Sterling Seagrave Posted March 20, 2007 Share Posted March 20, 2007 Benjamin Fulford is former Asia-Pacific editor of FORBES, who has just published a book in Japan with a Japanese co-author, which essentially examines the Christian Zionist cabal that colludes with some extremist Israeli (and non-Israeli) Jewish Zionists in current doomsday policies in the Middle East. Benjamin, who is himself a Jew, has come under extreme attack from the Wiesenthal Center, which is trying to get his book banned, and to destroy the company that published it by freezing their financial assets. Benjamin also mentions below a passage in his book that refers to the ownership of the US Fed as being primarily Rockefeller, Mellon (both Christian families), and the Warburgs (Jewish). He does not mention the Rothschilds or other Jewish members of the financial cabal such as the Oppenheimers. However, here is a good illustration of the extreme and unscrupulous tactics of the cabal (whether Christian, Jewish, Shinto, or whatever), to not only suppress but to destroy criticism of any kind. Imagine the irony of the Wiesenthal Center threatening to crush a publishing company unless they remove from circulation a book, written by a person of Jewish ancestry, that denounces genocide. The trigger for this ongoing outrage was some mistranslations from the book "Nietsche understood: the Judeo-Christian mechanism for creating a global monoculture." The mistranslations were sent by a former Israeli embassy official working at Nemri, an organization founded by former Mossad members. In the past, when the Wiesenthal Center has made a complaint about a book or magazine article in Japan, they have been unwilling to accept revisions or clarifications but demand complete bans. Publishers that refused to comply have been subjected to systematic advertising boycotts and a recall of their bank loans. Company presidents have also been forced to resign. Attached you can find a letter sent to the Wiesenthal Center with translations of the sections of the book they complained about and suggestions for removing any possible anti-semitic nuance. If they refuse to accept these clarifications I suggest holding a press conference with Tokuma, the publishers of the book, where we will identify the entire network of blackmail, starting with specific banks and advertising agencies and working right up the chain of command. If there is one lesson I have learned from the holocaust it is this: We must never allow such things to take place again. Below you will find my response to the letter they sent to my publisher. Benjamin Fulford Dear Sirs, As the author of the problematic parts of the book, first of all I would like you to know that I deplore racism and prejudice in all its forms, including anti-semitism. I apologize if the passages you point to create the impression that I am an anti-semite and I am willing to make changes to make sure my intent is not misinterpreted. Below you will find my translations of the problematic sections including their context and my suggestions for removing any misunderstanding. First the title. Here is my translation: "Nietche Understood: the Judeo-Christian mechanism for creating a world monoculture. If you read the book it is very obvious this is about belief systems and not about temporal world conquest. Page 30: President Bush is a Christian fundamentalist and his beliefs are linked with U.S. Middle-Eastern policy. Bush really believes the end times are close. He says "I am doing God's will." So, he killed 650,000 Iraqis and aligned himself with Israeli extremists. Instead of wanting a peace treaty and doing something about the Palestinian issue, his real aim is to kill them all and turn the whole Middle East into his own people's territory. Here definitely, I need to make changes. First of all, instead of saying Bush killed 650,000 people, I propose saying 650,000 people died violently as a result of his invasion of Iraq (The 650,000 figure comes from Lancet). The reference to killing them all and turning the Middle-East into his own people's territory, is too vague and wrong. I refer here to the radical Christian fundamentalist belief of the Rapture that holds that Christ will return when all lands between the Euphrates and the Nile revert to the Jews. I also point out that it is in the records of the Israeli Parliament that Israel tried to develop biological weapons that only kill Arabs. Here is a quote for you guys to contemplate: "Advanced forms of biological warfare that can specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." (From page 60 of the essay "Rebuilding America's Defenses" written by, among others Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Jebb Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Steve Forbes.) I also point out that thousands of tons of uranium dust has been spread throughout Iraq and that the inventor of so-called depleted uranium weapons has become a whistleblower warning of millions of deaths. A physicist from Lawrence Livermore Laboratories told me that much of the Iraqi population could die as a result of the uranium dust left behind. Because of the nature of radioactivity these deaths will take place starting a decade from now. If there is one lesson I learned from the holocaust it is this: WE MUST NEVER ALLOW SUCH THINGS TO HAPPEN EVER AGAIN. So, in view of the above information, how do you suggest we proceed? I suggest saying "650,000 people died violently as a result