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Interview with Holt

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I found the following part of the interview most interesting. When asked whether he thought Montoya and Harrelson were shooters, Holt's reply is as follows -

No, because they got to the boxcar too soon. And there was too many other good shooters around. You know that were in Dallas at that time. We're talking about Seraphin, Orlando Bosch, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada ... plus you had these other types wandering around, that I don't know what they were doing. For instance, William Robertson. I know he was there. He was a long time spook. One of the legends in the business. And Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003. They were like twins. He was there too.

Seraphin I gather was Aldo Vera Serafin.

Tony Poshepny is a very interesting character and an individual who I have been working on for some time. Back at the corner of Main and Houston ....

Interesting to note is that this individual although positioned up that post, he was right next to the Rip Robertson possible.


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Mark, this is not directed at you and thanks for the post. It is directed at the Shoddy, sourceless article itself...

"Yesterday I came into possession of a transcript of another completely unknown April 1992 interview with the late Chauncey Marvin Holt (died 1997). "

This just jumps out at me like ;

"I was looking for a way to mention the xp fireball, James files and a whole host of others when I came upon this interview with a bum who seems to know all about the intelligence community and small arms...."

WHO interviewed him, where is the rest etc etc etc....

Another off the cuff point about his XP FIREBALL twaddle:

Anyone with a hacksaw and a vice can make themselves a pistol grip anything, and cut down the barrel. That this had to be some exotic thing is just beyond me. The only time the XP seems to be used is in tandem with James Files story..

"And this guy comes in and wanted us to replace the 222 barrel with a 14" version of the 243, which is really a rifle. So we had to start out getting the barrel made by somebody in Arizona. Then we replaced the one pistol grip with two pistol grips. It looked like a submachine gun and fitted it with a 8 power scope, a 3-9 variable scope, so he paid a lot of money for that gun"

Uh ...yeah okay...why not just get a Mauser for that close call or better, a long barreled Ruger which already comes rifled, can take a frangable shell and has a built in supressor.. And would be just fine for that range.

No..We need a SPECIAL gun. (Rugers were also really cheap.)

This XP Fireball stuf just gets really annoying largely because if I were a mechanic in there to whack the Prez for the day, I wouldn't use an exotic weapon when so many other fine Prez killing weapons were available at the time.

We are also talking about something that should at best be disposable and not leave much of a trail.

WHY someone would go to the effort of making an expensive custom piece just doesn't make sense.


The Ruger 22 is well known in Spycraft circles for being a "close client" weapon. They were also pretty easy to find after WW2 (and though restricted in most countries now) you can still find them around.

Not that this is the "most likely" argument either, because I doubt even a 22 magnum would make someones head explode that way but...

it just doesn't make sense to customise when there were off the shelf models that would be cheaper, more reliable etc...

I would use something like the gun used in Day of the Jackal than this XP Fireball prattle.

My two cents..

Interesting work nonetheless James. Those guys do look mighty close to each other.



Edited by Blair Dobson
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Now, let me see if I've got the timeline here correct:

1. The interview allegedly took place in 1992;

2. Holt allegedly died in 1997;

3. Holt mentions IN THIS INTERVIEW that "...Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003."

So Holt knew about Poshepny's death 11 years BEFORE it occurred, even though it was 6 years AFTER Holt's own death...

It's a damn shame nobody thought to ask him about this coming Saturday night's winning lottery numbers as well.

THAT'S what jumped out at ME.

Tell Wim to try it again, Mr. Johansson, 'cause "THIS dog won't hunt," as they say. Because if the timeline is correct, either:

1. Holt was alive AFTER 2003 to have made that statement;

2. Holt was prophesying about future events, which were to occur after his 1997 death; or

3. The alleged Holt interview is a fabrication by someone not sharp enough to cover his own tracks.

I vote for option 3.

Edited by Mark Knight
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I don't think the ears match in the photo comparison. Pretty close otherwise.

The reference to 2003 is a laugher. Reminds me of an old Woody Allen joke about an ancient scroll discovered in the Middle East. Translators decided it was a hoax because the word "Oldsmobile" appears several times in the text.

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I don't think the ears match in the photo comparison. Pretty close otherwise.

The reference to 2003 is a laugher. Reminds me of an old Woody Allen joke about an ancient scroll discovered in the Middle East. Translators decided it was a hoax because the word "Oldsmobile" appears several times in the text.

Hi Ron,

In defense of the ears, it might be related to the position of the heads in the images used.

I don't know if you remember or not, but we discussed the possibility of Poshepny in a thread here in March of 2005 I believe.

I had some private email correspondence at that time, the sender convinced the man was Poshepny. I take it this reference to 2003 is somewhat new?


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----- Original Message -----

From: Wim Dankbaar

To: editor@vheadline.com

Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:15 PM

Subject: Re: We're talking about Seraphin, Orlando Bosch, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada

"And Tony Po, Postheny (not sure if this is spelled correctly). "

Meanwhile I found that the correct spelling is Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003



----- Original Message -----

From: Wim Dankbaar

To: QMD333@aol.com

Cc: editor@VHeadline.com

Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 11:47 AM

Subject: Re: A question

Yes, this is a mistake by the editor.

Originally the name was misspelled in the transcript as Postheny.

