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Forum Rule Against Swearing

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Is this a great forum or what? I'm simply overwhelmed by the response to my predicament.

As you all know, fully half of my vocabulary consists of profanity. Therefore the new moratorium on swearing has hobbled me, and I'm in the midst of a painful period of adjustment. I'm so grateful to those who have selflessly given of themselves to suggest remedies and make accommodations for my special needs. It demonstrates how well we can function as a team, or by pairing off as some have suggested.

There are so many to thank... Where to begin?

Well gosh, first I'd like to thank Ron for his selfless offer, or I should say offers, given his adorable persistence. And Frank, a man so dear that he's willing to extend himself for someone he barely knows. And Terry! My soul sister Terry. Willing to fall on her sword for me, to sacrifice herself so that I may be spared. I'm genuinely touched. Both Terry and John D. said the nicest things. While that's not in the same category as Ron's and Frank's offers, it's still appreciated.

And of course John S. and Antti, without whom none of this would be possible. Not to mention my muse--Kathy. Thank you all. Yet there are still more: Sid, for remembering--not actually remembering me personally but close enough. Thomas, for the sincerity that is his trademark.

Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity. Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.

Gary, many thanks for deftly changing the subject and almost getting me off the hook. Charles, for reminding everyone of the subject and getting things right back on track. Mark, for the wisdom you showed in deleting your post. If only we could all be that wise...

Then there's William. Who took valuable time away from his activities on myspace.com to be here for me. What can I say about such generosity? That's time he'll never ever get back.

As a result of this outpouring, I am inundated with offers, many more offers than I can possibly entertain. Therefore I have decided to accept resumes from candidates so I can learn more about your special qualifications. Please include a cover letter with your resume explaining why you are the right person to talk dirty to, and/or to dispense spanking. I also require three references--not immediate family members (ewwww). Finalists will be contacted. For those who are not contacted, I'll keep your resumes (that's "CV" for you Europeans) on file for 12 months. Resumes, or CVs, should be submitted to likethiswouldeverreallyhappen@inyourdreams.com.

Thank you again.

This gives new meaning to the phrase "hands across the world."


Very funny Myra.

Incidentally, I did a WHOIS search to establish who owns the domain "inyourdreams.com"

It's a lady called Elizabeth Kennedy who lives in Ann Arbor

Looks like she'll be getting some interesting offers

I hope she's not a prude :rolleyes:

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Is this a great forum or what? I'm simply overwhelmed by the response to my predicament.

As you all know, fully half of my vocabulary consists of profanity. Therefore the new moratorium on swearing has hobbled me, and I'm in the midst of a painful period of adjustment. I'm so grateful to those who have selflessly given of themselves to suggest remedies and make accommodations for my special needs. It demonstrates how well we can function as a team, or by pairing off as some have suggested.

There are so many to thank... Where to begin?

Well gosh, first I'd like to thank Ron for his selfless offer, or I should say offers, given his adorable persistence. And Frank, a man so dear that he's willing to extend himself for someone he barely knows. And Terry! My soul sister Terry. Willing to fall on her sword for me, to sacrifice herself so that I may be spared. I'm genuinely touched. Both Terry and John D. said the nicest things. While that's not in the same category as Ron's and Frank's offers, it's still appreciated.

And of course John S. and Antti, without whom none of this would be possible. Not to mention my muse--Kathy. Thank you all. Yet there are still more: Sid, for remembering--not actually remembering me personally but close enough. Thomas, for the sincerity that is his trademark.

Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity. Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.

Gary, many thanks for deftly changing the subject and almost getting me off the hook. Charles, for reminding everyone of the subject and getting things right back on track. Mark, for the wisdom you showed in deleting your post. If only we could all be that wise...

Then there's William. Who took valuable time away from his activities on myspace.com to be here for me. What can I say about such generosity? That's time he'll never ever get back.

As a result of this outpouring, I am inundated with offers, many more offers than I can possibly entertain. Therefore I have decided to accept resumes from candidates so I can learn more about your special qualifications. Please include a cover letter with your resume explaining why you are the right person to talk dirty to, and/or to dispense spanking. I also require three references--not immediate family members (ewwww). Finalists will be contacted. For those who are not contacted, I'll keep your resumes (that's "CV" for you Europeans) on file for 12 months. Resumes, or CVs, should be submitted to likethiswouldeverreallyhappen@inyourdreams.com.

