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Apollo Photos are Crude Studio Fakes

Duane Daman

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I am going to devote this thread to posting some of nasa's most obvious of blunders when faking the official Apollo photographic record .

I expect the nasa defenders here to attempt to try to debunk this evidence of photographic fakery on nasa's part , but I do not intend to get caught up in the ridiculous game playing that always takes place here , as it is a waste of time and I have many fake photos to research ....So don't expect me to reply to your typical nonsense and off topic attacks , used as distraction tactics .

This first photo has been kicked around before ... but usually because of the weird placement of the lunar buggy tire tracks that plunge right into the crater , which of course would have tipped over the buggy had the astro-actor really driven through that silly looking man made hole on the moon set ... But in focusing on the strange placement of the tire tracks, made by a possible whistle blower , I failed to notice what really proves that this photo is a studio fake ....

THE ASTRONOT'S SHADOW ! ... Not only does his shadow not bend forward with him but it was placed in the photo BACKWARDS !!! ... Oppppssss .... I would say this is one of nasa's BIGGEST CLANGERS !

Look at the placement of the PLSS pack in the shadow ... and compare it to other astronot's shadows ... I don't know how I missed this one until now .

AS15-85-11437 ... Commander/Actor Dave Scott pretending to be walking on the moon .


Edited by Duane Daman
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What is backwards ? .... The entire shadow .... You are starting the game early , I see .




Nice try .. but do you really think it will fool the other fools who lie for nasa ?

Take a good look at the other astronot photos taken on the moon set and you will see that "D" is the PLSS pack .

Edited by Duane Daman
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I have no idea what C is , but it sure doesn't look like his arms .

I have looked at enough phony Apollo photos to know how the PLSS pack shadows look .. and this shadow is not only in an incorrect position because of how the astronot is leaning over , but it is backwards ...

If you need me to post some other photos showing the PLSS pack shadows , I will be happy to show you the proof of my claims ..... Plus some other photos with impossible shadows .

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I have no idea what C is , but it sure doesn't look like his arms .

I have looked at enough phony Apollo photos to know how the PLSS pack shadows look .. and this shadow is not only in an incorrect position because of how the astronot is leaning over , but it is backwards ...

If you need me to post some other photos showing the PLSS pack shadows , I will be happy to show you the proof of my claims ..... Plus some other photos with impossible shadows .

I agree with Duane that the shadow looks "suspicious"...but a far more egregious error

is how the LRV supposedly had the left wheels go DOWN INTO A DEEP CRATER with the

right wheels several feet higher without turning over. Will some of the Apollogists address

this? I doubt it, because it is not possible.


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Jack ... I think Dave blew this one off before by saying that the buggy would have driven through that big rut just fine and if it did tip over , the astro-actor could have just picked up the dang thang and carried it to a safer location... Or some kind of nonsense close to that . :)

The shadow isn't just suspicious , it's backwards ... Trust me on this ... I wouldn't have posted it here if I hadn't checked out other photos first to be sure .

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Jack ... I think Dave blew this one off before by saying that the buggy would have driven through that big rut just fine and if it did tip over , the astro-actor could have just picked up the dang thang and carried it to a safer location... Or some kind of nonsense close to that . :)

Fraid I didn't. But do keep up with the pro-hoax disinformation that seems to be your speciality these days!

The shadow isn't just suspicious , it's backwards ... Trust me on this ... I wouldn't have posted it here if I hadn't checked out other photos first to be sure .

I trust that you believe what you're saying... but I also believe you're wrong. Kevin's explanation makes sense with everything matching up. I can even understand why you think the shadow looks like what you're saying it is - but applying some common sense and logical thinking supports Kevin's position rather than yours.

Credit where it's due though - at least you're doing your own research rather than cutting and pasting the "Jones Brother's" nonsense.

Quick question - how could the configuration of the shadow conform to your explanation if the photo was taken on a moon-set?

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I see I will need to post other photos of the PLSS pack shadows to prove my claim of the shadow being backwards ...

I cut and pasted the Dr. Jones, the physicist and Dr. Jones , the astronomer's claims here because they are not only correct but no one here has managed to refute either one of their claims , except with the typical fanatical pretense of the average dishonest nasa defender .... Should I bump Dr. Nathan Jones' article forward so you can pretend to refute that one also ? .. Because so far no one else has even gone near it .

You are as laughable as those lying Apollo astronots ... Do you really think you are more intelligent than an astronomer and a physicist , who both have proven that Apollo was a hoax ? ... Nevermind , I don't even want to read your answer to that one ... What an insulting , condesceding xxxxx you turned out to be ... but since it's either your job or your sworn duty to lie for nasa , I don't know why should I be surprised by any low life tactics you choose to use .

To answer your question ... The shadow conforms to being taken on a moon set because it was pasted in the photo after the fact .... BACKWARDS !

Edited by Duane Daman
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I see I will need to post other photos of the PLSS pack shadows to prove my claim of the shadow being backwards ...

I cut and pasted the Dr. Jones, the physicist and Dr. Jones , the astronomer's claims here because they are not only correct but no one here has managed to refute either one of their claims , except with the typical fanatical pretense of the average dishonest nasa defender .... Should I bump Dr. Nathan Jones' article forward so you can pretend to refute that one also ? .. Because so far no one else has even gone near it .

You are as laughable as those lying Apollo astronots ... Do you really think you are more intelligent than an astronomer and a physicist , who both have proven that Apollo was a hoax ? ... Nevermind , I don't even want to read your answer to that one ... What an insulting , condesceding xxxxx you turned out to be ... but since it's either your job or your sworn duty to lie for nasa , I don't know why should I be surprised by any low life tactics you choose to use .

