Guest Stephen Turner Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 WE ARE ACCOUNTED POOR CITIZENS, THE PATRICIANS, GOOD. WHAT AUTHORITY SURFEITS ON WOULD RELIEVE US IF THEY WOULD YIELD US BUT THE SUPERFLUITY WHILE IT WERE WHOLESOME, WE MIGHT GUESS THEY RELIEVED US HUMANELY; BUT THEY THINK WE ARE TOO DEAR: THE LEANESS THAT AFFLICTS US, THE OBJECT OF OUR MISERY, IS AN INVENTORY TO PARTICULARIZE THEIR ABUNDANCE;OUR SUFFERING IS A GAIN TO THEM: WLM SHAKESPEARE, CORIOLANUS,[ 1.1] The Social upheavals of the 1960s, and early 1970s shock the ruling Power Elite[P/E] to their core; and nothing worried them more than the fact that the threat to their hegemony appeared to be Global in nature. It is against this backdrop that the assassination of John F Kennedy, one of the first, some violent, some essentially bloodless finds its setting, and its eventual resolution. CREATING, AND FILLING THE POWER VACUUM, THE RULING ELITES STRATEGY. Every good Athenian knew that you cant kill the Hydra by simply striking at its many heads, the trick was a sword to the heart. Taken individually, the assassinations, Coups and power transfers of this era can seem confusing, it is only by attempting an understanding of their totality, and their global nature, that the strategy, and overarching reach of the P/E can be understood. This type of "Global" thinking also exposes the cold war, and Nationalism for the diversionary tactics that they were, and continue to be. And further how these diversions helped the P/E to construct todays financial House of cards that we laughingly call modern Society. Their aim was simple, where a threat to their continued rule existed, no matter how small, they created a vacuum, and then filled it. BIG BROTHER," THEN WHERE DOES THE PAST EXIST, IF AT ALL." SMITH, "IN THE RECORDS, IT IS WRITEN DOWN." B/B, "IN THE RECORDS AND?" SMITH, "IN THE MIND, IN HUMAN MEMORIES." B/B, "IN THE MEMORY, VERY WELL THEN, THE PARTY CONTROL ALL RECORDS, AND WE CONTROL ALL MEMORIES, SO WE CONTROL THE PAST, DO WE NOT?" The ruling class enjoy several distinct advantages of the Citizenry, wealth, power, privilage, the ability to enforce, but not obey the Law, perference etc, but all these can be reuced to two elements, the same, but different, the ability to predict, and therefore shape the future in a form that is of most benifit to themselves. To begin to comprehend this it must be understood that. 1, The P/E recognise no National boundries, patriotism is strictly for the Plebians. 2, They recognise no racial differences. 3, They are not religious. 4, They do not concern themselves with common morality, over and above its ability to control, calm or enrage the herd. 1, NATIONALISM-PATRIOTISM. This is probably the most effective class weapon in the P/Es repertoire, because while they think and act Globally to extend their grip on power, Citizens are taught from an ealy age to be concerned with only what is good for "THEIR" Country, thus stiffling any International inpulse. The importance of this diversionary tatic to the continued rule of the P/E cannot be overstated. 2,RACIAL DIFFERENCES. What ever else the P/E may be, one thing is certain, they are Political/Social sophisticates, mere racial differences will never be allowed to stand in the way of power extension/consolidation. Compare this to the experience of the avarage Citizen, who is constantly bombarded with subtle, sometimes not so subtle racist messages, until fear of "the other" is an instilled, knee jerk reaction. A perfect method of social control. 3, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. Fact, nobody, but nobody in he Power Elite believes in a God, and their actions, as opposed to their words proves this point. But the Religious promise of an afterlife, with either rewards, or extreme punishment has provided them with a wonderfull method of control/diversion. 4, MORALITY, The P/E are amoral, indeed the great majority of them are fully formed Sociopaths. But they are very adept at using moral dimentions to exercise control over the masses, witness the hypocracy, and false piety when dealing with issues such as, Reproduction, Homosexualty, the Family, Scientific advances and conservation. These, then are some of the normal methods of Social control, and have been thousands of years in the perfecting, and in normal times work very well in curtailing any true egalitarion impulse in the Worlds Citizinary. "AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT, THERE IS A SORT OF ALL PERVADING ORTHODOXY, A GENERAL TACIT AGREEMENT NOT TO DISCUSS LARGE, AND UNCOMFORTABLE FACTS. GEORGE ORWELL. " I USE VERY BIG MONEY. I USE GUNS TOO, THE BUMS WHO INSIST ON DOUBLE CROSSING ME KNOW WHAT THEY ARE UP AGAINST. CITY HALL UNDERSTANDS WHAT I AM SAYING, SO DOES THE GOVERNMENT. AL CAPONE. THE ASSASSINATIONS, 1963-----1975......... It has been said that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and the long decade 1963-1975(the true 60s)make plain the truth of that saying. The global form, and differing nature of these "assassinations" can render them difficult to percieve as cut from whole cloth, one concerted, on going effort by the P/E and their fellow travellors to ensure their hegemony remained intact, and largely unchallenged, and we, like louis Carrols Alice " Discern the shape and form, yet not the meaning" A sample of