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The Assassins

Lee Forman

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Very interesting - even if it is succinct.

[PART 42] The following article, titled "THE ASSASSINS" [from: KPFA.,

Berkeley, California -- June 2, 1984], was released by John Judge., P.O.

Box 6586., T St. Station NW., Washington, DC 20009: Remarks by independent

researcher John Judge. 1) [One] must understand that the US intelligence

network, and its worldwide network of intelligence operations and connected

foreign agencies kill people. They carry out both specific hits on

political targets broad and domestically as well. They also have as their

goal the control of human minds. What Orwell called "the space between our

ears". For thirty years they have experimented on methods of mind control,

under the code name MKULTRA, and other programs. Again both individual and

mass control. 2) These intelligence networks have a name, CIA, DIA (Defense

Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), and include a world

intelligence network since WWII that interlinks British, Nazi, US and

Russian intelligence operatives (Note: As I've indicated throughout these

files, all of these are apparently and ultimately controlled by such

BAVARIAN secret societies as the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Thule, Vril,

O.T.O., Rosicrucians, and all of the many other Bavarian cults which were

collectively integrated into the "Nazi" agenda. - Wol.). 3) They are an

extension of an international FASCIST network. NAZI SS men escaped

punishment after the war with the help of US intelligence. SPIES,

SCIENTISTS and MILITARY MEN went around the world under the cover of the



GERMAN BND. Hundreds of AEROSPACE, and MUNITIONS experts formed our

MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. To fund themselves and to maintain control

abroad, they also recruited and used trained assassins, mercenaries,

provocateurs, and torturers. These people carried out hits, assassinations,

paramilitary operations and terrorism, and continue to the present day.

They are financed by the international traffick in drugs (esp. opium and

cocaine), arms sales and taxes by the governments and military structures

they control... 4) Recruitment, cover and movement is handled by a

combination of dummy front corporations, foreign governments, [feigned]

evangelical operations, and co-operative government officials here at home.

5) Examples of specific hits: Patrice Lamumba of the Congo, Salvador

Allende in Chile (Green Berets), the Guevara (same), Malcolm X, the Kennedy

brothers, Martin Luther King, and more recent deaths like Congressman Leo

Ryan, John Lennon, Ronald Reagan... and Jessica Savitch and David Kennedy

(Don't forget the assassinations involved in "NAZ-CIA" coup d'etats of

foreign governments. - Wol.) 6) Examples of mass murders: Phoenix program

in Vietnam, Chemical Bio- logical Warfare experiments on large populations

(Cuba), Jonestown murders, and the continued killing of psychiatric

patients (300,000 in Nazi Germany). 7) Training: London Sunday Times,

February, 1978, revealed that at a Nato Conference on Stress Reduction a

Navy Lt. Commander Thomas Narut stationed in Naples, admitted to a training

program for killers. Candidates were military men already convicted of

murder and released for this purpose. Others were chosen based on the use

of MMPI psychological tests for a "passive-aggressive" personality, or

inkblot tests for strong (violent) reactions to color. These people were

then trained to be part of "combat readiness units", commando operations

that would work out of US embassies to carry out political assassinations

abroad. Training involved three steps: weapons training, disaffection from

the emotional response to violence, and dehumanization of the enemy

target in the killer's mind. The disaffection was accomplished by locking

their head and eyes in clamps, forcing them to watch films of violence, and

asking questions unrelated to the violent acts. Similar to CLOCKWORK ORANGE

methods shown in the popular film. Once no emotional response registered to

violence, they were ready to be program- med with RACIST and dehumanizing

myths and lies about the target populations involved.

Comment - that may have been the MOP for one specific organization or operation. The reference to Narut would imply the author refers to the Navy.

