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Updated JFK Lancer Conference schedule

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I just wanted to let everyone know that the schedule

and speaker list has recently been updated. You

will find the updated schedule at:


This year we will be offering a full day of presentations on

the RFK assassination, the first time we have had an extended

program on RFK. I'd encourage anyone interested in that subject

to attend; it will be an in depth treatment and if you haven't

really studied the case it will be a quick way to get up to speed.

I'm hoping it will spur more researcher interest in a case that still

has a number of open leads and areas of inquiry.

-- Larry

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I just wanted to let everyone know that the schedule

and speaker list has recently been updated. You

will find the updated schedule at:


This year we will be offering a full day of presentations on

the RFK assassination, the first time we have had an extended

program on RFK. I'd encourage anyone interested in that subject

to attend; it will be an in depth treatment and if you haven't

really studied the case it will be a quick way to get up to speed.

I'm hoping it will spur more researcher interest in a case that still

has a number of open leads and areas of inquiry.

-- Larry

Perhaps someone will explain to "Sniper" Craig Roberts the relative lack of difficulty in getting off three shots with the Carcano in slightly under 9 seconds.

Then perhaps he will not be at such a great loss in going into great explanations as regards the shot sequence difficultly.

Guess that he is another of those who believed "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", or else just did not do all of his homework prior to taking the final exam.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that the schedule

and speaker list has recently been updated. You

will find the updated schedule at:


This year we will be offering a full day of presentations on

the RFK assassination, the first time we have had an extended

program on RFK. I'd encourage anyone interested in that subject

to attend; it will be an in depth treatment and if you haven't

really studied the case it will be a quick way to get up to speed.

I'm hoping it will spur more researcher interest in a case that still

has a number of open leads and areas of inquiry.

-- Larry

Perhaps someone will explain to "Sniper" Craig Roberts the relative lack of difficulty in getting off three shots with the Carcano in slightly under 9 seconds.

Then perhaps he will not be at such a great loss in going into great explanations as regards the shot sequence difficultly.

Guess that he is another of those who believed "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", or else just did not do all of his homework prior to taking the final exam.


I’m still waiting for you to show evidence of the simplicity of the ‘alleged shooting performance’.

I asked you on a previous thread as to whether you or anyone else has duplicated the ‘alleged shooting performance’. You answered in the negative, however you informed me that you have never flown like Superman.

Tom Superman is fiction, and IMHO so was Oswald’s ‘alleged shooting performance’.

Chris Brown.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Chris, the only two on record that I am aware of, who have tried to duplicate Oswalds performance are the above mentioned Craig Roberts, and Carlos Hathcock. Both failed the test by some margin. Tom on the other hand claims that given the time allowed, and quality of the rifle its relatively easy. Pay your money, and take your choise.

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Since this thread has floated up on the first page again I thought I should mention

the following - which I should have pointed out earlier.

William Law will be presenting a series of video interviews on Sunday

as part of the RFK session. Those of you familiar with William's

work on the autopsy witnesses and his book on that subject are

well aware that William does ground breaking work.

These interviews will be in the same vein and in terms of the RFK

assassination and investigation they are an absolute must.

William's work combined with other preperations that are underway

are going to spawn a whole new level of interest and investigation in this are...IMHO.

It's a bit early for me to be more specific than that but by the end of November

I hope there is going to be a serious revival of RFK study.

-- Larry

I just wanted to let everyone know that the schedule

and speaker list has recently been updated. You

will find the updated schedule at:


This year we will be offering a full day of presentations on

the RFK assassination, the first time we have had an extended

program on RFK. I'd encourage anyone interested in that subject

to attend; it will be an in depth treatment and if you haven't

really studied the case it will be a quick way to get up to speed.

I'm hoping it will spur more researcher interest in a case that still

has a number of open leads and areas of inquiry.

-- Larry

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I just wanted to let everyone know that the schedule

and speaker list has recently been updated. You

will find the updated schedule at:


This year we will be offering a full day of presentations on

the RFK assassination, the first time we have had an extended

program on RFK. I'd encourage anyone interested in that subject

to attend; it will be an in depth treatment and if you haven't

really studied the case it will be a quick way to get up to speed.

I'm hoping it will spur more researcher interest in a case that still

has a number of open leads and areas of inquiry.

-- Larry

Perhaps someone will explain to "Sniper" Craig Roberts the relative lack of difficulty in getting off three shots with the Carcano in slightly under 9 seconds.

Then perhaps he will not be at such a great loss in going into great explanations as regards the shot sequence difficultly.

Guess that he is another of those who believed "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", or else just did not do all of his homework prior to taking the final exam.


I’m still waiting for you to show evidence of the simplicity of the ‘alleged shooting performance’.

I asked you on a previous thread as to whether you or anyone else has duplicated the ‘alleged shooting performance’. You answered in the negative, however you informed me that you have never flown like Superman.

Tom Superman is fiction, and IMHO so was Oswald’s ‘alleged shooting performance’.

Chris Brown.