Thank you again.

This gives new meaning to the phrase "hands across the world."




That is by far the most cogent and well-written piece ever posted on The Forum! Excellent grammar, syntax, and "vocabulary," and I actually laughed twice. Seriously! Unfortunately, I know that you'll now slowly start gravitating back to your main "thing", I'm afraid,-- trying to read ten or twelve books on the assassination and watching all the videos and TV shows, all simultaneously, and posting, posting, posting, away, with the (occasional) valid question or insightful observation and the (more-frequent) outraged, poignant, and (just-ever-so-slightly) paranoiac, uhh, ...uhh... philippic, yes!, all of which (sob!), really tear me up and/or make me really, really, really angry at the unjust country in which we (you and I, for example) choose, yes!, choose!, I suppose, uhh...to live, yes?....

nota bene: I lived in a former "Worker's Paradise" country for seven years... Fascinating... I highly recommend it lol.

--Thomas :rolleyes:

P.S. It's a pity that you #*&&%@ off and badgered "Tosh" Plumlee so much that he decided to leave The Forum...

P.P.S. Believe it or not, Myra, I actually agree with the "free speech movement" which you and Terry and some others are espousing here on the JFK Assassination Debate forum. I guess we just gotta be clever and compromise and say, literally, "@&%#" them all, especially if they can't...

P.P.P.S. I lied. I only laughed once....


Edited by Thomas Graves
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Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity.
My inner child needs nurturing. Ron and Frank are exempt from applying.
Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.

I'd be careful with those hands across the seas; you may just find what you're shaking is a brown-eyed mullet*. My history lesson was actually aimed at the students cruising through our little habitat in the hope they may unlearn what they've learned about "swearing" and see it for what it really is - centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes.

* http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html

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Is this a great forum or what? I'm simply overwhelmed by the response to my predicament.

As you all know, fully half of my vocabulary consists of profanity. Therefore the new moratorium on swearing has hobbled me, and I'm in the midst of a painful period of adjustment. I'm so grateful to those who have selflessly given of themselves to suggest remedies and make accommodations for my special needs. It demonstrates how well we can function as a team, or by pairing off as some have suggested.

There are so many to thank... Where to begin?

Well gosh, first I'd like to thank Ron for his selfless offer, or I should say offers, given his adorable persistence. And Frank, a man so dear that he's willing to extend himself for someone he barely knows. And Terry! My soul sister Terry. Willing to fall on her sword for me, to sacrifice herself so that I may be spared. I'm genuinely touched. Both Terry and John D. said the nicest things. While that's not in the same category as Ron's and Frank's offers, it's still appreciated.

And of course John S. and Antti, without whom none of this would be possible. Not to mention my muse--Kathy. Thank you all. Yet there are still more: Sid, for remembering--not actually remembering me personally but close enough. Thomas, for the sincerity that is his trademark.

Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity. Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.

Gary, many thanks for deftly changing the subject and almost getting me off the hook. Charles, for reminding everyone of the subject and getting things right back on track. Mark, for the wisdom you showed in deleting your post. If only we could all be that wise...

Then there's William. Who took valuable time away from his activities on myspace.com to be here for me. What can I say about such generosity? That's time he'll never ever get back.

As a result of this outpouring, I am inundated with offers, many more offers than I can possibly entertain. Therefore I have decided to accept resumes from candidates so I can learn more about your special qualifications. Please include a cover letter with your resume explaining why you are the right person to talk dirty to, and/or to dispense spanking. I also require three references--not immediate family members (ewwww). Finalists will be contacted. For those who are not contacted, I'll keep your resumes (that's "CV" for you Europeans) on file for 12 months. Resumes, or CVs, should be submitted to likethiswouldeverreallyhappen@inyourdreams.com.

Thank you again.

This gives new meaning to the phrase "hands across the world."


Forget about electronics, Myra. Writing is your long suit.

