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Someone Would Have Talked website

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As a note on the WEB site, there will be no charge for access so all the original and second edition documents plus the other content will be available to everyone. It will be referenced by chapter though so with the book as a guide it will be easier to find relevant content. Hopefully it will be one more significant content resource and we plan to continue adding relevant documents as we turn them up - or as other researchers locate them.

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As a note on the WEB site, there will be no charge for access so all the original and second edition documents plus the other content will be available to everyone. It will be referenced by chapter though so with the book as a guide it will be easier to find relevant content. Hopefully it will be one more significant content resource and we plan to continue adding relevant documents as we turn them up - or as other researchers locate them.

Please let us know when you have the URL for this website.

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Will do John, we hope to have at least a partially populated site up sometime this

coming week. For starters it will have all the exhibits for the first edition; the

content which was on the CD. Then we will add a series of new exhibits to

support some of the chapters as well as the new appendices. After that come

the expanded photo sections and the social network diagrams.

When it's complete we also play to have a mechanism add additional exhibits

which are relevant to the book; with a little luck we may have the first of those

in November or December (they are on order from NARA now). And that

certainly goes for anything relevant that other researchers discover as well.

We also hope to provide a FAQ relating to the book and a place to post responses

to questions.

I'll be providing a brief overview of the site late Sunday afternoon at the Lancer


-- thanks, Larry

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Hi Larry,

really look forward to seeing the new website - sounds like it will be an excellent resource! Credit also to you for making it free to look at, considering all the research you have done.

I know you said the book would be out at the conference this year but unfortunately I can't make it over this year. Do you know if the book will be sold through Amazon UK as well?

Thanks and good luck with the conference this year.

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Hi Francesca, thanks for the kind words on the conference and we will miss you and other

of our U.K. friends who are not able to attend this year.

Unfortunately I don't know the details of the U.K. book availability yet, but Debra has

a section on the book web site which will address all those details on where and how

it will be available including international....its just not completed yet.

She's hard at work on the WEB site this week though and I would think we would be

ready to share it even while its under construction by next week. It is being constructed

as an aid to the reader and I hope that on occasion people will read and refer to

it simultaneously.


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