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Behaviour of Members

John Simkin

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Perhaps the forum could adopt a stock insult, a particular statement that anyone can make about a fellow member, as long as the person utilizing the insult immediately returns to civility. This would be the only insult allowed on the forum, as long as the insult is used infrequently and with discretion, reserved only for someone who absolutely deserves to be insulted.

Here are two insults, personal favorites of mine, either one of which I think would be a good stock insult for the forum:

"He/she has all the attributes of a dog except loyalty."

"If he/she was any dumber he/she would have to be watered twice a week."

Other forum members may have personal favorites to suggest. Just remember, though, that there is a psychological phenomenon known as spontaneous trait transference. The traits you describe in other people will be applied to you as well, however unconsciously, by the person(s) you're describing them to. You become associated with the characteristics you describe. So beware of this boomerang effect in insulting other people.

That's the best idea I've every heard Ron!

Here's my entry:

"Is that your nose or are you eating a banana?"

Myra, as a person with an especially large nose, I take offense at that suggestion. :unsure:

How would you like it if I addressed obnoxious posters as "girly-men"? :blink:

Nose-ism is no better than sexism.

Jack :(

Edited by Jack White
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I have had a lot of complaints recently about the insulting comments of some members of this forum. In virtually every case, the culprits are Americans. I suppose this abusive behaviour must be part of their culture, however, people from outside the United States find it very offensive.


Do you really believe that abusive behaviour is part of American culture?


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Perhaps the forum could adopt a stock insult, a particular statement that anyone can make about a fellow member, as long as the person utilizing the insult immediately returns to civility. This would be the only insult allowed on the forum, as long as the insult is used infrequently and with discretion, reserved only for someone who absolutely deserves to be insulted.

Here are two insults, personal favorites of mine, either one of which I think would be a good stock insult for the forum:

"He/she has all the attributes of a dog except loyalty."

"If he/she was any dumber he/she would have to be watered twice a week."

Other forum members may have personal favorites to suggest. Just remember, though, that there is a psychological phenomenon known as spontaneous trait transference. The traits you describe in other people will be applied to you as well, however unconsciously, by the person(s) you're describing them to. You become associated with the characteristics you describe. So beware of this boomerang effect in insulting other people.

That's the best idea I've every heard Ron!

Here's my entry:

"Is that your nose or are you eating a banana?"

Myra, as a person with an especially large nose, I take offense at that suggestion. ;)

How would you like it if I addressed obnoxious posters as "girly-men"? :(

Nose-ism is no better than sexism.

Jack :)


If you have a body part you're particularly proud of I'd be happy to incorporate it into a stock insult.


(I'm trying to avoid gender specificity in the insult however. I prefer a one-size-fits-all smackdown.

Then I can eventually automate it. )


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I wouldn't go that far, there would be no members left.

Admittedly this is a bit verbose, but perhapsa something like this:

Anarchy is an art that's chaotic in the hands of ignoramuses.

Used properly in combination with proper morals and ethics it can be enormously empowering. Just imagine a forum with no rules where participators govern themselves. Where members actually take responsibility for their own actions. Perhaps societies with leaders and with authoritarian minded powerstructures while gabbing on about 'freedom' do indeed produce this base purility. (When those societies also happen to have BFG's the whole world suffers.)

Kennedy went some way towards bringing the US into the civilised world. So that shows that with a proper will it is possible.

Edited by John Dolva
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Len Colby

I sincerely wish that my statement of agreement with your last post does not put you in bad stead with this forum.

I, although I realize the possible consequences, cannot live with myself if I do not express what follows.

For a number of hours, I have both bitten my tongue and taped my fingers in a "sincere effort to not respond" to what I feel to be Andy Walker's unhidden antagonism toward "Americans", which he expressed in post #18 of this thread and has so done in the past.

I refer to the entire sentiment of this post, and in particular to his statement that "....many of the Americans here appear particularly poor at expressing themselves effectively.."

Although I cannot call this truly "racist"....in my opinion, it could even be something much worse.

Andy...Am I at this moment "particularly poor at expressing" myself "effectively" ?

As it seems that your true "problem" seems more to be U.S. citizens rather than "forum misbehaviour",

I feel that the solution, which you might inwardly seek, has a most easy solution. Your inferences and rhetoric, seem more in agreement with the direct references to racial superiority, expressed by your Euro neighbors who frequently "dropped in on you" during the "forties".

Since I realize that I am one of those backward unfortunates, who has only recently emerged from the dregs of the swamplands of Florida, here in the New World, I hope that you wont find it necessary to find an interpreter for this post !

"I, although I realize the possible consequences, cannot live with myself if I do not express what follows"

I wouldn't worry too much several people, including Americans, have said far worse things about Andy and are still here.

Charlie Black

I sincerely wish that your statement of agreement with my post does not put YOU in bad stead with this forum. LOL

“I, although I realize the possible consequences, cannot live with myself if I do not express what follows.”

