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The CIA and the death of Princess Diana

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Whether we recognize the rationales for this or not, various parties paid a lot of attention to Diana, particularly just prior to her demise, it seems. Knowing this, and all the contradictory blather contained in the numerous so-called inquiries into the circumstances of her death, one grows less sanguine about an "accident" verdict in this matter.

The following is from one of my favourite blogs at: http://rigint.blogspot.com/


That is a great link Robert, thanks. Very interesting blogs.

Being one of those 'strange people" who tend to entertain seriously the idea that John Lennon was a [unbeknownst to him, and the erstwhile American people] casualty of the Reagan Years ie Nicaragua, [remember those wonderful people who taught us that, catsup is a vegetable] John wouldn't have been writing song's like Paul's "Freedom" ie 9-11, [but that's like comparing apples & oranges,] concerning that particular 1980's era ideological struggle; But I digress...Really I wanted to post this blurb from maryferrell.org concerning said topic thread.


Sources: FBI 124-10135-10123; FBI 100-32965-306, pp. 2, 6, 28; NW 381-2, 6, 28; Dallas Morning News, Wed., 6/23/99, p. 13-A


Comments: Oil businessman from Kuwait. Was entertained at dinner by George and Jeanne deMohrenschildt in Haiti in June 1964 while official guest of Haitian Government. It was reported (by a CIA informant ?) that Alexandra deMohrenschildt Gibson, daughter of George deMohrenschildt, while visiting her father in Haiti in December 1964 without her husband, Don, was dating Mohammed Fayed. Fayed purchased Harrods in London in early 1980s. (Fayed's son, Dodi, was killed in an automobile accident in Paris on August 31, 1997 that also killed English Princess Dianna.) Mohammed Fayed repeatedly applied for British citizenship but was denied each time. The last time he applied was Tues., 6/22/99. That time, he won permission to challenge the government's decision refusing him British citizenship. In 1999, Fayed was 66 years old.....

I would like to know what Mary Ferrell would have to say about recent developments in the Diana controversy....

I read a JFK related book that Fayed was thgought to be associated with Egyptian intelligence in the old day's anybody heard that?

Oh, by the way..it seems another communist institution, [grins] has drawn the ire of the Bush Administration this time it's the [drum roll please] A.C.L.U.

See story


That is unless your afraid of being labeled in support of democratic ideals.

I have heard the Devil wears Prada, does that mean she watches Al-Jazeera?


Edited by Robert Howard
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Being one of those 'strange people" who tend to entertain seriously the idea that John Lennon was a [unbeknownst to him, and the erstwhile American people] casualty of the Reagan Years ie Nicaragua,...

Precisely Robert. Poppy "Wars R Us" Bush coming into power as VP and a "grossly famous" anti war activist is murdered by the brother of a known Bush associate.


Sources: FBI 124-10135-10123; FBI 100-32965-306, pp. 2, 6, 28; NW 381-2, 6, 28; Dallas Morning News, Wed., 6/23/99, p. 13-A


Comments: Oil businessman from Kuwait. Was entertained at dinner by George and Jeanne deMohrenschildt in Haiti in June 1964 while official guest of Haitian Government. It was reported (by a CIA informant ?) that Alexandra deMohrenschildt Gibson, daughter of George deMohrenschildt, while visiting her father in Haiti in December 1964 without her husband, Don, was dating Mohammed Fayed. Fayed purchased Harrods in London in early 1980s. (Fayed's son, Dodi, was killed in an automobile accident in Paris on August 31, 1997 that also killed English Princess Dianna.) Mohammed Fayed repeatedly applied for British citizenship but was denied each time. The last time he applied was Tues., 6/22/99. That time, he won permission to challenge the government's decision refusing him British citizenship. In 1999, Fayed was 66 years old.....

I would like to know what Mary Ferrell would have to say about recent developments in the Diana controversy....

I read a JFK related book that Fayed was thgought to be associated with Egyptian intelligence in the old day's anybody heard that?

Not me.

Mr Fayed is having the understandable reaction to whitewash of the Diana "investigation." I hope he keeps fighting.

"December 13 2006 at 11:44PM

By Jeremy Pelofsky

Washington - The father of Princess Diana's companion on Wednesday called "outrageous" a forthcoming report that said the couple's deaths were the result of a tragic car accident rather than a murder plot.