of Bush's invasion of Iraq. If there is one lesson to be learned from the holocaust is that we must never let such a thing happen again. There are signs that some very radical people want to kill a large part of the Iraqi population and we must make sure this does not happen. Page 90: "For example, the jews make up only 3% of the U.S. population but account for 27% of its Nobel Prize winners. Most of these are Ashkenazim. These people were only allowed to partake in certain professions, notably finance. As a result of this they began to have a hidden influence. To prevent attacks on themselves, they formed an alliance with the aristocrats of Europe. These are the roots of some secret societies. They wanted to build their own country so, after many years of effort, they were able to establish Israel. This is a very difficult issue that needs to be tread on carefully but, it is a fact that a very small group of people secretly control great power. Some of these people are Jewish and some of them are not. It is just a question of percentages. That is why I am strongly opposed to the malign expression "Jewish Capital". This would be like, in Japan, referring to Yakuza crime gangs as "Burakumin [minority people] capital". I personally hate anti-semitism. But, the reality is that there are really some bad people who use the Jewish taboo as camouflage. It is like in Japan were fake Dowa gangs use the Dowa taboo [against discrimination] to cover up for bad activities. In a similar way, there are people who are doing evil things on a global scale who use the Jewish taboo as camouflage. If you say a small group of financiers control the world people automatically accuse you of being an anti-semite. The people I am referring to above are mostly not Jews. I am talking about the families that own the U.S. Federal Reserve Board such as the Rockefellers, the Mellons (both Christian) and the Warburgs (Jewish). I think one of the causes of the resurgence in anti-semitism is that these and other hyper-wealthy families, most of whom are not Jewish, use anti-semitism as camouflage for large-scale gangsterism. My suggestion is to add a sentence at the end of that section saying "But the fact is that this group has nothing to do with the Jews." Here is my translation of the problematic section on pages 172-173: America was founded by people who fled British oppression. Their philosophy of live and let live meant that traditionally the U.S. was a country with little anti-semitism. In the long stream of U.S. history anti-semites like Henry Ford were the exception. The UK also had relatively little anti-semitism and people got along well. A good example is the fact that Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew, became Prime Minister. Incidentally, in both the U.S. and England freemasons served as a sort of mediator between Jews and Gentiles by providing a social gathering place that was not a Church. One type of thinking that has been ingrained in me since childhood is that prejudice is wrong. I especially hate racism. I also felt guilt about the Jews because I had been taught they experienced discrimination for many years. To make sure something like the Holocaust never takes place again, criticizing Jews has become a very big taboo in Western society. I personally have no wish to be prejudiced against Jews. I have Jewish blood from my mother's side [Hollander] so I am myself a Jew. I want to make this very clear before I say this: Within the Jewish community there are some Mafia-like people who use the anti-semitism taboo who have taken over the media. The people I am referring to are 7 individuals and, if necessary, I can name them. The fact is I believe the owners of the big media companies do the Jewish community a disservice by making taboo discussions that openly appear in the Israeli media. They add to an atmosphere of anti-semitism and, with their ham-headed censorship, they fan the prejudice that Jews control the media. It is not Jews who control the media, it is a small cabal of old men whose ethnic identity I should have not bothered to mention. So, how about saying "There is a small group of people who own much of the U.S. media who censor things related to the Middle-East that would not be censored in Israeli media." In conclusion, I would like to say I appreciate the work the Wiesenthal Center has done over the years and I hope you use your moral influence to help tame homicidal neo-con impulses. I also apologize if I have mistakenly created the impression I am an anti-semite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sid Walker Posted March 20, 2007 Share Posted March 20, 2007 (edited) Benjamin Fulford is former Asia-Pacific editor of FORBES, who has just published a book in Japan with a Japanese co-author, which essentially examines the Christian Zionist cabal that colludes with some extremist Israeli (and non-Israeli) Jewish Zionists in current doomsday policies in the Middle East. Benjamin, who is himself a Jew, has come under extreme attack from the Wiesenthal Center, which is trying to get his book banned, and to destroy the company that published it by freezing their financial assets.Benjamin also mentions below a passage in his book that refers to the ownership of the US Fed as being primarily Rockefeller, Mellon (both Christian families), and the Warburgs (Jewish). He does not mention the Rothschilds or other Jewish members of the financial cabal such as the Oppenheimers. However, here