.

Members did include Pawley, Luce, Hal Hendrix, Virginia Prewett (one of Bishop/Phillip's cut outs to Veciana as you will recall from the book and a constant media outlet for Phillips) and Ernest Cuneo of the North American Newspaper Outlets....the NANO was quite clearly an Agency media outlet (knowingly or not).

I don't think you will find anything particularly conspiratorial about these folks, most were simply rabid anti-Communists and actively publishing and speaking against Castro. They were a convenient outlet for the media outreach which was one of Phillip's specialties.

-- Larry

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John, no I didn't interview Mr. Marlowe myself - all I know about him is from

Dick Russell's work.

However I have been doing a good deal more research on FPCC members in general, their travel to Cuba and the intense scruntiny given to the FPCC by Army Intel, the FBI and the CIA. Especially the joint CIA and FBI projects. Based on this I can definitely say that his association with the FPCC and his travel to Cuba made him a primary intelligence target for a number of agencies.

As one example, the regional Army MI groups were maintaining lists on all US citizens traveling to Cuba and supplying them to the CIA. As another example, CIA was suing FBI assets with CPUSA and FPCC memberships as intelligence assets under a program with the crypt AMSANTA.

-- Larry

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One of the most interesting passages in your book concerns a journalists called Dick Billings. When writing about Operation Tilt you say: “In addition to Bayo, Pawley, Martino and Robertson, the expedition was accompanied by Dick Billings, a LIFE staff writer obtained through the Pawley-Luce connection. Billings would later head the LIFE team in Dallas which purchased the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination, as well as Marina Oswald's story rights (neither of which saw public exposure under LIFE auspices). Much later. Billings was hired by Robert Blakey, the second head of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, as editorial director for the final report of the HSCA.”

Over the last couple of days I have been doing some research into Billings. Did you know he played an important role in the Jim Garrison investigation?

In November 1966 Jim Garrison told a journalist, David Chandler, that he had important information on the assassination of JFK. Chandler told Billings and in January 1967, the Life Magazine reporter arranged a meeting with Garrison. Billings told Garrison that the top management at Life had concluded that Kennedy's assassination had been a conspiracy and that "his investigation was moving in the right direction". Billings suggested that he worked closely with Garrison. According to Garrison "The magazine would be able to provide me with technical assistance, and we could develop a mutual exchange of information".

Garrison agreed to this deal and Billings was introduced to staff member, Tom Bethal. In his diary Bethal reported: "In general, I feel that Billings and I share a similar position about the Warren Report. He does not believe that there was a conspiracy on the part of the government, the Warren Commission or the FBI to conceal the truth, but that a probability exists that they simply did not uncover the whole truth." Billings managed to persuade Bethal that Clay Shaw was innocent. Later it was revealed by W. Penn Jones that "Bethal made the entire trial plan, a complete list of State's witnesses and their expected testimony and other materials available to the Shaw defense team."

In September, 1967, Billings told Jim Garrison that Life Magazine was no longer willing to work with him in the investigation. Billings claimed that this was because he had come to the conclusion that he had links to organized crime. Soon afterwards, Life began a smear campaign against Garrison. It was reported that Garrison had been given money by an unnamed "New Orleans mobster".

As you say Billings was recruited by G. Robert Blakey, chief counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, as editorial director. Later Billings and Blakey were the co-authors of The Plot to Kill the President (1981). In the book Billings and Blakey argue that there was a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy. They came to the conclusion that the Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, organized the assassination.

I think this adds further evidence to my belief that in the 1970s the CIA was involved in trying to link organized crime with the assassination of JFK.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has anymore information on Billings. 



I am surprised that in reviewing the articulate and intelligent discussion that follows about the Billings role in the Garrison investigation and the JFK Assassination there is not a single mention of the blue-blood (someone does use the term) behind Life magazine at that time. An hour or two with the google software would reveal a great deal about C D Jackson, a Cold Warrior of the highest importance during the transformation of the old OSS into the CIA, and a very important player of their psychological warfare programs.

From this perspective, Billings was CIA all the way, and was sent down to infiltrate the Garrison investigation, which he did, and left when he accomplished his goal.

In my view, Billings was a relative insider compared to Blakey, who was a total lackey directed by Billings in the writing of the HSCA report, and directed by others in his overall activities. Yes, the CIA would lie to him. Another patsy.

In thinking about Salandria's thoughts about the force that could kill Kennedy and leave the government helpless to do anything about it, I cannot believe that force to be the CIA. As Billings infiltrated the Garrison investigation, I believe the force that killed Kennedy infiltrated the us government and was heavily present at the formation of Truman's national security state. C D Jackson was a part of that organization and that force, and it was not the CIA.