Mohamed al Fayed, the father of Diana's lover Dodi al Fayed and owner of the famed Harrod's department store in London, also questioned whether the investigator who headed the inquiry, Sir John Stevens, was blackmailed into ruling out foul play.

"It's shocking. It's completely outrageous that a leading Scotland Yard officer can come up with such an unbelievable judgment," Al Fayed said in an interview with NBC's Today show.


Al Fayed said his son had bought an engagement ring for Diana and that she had told him hours before the crash that she was pregnant. He also accused the British government of involvement in the plot.

Stevens is "being definitely blackmailed to say exactly what the British intelligence want him to say", Al Fayed said. Without citing the source of the information, he said that six months ago British intelligence agents stole Stevens' computer.

"I'm sure they found something very devastating for him and used what they have, information, to blackmail him," he said.

Al Fayed has charged that his son and Diana were murdered by British secret services because their relationship was embarrassing the royal household."

There we have it. All just an overgrown fender bender. Nothing to see here move along.

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Lookin' more likely they were engaged, boosting that as a motive.

"Dodi shown buying Di a ring

13/12/2006 21:37 - (SA)

Paris - An exclusive jeweller released a video on Wednesday which it said showed Dodi Al-Fayed picking up an engagement ring for Diana, Princess of Wales, just hours before both died in their 1997 Paris car crash.

In a letter to AFP, which obtained a copy of the video, the jewellery company Repossi said it was making the images available after receiving authorisation from Mohamed Al-Fayed, Dodi's wealthy father who has long insisted darker motives were behind the car accident.

Repossi said it had not previously released the surveillance video on the advice of its lawyers, but did not elaborate.


Repossi on Tuesday issued a statement saying Dodi Al-Fayed had inspected engagement rings in its Monaco branch earlier August 1997 and had "wanted the ring to be ready by August 30, 1997, at the latest".

It said "Dodi Al-Fayed went to the Repossi boutique on the Place Vendome to collect the engagement ring, which came from the 'Say Yes' collection, to give it to Princess Diana".

It said that, as well as the security video, it had proof of the purchase in the form of a receipt. Both pieces of evidence had been given to legal authorities who investigated the subsequent car crash, the jeweller's said.

The French probe concluded that the Ritz driver was to blame for the accident because he was drunk, high on prescription drugs and driving too fast.

Mohamed Al-Fayed claims Diana and his son were killed on the orders of the British establishment to prevent them marrying. "


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Tony Blair has been interviewed by police investigating cash for honours allegations. Mr Blair was not interviewed under caution. This means that there will be a whitewash. How is it possible that the only man who could instruct Lord Levy to offer loans for honours is not suspected of committing any crime?

It has been revealed that it was Tony Blair who decided that he should be interviewed by the police today. His officials claim that it was a pure coincidence that it was the same day that the Stephens Inquiry into Princess Diana’s death was published.

Two other important pieces of news were also released today.

Attorney General Lord Goldsmith said the Serious Fraud Office was "discontinuing" its investigation into Britain's biggest defence company, BAE Systems. its corruption inquiry into a £6bn fighter planes deal with Saudi Arabia. The reason given was one of "national security".


About 2,500 post offices are expected to close by 2009 because of rising losses and fewer people using the network, the government has announced. Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs that the cuts were needed because of losses of £4m a week, twice as much as in the previous year. Of course, we cannot afford this loss because of the cost of the Iraq War.


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Guest John Gillespie
There were many strange events surrounding the death of Princess Diana.

1. The U.S. TV show Hardcopy had a newly married couple that played their home video while they were staying in Paris that night at the Ritz Hotel. The video showed that the white Fiat Uno took off at a high rate of speed right after the limo driven by Henri Paul departed, leaving by a back door of the Ritz Hotel. There was no doubt that a white Fiat Uno exists, based on this TV show videotape, which I watched live. The car was found later, but had been repainted, and is now in a container located in a secure storage company according to a BBC broadcast.

2. Just prior to leaving the hotel, Henri Paul was seen walking in a straight line along the corridor of the hotel, he did not appear to be drunk at all. He walked normally, in my opinion. Paul was found later to be an informant for MI6 while working for the Ritz Hotel, having many bank accounts totalling over $100,000.00 deposited recently.

3. The bodyguard, Trevor Reese Jones strapped himself into the seat with the safety belt. This is against the rules of bodyguards, who must be ready to respond to the slightest problem. The driver was correctly strapped in.