Anyway, gotta go---I just remembered, it's been a while since I tidied up my resume.

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Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity.
My inner child needs nurturing. Ron and Frank are exempt from applying.
Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.
I'd be careful with those hands across the seas; you may just find what you're shaking is a brown-eyed mullet*. My history lesson was actually aimed at the students cruising through our little habitat in the hope they may unlearn what they've learned about "swearing" and see it for what it really is - centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes.

* http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html



"[...] shaking [...] a 'brown-eyed mullet'!" Haven't yet looked it up so I can only imagine! Best laugh I've had for a long time! Reminds me of when a friend and I went spearfishing in a coastal lagoon here in San Diego and saw many largish fish which were, you guessed it,... mullet!! Not the best fish for eating, my friend told me, way too oily and, well, "fishy-tasting" (hope that's not politically-incorrect...) and way too wary for us, at that...

Separate issue: I've read your previous post on (the dialectical-materialism-approach-to- the-analysis-of-the-origin-of-"swear words," lol) and find your theory fascinating and quite plausible, actually. So, if , as you say, "'swearing' [...] is [...] centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes," then I gotta wonder what a member of the poorer classes would have said hundreds of years ago when he or she hit her finger with a hammer (or sickle)? -- "Oh, violin!" (a lower-class profanity perhaps, for the higer class profanity, "Oh fiddle!?" (Just to "get back" at the "upper classes, of course...?") Interesting...




Edited by Thomas Graves
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Is this a great forum or what? I'm simply overwhelmed by the response to my predicament.

As you all know, fully half of my vocabulary consists of profanity. Therefore the new moratorium on swearing has hobbled me, and I'm in the midst of a painful period of adjustment. I'm so grateful to those who have selflessly given of themselves to suggest remedies and make accommodations for my special needs. It demonstrates how well we can function as a team, or by pairing off as some have suggested.

There are so many to thank... Where to begin?

Well gosh, first I'd like to thank Ron for his selfless offer, or I should say offers, given his adorable persistence. And Frank, a man so dear that he's willing to extend himself for someone he barely knows. And Terry! My soul sister Terry. Willing to fall on her sword for me, to sacrifice herself so that I may be spared. I'm genuinely touched. Both Terry and John D. said the nicest things. While that's not in the same category as Ron's and Frank's offers, it's still appreciated.

And of course John S. and Antti, without whom none of this would be possible. Not to mention my muse--Kathy. Thank you all. Yet there are still more: Sid, for remembering--not actually remembering me personally but close enough. Thomas, for the sincerity that is his trademark.

Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity. Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.

Gary, many thanks for deftly changing the subject and almost getting me off the hook. Charles, for reminding everyone of the subject and getting things right back on track. Mark, for the wisdom you showed in deleting your post. If only we could all be that wise...

Then there's William. Who took valuable time away from his activities on myspace.com to be here for me. What can I say about such generosity? That's time he'll never ever get back.

As a result of this outpouring, I am inundated with offers, many more offers than I can possibly entertain. Therefore I have decided to accept resumes from candidates so I can learn more about your special qualifications. Please include a cover letter with your resume explaining why you are the right person to talk dirty to, and/or to dispense spanking. I also require three references--not immediate family members (ewwww). Finalists will be contacted. For those who are not contacted, I'll keep your resumes (that's "CV" for you Europeans) on file for 12 months. Resumes, or CVs, should be submitted to likethiswouldeverreallyhappen@inyourdreams.com.

Thank you again.

This gives new meaning to the phrase "hands across the world."




OH MY GOD!!! IROFLMAO!!! My, you really crack me up! After dragging my ass home in an hour's worth of traffic [7.07 miles from Culver City to Santa Monica, as the crow flies] from The Hill Of The Seven Jackals [santa Monica-UCLA] to find this kind of camaraderie going on is sooo refreshing, and delightful. I love you, kid. YOU GO SISTA'-GIRL!!!