To answer your question ... The shadow conforms to being taken on a moon set because it was pasted in the photo after the fact .... BACKWARDS !


You have absolutely nothing to offer except pathetic ad homs. I've bent over backwards to get you to engage in sensible and proper debate. I guess when you can't address the points I raise, all you're left with is insults - slimy even by poundland/kilter/elsewhere's exceedingly low standards. I thought you'd risen above his level - but with your constant insults, false accusations of lying, and failure to respond to simple questions addressing the message - you have finally unmasked yourself.

You're still espousing Neville Jones' views as credible? He who believes the HST can't possibly work? He who believes the sun can't account for the illumination of the full moon? He who believes the stars rotate around a stationary earth? Any chance of you addressing these points? What about his peculiar views on perspective in photos I've raised FOUR times? You had more credibility when you were gushing over Hawkins nonsense when half-way through his book.

I'm past caring what you believe - you're beyond help. I do, however, reserve the right to counter the HB disinformation you continue to put forward as "unassailable fact."

You have the gall to call me an insulting, condescending xxxxx? Grow up, FFS.

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I see I will need to post other photos of the PLSS pack shadows to prove my claim of the shadow being backwards ...

I cut and pasted the Dr. Jones, the physicist and Dr. Jones , the astronomer's claims here because they are not only correct but no one here has managed to refute either one of their claims , except with the typical fanatical pretense of the average dishonest nasa defender .... Should I bump Dr. Nathan Jones' article forward so you can pretend to refute that one also ? .. Because so far no one else has even gone near it .

You are as laughable as those lying Apollo astronots ... Do you really think you are more intelligent than an astronomer and a physicist , who both have proven that Apollo was a hoax ? ... Nevermind , I don't even want to read your answer to that one ... What an insulting , condesceding xxxxx you turned out to be ... but since it's either your job or your sworn duty to lie for nasa , I don't know why should I be surprised by any low life tactics you choose to use .

To answer your question ... The shadow conforms to being taken on a moon set because it was pasted in the photo after the fact .... BACKWARDS !

Jones the physicist and Jones the Astronomer ARE THE SAME PERSON>>>>NEVILLE JONES! As far as I can find NATHAN JONES is simply another hack like you. But please PROVE ME WRONG and offer us proof of your claim that Nathan Jones is a PhD.

I don't think its possible and its simply Dunae who does not even know what he is posting.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Jones the physicist and Jones the Astronomer ARE THE SAME PERSON>>>>NEVILLE JONES! As far as I can find NATHAN JONES is simply another hack like you. But please PROVE ME WRONG and offer us proof of your claim that Nathan Jones is a PhD.

I don't think its possible and its simply Dunae who does not eeven knwo what he is posting.

Indeed - the only references to Nathan Jones I can find are copies of the article Duane has posted dating back to Nov 2003.

What are his credentials? Qualifications? Or is he just another HB disinformationist, like Hawkins? For someone who claims to despise it, it seems to be your main form of argument - cutting and pasting HB disinformation, and claiming it to be the truth.

Edited by Dave Greer
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If you really believe that Dr. Nathan Jones is just another ordinary hoax believer , then how about trying to refute his Apollo Faq evidence ? ... Instead of worrying about his credentials , why not worry about the fact that he scientifically proves that Apollo was faked right here on Earth ?

As far as what you are claiming about Dr. Neville Jones , you have taken his comments very much out of context and twisted them around to suit your position, as usual .... And why would anyone but a moron believe that Nathan and Neville are the same person ? .... One is a physicist , the other is an astronomer and they have different names .

What I find so dishonorable about all of you who defend the bogus Apollo Program , is the fact that you attack the messenger instead of the MESSAGE ! ... You have all repeatedly attacked both Dr. Jones the physicist , Dr. Jones the astronomer , and me because you don't agree with our opinions about Apollo .... and you wonder why I insult you all in return ? ... Unbelievable .

I can't post one topic thread here without all of you playing games and taking it completely off topic .

Edited by Duane Daman
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If you really believe that Dr. Nathan Jones is just another ordinary hoax believer , then how about trying to refute his Apollo Faq evidence ? ... Instead of worrying about his credentials , why not worry about the fact that he scientifically proves that Apollo was faked right here on Earth ?

As far as what you are claiming about Dr. Neville Jones , you have taken his comments very much out of context and twisted them around to suit your position, as usual .... And why would anyone but a moron believe that Nathan and Neville are the same person ? .... One is a physicist , the other is an astronomer and they have different names .

What I find so dishonorable about all of you who defend the bogus Apollo Program , is the fact that you attack the messenger instead of the MESSAGE ! ... You have all repeatedly attacked both Dr. Jones the physicist , Dr. Jones the astronomer , and me because you don't agree with our opinions about Apollo .... and you wonder why I insult you all in return ? ... Unbelievable .

I can't post one topic thread here without all of you playing games and taking it completely off topic .


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I believe it is Dr. Neville Jones who is the physicist and Nathan Jones who is an astronomer ... Apparently some people were claiming that Dr. Nathan Jones was a non-existant person , like Charles T. Hawkins ... but I found these sites which proves Nathan Jones does exist .. Plus some unkind comments ( go figure ) about him on Bad Astronomy .

PH4011 Spring 2002

11 am, Nathan Jones, Night Sky Photometry With CONCAM. Apr. 18 4 pm, Peter Hoffmann, Dept of Physics & Astronomy, Wayne State University, "Touching Atoms ...



Chemistry News-uwo

Nathan Jones and Paul Ragogna are receipients of Early Researcher Awards from the ... along with the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Faculty of ...



President Paul Davenport

... Andrew Leask, Department of Oral Biology; Nathan D. Jones, Department of Chemistry ... Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Pharmacology ...



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