4. The limousine was stolen several months prior to the "accident", but recovered. Could some remote control device have been installed in order to accellerate the vehicle out of control while it was in the tunnel?

5. There was a flash photo showing all occupants in the car just before the crash. Who took this photo, and was the bright flash part of the plot to assassinate the Princess as detailed by former MI6 employee Richard Tomlinson, author of The Big Breach" 2000, published by Narodny Variant Publishers, Moscow, Russia who said that the plot was identical with a plot that he remembered seeing while working at MI6, during a vist to Geneva, to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic in a tunnel, replete with a bright flash to disorient and blind the driver.

Ironically, Tomlinson had booked a series of flights from New Zealand, where his hotel room was raided, and at New York's JFK airport, he was refused entry to the United States and deported...rather fortuitously, as Tomlinson's original itinerary had seen him due to leave the U.S. on Swissair Flight #SR111 on 2 September 1998, which plunged into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff.

6. Affadavit. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=5750

7. New witness saw Fiat Driver kill Diana. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=43122

8. Rather than examine the vehicle in detail, it was loaded onto a tow truck immediately after Trevor Reese Jones was removed. One hour later, at 4am, the tunnel was cleaned by street sweepers that sprayed the walls. By 4:30am, the tunnel was opened to traffic. There was never an investigation of the crime scene intact. Patrick Chauvel was a local photographer on the scene that was not believed by local police. Eric Petel, 26 was on his motorcycle when he was overtaken by the Mercedes as he approached the tunnel, and was the first on the scene. He moved Diana's head forward, and realized that it was Princess Diana. He went to the nearest police station but was ignored, handcuffed and moved to the Paris Police Station. An officer told him quietly "You had better not make yourself known." This senior officer then set him free. Abridged from a book, Diana: Death of a Goddess, by @ David Cohen 2004, published by Century.

9. Nov 2, 2002, The Guardian had a front page article "What the Butler said: "The Queen came through for me". Paul Burrell, the former royal butler was cleared of all charges of theft against members of the royal family. Allegedly, there were plans to call Prince Charles and Prince William as witnesses. The Queen told Paul that there are dark forces out there.

10. July 22, 2006, the 60 year old Royal Coroner, Michael Burgess quit, unexpectedly.

11. Princess Diana wrote a letter to Paul Burrell 10 months before her death stating that her husband wanted to see her dead in a car crash. He claimed in a book that Diana believed that the brakes of her car would be tampered with. She wrote: "This phase of my life is the most dangerous."

12. In the Sunday Express, Aug. 15, 2004, the parents of the chauffeur who drove Princess Diana to her death claimed a court order for new alcohol and drugs blood test would prove a "farce", because the samples for analysis were not their son's. Henri Paul's father, Jean said: Henri's blood samples have vanished somewhere between one lab and another."

13. The ambulance took 1 hour and 10 minutes to travel to the hospital. (3 miles) Although an embalming was not allowed in France for a British citizen, she was embalmed from the waist up by Professor Lecomte in the hours after her death. The owner of the White Fiat Uno died under mysterious circumstances.

14. Henri Paul's body showed a carbon monoxide level of 20.7 percent, which would have rendered him incapable of walking, let alone driving. Why did French Police say within 24 hours of the crash that Paul was twice the legal drink driving limit before the body samples had been analyzed?

15. Why were Paul's family stopped from carrying out their own Post Mortem examination? Why was the evidence of witness Eric Petel ignored? Why was the traffic police investigation report not included in the official inquiry report? Why did the police say that the car's speedometer was stuck at 120 mph? Mercedes said that the speedometer would have reverted to zero, something that the police later conceded.

16. http://www.rumormillnews.com/clyd.htm Documents detail plot to murder Princess Diana.



Extremely good posting. Thank you. Most interesting - AND plausible - to me in terms of an assassination is item #4 which is a very workable modus operandi.

Yours Truly,

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I've been asked to post this:



Article written by Andrew Walker

As the Public Record Office releases more documents concerning the abdication of King Edward VIII, BBC News Online looks at his life.

King Edward VIII, who became the Duke of Windsor, found himself at the centre of a personal and political storm which shook the foundations of the monarchy.

More than 30 years after his death, his life continues to intrigue and tantalise historians.

Some commentators see him as a pampered playboy, whose louche lifestyle and numerous relationships with married women, most notably Mrs Simpson, made him unfit to be King.