* * * * * * * 'UFO'

Magazine, edited by Vickie Cooper, carried an article in its Vol.6, No.5

issue, titled THE SECRET LIFE OF FRED L. CRISMAN, by veteran writer on

financial conspiracy, Anthony L. Kimory. (The following is based on notes

taken from Kimory's article, as well as a few of my own comments and

observations thrown in. - Wol.): The article dealt with Fred Crisman's

connection with PROJECT PAPERCLIP -- a top-secret operation which brought

Nazi scientists into America as part of a program to duplicate Nazi flying

discs, and to develop other revolutionary technologies. This operation was

not actually carried out by the U.S. Constitutional government as we know

it, but by a branch of German (Bavarian) Intelligence which had INFILTRATED

American Intelligence with the help of fifth column secret society members

and Nazi sympathisers within American Intelligence agencies who helped to

form the CIA.

Comment - Corso then being a lackey and a disinfo artist. Roswell being a farce. What does Alaska have to do with this - proximity to Antarctica?

Some years later this fascist cabal working within the CIA

took control of large segments of the U.S. government and intelligence

agencies through an internal fascist coup d'etat which involved the death

of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. From that point on the Congress

ceased to be the supreme ruling power in America, and the CIA-NSA-MJ12

"Military Industrial" [Nazi] government gained the upper hand... In recent

years however the original Constitutional-based government has been making

a come-back, with the help of the Navy Intelligence COM-12 agency and

American Patriots who are beginning to wake up to what really began

happening in this country from 1947 and onward. James Garrison, the

Louisiana attorney depicted by Kevin Costner in the movie 'JFK' [who

investigated the John F. Kennedy assassination reportedly discovered the

connection between Crisman and PAPERCLIP. The Paperclip Project sent elite

teams of scientists and investigators, known as 'T-Forces', into Europe to

confiscate all documents, files, hardware in German labs, and even

scientific personnel who were involved in the Nazi aerospace research, an

operation which led to the great European 'brain drain' following WWII.

Comment: Note that Paperclip was much more than the dossiers associated with the Nazis scientists that were voluntarily or involuntarily 'recruited.' There is a humorous bit I have also read about here - in which Stalin was playing the same game, but he played it a little shrewder, by infiltrating the Paperclip scientist program with a few Soviet Intellligence doubles.

That is, all of the 'brains' that were left in Germany following the

massive escape operation to Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica during the closing

months of the war... and those 'minds' who remained certainly weren't the

'cream' of the German- Austrian intellectual 'crop'. The plan was to

develop discoid antigravity- type aircraft similar to those which the Nazis

had experimented with. The Army, Navy, Army Air Force, CIA and OSS

reportedly assisted in the 'T-Forces' and 'Paperclip' Projects, according

to Kimory.

Comment: Sunrise, then Overcast, then Paperclip, then Blowback. No one seems to have a handle on numbers. I have seen 500 - which is laughable and absurd. I have also seen the number 10,000 - which seems more likely. What isn't included is any kind of listing concerning what was recovered - relative to mind control programs, concentration camp experiments, gold, weapons, bio/chem warfare stuff, discoid technology, etc.

Several high-ranking Nazis who assisted in the 'atrocities' were

brought to America also, and their crimes suppressed. Many of these worked

at the Peenemunde Aerodynamics Institute, which built the V-2 rockets,

German fighter jets, etc., using forced slave labor from the Karlshagen

concentration camp. Peenemunde scientists, under PROJECT PAPERCLIP,

according to Kimory, have secretly CONTROL- LED the U.S. rocketry,

aerospace and space projects for over 20 years, with the majority of those

at NASA being oblivious of the fact. Perhaps this explains the unreasonably

'bad luck' that NASA has experienced in its OVERT space program, not to

mention the fact that with all of the incredible technological advancements

that have been made since the cessation of the moon-shots of 1969-70, the

USA has not 'officially' carried out any further attempts at lunar

exploration. Then again, there are many sources who claim that NASA is 'for

public show' only, and that the REAL and COVERT space projects are being

run by these techno-fascists in the CIA and NSA behind-the-scenes, who are

making every effort to keep America in general from establishing a foothold

in space.

