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Interview with Holt

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For the sake of argument if we assume he was there as one of the assassins or had something to do with the assassins... then could it not be possible that he was there as part of an"abort" project?

You mentioned "Team Five" was that an OMC S/A Laos team? embedded within a 'MASOG', or "MASOG hit Team" If you check records some of those boys were attatched to CIA Miami station at one time and assigned to early OMC/CAG operations of the time (Operation Military Covert; sometimes known as a Covert Action Group attatch TDY to CIA operastions by the pentagon)

If we allow ourselves to think he was a possible hitters... then can we not allow ourselves to think that he was there for other reasons? This post is Not intended to start a debate but just a question.


Although purely speculative since we most likely will never know, it is assumed that many of the "lookalikes" were in Dealey Plaza to watch the show. Lucien Conein, Rip Robertson, and others may or may not have been part of the planning(Conein more than likely having been involved in the Diem coup weeks prior). Anything is possible since we don't know for sure, but I am of the opinion that the guns that were aimed at Castro were turned on JFK, with Hunt and Phillips prominent figures(Hunt, IMO, was pictured walking across Elm St in the shooting aftermath and was not a tramp). I also believe that the coverup conspiracy was separate from the shooting. The same thing happened in the early 70's during Watergate, when a coverup ensued not to hide the burglary, but to cover up the covert operations such as that used in DP.

Team 5 was active in Laos in 63, and if they were at one time aligned with JM/Wave, it is more likely that were used as assassins. IMO, at least one was stationed in the lot above the south knoll. Contrary to Mr Hemmings statements, I believe some of his associates may have been utilized as either shooters, spotters or diversions. If you were assigned as part of a compartmentaliized team to abort, you may consider you were used to get someone out after the fact, being led to believe the abort mission. Entirely possible and quite probable. It was a well planned operation for sure, and IMO, did not involve Hoover, LBJ or the other names in high places until immediate initiation of the coverup to, as was the case with Nixon, protect a US agency's involvement. Frankly, I believe if there was an abort mission, it was a diversion. Is it possible that if LHO wasn't arrested at the Texas Theater, he might have been your passenger on the flight out of Dallas?


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That comparison does seem closer to the others I have seen (David Morales). Its in the cheeks and the dimples.



Here's a comparison Allan Eaglesham did for me a few years ago. On the lower right is an overlay of Lamp Post Man and his "lookalike" from Laos. IMO, it's him.



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As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental. (Richard J. Smith)

Hi Richard,

Nice to chat with you again.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Bobby Leon is Major Lopez, right? I have his real name but I'm a little reluctant to offer it here as his family would certainly take a dim view. He was killed in a bar fight in the early 1980's.

I also have the names of two 'Team 5' members and the aliases they used. Both men are dead, one of them killed alongside Tony Izquierdo in 1979. There is a very suspect public relations company in California who seems mixed up in all of this so make no mistake, people still care about distorting the truth some 43 years later.

These guys (Team 5) I believe were part of the back-up plan if Dealey Plaza was aborted. I submit they were positioned near the Trade Mart. Let me stress that this is my opinion only.



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As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental. (Richard J. Smith)

Hi Richard,

Nice to chat with you again.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Bobby Leon is Major Lopez, right? I have his real name but I'm a little reluctant to offer it here as his family would certainly take a dim view. He was killed in a bar fight in the early 1980's.

I also have the names of two 'Team 5' members and the aliases they used. Both men are dead, one of them killed alongside Tony Izquierdo in 1979. There is a very suspect public relations company in California who seems mixed up in all of this so make no mistake, people still care about distorting the truth some 43 years later.

These guys (Team 5) I believe were part of the back-up plan if Dealey Plaza was aborted. I submit they were positioned near the Trade Mart. Let me stress that this is my opinion only.



Hi James,

Unfortunately, I never saw the photo of "Major Lopez", and getting info on his background is tough. He was the son of a State Department official(early 50s), and used the family name to which you refer throughout his early days. He was indeed killed in a bar brawl in 1982, apparently in Fayetteville, NC, home of Fort Bragg.

Since I am a proponent of a south knoll shooter, IMO one of the Team 5 guys was stationed there, and took and made the head shot. If our "Major Lopez" was Lamp Post Man(and IMO PBM as we referred to him as), he was there to see his shooter do the job. Entirely possible other team members were assigned to different areas along the route from DP to the Trade Mart as a backup. Other shooters in DP were the other 2 sides of the triangular crossfire, with Cuban ex-patriots involved. While most would certainly disagree, I am still open to the possibility that LHO was somehow involved, even as the 6th floor shooter(JFK back shot), or at least got the shooter into place. IMO entirely possible if LHO hadn't been busted at the theater, Tosh may have been his air taxi out of Dallas without even knowing it beforehand.

All great stuff my friend. If there's anyone who can solve this thing, it's you.

All the best


Edited by Richard J. Smith
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As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental. (Richard J. Smith)

Hi Richard,

Nice to chat with you again.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Bobby Leon is Major Lopez, right? I have his real name but I'm a little reluctant to offer it here as his family would certainly take a dim view. He was killed in a bar fight in the early 1980's.