I didn't know who Postheny was, untill I found his correct name on the Internet. I informed the editor of this and added "he died in 2003"

Now it looks like Chauncey said that, which is impossible of course :lol:

I copy this to VHeadline, so hopefully they will correct that by deleting it.


----- Original Message -----

From: QMD333@aol.com

To: dank@xs4all.nl

Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:55 AM

Subject: A question

Dear Mr Dankbaar,

I read your article on the 1992 interview with JFK assassination witness, Chauncey Holt.

I found it very interesting.

However, there was something that I didnt understand.

The interview took place in 1992.

Holt said "And Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003."

How could Holt have known in 1992, that Poshepny died in 2003?

Was this a mistake?

Please clear that confusion up for me, when you get a chance.

I appreciate it.

Best wishes,

Matt DeLuca


Edited by Mark Johansson
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I tape recorded an interview with Holt in 1992 at his home in San Diego. It was a few hours long and on two tapes and transcribed personally in two parts. I also personally transcribed a videotaped interview with Holt by Gary Shaw and the two guys who wrote The Man on the Grassy Knoll.

I don't know where this interview comes from but mine is identified by my name at the top, and has been posted on the internet and sent to those who expressed interest over the years.

One such person, Bob Vernon, also took interest in the reference to the XP weapon, and insisted that I send him the original tape, as he refused to believe my transcript. He also sold parts of my interview with Holt to Wim, who posted it on his web site to promote his own agenda.

Vernon also insinuated that Holt's daugter said that I did not have permission to interview her father and that I surreptiously made the recording. Both statements are totally untrue.

Holt also gave me one of his original art works while he gave me a tour of his beautiful home in the hills, that was once a mob casino.


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c'mon, those Railroad Bums were not only CIA, they also had time machines....

Honest question:

Wasn't Harrelson in a jail cel during the parade?

Hi Blair,

He says he was eating lunch with a friend in Houston.


Thanks John,

I had read somewhere that he was in the Dallas County Jail watching it as well as that he had been incarcerated somewhere else at the time.

sorry to threadjack...

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For instance, William Robertson. I know he was there. He was a long time spook. One of the legends in the business. And Tony Po, Poshepny, he died in 2003. They were like twins. He was there too. [/i]

Tony Poshepny is a very interesting character and an individual who I have been working on for some time. Back at the corner of Main and Houston ....

Interesting to note is that this individual although positioned up that post, he was right next to the Rip Robertson possible.



First of all, please forgive my rehashing an old topic regarding Lamp Post Man. As you know, I also spent a great deal of time trying to identify him. It is my very firm opinion he was a CIA case officer assigned to Laos in the early 70's, whom we came to know as Pakse Base Man(although the photo of him was taken at Long Tieng). I contacted several Raven FACs and others who worked in Laos during the Secret War, and they were quite helpful, until I started questioning them about this CIA guy. They dropped me like a hot potato, but not before confirming he was CIA.

I also did some work on Tony Po, and tracked his "career" throughout Southeast Asia. I tried contacting a co-worker of his not long ago through an intermediary to no avail. Considering Poshepny's past, especially his operations in northern Laos, I question the statement that he and Rip Robertson were "like twins". Makes it sound like they were inseparable, but I've never come across anything that they even knew each other. I highly doubt Tony Po was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. As an aside, it is said that Tony Po was the basis for the Marlon Brando character Col Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. There is an A&E documentary available titled The Search for Kurtz, detailing author Adrian Levy's search to interview Poshepny(which he finally did). If you catch this documentary, I think you'd agree that LPM wasn't Tony Po.

Sorry, but in my opinion, Tony Po looks nothing like Lamp Post Man. Not even close. LPM was Hispanic, leading some to think he was David Morales(appearance also not close IMO). A year or so ago, a fellow researcher was shown a photo of one Humberto(Bobby) Castillo-Leon, AKA "Major Lopez". He indicated the photo he saw was the spitting image of LPM and the CIA guy at Long Tieng. Lopez allegedly lead an assassination squad called Team 5. It was his belief at the time that Team 5 was the JFK hit squad. He was unable to secure a copy of the photo.

As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental.



Edited by Richard J. Smith
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For the sake of argument if we assume he was there as one of the assassins or had something to do with the assassins... then could it not be possible that he was there as part of an"abort" project?

You mentioned "Team Five" was that an OMC S/A Laos team? embedded within a 'MASOG', or "MASOG hit Team" If you check records some of those boys were attatched to CIA Miami station at one time and assigned to early OMC/CAG operations of the time (Operation Military Covert; sometimes known as a Covert Action Group attatch TDY to CIA operastions by the pentagon)

If we allow ourselves to think he was a possible hitters... then can we not allow ourselves to think that he was there for other reasons? This post is Not intended to start a debate but just a question.

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"...As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental...".




RJ: In the photo "Orville Nix Version 2 (AVI.225 MB) found at site http://www.jfk-online.com/1nix.html...can you or anyone tell me anything about the man standing in the background above the crowd in the front of the Limo after Kennedy was shot? Anything like name... Interview... etc. I was told last week by an investigator that this person was sent in to "observe". Any help on ID would be appreciated.

Edited by William Plumlee
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