I wouldn’t worry too much, several members, including Americans, have said far worse things about Andy and are still here.

“I refer to the entire sentiment of this post, and in particular to his statement that "....many of the Americans here appear particularly poor at expressing themselves effectively.." ”

I also find his apparent animosity towards us* disconcerting but note that he said “many” and not “all” or even “most Americans”. Whatever the reasons it is true unfortunately that the people who result to insults are mostly Americans. I don’t think what he said was that different from John’s suggestion “abusive behavior must be part of [American] culture”


*I’m an American ex-pat living in Brazil

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How about 'Never argue with a fool. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience'


How are we supposed to maintain the petulant tone of this thread if you keep interjecting sound practical wisdom and philosophy???

Puh-leeze, get with the program.


(Seriously, that is a great quote. I can't find an author for it via google though.)

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Guest Gary Loughran
How about 'Never argue with a fool. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience'


How are we supposed to maintain the petulant tone of this thread if you keep interjecting sound practical wisdom and philosophy???

Puh-leeze, get with the program.


(Seriously, that is a great quote. I can't find an author for it via google though.)

Hi Myra,

I'm a bit of fan of Oscar Wilde. Therefore I can only imagine it was something he said, which I've obviously misquoted for efficacy. I think :ice


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Guest Gary Loughran
How about 'Never argue with a fool. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience'


That's quite similar to one of my favorites----"Never be seen arguing with a fool. Someone might recognise you".

Indeed Mark. Arguments are to be avoided, particularly with fools. As a matter of interest, does anyone have a definitive method of recognising one? :):D

A topic unto itself, I think...

Edited by Gary Loughran
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How about 'Never argue with a fool. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience'


That's quite similar to one of my favorites----"Never be seen arguing with a fool. Someone might recognise you".

Indeed Mark. Arguments are to be avoided, particularly with fools. As a matter of interest, does anyone have a definitive method of recognising one? :):D

A topic unto itself, I think...

If you can get to the White House, you'll see one.

You'll recognise him immediately.

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Perhaps the forum could adopt a stock insult, a particular statement that anyone can make about a fellow member, as long as the person utilizing the insult immediately returns to civility. This would be the only insult allowed on the forum, as long as the insult is used infrequently and with discretion, reserved only for someone who absolutely deserves to be insulted.

Here are two insults, personal favorites of mine, either one of which I think would be a good stock insult for the forum:

"He/she has all the attributes of a dog except loyalty."

"If he/she was any dumber he/she would have to be watered twice a week."

Other forum members may have personal favorites to suggest. Just remember, though, that there is a psychological phenomenon known as spontaneous trait transference. The traits you describe in other people will be applied to you as well, however unconsciously, by the person(s) you're describing them to. You become associated with the characteristics you describe. So beware of this boomerang effect in insulting other people.

That's the best idea I've every heard Ron!

Here's my entry:

"Is that your nose or are you eating a banana?"

Hang on a minute, girly man.

I believe I already made that suggestion way back in post #2. (I like your entry, though)

It's on the record. Read it and weep.

Ron is already showered with adulation. (I think he's a serial glory hogger)

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I have had a lot of complaints recently about the insulting comments of some members of this forum. The names of certain people are constantly being mentioned. They are nearly always about posts on threads about the photographic evidence concerning the JFK assassination, 9/11 conspiracies and moon landings. In virtually every case, the culprits are Americans. I suppose this abusive behaviour must be part of their culture, however, people from outside the United States find it very offensive.

I spend a considerable amount of money on this forum. We recently upgraded to a much more expensive package. I also spend a great deal of time on this forum. This is in itself an expensive business as I am self-employed. I do not have the time to monitor these people. Especially as they tend to post on threads that I have little interest in.

Warnings do not seem to work. Therefore, I am considering banning the worst offenders from the forum. Do you agree? I await your advice on how to proceed.

Whatever helps the forum is what is important.

I support any action you feel is necessary. Including my own banishment if you feel that is the best course of action.

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I have had a lot of complaints recently about the insulting comments of some members of this forum. The names of certain people are constantly being mentioned. They are nearly always about posts on threads about the photographic evidence concerning the JFK assassination, 9/11 conspiracies and moon landings. In virtually every case, the culprits are Americans. I suppose this abusive behaviour must be part of their culture, however, people from outside the United States find it very offensive.

I spend a considerable amount of money on this forum. We recently upgraded to a much more expensive package. I also spend a great deal of time on this forum. This is in itself an expensive business as I am self-employed. I do not have the time to monitor these people. Especially as they tend to post on threads that I have little interest in.

Warnings do not seem to work. Therefore, I am considering banning the worst offenders from the forum. Do you agree? I await your advice on how to proceed.

Whatever helps the forum is what is important.

I support any action you feel is necessary. Including my own banishment if you feel that is the best course of action.

If you are looking into insults......I personally like..... "[add the name], why dont you take the day off. You dont have to be an asshole every day! thanks-smitty

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