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That is by far the most cogent and well-written piece ever posted on The Forum! Excellent grammar, syntax, and "vocabulary," and I actually laughed twice. Seriously! Unfortunately, I know that you'll now slowly start gravitating back to your main "thing", I'm afraid,-- trying to read ten or twelve books on the assassination and watching all the videos and TV shows, all simultaneously, and posting, posting, posting, away, with the (occasional) valid question or insightful observation and the (more-frequent) outraged, poignant, and (just-ever-so-slightly) paranoiac, uhh, ...uhh... philippic, yes!, all of which (sob!), really tear me up and/or make me really, really, really angry at the unjust country in which we (you and I, for example) choose, yes!, choose!, I suppose, uhh...to live, yes?....

nota bene: I lived in a former "Worker's Paradise" country for seven years... Fascinating... I highly recommend it lol.

--Thomas :rolleyes:

P.S. It's a pity that you #*&&%@ off and badgered "Tosh" Plumlee so much that he decided to leave The Forum...

P.P.S. Believe it or not, Myra, I actually agree with the "free speech movement" which you and Terry and some others are espousing here on the JFK Assassination Debate forum. I guess we just gotta be clever and compromise and say, literally, "@&%#" them all, especially if they can't...

P.P.P.S. I lied. I only laughed once....


If this is the cover letter to your resume submission you're most definitely not going to be a finalist.

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Is this a great forum or what? I'm simply overwhelmed by the response to my predicament.

As you all know, fully half of my vocabulary consists of profanity. Therefore the new moratorium on swearing has hobbled me, and I'm in the midst of a painful period of adjustment. I'm so grateful to those who have selflessly given of themselves to suggest remedies and make accommodations for my special needs. It demonstrates how well we can function as a team, or by pairing off as some have suggested.

There are so many to thank... Where to begin?

Well gosh, first I'd like to thank Ron for his selfless offer, or I should say offers, given his adorable persistence. And Frank, a man so dear that he's willing to extend himself for someone he barely knows. And Terry! My soul sister Terry. Willing to fall on her sword for me, to sacrifice herself so that I may be spared. I'm genuinely touched. Both Terry and John D. said the nicest things. While that's not in the same category as Ron's and Frank's offers, it's still appreciated.

And of course John S. and Antti, without whom none of this would be possible. Not to mention my muse--Kathy. Thank you all. Yet there are still more: Sid, for remembering--not actually remembering me personally but close enough. Thomas, for the sincerity that is his trademark.

Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity. Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.

Gary, many thanks for deftly changing the subject and almost getting me off the hook. Charles, for reminding everyone of the subject and getting things right back on track. Mark, for the wisdom you showed in deleting your post. If only we could all be that wise...

Then there's William. Who took valuable time away from his activities on myspace.com to be here for me. What can I say about such generosity? That's time he'll never ever get back.

As a result of this outpouring, I am inundated with offers, many more offers than I can possibly entertain. Therefore I have decided to accept resumes from candidates so I can learn more about your special qualifications. Please include a cover letter with your resume explaining why you are the right person to talk dirty to, and/or to dispense spanking. I also require three references--not immediate family members (ewwww). Finalists will be contacted. For those who are not contacted, I'll keep your resumes (that's "CV" for you Europeans) on file for 12 months. Resumes, or CVs, should be submitted to likethiswouldeverreallyhappen@inyourdreams.com.

Thank you again.

This gives new meaning to the phrase "hands across the world."


Very funny Myra.

Incidentally, I did a WHOIS search to establish who owns the domain "inyourdreams.com"

It's a lady called Elizabeth Kennedy who lives in Ann Arbor

Looks like she'll be getting some interesting offers

I hope she's not a prude :rolleyes:


"Incidentally, I did a WHOIS search to establish who owns the domain "inyourdreams.com"

It's a lady called Elizabeth Kennedy who lives in Ann Arbor

Looks like she'll be getting some interesting offers

I hope she's not a prude." :rolleyes:

Hey My, maybe you'd better change it to: @inyourwildestdreams.com

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Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity.
My inner child needs nurturing. Ron and Frank are exempt from applying.
Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.
I'd be careful with those hands across the seas; you may just find what you're shaking is a brown-eyed mullet*. My history lesson was actually aimed at the students cruising through our little habitat in the hope they may unlearn what they've learned about "swearing" and see it for what it really is - centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes.