is a good illustration of the extreme and unscrupulous tactics of the cabal (whether Christian, Jewish, Shinto, or whatever), to not only suppress but to destroy criticism of any kind. Imagine the irony of the Wiesenthal Center threatening to crush a publishing company unless they remove from circulation a book, written by a person of Jewish ancestry, that denounces genocide. The trigger for this ongoing outrage was some mistranslations from the book "Nietsche understood: the Judeo-Christian mechanism for creating a global monoculture." The mistranslations were sent by a former Israeli embassy official working at Nemri, an organization founded by former Mossad members. In the past, when the Wiesenthal Center has made a complaint about a book or magazine article in Japan, they have been unwilling to accept revisions or clarifications but demand complete bans. Publishers that refused to comply have been subjected to systematic advertising boycotts and a recall of their bank loans. Company presidents have also been forced to resign. Attached you can find a letter sent to the Wiesenthal Center with translations of the sections of the book they complained about and suggestions for removing any possible anti-semitic nuance. If they refuse to accept these clarifications I suggest holding a press conference with Tokuma, the publishers of the book, where we will identify the entire network of blackmail, starting with specific banks and advertising agencies and working right up the chain of command. If there is one lesson I have learned from the holocaust it is this: We must never allow such things to take place again. Below you will find my response to the letter they sent to my publisher. Benjamin Fulford Dear Sirs, As the author of the problematic parts of the book, first of all I would like you to know that I deplore racism and prejudice in all its forms, including anti-semitism. I apologize if the passages you point to create the impression that I am an anti-semite and I am willing to make changes to make sure my intent is not misinterpreted. Below you will find my translations of the problematic sections including their context and my suggestions for removing any misunderstanding. First the title. Here is my translation: "Nietche Understood: the Judeo-Christian mechanism for creating a world monoculture. If you read the book it is very obvious this is about belief systems and not about temporal world conquest. Page 30: President Bush is a Christian fundamentalist and his beliefs are linked with U.S. Middle-Eastern policy. Bush really believes the end times are close. He says "I am doing God's will." So, he killed 650,000 Iraqis and aligned himself with Israeli extremists. Instead of wanting a peace treaty and doing something about the Palestinian issue, his real aim is to kill them all and turn the whole Middle East into his own people's territory. Here definitely, I need to make changes. First of all, instead of saying Bush killed 650,000 people, I propose saying 650,000 people died violently as a result of his invasion of Iraq (The 650,000 figure comes from Lancet). The reference to killing them all and turning the Middle-East into his own people's territory, is too vague and wrong. I refer here to the radical Christian fundamentalist belief of the Rapture that holds that Christ will return when all lands between the Euphrates and the Nile revert to the Jews. I also point out that it is in the records of the Israeli Parliament that Israel tried to develop biological weapons that only kill Arabs. Here is a quote for you guys to contemplate: "Advanced forms of biological warfare that can specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." (From page 60 of the essay "Rebuilding America's Defenses" written by, among others Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Jebb Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Steve Forbes.) I also point out that thousands of tons of uranium dust has been spread throughout Iraq and that the inventor of so-called depleted uranium weapons has become a whistleblower warning of millions of deaths. A physicist from Lawrence Livermore Laboratories told me that much of the Iraqi population could die as a result of the uranium dust left behind. Because of the nature of radioactivity these deaths will take place starting a decade from now. If there is one lesson I learned from the holocaust it is this: WE MUST NEVER ALLOW SUCH THINGS TO HAPPEN EVER AGAIN. So, in view of the above information, how do you suggest we proceed? I suggest saying "650,000 people died violently as a result of Bush's invasion of Iraq. If there is one lesson to be learned from the holocaust is that we must never let such a thing happen again. There are signs that some very radical people want to kill a large part of the Iraqi population and we must make sure this does not happen. Page 90: "For example, the jews make up only 3% of the U.S. population but account for 27% of its Nobel Prize winners. Most of these are Ashkenazim. These people were only allowed to partake in certain professions, notably finance. As a result of this they began to have a hidden influence. To prevent attacks on themselves, they formed an alliance with the aristocrats of Europe. These are the roots of some secret societies. They wanted to build their own country so, after many years of effort, they were able to establish Israel. This is a very difficult issue that needs to be tread on carefully but, it is