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Steping out of line with the South Knoll

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"Note: Each time this south knoll information comes up; the thread is turned back to the "Badgeman" and other north side of Plaza matters and those theories and doctored photos. Why is it so important not to really look into that area of the south side? Each time that area is brought up it is past by or diverted into something else not related. It was the same in 1964, and again in 1974, and again in 1978, 81, 91, and now 2006. It was the same with the FBI, Secret Service, Congressional and Senate investigators of many years ago. It seems to be very important to focus on the North side and by pass the South. Why? Is it perhaps that is the area that best confirms the fake story played by the government of where the shooters or assassins really were?"

What you say above is not quite true...Doug Weldon, who has been investigating the assassination

of the President, since 78..extensively, the Limousine and the trajectories of the hits...presented his research in "Murder In Dealey Plaza" 2000 one of the many contributors in one of Dr.J.Fetzer's books,

as well as at some conventions and in documentary's..etc..

He came to this same conclusion years ago..that there was a shot and a hit from the south knoll...

But IMO you are also

correct in your thoughts, that when the subject arises, it does not proceed, I have tried this in the past,

perhaps not here,I cannot recall now, but it never seems to go very far..I think perhaps the main problem

could be many have never bothered to study that area as a possibilty, or dismiss it rather quickly....

Though I am sure there are others out there that I do not know of...that have..

Just FYI..


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"Note: Each time this south knoll information comes up; the thread is turned back to the "Badgeman" and other north side of Plaza matters and those theories and doctored photos. Why is it so important not to really look into that area of the south side? Each time that area is brought up it is past by or diverted into something else not related. It was the same in 1964, and again in 1974, and again in 1978, 81, 91, and now 2006. It was the same with the FBI, Secret Service, Congressional and Senate investigators of many years ago. It seems to be very important to focus on the North side and by pass the South. Why? Is it perhaps that is the area that best confirms the fake story played by the government of where the shooters or assassins really were?"

What you say above is not quite true...Doug Weldon, who has been investigating the assassination

of the President, since 78..extensively, the Limousine and the trajectories of the hits...presented his research in "Murder In Dealey Plaza" 2000 one of the many contributors in one of Dr.J.Fetzer's books,

as well as at some conventions and in documentary's..etc..

He came to this same conclusion years ago..that there was a shot and a hit from the south knoll...

But IMO you are also

correct in your thoughts, that when the subject arises, it does not proceed, I have tried this in the past,

perhaps not here,I cannot recall now, but it never seems to go very far..I think perhaps the main problem

could be many have never bothered to study that area as a possibilty, or dismiss it rather quickly....

Though I am sure there are others out there that I do not know of...that have..

Just FYI..


Thanks Bernice. The first time the south knoll came up as far as I know was in April of 1964 at Buna Vista Colorado in an interview with the Denver FBI. (declassified and documented FOIA release 1981) It was discussed again with Congressman Tom Downing in 1974 and again with Senator Swicker in 1976 (Ricky Feeney and Daneul Shore before the HSCA was formed) If anyone really looked into the best places to make a hit they would have looked at this south knoll position. I believe Doug Weldon perhaps took a good hard look and came to those conclutions as would anybody if they really studied it. Also the south shooter was talked about in 1973 public but was discounted, with the aid of the FBI, for whatever reasons.


Your welcome, William.

His main studies are the Limousine, and that of course led him to the trajectories of the damage that

it obtained and a part of his findings were the shot from the South knoll. Thank you for the information

that you have mentioned..

I have also found these Cancellare photos, in my an old files. They may be of help to you, they were

photos that you marked your whereabouts on, some years ago now....on some forum, but which I have

no idea of now whose....If of any use to you....


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Yes, I do take your point that it seems as though theories of a south side shooter etc seem to be 'shot down' (excuse the pun) in favour of a gunman firing from the north.

I'm not an expert in this area - which side the shots are most liley to come from, or trajectories etc but I do remember from Sherry Giutierrez's forensic study of the case that she puts the fatal head shot as coming from the south side of the plaza.

I heard her presentation for the first time this year at the DPUK seminar in Canterbury and must admit I was surprised to hear the conclusion as I'd always thought it camne from the north side, but she made a very convincing case imo.

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NEW TOPIC: being the other thread was diverted and a little off track:

Now I am going to "step out of line" again and ask a few questions that some do not want asked. I will not go into Central America. After all this is a JFK investigative forum. Right?

Have you noticed how everyone stays away from that "south knoll shooter", or that south knoll picture. Also who brought the "south knoll shooter", and the picture into this investigation?

"... a shot came from behind and to the left of us...". (previous quote)

"... we checked the south parking lot but did not notice anything". (previous quote)

"... the shots ECHOED through out the plaza"... ". (previous quote)

"... some years ago I set off a firecracker at the south end of the triple underpass and watched people look toward the north side of the Plaza and at the north end of the underpass. I think that was because of the echo effect from the tube like tunnels of the underpass...". (previous quote)

".... the Limo was directly in-line with the south shooter and the Presidents head was turned toward the south, Jackie (south knoll south end of underpass) ".

Note: Each time this south knoll information comes up; the thread is turned back to the "Badgeman" and other north side of Plaza matters and those theories and doctored photos. Why is it so important not to really look into that area of the south side? Each time that area is brought up it is past by or diverted into something else not related. It was the same in 1964, and again in 1974, and again in 1978, 81, 91, and now 2006. It was the same with the FBI, Secret Service, Congressional and Senate investigators of many years ago. It seems to be very important to focus on the North side and by pass the South. Why? Is it perhaps that is the area that best confirms the fake story played by the government of where the shooters or assassins really were?

Also note. I have put out a lot of information these past few years and months; most of it backed up with documentation and preponderance of evidence. None of that information is addressed directly. Each time it is moved away from and something else is put in place to investigate. What really happens is I get investigated and threated by federal sources, including IRS. I find this strange if we say we are truly looking at all available information in reference to who shot Kennedy. If we say we want the truth-- then should we not really look into this south area with a fine tooth comb?


I have believed in the South Knoll shooter for quite some time, and felt somewhat exonerated when I first saw Sherry G's analysis. And you're right, in that when the topic comes up, it invariably leads back to the North Knoll. Frankly, there are as many potentials in the Cancellare photo of the South Knoll parking lot as there are of the North Knoll area photos. For anyone who has been or will be in Dealey Plaza, or has seen some recent photos taken from the south end of the railroad overpass facing the TSBD, you'll see something you generally don't see from other angles. Stand in Elm St near the head shot X facing west and look straight ahead. You'll be facing the west end of the South Knoll, and not down Elm towards the Stemmons entrance. I would suggest the forum's resident photo experts take a look at the background of Cancellare with the same zeal as they have of Moorman, Betzner, Willis, the Z film, etc.

I have some photos, but unfortunately can't post here due to limited attachment space.


Edited by Richard J. Smith
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