Comment: Cooper and the Space Kids - plenty for ULTRA, Paperclip and Nazi connections. But what is the Reilly Coffee / NASA connection?

Kimory claims that Wernher von Braun and Kurt Davis, heads of

Kennedy Space Center and Marshall Space Flight Center, were both active

Nazi S.S. agents even after they were brought into America with the help of

Nazi infiltrators and sympathizers in U.S. Intelligence. James Garrison had

arrested Clay Shaw on conspiracy to murder JFK, linking him with the CIA.

However, when Garrison's star witness David Ferrie was found dead only a

few days before Clay Shaw's trial, Garrison did not have enough against

Shaw to make a conviction. It was later discovered in a FOIA document in

1977 that Clay Shaw HAD BEEN in the CIA since 1949. Garrison also linked

Fred L. Crisman to Clay Shaw, and in fact sources indicate that Crisman was

the first one Clay Shaw called when Shaw learned that he was in trouble. Is

was discovered that Shaw was in business with European NAZIS and FASCISTS

who were involved in covert operations sponsored by the CIA, according to

the article.

Comment: What about Prescott Bush, George Herbet Walker, the Rockefellers and Dulles boys? Let's ignore them and continue to focus on Shaw - another Patsy.

Shaw was also allegedly tied-in with the O.S.S. Crisman, who

worked as a go-between in the Military-Industrial establishment (especially

the aerospace companies which were the major beneficiaries of Project

Paperclip) was believed by Garrison to be a 'middle man' within a

deep-level intelligence network, working in- between those who gave the

orders (which included assassinations) and those who carried them out.

Garrison also believed that Crisman was involved with the men who carried

out the JFK assassination, and Crisman had also made several trips to

Dallas just prior to JFK's death, which is why Garrison subpoenaed him.

Crisman was also involved with a government program to 'help gypsies', was

tied-in with the O.S.S., and was a member of a secret fraternity of former

Intelligence officers, and was also involved with organized crime,

according to Garrison's investigations. Of course the strangest aspect of

the Crisman connection was that it was Fred L. Crisman himself who handed

over 'metal-slag' samples that were reportedly found after a 'UFO' [one of

six 'donut- shaped' vehicles observed -- remember, the Nazis had developed

jet-turbine engines that were 'donut-shaped' in configuration rather than

cylindrical] dropped the substance over the Maurey Island area near Tacoma,

Washington in 1947, killing a dog and injuring one person who was on a boat

in Tacoma harbor in the process. Crisman handed the samples to two Army G-2

Intelligence officers, Capt. William L. Davidson and Lt. Frank M. Brown. On

their way to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio (where several German

Peenemunde scientists reportedly worked) with the 'classified' material,

their plane crashed and both were killed. News reports of the time

mentioned that the plane MAY have been sabotaged. Frank Brown's widow did

in fact state her conviction that her husband was murdered. In addition to

this, a particularly persistent reporter into the Maurey Island episode

died shortly after the investigation, and Kenneth Arnold (who had his Mt.

Rainier sighting and almost fatal engine failure only a few days later)

reported that his room, where he often discussed the Maurey Island case

with United Airlines Captain E. J. Smith, had been bugged. Kimory suggests

that the Maurey Island UFO may have been a 'hybrid' of the Nazi UFO designs

developed by the Military-Industrial Establishment and PROJECT PAPERCLIP,

which might explain the mystery. [For more information on 'Project

Paperclip', see also: SECRET AGENDA, by Linda Hunt. St. Martins Press.

1991]. * * * * * * *

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The Paperclip Project sent elite teams of scientists and investigators, known as 'T-Forces', into Europe to

confiscate all documents, files, hardware in German labs, and even scientific personnel who were involved in the Nazi aerospace research, an operation which led to the great European 'brain drain' following WWII.

The British angle to this story is very interesting. In the late 1920s Anthony Blunt met Kim Philby, Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean. All of them became secret supporters of the Communist Party.