a fact that a very small group of people secretly control great power. Some of these people are Jewish and some of them are not. It is just a question of percentages. That is why I am strongly opposed to the malign expression "Jewish Capital". This would be like, in Japan, referring to Yakuza crime gangs as "Burakumin [minority people] capital". I personally hate anti-semitism. But, the reality is that there are really some bad people who use the Jewish taboo as camouflage. It is like in Japan were fake Dowa gangs use the Dowa taboo [against discrimination] to cover up for bad activities. In a similar way, there are people who are doing evil things on a global scale who use the Jewish taboo as camouflage. If you say a small group of financiers control the world people automatically accuse you of being an anti-semite. The people I am referring to above are mostly not Jews. I am talking about the families that own the U.S. Federal Reserve Board such as the Rockefellers, the Mellons (both Christian) and the Warburgs (Jewish). I think one of the causes of the resurgence in anti-semitism is that these and other hyper-wealthy families, most of whom are not Jewish, use anti-semitism as camouflage for large-scale gangsterism. My suggestion is to add a sentence at the end of that section saying "But the fact is that this group has nothing to do with the Jews." Here is my translation of the problematic section on pages 172-173: America was founded by people who fled British oppression. Their philosophy of live and let live meant that traditionally the U.S. was a country with little anti-semitism. In the long stream of U.S. history anti-semites like Henry Ford were the exception. The UK also had relatively little anti-semitism and people got along well. A good example is the fact that Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew, became Prime Minister. Incidentally, in both the U.S. and England freemasons served as a sort of mediator between Jews and Gentiles by providing a social gathering place that was not a Church. One type of thinking that has been ingrained in me since childhood is that prejudice is wrong. I especially hate racism. I also felt guilt about the Jews because I had been taught they experienced discrimination for many years. To make sure something like the Holocaust never takes place again, criticizing Jews has become a very big taboo in Western society. I personally have no wish to be prejudiced against Jews. I have Jewish blood from my mother's side [Hollander] so I am myself a Jew. I want to make this very clear before I say this: Within the Jewish community there are some Mafia-like people who use the anti-semitism taboo who have taken over the media. The people I am referring to are 7 individuals and, if necessary, I can name them. The fact is I believe the owners of the big media companies do the Jewish community a disservice by making taboo discussions that openly appear in the Israeli media. They add to an atmosphere of anti-semitism and, with their ham-headed censorship, they fan the prejudice that Jews control the media. It is not Jews who control the media, it is a small cabal of old men whose ethnic identity I should have not bothered to mention. So, how about saying "There is a small group of people who own much of the U.S. media who censor things related to the Middle-East that would not be censored in Israeli media." In conclusion, I would like to say I appreciate the work the Wiesenthal Center has done over the years and I hope you use your moral influence to help tame homicidal neo-con impulses. I also apologize if I have mistakenly created the impression I am an anti-semite. How pathetiic to kow-tow to crude censorship in this way. When does one hear of attempted interference in what's published in Israel by a Japanese/British/American/Brazilian or any other kind of external, self-appointed lobby group? Who on earth does the Wiesenthal Center think it is? The attempt by these self-appointed global censors to tell the Japanese - or anyone else - what they may or may not read is plain thuggery. Fulford starts by explaining... In the past, when the Wiesenthal Center has made a complaint about a book or magazine article in Japan, they have been unwilling to accept revisions or clarifications but demand complete bans. Publishers that refused to comply have been subjected to systematic advertising boycotts and a recall of their bank loans. Company presidents have also been forced to resign.But he concludes by pandering to these folk:I appreciate the work the Wiesenthal Center has done over the years and I hope you use your moral influence to help tame homicidal neo-con impulses. I also apologize if I have mistakenly created the impression I am an anti-semite. Appreciate what? Bullying? Book banning? Persecution of critics and scholars? Or the leading role played by this sordid institution in what Norman Finlestein has called the 'Holocaust Industry', with many billions of dollars already extracted under duress and many billions more demanded, while Palestinian victims of the Nakba go uncompensated? If the author believes the Wiesenthal Center may use its 'moral influence' to help "tame homicidal neo-con impulses" he lives in fairyland. Does he also pray to The Mossad, beseeching its intercession in securing a fair deal for Palestinians? Edited March 20, 2007 by Sid Walker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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