Others believe this outward appearance masked something much darker - a fascination with Nazism, possibly even a brooding determination to overthrow his brother George VI.

The young Edward enjoyed a busy social life

Edward was born on 23 June 1894. His father, who became George V in 1910, was a fierce disciplinarian.

Besides Edward - always called David by his family - there were four other royal princes: Bertie - later George VI, Henry, George, and John.

Edward, good-looking, raffish and easy going, was the pick of the crop.


After becoming Prince of Wales in 1911 and serving in the Grenadier Guards during World War I, he became the darling of 1920s society.

Life was a seemingly endless round of balls, cocktail parties and country house weekends. His penchant for married women was already well-known in aristocratic circles.

During the early 1930s, Mrs Wallis Warfield Simpson, a divorcee from Baltimore, Maryland, was constantly with him.

But there was another, more serious, side to Edward's character.

During the Depression which followed the Wall Street Crash of 1929, he visited poverty-stricken areas of the UK and encouraged 200,000 unemployed men and women to join his back-to-work scheme.

His popularity far outstripped that of his distant father.

Following George V's death in January 1936, the new King faced two huge problems.

The first was his love for Wallis Simpson: as King, and Supreme Governor of the Church of England, he could not marry a divorcee. He would have to choose between his country and his lover.

Concentration camp

The second was that some felt that the new King was too sympathetic to Nazi Germany.

Following Edward's accession, the German embassy in London sent a cable for the personal attention of Hitler himself.

In part, it read: "An alliance between Germany and Britain is for him (the King) an urgent necessity."

Alan Lascelles, Edward's private secretary, gave his own harsh judgment of the situation.

The Windsors met Hitler in 1937

"The best thing that could happen to him would be for him to break his neck."

Within the year Edward, pressurised by the Church of England, the government and royal courtiers, decided to abdicate.

In October 1937, Edward and his wife - by now the Duke and Duchess of Windsor - visited Nazi Germany.

They met Hitler, dined with his deputy, Rudolf Hess, and even visited a concentration camp. The camp's guard towers were explained away as meat stores for the inmates.


At the outbreak of war, the duke served as a military liaison officer in Paris before eventually ending up in Lisbon after the French capitulation.

Hitler, wishing to bring the duke into his camp, made an abortive attempt to coax Edward and his wife to Spain, which was then sympathetic to the Nazi cause.

But the duke soon moved on to become Governor of the Bahamas from 1940-45. It was while he was there that he is said to have made his views explicit.

He reputedly told a journalist that "it would be a tragic thing for the world if Hitler was overthrown".

To an acquaintance on the island, the Duke reportedly said: "After the war is over and Hitler will crush the Americans...We'll take over...They (the British) don't want me as their King, but I'll be back as their leader."

After the war, the duke and duchess returned to France. He died there in 1972, while the Duchess lived on until 1986.

end of article

Though the official Whitehall view was that "His Royal Highness never wavered in his loyalty to the British cause", the reputation of "the King who never was" seems destined to remain cloaked in ambiguity

Edited by Dave Weaver
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Article in today's Guardian by Mark Lawson on the death of Diana compares it to the death of JFK.

Mark Lawson

Friday December 15, 2006

The Guardian

On the night before the Stevens report asserted that Princess Diana was killed by accident rather than murder, the movie director Oliver Stone flew into London for a Guardian interview at the National Film Theatre. It's an amusing coincidence that the director of JFK and Nixon - cinema's laureate of conspiracy theory - should happen to be in town for the publication of Britain's nearest equivalent to the Warren Commission report. But even the twitchiest online plot-spotter will accept that the director's presence was coincidence rather than conspiracy.

Lord Stevens is unlikely to be so lucky. His 900 pages are intended to be the end of the story but, for the community of the institutionally suspicious, they can never be so. Because their central allegation is that the princess was killed by the British establishment, refutation from a man who received a peerage for a lifetime of service to the police will be the equivalent of a press release from Texaco calling global warming a myth.

Mohamed Al Fayed, a father driven mad by grief, has already suggested that the spies blackmailed Lord Stevens to make him perjure himself. So let's look at this as coolly as we can. In examining conspiracy theories, the key questions are about motives and means. For example, few believe that President Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone, because there are so many groups with more plausible motives (Cuba, Asia, the mob, the military) and because one of Oswald's shots seems forensically unlikely to have achieved the effects it did.