these asassinations would include, yet be far from comprehensive, Diem, JFK, Kruschev, Malcolm X, Harold Wilson(twice) MLK, RFK, Che Guevara, George Wallace, LBJ, Richard Nixon, the Italian Communist party, the Weather underground, Alexander Dubcek, and the Prague spring, Rudi Dutschke, the Black panther party, Gough Whitlam, the IRA, SDS, LHO, the Mexican Students/workers movement, the begining of the emasculation of the radiacal, Worldwide Trade Union movement and Salvadore Allende, along with Chilian Democracy/Socialism/land reform. And many, many more, some that occured so far under the radar of publicity that they will never be known, let alone acknowledged. So is it possible to percieve a guiding hand here, the short answer is yes, the worldwide intellegence services, but to really understand what this means we must get beyond cold war shibboleth's, and gain an insight into the true workings of the Intellegence Community, and who they truely serve. "The KGB, and the CIA keep each others secrets, one mind, brute force, and full of money." Allen Ginsberg, hadda been playing on a juke box. THERE IS ONLY ONE THING IN THIS WORLD, AND THAT IS TO KEEP ACQUIRING MONEY AND MORE MONEY, POWER AND MORE POWER, ALL THE REST IS MEANINGLESS. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. REALLY, IF THE LOWER ORDERS CANT SET A GOOD EXAMPLE WHAT ON EARTH IS THE USE OF THEM. "LADY" BRACKNELL WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. GEORGE ORWELL 1984. THROUGH A CLASS DARKLY, HOW THE SERVANTS OF THE POWER ELITE SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYED THE HOPE OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, AND THE LEFT. (LATER) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 Sephen...a very powerful commentary! Thanks. Jack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stephen Turner Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 (edited) Sephen...a very powerful commentary! Thanks.Jack A pleasure Jack. Tomorrow (I dont have time today) I will examine several of the "assassinations" to see if..... 1, They served to extened, or protect the agenda of the Power Elite. 2, They are in some way, shape or form linked to one another, and if the same "guiding hands" can be percieved. (a) Harold Wilson, the strangest Communist. ( Nikita Kruschev, The Kennedy echo. © George Wallace, "a dangerous little man" (d) The IRA, paint it black. (e) Salvador Allende, Socialism's gatekeeper. Constitutional scrutiny of intellegence services is largely an illusory concept. iftheir good, they fool the outsiders-and if their bad they fool themsleves John le Carre Edited February 15, 2007 by Stephen Turner Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mark Valenti Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 All I know is that by the time JFK, MLK and RFK were killed, the cultural groundswell toward peace and a more liberal approach was all but dead. In fact, it struck me how similar those deaths were to the JFK shots themselves. One to get the ball rolling and then two shots close together. One death - then a five year pause, then two deaths close together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stephen Turner Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 All I know is that by the time JFK, MLK and RFK were killed, the cultural groundswell toward peace and a more liberal approach was all but dead. VERY TRUE MARK, BUT IF MY CONTENTION IS CORRECT, THESE REPRESENT ONLY THE ICEBURGS TIP. DURING THE TIME PERIOD UNDER DISCUSSION, I PERCIEVE THE COLD HAND OF THOSE WHO SERVED THE POWER ELITE ACTING GLOBALLY TO PROTECT THEIR MASTERS INTERESTS, THE US, UK, MOSCOW, CHILE, BELFAST, WEST GERMANY, PRAGUE, MEXICO, ITALY, AUSTRALIA ALL DIFFERENT, ALL LINKED, AND THE PHONEY COLD WAR AS PLAUSIBLE DENIAL. "ONE MIND, BRUTE FORCE, AND FULL OF MONEY." In fact, it struck me how similar those deaths were to the JFK shots themselves. One to get the ball rolling and then two shots close together. One death - then a five year pause, then two deaths close together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Gary Loughran Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 I'm fascinated to read what you have to say on Belfast/IRA in all of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stephen Turner Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 I'm fascinated to read what you have to say on Belfast/IRA in all of this. So am I Gary, so am I Unfortunately it will have to wait till next week now, I am away for the W/E, and as per usual grossly underestimated the size of the task I have set myself. it concerns the total infiltration of the IRA by British intellegence services, both MI5, and MI6(there was a massive turf war between the two) and how this distorted the organisation and its original aims. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myra Bronstein Posted February 16, 2007 Share Posted February 16, 2007 (edited) All I know is that by the time JFK, MLK and RFK were killed, the cultural groundswell toward peace and a more liberal approach was all but dead. In fact, it struck me how similar those deaths were to the JFK shots themselves. One to get the ball rolling and then two shots close together. One death - then a five year pause, then two deaths close together. I don't see a five year pause Mark. I see a systematic slaughter: -1963--President Kennedy is publicly executed. Robert Kennedy of course is eliminated as Attorney General. -1964--Ted Kennedy is in a plane crash in which the pilot and one of Kennedy's aides were killed and he likely was supposed to be killed. Instead he spent weeks in a hospital recovering from a severe back injury, a punctured lung, broken ribs, and internal bleeding. -1965--Malcolm X, after partnering with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is shot 16 times and dies. -1968--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is murdered, then two months later Senator Bobby Kennedy is murdered. The murder of Bobby clears the way for Nixon, who could not have beaten Bobby, to "win" the white house. -1969--Ted Kennedy drives into a "bear trap" (as John Dean put it) wherein he was framed, an accident was faked, and a woman was killed along with his presidential hopes. -1972--George Wallace is shot so he won't split the right wing vote and hurt Nixon's chances. Nixon "wins" the white house again. Edited February 17, 2007 by Myra Bronstein Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sid Walker Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 I don't see a five year pause....I see a systematic slaughter: Very true Myra. And it wasn't only America's leadership that was systematically 'culled'. I have a soft spot for Ben Barka. He was disappeared in 1965. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Dolva Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 (edited) I think is started with Medgar Evers mid 1963, two hours after Kennedy's famous Civil Rights speech. (of course we can spread our wings and look at the very early struggles and the assassinations there, the Wobblies, Joe Hill, Sacco and Vancetti, and many many others, many unnamed, the 'disappeared' all over the world. All struggling to make the world a better place for all, or standing in the way of those making it a worse place. The millions who fought and killed each others in Their Masters Wars) The Mississippi Three and the uncounted number of corpses found while looking for them, all victims of White Supremacists. Note that JFK, MLK, MalcolmX, and RFK (who flew to Medgars brothers (Charles) aid after Medgars assassination, and Charles was with RFK when he was assassinated, all were involved in the struggles of Civil Rights) Then as the Pinko Hippie I (proudly) am I see significance in the deaths of Jimi Hendrix and the other counter culture figures of the moratorium years. And later, Lennon Then of course we have Che. Allende, Dag Hammarshjold and later Olaf Palme. ______________ On the other hand a number of assassination attempts of people on the other side of the spectrum stand out by their lack of success, Reagan, Wallace etc One notable success, perhaps because it did involve a wider conspiracy was Somoza, the butcher of Nicaragua. Going back further in time the many unsuccessful attempts on Adolf Hitler. Edited February 17, 2007 by John Dolva Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas H. Purvis Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 I think is started with Medgar Evers mid 1963, two hours after Kennedy's famous Civil Rights speech.(of course we can spread our wings and look at the very early struggles and the assassinations there, the Wobblies, Joe Hill, Sacco and Vancetti, and many many others, many unnamed, the 'disappeared' all over the world. All struggling to make the world a better place for all, or standing in the way of those making it a worse place. The millions who fought and killed each others in Their Masters Wars) The Mississippi Three and the uncounted number of corpses found while looking for them, all victims of White Supremacists. Note that JFK, MLK, MalcolmX, and RFK (who flew to Medgars brothers (Charles) aid after Medgars assassination, and Charles was with RFK when he was assassinated, all were involved in the struggles of Civil Rights) Then as the Pinko Hippie I (proudly) am I see significance in the deaths of Jimi Hendrix and the other counter culture figures of the moratorium years. And later, Lennon Then of course we have Che. Allende, Dag Hammarshjold and later Olaf Palme. ______________ On the other hand a number of assassination attempts of people on the other side of the spectrum stand out by their lack of success, Reagan, Wallace etc One notable success, perhaps because it did involve a wider conspiracy was Somoza, the butcher of Nicaragua. Going back further in time the many unsuccessful attempts on Adolf Hitler. John; Since it would appear that you are one of the few to recognize the significance of the segregation issue in bringing together radicals of various persuasions, do not omit those items which demonstrate more than just some "redneck" with a gun. Part of the Mississippi actions were a part of an overall plan to draw Martin Luther King into the "trap" in order that he too could be shot. Just perhaps MLK had learned more about these segments of society than had JFK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myra Bronstein Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 I don't see a five year pause....I see a systematic slaughter: Very true Myra. And it wasn't only America's leadership that was systematically 'culled'. I have a soft spot for Ben Barka. He was disappeared in 