James Stewart Martin described that force in his book "All Honorable Men", published in 1950. The force that resisted his efforts to decartelize the German industries during the military occupation he described as coming from within the us government, but not of it, using different channels to achieve their goal. You might want to take a look at the last chapter of his book.

Consequently, I look at books dealing with Castro, Oswald, etc. as way off the mark. In my opinion, C D Jackson and his crowd killed Kennedy, the so-called "Invisible Government". After all, they owned the CIA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In his book, Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-64, Michael R. Beschloss gives details of three telephone calls between Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover (10.01 A.M. 23rd November, 10.29 A.M. 25th November, 1.40 P.M. 29th November). These are fascinating exchanges and to a certain extent I am surprised that LBJ kept these tapes. Do we know if there were anymore telephone conversations between these two men during this period? If so, were the tapes destroyed?

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John, there are a great many things in the Johnson tapes over a period of several months that are extremely relevant to the cover-up - I covered as much as possible in my book from the material I had available but I certainly do not have complete transcripts for the period nor have I listened to the tapes myself.

To your question though, first to my knowledge there are no "missing" tapes for the period - there is at least one sign of an attempt to erase content on a Johnson library tape; Rex Jackson covers that in a paper he presents on his history matters site (in that case a small part of a tape appears to be erased however the transcript gives the clue)....that is a conversation dealing with Mexico City.

On the larger question though, I doubt that Johnson ever gave any thought of the tapes being out of his control or released to the public during his life time without his approval. He kept the system to provide background for future historical treatment of his Presidency. Until Watergate, I doubt any President gave any thought to the tapes being used against them in any fashion, much less being released in totality to the public.

The tapes are another fine area of primary research work that could be done by JFK researchers though; I know of nobody with conspiracy interest who is working them directly. There has been some controversy as to the quality of some of the transcription work done to date to produce the transcripts we do have.

-- Larry

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I've read that silencers and small caliber is the CIA, but larger caliber is the mob.

Multiple calibers and weapons mean multiple "offended parties" (like Dallas).Johnny Roselli's hit (in a barrel with the fishes) looks like the Mafia,

while Giancana's death is more the MO of the agency. But they learned from each other and used each others assets.

The key thing about Mooney (sam giancana) is that he felt he had made a deal with Joe Kennedy and Jack---the Chicago vote went to JFK in 1960 if the Feds would get off his back. When Bobbie Kennedy went gangbusters on the mob, Giancana was furious, and it is widely surmised he sent hitmen to Dallas. There are almost too many, now, with Noccolletti, Files and Charles Harrelson implicated.

Thats when he makes the priceless analogy "the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing" about the US government, meaning he had contact with the CIA to hit Castro-- but that didn't stop the Justice Dept. from pursuing him. The general conclusion that between Roselli (LA) Giancana (CHICAGO) and Trafficante (TAMPA) only Trafficante survived the House investigation is true, and Trafficante was all about CUBA so he was in bed with Phillips, etc. Blakey certainly took the easier way out by pinning so much on the Mafia, an easy target compared to the other mysterious highly placed murderers that haunted the case............

great thread---I'd never heard of CD JACKSON.


2)  Some of the folks associated with the actual tactical activities against Castro or in Cuba may have decided they didn't want Roselli dropping names,  or Giancana for that matter -  after all the barrel thing and the shots around the mouth are as much TV Mob signatures as anything else, almost like somebody was trying to suggest the mob was behind it.

-- Larry

Edited by Shanet Clark
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I'd never heard of CD JACKSON. (Shanet Clark)

Hi Shanet,

Jackson died on September 18, 1964 and in some circles this was considered as a convenient or suspicious death. Interesting to note that Jackson was also closely associated with psychwar people like Edward Barrett and the man who was considered as the father of US Army Special Warfare, Major General Robert McClure.

Google search those names and you find connections directly into the heart of the CIA.



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John,  there are a great many things in the Johnson tapes over a period of several months that are extremely relevant to the cover-up - I covered as much as possible in my book from the material I had available but I certainly do not have complete transcripts for the period nor have I listened to the tapes myself.

To your question though,  first to my knowledge there are no "missing" tapes for the period - there is at least one sign of an attempt to erase content on a Johnson library tape;  Rex Jackson covers that in a paper he presents on his history matters site (in that case a small part of a tape appears to be erased however the transcript gives the clue)....that is a conversation dealing with Mexico City.

On the larger question though,  I doubt that Johnson ever gave any thought of the tapes being out of his control or released to the public during his life time without his approval.  He kept the system to provide background for future historical treatment of his Presidency.  Until Watergate,  I doubt any President gave any thought to the tapes being used against them in any fashion,  much less being released in totality to the public.

The tapes are another fine area of primary research work that could be done by JFK researchers though;  I know of nobody with conspiracy interest  who is working them directly.  There has been some controversy as to the quality of some of the transcription work done to date to produce the transcripts we do have.