Conversely, we can be sure that Nasa really did land a spacecraft on the moon rather than fake it all in a movie studio because, while a motive for deceit can just about be raised, the means - which would have involved ensuring the lifelong silence of numerous key personnel - are beyond belief.

So what, according to the doubters, was the motive of the palace and MI6 for having Diana killed? Because, stupid, she was pregnant with a half-Muslim half-brother to the second in line to the throne.

Stevens, though, skewers this theory with two types of blood. A sample from Diana lacked the procreative hormones; while Rosa Monckton, a friend who holidayed with the princess 10 days before her death, is insistent that Diana was menstruating during that trip, a fact that a close female companion might reasonably know.

Now, of course, our spooks are more than capable of having swapped Diana's tell-tale test-tube for the blood of a virgin Parisian nun, but can we really believe that Rosa Monckton is such a lackey of the British establishment that she would heroically invent this period detail, while also keeping her journalist husband, Dominic Lawson (no relation), from the story of the century?

Bloodied by these inconvenient truths, conspirators will now regroup and argue that the mere future possibility of pregnancy and marriage were enough to put the black spot on Diana. But, logically, wouldn't a Diana marriage into the Fayed family have put her further outside a royal family that had already stripped her of her title, and perhaps also usefully loosened the backing of her core monarchist support?

Any suggestion that the forces of monarchist conservatism might have gained from the death of Charles's ex-wife is weakened by the fact that the public reaction to her death brought modern Britain closer to republicanism than ever before. And the quality - if not the exact quantity - of the outpouring was predictable. Diana conspiracy theories all falter on the paradox of the plotters being clever enough to fix the hit, but too stupid to anticipate the potential consequences of her loss.

Weakened on motive, the Diana murder hypothesis totally collapses on means. Leaving aside the question of Henri Paul's blood-alcohol level (which requires a lot to be taken on trust), let's concentrate on his observable actions. If he was on a secret mission to steer into a pillar, then he must have been a kamikaze agent, a rare phenomenon in western espionage. Realising this, the plot-spotters now make Paul the patsy, merely driving a car that was diverted to its doom by another agent in the mysterious white vehicle, which may have tailgated the princess's limo, or by a roadside spook aiming a flash gun at the driver's eyes.

The difficulty with this is that the calculations of such an assassination are almost as complex as faking a moon landing. How could White Car Man or Kerbside Flasher be certain of diverting the target vehicle so precisely that a passenger in the back would definitely be killed? As it happened, a bodyguard in the front survived the impact (because of an air bag, says Stevens), while a seat-belt might have spared Diana. By any standards, a state murder so dependent on variables would be highly inefficient.

It can be taken as a sign of Lord Stevens' honour that he includes unexplained details that will encourage conspiracy nuts. Henri Paul seems indeed to have been in the pay of French intelligence, and Diana's phone was being tapped by the Yanks.

But, just as conspiracy theories have a weakness for making things too neat, real history has a tendency to include perplexing loose ends. At the risk of being thought part of a global conspiracy of denial, Lord Stevens has decisively shown that the answer to Diana's death lies not in the files of MI6 but in the pamphlets of the Ministry of Transport. Seat belts and air bags save lives; speeding and drink-driving kills.


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The media coverage of the Stephens Report was based virtually exclusively on rebutting the claims made by Mohamed Al Fayed that the execution of Diana had been carried out by MI6 on the orders of the royal family. It ignored the much more serious claims that have been made by Noel Botham in his book, The Murder of Princess Diana. Botham claims that Diana was killed by the CIA on behalf of the arms industry. He argues that Hillary Clinton asked Diana to front-up the campaign against land-mines. This would have enabled Bill Clinton to agree to the ban. This nearly worked as Diane’s high-profile campaign made it politically acceptable for Clinton to do this. Soon after she was murdered Clinton changed his mind and began supporting the use of land-mines. This of course would explain why the CIA was bugging Diana’s phone. It also explains why MI6 and the French Intelligence Services would have worked together to cover-up the crime. I don’t actually believe this theory but I find it more convincing than it being an assassination ordered by Prince Philip.

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Botham claims that Diana was killed by the CIA on behalf of the arms industry. ...

It also explains why MI6 and the French Intelligence Services would have worked together to cover-up the crime. I don’t actually believe this theory but I find it more convincing than it being an assassination ordered by Prince Philip.