I also have the names of two 'Team 5' members and the aliases they used. Both men are dead, one of them killed alongside Tony Izquierdo in 1979. There is a very suspect public relations company in California who seems mixed up in all of this so make no mistake, people still care about distorting the truth some 43 years later.

These guys (Team 5) I believe were part of the back-up plan if Dealey Plaza was aborted. I submit they were positioned near the Trade Mart. Let me stress that this is my opinion only.



James...tell us what you know about the backup plan near the trade mart.


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Hi Jack,

Unfortunately I don't have a lot but it appears to have been a plan put together by Lucien Conein. The team itself (Team 5 out of Laos) was commanded by a Major Lopez (an alias) and consisted of three shooter teams.

I feel that if Dealey Plaza had been aborted, then the Oswald/Castro frame goes straight out the window. I believe there was a patsy initially considered for this back-up plan (a guy named Russell McLarry who was working in a building near the Trade Mart at the time) but things didn't seem to work out there; an aspect that never fully developed and then appeared to have been aborted.

The consensus may have been amongst the plotters that if Dealey Plaza didn't happen for whatever reason, then it was going to be a simple case of getting the job done.

As Richard has pointed out, a member of Team 5 may have been positioned on the South Knoll, a concept that I am not opposed to. As Richard also accurately points out, documents on this don't exist so sourcing information is difficult and time consuming.

In addition to this, a third option may have come into play depending on circumstance. I believe a French mercenary who was an expert in explosives, was dispatched to Dallas by Robert Emmett Johnson and Arturo Espaillat. The plotters had to cover their bases and I submit that several operations were in play that day in Dallas.


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Hi Jack,

Unfortunately I don't have a lot but it appears to have been a plan put together by Lucien Conein. The team itself (Team 5 out of Laos) was commanded by a Major Lopez (an alias) and consisted of three shooter teams.

I feel that if Dealey Plaza had been aborted, then the Oswald/Castro frame goes straight out the window. I believe there was a patsy initially considered for this back-up plan (a guy named Russell McLarry who was working in a building near the Trade Mart at the time) but things didn't seem to work out there; an aspect that never fully developed and then appeared to have been aborted.

The consensus may have been amongst the plotters that if Dealey Plaza didn't happen for whatever reason, then it was going to be a simple case of getting the job done.

As Richard has pointed out, a member of Team 5 may have been positioned on the South Knoll, a concept that I am not opposed to. As Richard also accurately points out, documents on this don't exist so sourcing information is difficult and time consuming.

In addition to this, a third option may have come into play depending on circumstance. I believe a French mercenary who was an expert in explosives, was dispatched to Dallas by Robert Emmett Johnson and Arturo Espaillat. The plotters had to cover their bases and I submit that several operations were in play that day in Dallas.


Thanks...THREE-FINGER LOU seems to have his "fingerprints" all over

the Dallas scenario, just as Fletch Prouty always said. He said Lou

was the CIA's top scenario writer...complete with patsies, false

trails, coverups, etc. He told me several times that the JFK scenario

was vintage Conein; men waving umbrellas, suspicious tramps

arrested, doctored evidence, etc.


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Thanks...THREE-FINGER LOU seems to have his "fingerprints" all over

the Dallas scenario, just as Fletch Prouty always said. He said Lou

was the CIA's top scenario writer...complete with patsies, false

trails, coverups, etc. He told me several times that the JFK scenario

was vintage Conein; men waving umbrellas, suspicious tramps

arrested, doctored evidence, etc.


Didn't Gerry Hemming claim to know Conein? What about it, Gerry? Any chance Coneine was involved?

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"...As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental...".




RJ: In the photo "Orville Nix Version 2 (AVI.225 MB) found at site http://www.jfk-online.com/1nix.html...can you or anyone tell me anything about the man standing in the background above the crowd in the front of the Limo after Kennedy was shot? Anything like name... Interview... etc. I was told last week by an investigator that this person was sent in to "observe". Any help on ID would be appreciated.

corrected link for NIX ::::::::::::::::


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As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental. (Richard J. Smith)

Hi Richard,

Nice to chat with you again.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Bobby Leon is Major Lopez, right? I have his real name but I'm a little reluctant to offer it here as his family would certainly take a dim view. He was killed in a bar fight in the early 1980's.

I also have the names of two 'Team 5' members and the aliases they used. Both men are dead, one of them killed alongside Tony Izquierdo in 1979. There is a very suspect public relations company in California who seems mixed up in all of this so make no mistake, people still care about distorting the truth some 43 years later.

These guys (Team 5) I believe were part of the back-up plan if Dealey Plaza was aborted. I submit they were positioned near the Trade Mart. Let me stress that this is my opinion only.




I am heartily glad you have discovered the names and fates of these three assassins.


I agree with RJS, he is a compelling, concise, coherent author

(my highest compliment to any social theorist, columnist or moderator)


Edited by Shanet Clark
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