I believe this debate is of vital importance and I have started a new thread on the subject:


LBJ telephone transcripts raise several questions:

1. Hoover was under the impression that the bullet was found of JFK’s stretcher. When was this story changed?

2. Hoover was under the impression that the gun and shells were found on the 5th Floor. When was this story changed?

3. Had LBJ been told a photograph had been taken of the gunman on the 5th Floor? Was there one? Was it destroyed?

4. Hoover uses the name Jacob Rubenstein. This is strange, Jack Ruby had not used the name of Rubenstein for many years. Did the FBI/CIA hold files on him under the name Rubenstein?

5. Why did Earl Warren refuse to serve as head of the presidential commission? Was the reference to Mexico City (phone call to Richard Russell: 8.55 p.m. 29th November) an attempt to blackmail Warren into acceptance?

6. Why was LBJ so keen to have Richard Russell on the Warren Commission?

7. Why was Richard Russell so determined not to serve on the commission? What happened in the Carlton Hotel in 1952? Was this an attempt at blackmail.

8. According to William Kelly/Rex Bradford, the most significant JFK/Hoover tape was destroyed. Do you have any details on this?

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John, as to questions 1-4 my impression is that Hoover was simply the victim of a host of similar misinformation coming real time out of Dallas via media and other sources. Hosty gives a good feeling for how hectic things were and its not like Hoover had radio equipped field people on the scene of the incidents; he was getting bits and pieces picked up in the Dallas office and relayed to him. It would be an interesting research project to go through the airtels and memos coming out of Dallas that afternoon and check his phone log for calls to and from Dallas. However until someone does that I think the simplest answer is not that things were changed but rather that he was as misinformed as those hearing many of the incorrect and incomplete broadcast news reports.

Yes, Rubenstein was a name contained in Ruby's files. Remember, Ruby had even been an FBI informant circa 1959.

On 5-7, Warrent felt that it would conflict with his role as Chief Justice, especially given the fact that there was no legal grounds for the WC per se. I suspect he also realized he was being used to add an air of legality to something which clearly was not - witness the lack of any legal defense for Oswald. And Johnson did use inferences from Mexico and talk of atomic war to bully him into it. As far as Russell goes, he was not interested and especially not interested in serving personally with Warren so he but bullied too, better yet Johnson announced him and then told him what he had done.

I have no ideas on the tape destruction but since I will be seeing both Rex and Bell at the Lancer conference in Dallas in a few weeks I'll ask them about it.

-- Larry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you come across any information on the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba in your research? Do you know the names of other members of the organization. (John Simkin)


Here is a list of members. Several interesting names.



Mariada Arensberg

William Barlow

Paul Bethel

Nicolas Duke Biddle

Joseph Bierne

Irving Brown

Admiral Arleigh Burke

Dickey Chapelle

Leo Cherne

Ernest Cuneo

Christopher Emmet

Russell Fitzgibbon

John Fiwher

Harry Gidonese

Hal Hendrix

Sal Hoffman

Sidney Hook

Brig General S. L. A. Marshall

Brig General Frank Howley

Harry Kantor

Clare Booth Luce

Eugene Lyons

Henry Mayers

Arthur McDowel

Benjamin McLauren

Hans Morgenthau

Edgar Andel Mowrer

John O'Rourke

Bonaro Overstreet

James Pike

Virginia Prewett

Victor Riesel

John Roche

Robert Straiuz-Hupe

Frank Tannebaum

Edward Teller

Charles Wellborn

Arthur Whitaker

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Did you come across any information on the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba in your research? Do you know the names of other members of the organization. (John Simkin)

Hi, James & John

The Citizen Committee For a Free Cuba was another 'paper only' front{a tool}

of The John Birch Society members and followers, as always designed to put

heat on Kennedy and his policies.

Just dug up a photo you requested, showing me in a rural, Cuban Government store, 1960. How do I get it to you, as I never learned to use my scanner?



Here is a list of members. Several interesting names.



Mariada Arensberg

William Barlow

Paul Bethel

Nicolas Duke Biddle

Joseph Bierne

Irving Brown

Admiral Arleigh Burke

Dickey Chapelle

Leo Cherne

Ernest Cuneo

Christopher Emmet

Russell Fitzgibbon

John Fiwher

Harry Gidonese

Hal Hendrix

Sal Hoffman

Sidney Hook

Brig General S. L. A. Marshall

Brig General Frank Howley

Harry Kantor

Clare Booth Luce

Eugene Lyons

Henry Mayers

Arthur McDowel

Benjamin McLauren

Hans Morgenthau

Edgar Andel Mowrer

John O'Rourke

Bonaro Overstreet

James Pike

Virginia Prewett

Victor Riesel

John Roche

Robert Straiuz-Hupe

Frank Tannebaum

Edward Teller

Charles Wellborn

Arthur Whitaker

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