Tom Superman is fiction, and IMHO so was Oswald’s ‘alleged shooting performance’

Could not agree more!

Especially since it is "alleged" that Z-313 was the last shot fired in the shot sequence, when in fact it was the second shot fired.

Therefore, please inform all of those who are gullible enough to have accepted the WC statement of "Fact" that the Z-313 headshot was the last shot, that perhaps they should re-evaluate and re-consider their stance as to the difficulty of the shots.

The time frame between shot#1 & shot#2(aka Z-313) was approximately 5.9 seconds (+).

It was the short time span between shot#2 (aka Z-313) and shot#3 (aka the shot which impacted some 30+feet farther down Elm St. in front of James Altgens) which was the "rapid fire" and if one must do so, "lucky" hit.


P.S. When I have to take any type exam, practical; oral; and/or written, it is preferred that the instructor provide ALL of the information necessary to pass.

However, I do recognize that in institutions of higher learning, one is expected to at least do some research for themselves.


Exactly how dumb is it to disbelieve the WC, yet accept their 10 pages of circular reasoning in regards to "THE SHOT THAT MISSED" and accept that Z-313 was the last/final/third shot fired, when in fact there is considerable evidence to the contrary???????????????

I may not be that smart, but I for damn certain am not that stupid!

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I just wanted to let everyone know that the schedule

and speaker list has recently been updated. You

will find the updated schedule at:


This year we will be offering a full day of presentations on

the RFK assassination, the first time we have had an extended

program on RFK. I'd encourage anyone interested in that subject

to attend; it will be an in depth treatment and if you haven't

really studied the case it will be a quick way to get up to speed.

I'm hoping it will spur more researcher interest in a case that still

has a number of open leads and areas of inquiry.

-- Larry

Perhaps someone will explain to "Sniper" Craig Roberts the relative lack of difficulty in getting off three shots with the Carcano in slightly under 9 seconds.

Then perhaps he will not be at such a great loss in going into great explanations as regards the shot sequence difficultly.

Guess that he is another of those who believed "THE SHOT THAT MISSED", or else just did not do all of his homework prior to taking the final exam.


I’m still waiting for you to show evidence of the simplicity of the ‘alleged shooting performance’.

I asked you on a previous thread as to whether you or anyone else has duplicated the ‘alleged shooting performance’. You answered in the negative, however you informed me that you have never flown like Superman.

Tom Superman is fiction, and IMHO so was Oswald’s ‘alleged shooting performance’.

Chris Brown.

Tom Superman is fiction, and IMHO so was Oswald’s ‘alleged shooting performance’

Could not agree more!

Especially since it is "alleged" that Z-313 was the last shot fired in the shot sequence, when in fact it was the second shot fired.

Therefore, please inform all of those who are gullible enough to have accepted the WC statement of "Fact" that the Z-313 headshot was the last shot, that perhaps they should re-evaluate and re-consider their stance as to the difficulty of the shots.

The time frame between shot#1 & shot#2(aka Z-313) was approximately 5.9 seconds (+).

It was the short time span between shot#2 (aka Z-313) and shot#3 (aka the shot which impacted some 30+feet farther down Elm St. in front of James Altgens) which was the "rapid fire" and if one must do so, "lucky" hit.


P.S. When I have to take any type exam, practical; oral; and/or written, it is preferred that the instructor provide ALL of the information necessary to pass.

However, I do recognize that in institutions of higher learning, one is expected to at least do some research for themselves.


Exactly how dumb is it to disbelieve the WC, yet accept their 10 pages of circular reasoning in regards to "THE SHOT THAT MISSED" and accept that Z-313 was the last/final/third shot fired, when in fact there is considerable evidence to the contrary???????????????

I may not be that smart, but I for damn certain am not that stupid!


Z-313:-------------------------------------Station No. 4+65.3

Third Shot:-------------------------------4/5 feet from Stationing Number 5+00


Wanna take a guess as to what the U.S. Secret Service had available to them on December 2, 3, 4, the and 5th, that we do not have available to us today??????

Perhaps Mr. Healy and a few others can answer that one for you.

P.S. Here is the impact point for the third/last/final shot as well as a portion of Mr. West's survey notes for Stationing 4+95, which just may help.

It is also of some assistance if one will not look at the Z-film, determine James Altgens position in relationship to the yellow mark on the curb, and thereafter accurately place him on the survey plat as well.

ESPECIALLY since the WC appeared to have such great difficulty in determination of his location and they neglected to show us any of the Z-film which demonstrated his position.

Where I come from, we seldom believe much of anything that a bunch of lawyer/liars have to say.

So, exactly why would I want to believe that Z-313 was the third/last/final shot in the shot sequence.

P.S. 10 pages of circular reasoning as regards "THE SHOT THAT MISSED" constitutes what we once referred to as "excess overkill".

And, it is quit simple to determine exactly when the WC is telling a lie and attempting to cover up something, merely by following this and other "slight" sleight-of-hand maneuvers.

P.P.S. In event one can not read Mr. West survey notes, I will provide a larger copy if so desired.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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