In the early 1930s Blunt was recruited as a Soviet agent. He was a Fellow of Trinity and in this post worked as a talent-spotter for the Soviet Union. A homosexual, it is claimed he blackmailed other homosexuals into spying for the Soviets.

On the outbreak of the Second World War Blunt joined the British Army. In 1939 he was sent to France where he served with the Army Intelligence Corps. When the German Army invaded in May 1940 Maclean returned to England. Soon afterwards he was recruited by MI5.

Blunt was placed in charge of the section that dealt with examining the communications of foreign embassies. This enabled him to pass valuable information to the Soviet Union. He later became the personal assistant to Guy Liddell, Deputy Director-General of MI5. In 1944 Blunt was responsible for liaison between MI5 and Allied Supreme Headquarters concerning the invasion of Europe.

At the end of the war Blunt was sent to Germany on a secret mission for the Royal family. A few months later Blunt retired from MI5 to become Surveyor of the King's Pictures. He continued to be a member of the spy ring led by Kim Philby and in 1951 helped Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean to defect to the Soviet Union. Blunt, who had been seen in the company of Burgess and Maclean just before they disappeared, was interviewed by eleven times by MI5 but was never charged with spying. Instead, Queen Elizabeth II asked Blunt to become Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures a post he held until his retirement in 1978.


Blunt's role as a Soviet agent was exposed in Andrew Boyle's book, The Climate of Treason in 1979. This resulted in his knighthood, awarded in 1956, being annulled. However, he was never charged with any offence. Why? The fact is that the establishment could not allow Blunt to tell his story in court. This is because he read those documents that he had sent to Germany to collect for the royal family. What did they say that had to remain a secret? Maybe it was something to do with the highly secret fascist group called the Right Club. This pro-Nazi group included Archibald Ramsay, William Joyce, Anna Wolkoff, A. K. Chesterton, Francis Yeats-Brown, E. H. Cole, Lord Redesdale, 5th Duke of Wellington, Duke of Westminster, Aubrey Lees, John Stourton, Thomas Hunter, Samuel Chapman, Ernest Bennett, Charles Kerr, John MacKie, James Edmondson, Mavis Tate, Marquess of Graham, Margaret Bothamley, Lord Sempill, Earl of Galloway, H. T. Mills, Richard Findlay and Serrocold Skeels.


Maxwell Knight, the head of B5b, a unit within MI5 that conducted the monitoring of political subversion, was formerly Director of Intelligence of the British Fascisti (BF). In the 1930s MI5 were very keen to recruit fascists. This is how Kim Philby and Guy Burgess managed to be recruited (they pretended to be fascists by joining the Anglo-German Fellowship, a pro-Nazi pressure group).

After the outbreak of the war several members of the Right Club spied on the UK for Nazi Germany. They also tried to negotiate an end to the war. I believe the Neville Chamberlain government and King George VI were implicated in these secret negotiations. So also was the previous monarch, Edward VIII).



This helps to explain why Rudolf Hess was kept from making any public statements after being captured in Scotland on 10th May, 1941. Hess had been trying to reach the Duke of Hamilton, a member of the Right Club.


The problem for the British establishment is that the Americans discovered that Tyler Kent, a cypher clerk from the American Embassy, was a spy. He had been recruited by Anna Wolkoff, a member of the Right Club. Wolkoff was the daughter of Admiral Nikolai Wolkoff, the former aide-to-camp to the Nicholas II in London. Wolkoff ran the Russian Tea Room in South Kensington and this eventually became the main meeting place for members of the Right Club.

In the 1930s Anna Wolkoff had meetings with Hans Frank and Rudolf Hess. In 1935 her actions began to be monitored by MI5. Agents warned that Wolkoff had developed a close relationship with Wallis Simpson (the future wife of Edward VIII) and that the two women might be involved in passing state secrets to the German government.