1965. Good point Sid. The CIA is so worldly.... I wasn't aware of Ben Barka until now. Surprisingly Wiki has a writeup that openly points to the CIA as the likely culprits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myra Bronstein Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 I think is started with Medgar Evers mid 1963, two hours after Kennedy's famous Civil Rights speech.... I'm so glad you brought this up John. There is a huge gap in my knowledge of President Kennedy when it comes to his civil rights efforts and beliefs. In fact his famous civil rights speech is not famous to me. I'll google around for info. I know he was initially conservative and cautious about it. For example he called Dick Gregory and asked him not to march with Dr King on one occasion. (Per Dick Gregory in Code Name Zorro: The Murder of Martin Luther King Jr., aka Murder in Memphis, co-authored with Mark Lane). Here's what I want to understand. Is there evidence that President Kennedy planned to advance civil rights/human rights after he was safely reelected? Sounds like the speech indicates he was(?) The real thing I want to know is this: Did Lyndon (ugh, hate to even say that name) basically take President Kennedy's civil rights plans and implement them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myra Bronstein Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 I think is started with Medgar Evers mid 1963, two hours after Kennedy's famous Civil Rights speech.(of course we can spread our wings and look at the very early struggles and the assassinations there, the Wobblies, Joe Hill, Sacco and Vancetti, and many many others, many unnamed, the 'disappeared' all over the world. All struggling to make the world a better place for all, or standing in the way of those making it a worse place. The millions who fought and killed each others in Their Masters Wars) The Mississippi Three and the uncounted number of corpses found while looking for them, all victims of White Supremacists. Note that JFK, MLK, MalcolmX, and RFK (who flew to Medgars brothers (Charles) aid after Medgars assassination, and Charles was with RFK when he was assassinated, all were involved in the struggles of Civil Rights) Then as the Pinko Hippie I (proudly) am I see significance in the deaths of Jimi Hendrix and the other counter culture figures of the moratorium years. And later, Lennon Then of course we have Che. Allende, Dag Hammarshjold and later Olaf Palme. ______________ On the other hand a number of assassination attempts of people on the other side of the spectrum stand out by their lack of success, Reagan, Wallace etc One notable success, perhaps because it did involve a wider conspiracy was Somoza, the butcher of Nicaragua. Going back further in time the many unsuccessful attempts on Adolf Hitler. ... Part of the Mississippi actions were a part of an overall plan to draw Martin Luther King into the "trap" in order that he too could be shot. ... Thomas, Would you mind expanding on that? It makes a lot of sense and is very intriguing... Can you point me to a source, book, website that gives details? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Dolva Posted February 17, 2007 Share Posted February 17, 2007 (edited) Myra, this is a big problem (IMO). Kennedy had hoped to see success in 63. Towards the end he saw it still as something that could go through in his first presidency. At last, he realised that he needed another term and he was, and made no bones about it, taking it to the 64 elections. A number of events were to happen late 63 like committee reports that would expose all the problems in education, travel. police impartiality, living choices, voting registration, one voter one vote, conditions in the USofA, were due and would guide the final draft. The segregationists launched a massive lobby campaign on many levels that reached a crescendo as the end of November approached. Kennedy was also cautious. He was after all president not just of the de-segregationists. He wanted unity, and MLK knew that. In 1960, after named as Kennedy's running mate LBJ told a group of southern negro leaders that the last 100 years of waiting is indeed at last over. Before Kennedy was elected he went to Cora Kings aid as her husband was being very badly treated in some of the worst of the southern states. He hid nothing of this and his enemies knew him for what he stood for. The (usuccessful) Oxford insurrection, the terror camapaigns against 'the uppity n' in the south, was being dealt with by Kennedy (brothers) in no uncertain terms. When push came to shove, he let no one have any doubt of his intent. After the assassination, the push for the passage of the 1963/64/65...bill was filibustered, attacked in any way possible. Amendments crept in, situations developed in tandem (note particularly the setting up of a separate education system in the south and all and any loophole advantage pursued that weakened the intent of the Bill as it first was proposed, and when the Bill (LBJ fullfilling his and the Kennedy's intent as far as it was possible) was passed, The Commander in Chief who would have stood his ground and given the Bill, as it was, the teeth it needed was dead. Edited February 17, 2007 by John Dolva Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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