I find it very difficult to believe that the French government would cover up an assassination committed by MI6 or the CIA. No doubt they cooperate fully on matters of mutual interest, but the historic competition for cultural hedgemony between the French and the Anglo-Saxons is surely very much alive. I suspect that any gendarme worth his fromage would be very happy to expose an assassination perpetrated by the CIA or MI6, if there was any evidence that such occurred.

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I find it very difficult to believe that the French government would cover up an assassination committed by MI6 or the CIA. No doubt they cooperate fully on matters of mutual interest, but the historic competition for cultural hedgemony between the French and the Anglo-Saxons is surely very much alive.

The arms industry is what unites these three countries. I suspect that all three countries are involved in the land-mines market. They of course are also in competition where they are willing to use all the dirty tricks available. See for example this thread:


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The media coverage of the Stephens Report was based virtually exclusively on rebutting the claims made by Mohamed Al Fayed that the execution of Diana had been carried out by MI6 on the orders of the royal family. It ignored the much more serious claims that have been made by Noel Botham in his book, The Murder of Princess Diana. Botham claims that Diana was killed by the CIA on behalf of the arms industry. He argues that Hillary Clinton asked Diana to front-up the campaign against land-mines. This would have enabled Bill Clinton to agree to the ban. This nearly worked as Diane’s high-profile campaign made it politically acceptable for Clinton to do this. Soon after she was murdered Clinton changed his mind and began supporting the use of land-mines. This of course would explain why the CIA was bugging Diana’s phone. It also explains why MI6 and the French Intelligence Services would have worked together to cover-up the crime. I don’t actually believe this theory but I find it more convincing than it being an assassination ordered by Prince Philip.

Fascinating John. Just a theory I know, but the arms industry is always a prime suspect given their likely culpability with the deaths of President Kennedy, Senator Kennedy, Dr King, John Lennon, etc. This exact motive was one of the ones I listed in an earlier post on the subject.

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There were many strange events surrounding the death of Princess Diana.

11. Princess Diana wrote a letter to Paul Burrell 10 months before her death stating that her husband wanted to see her dead in a car crash. He claimed in a book that Diana believed that the brakes of her car would be tampered with. She wrote: "This phase of my life is the most dangerous."

12. In the Sunday Express, Aug. 15, 2004, the parents of the chauffeur who drove Princess Diana to her death claimed a court order for new alcohol and drugs blood test would prove a "farce", because the samples for analysis were not their son's. Henri Paul's father, Jean said: Henri's blood samples have vanished somewhere between one lab and another."

13. The ambulance took 1 hour and 10 minutes to travel to the hospital. (3 miles) Although an embalming was not allowed in France for a British citizen, she was embalmed from the waist up by Professor Lecomte in the hours after her death. The owner of the White Fiat Uno died under mysterious circumstances.

14. Henri Paul's body showed a carbon monoxide level of 20.7 percent, which would have rendered him incapable of walking, let alone driving. Why did French Police say within 24 hours of the crash that Paul was twice the legal drink driving limit before the body samples had been analyzed?

15. Why were Paul's family stopped from carrying out their own Post Mortem examination? Why was the evidence of witness Eric Petel ignored? Why was the traffic police investigation report not included in the official inquiry report? Why did the police say that the car's speedometer was stuck at 120 mph? Mercedes said that the speedometer would have reverted to zero, something that the police later conceded.

16. http://www.rumormillnews.com/clyd.htm Documents detail plot to murder Princess Diana.



Extremely good posting. Thank you. Most interesting - AND plausible - to me in terms of an assassination is item #4 which is a very workable modus operandi.

Yours Truly,

Diana's work with the poor, the third world, the sick, the weak, the maimed, against land-mines and in so many ways making the rest of the 'royals' look [as they are!] like rich, arrogant pigs unconcerned at all with those not of blue blood and rich as hell....she was bumped-off for all that and daring to have an affair with the soon-to-be-enemy [an Arab]. In ref to a post above, Lennon was killed by the same 'gang'...he had gotten off his addiction [they had set upon him] to drugs and was recording new record and it was going to be very political.

"How many deaths will it take til we know that too many people have died?"

(Blowing In the Wind

-Bob Dylan)

As long as these bastards can continue to get away with just killing, they will do so, at their whim. Who is there to stop them? Our goverenment? Our media? The major difference, to me, between our country and totalitarian run countries is that in this country people actually believe that we have all this freedom from tyranny, a free press, some democratic ideal. It's a farce. The openly fascist countries are just more honest with their populace.


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