In February 1940, Wolkoff met Tyler Kent. He soon became a regular visitor to the Russian Tea Room where he met other members of the Right Club including Ramsay. Wolkoff, Kent and Ramsay talked about politics and agreed that they all shared the same views on Jews.

Kent was concerned that the American government wanted the United States to join the war against Germany. He said he had evidence of this as he had been making copies of the correspondence between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. Kent invited Wolkoff and Ramsay back to his flat to look at these documents. This included secret assurances that the United States would support France if it was invaded by the German Army. Kent later argued that he had shown these documents to Ramsay in the hope that he would pass this information to American politicians hostile to Roosevelt.

On 13th April 1940 Wolkoff went to Kent's flat and made copies of some of these documents. Joan Miller and Marjorie Amor, two MI5 agents who were members of the Right Club, were later to testify that these documents were then passed on to Duco del Monte, Assistant Naval Attaché at the Italian Embassy. Soon afterwards, MI8, the wireless interception service, picked up messages between Rome and Berlin that indicated that Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of German military intelligence (Abwehr), had seen the Roosevelt-Churchill correspondence.

Soon afterwards Anna Wolkoff asked Joan Miller if she would use her contacts at the Italian Embassy to pass a coded letter to William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) in Germany. The letter contained information that he could use in his broadcasts on Radio Hamburg. MI5 still did nothing about this until they received information from sources in the United States.

On 18th May, 1940, Knight was forced to tell Guy Liddell of MI5 about the Right Club spy ring. Liddell immediately had a meeting with Joseph Kennedy, the American Ambassador in London. Kennedy agreed to waive Kent's diplomatic immunity and on 20th May, 1940, the Special Branch raided his flat. Inside they found the copies of 1,929 classified documents, including the secret correspondence between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. Kent was also found in possession of what became known as Ramsay's Red Book. This book had the names and addresses of members of the Right Club and had been given to Kent for safe keeping.

Anna Wolkoff and Tyler Kent were arrested and charged under the Official Secrets Act. The trial took place in secret and on 7th November 1940, Wolkoff was sentenced to ten years. Kent, because he was an American citizen, was treated less harshly and received only seven years.

Archibald Ramsay was surprisingly not charged with breaking the Official Secrets Act. Instead he was interned under Defence Regulation 18B. Ramsay now joined other right-wing extremists such as Oswald Mosley and Admiral Nikolai Wolkoff in Brixton Prison.

The government found it difficult to suppress the story and in 1941 the New York Times claimed that Ramsay had been guilty of spying for Nazi Germany: "Before the war he (Ramsay) was strongly anti-Communist, anti-semitic, and pro-Hitler. Though no specific charges were brought against him - Defence Regulations allow that - informed American sources said that he had sent to the German Legation in Dublin treasonable information given to him by Tyler Kent, clerk to the American Embassy in London."

Some left-wing politicians in the House of Commons began demanding the publication of Ramsay's Red Book. They suspected that several senior members of the Conservative Party had been members of the Right Club. Some took the view that Ramsay had done some sort of deal in order to prevent him being charged with treason.

Herbert Morrison, the Home Secretary refused to reveal the contents of Ramsay's Red Book. He claimed that it was impossible to know if the names in the book were really members of the Right Club. If this was the case, the publication of the book would unfairly smear innocent people.

Archibald Ramsay sued the owners of the New York Times for libel. In court Ramsay argued that if there had been any evidence of him passing secrets to the Germans he would have been tried under the Official Secrets Act alongside Anna Wolkoff and Tyler Kent in 1940. The newspaper owners were found guilty of libel but the case became a disaster for Ramsay when he was awarded a farthing in damages. As well as the extremely damaging publicity he endured, Ramsay was forced to pay the costs of the case.

During the summer of 1944 several Conservative Party MPs in the House of Commons called for Ramsay to be released from prison. William Gallacher, a member of the Communist Party, argued that he should remain in detention. He pointed out that Ramsay was "a rabid anti-Semite" and that "anti-Semitism is an incitement to murder." He asked "if the mothers of this country, whose lads are being sacrificed now, are to be informed by him that their sacrifices have enabled him to release this unspeakable blackguard." When Gallacher refused to withdraw these comments he was suspended from the House of Commons.

Ramsay was released from Brixton Prison on 26th September, 1944. He was defeated in the 1945 General Election and in 1955 he published his book The Nameless War.

Ramsay died in 1955 and it was not until 1989 that the Red Book was found in the safe of Ramsay's former solicitors. The book included the names of 235 people. Unfortunately a lot of the names were in code. However, it did contain the names of several senior Tories including a large number of MPs and peers of the realm.

To go back to the Anthony Blunt case. His mission was to obtain documents that implicated the British royal family in negotiations that went on with Hitler in the 1930s and the 1940s. As Blunt told friends, the information he found in those documents gave him "protection for life". That is why he got the job of Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures, a post he held even after MI5 discovered that he was a long-term Soviet spy. It is also the reason why he was never charged with any spying offences. Unlike with Archibald Ramsay, Blunt could not be tried in secret.

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That's fabulous John - thanks. These are the kinds of connections I have looked for in the past - frankly. There are still some names that I don't believe have been flushed to the surface - all in your backyard. I would like to learn more about the relationships between BP, Rio Tinto, M15, the Royal Secret Service, the Federal Reserve, The Process, The Golden Dawn, US Intelligence, etc.

Hopefully I can learn more in the few books I bought recently, but not holding my breath. If we had the sort of penetration here that we did of occultists, Nazis and intelligence - I don't see how it would have been different there. Did the UK have a similar program like Paperclip? How could they have not?

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That's not the best representation of John Judge's work.

There's more at Dave Ratcliff's Rathouse site.

John gave some people permission to set up a web site of his own :


but they've had a lot of technical problems getting it up and running.

He's been busy working as special projects coordinator for Cynthia McKinney,

but now that she's lost the election he'll be out of a job and will have more time

to get his web site together once this Congressional session is over.

He's also organizing this November's COPA conference in Dallas, and has McKinney

featured as a speaker.


Edited by William Kelly
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That's not the best representation of John Judge's work.

There's more at Dave Ratcliff's Rathouse site.

John gave some people permission to set up a web site of his own :


but they've had a lot of technical problems getting it up and running.

He's been busy working as special projects coordinator for Cynthia McKinney,

but now that she's lost the election he'll be out of a job and will have more time

to get his web site together once this Congressional session is over.

He's also organizing this November's COPA conference in Dallas, and has McKinney

featured as a speaker.


Thanks Bill - I've written him before - with no response [He has something I wanted to take a look at].

I would also like very much to know how he came to this conclusion, and see what reference material he may have:

These intelligence networks have a name, CIA, DIA (Defense

Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), and include a world

intelligence network since WWII that interlinks British, Nazi, US and

Russian intelligence operatives (Note: As I've indicated throughout these

files, all of these are apparently and ultimately controlled by such

BAVARIAN secret societies as the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Thule, Vril,

O.T.O., Rosicrucians, and all of the many other Bavarian cults which were

collectively integrated into the "Nazi" agenda.

- lee

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Bill - I've written him before - with no response [He has something I wanted to take a look at].

I would also like very much to know how he came to this conclusion, and see what reference material he may have:

These intelligence networks have a name, CIA, DIA (Defense

Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), and include a world

intelligence network since WWII that interlinks British, Nazi, US and

Russian intelligence operatives (Note: As I've indicated throughout these

files, all of these are apparently and ultimately controlled by such

BAVARIAN secret societies as the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Thule, Vril,

O.T.O., Rosicrucians, and all of the many other Bavarian cults which were

collectively integrated into the "Nazi" agenda.

- lee

Lee, Now that John Judge is leaving his job with Cynthia McKinney, maybe he'll have more time to devote to his other work.

I will ask him to join the forum.


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