* http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html



"[...] shaking [...] a 'brown-eyed mullet'!" Haven't yet looked it up so I can only imagine! Best laugh I've had for a long time! Reminds me of a long time ago when a friend and I went spearfishing in a coastal lagoon here in San Diego and chased around several schools of largish fish which turned out to be, you guessed it,... mullet!! Not the best fish for eating, my friend told me, way too oily and, well, "fishy-tasting" (hope that's not politically-incorrect...) lol.

Separate issue: I've read your previous post on (the dialectical-materialism-approach-to- the-analysis-of-the-origin-of-"swear words," lol) and find your theory fascinating and quite plausible, actually. So if , as you say, "'swearing' [...] is [...] centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes," then I gotta wonder what a member of the poorer classes would have said hundreds of years ago when he or she hit her finger with a hammer (or sickle)? -- "Oh, violin!" (a lower-class profanity, perhaps, for the higher class profanity, "Oh fiddle!?" (Just to "get back" at the "upper classes, of course...?") Interesting...





Bump Da Bump


Edited by Thomas Graves
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Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity.
My inner child needs nurturing. Ron and Frank are exempt from applying.
Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.
I'd be careful with those hands across the seas; you may just find what you're shaking is a brown-eyed mullet*. My history lesson was actually aimed at the students cruising through our little habitat in the hope they may unlearn what they've learned about "swearing" and see it for what it really is - centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes.

* http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html



"[...] shaking [...] a 'brown-eyed mullet'!" Haven't yet looked it up so I can only imagine! Best laugh I've had for a long time! Reminds me of when a friend and I went spearfishing in a coastal lagoon here in San Diego and saw many largish fish which were, you guessed it,... mullet!! Not the best fish for eating, my friend told me, way too oily and, well, "fishy-tasting" (hope that's not politically-incorrect...) and way too wary for us, at that...

Separate issue: I've read your previous post on (the dialectical-materialism-approach-to- the-analysis-of-the-origin-of-"swear words," lol) and find your theory fascinating and quite plausible, actually. So, if , as you say, "'swearing' [...] is [...] centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes," then I gotta wonder what a member of the poorer classes would have said hundreds of years ago when he or she hit her finger with a hammer (or sickle)? -- "Oh, violin!" (a lower-class profanity perhaps, for the higer class profanity, "Oh fiddle!?" (Just to "get back" at the "upper classes, of course...?") Interesting...




Thomas, your friend knows his fish.

The Traditional Mullet

The Yelloweye Mullet

Brown Eyed Mullet

Origin of the Feces

O violin? Sounds like the beginning of a Monty Python sketch...

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Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity.
My inner child needs nurturing. Ron and Frank are exempt from applying.
Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg.
I'd be careful with those hands across the seas; you may just find what you're shaking is a brown-eyed mullet*. My history lesson was actually aimed at the students cruising through our little habitat in the hope they may unlearn what they've learned about "swearing" and see it for what it really is - centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes.

* http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html



"[...] shaking [...] a 'brown-eyed mullet'!" Haven't yet looked it up so I can only imagine! Best laugh I've had for a long time! Reminds me of when a friend and I went spearfishing in a coastal lagoon here in San Diego and saw many largish fish which were, you guessed it,... mullet!! Not the best fish for eating, my friend told me, way too oily and, well, "fishy-tasting" (hope that's not politically-incorrect...) and way too wary for us, at that...

Separate issue: I've read your previous post on (the dialectical-materialism-approach-to- the-analysis-of-the-origin-of-"swear words," lol) and find your theory fascinating and quite plausible, actually. So, if , as you say, "'swearing' [...] is [...] centuries of entrenched snobbishness aimed at ridiculing and belittling the poorer classes," then I find myself wondering what a member of the poorer classes would have said hundreds of years ago when he or she hit her finger with a hammer (or sickle)? -- "Oh, violin!" (a sneaky lower-class euphemism, perhaps, for the higher class profanity, "Oh fiddle!?" (Just a clever way of "getting back" at the "upper classes, of course...?") Interesting...




Thomas, your friend knows his fish.

The Traditional Mullet

The Yelloweye Mullet

Brown Eyed Mullet

Origin of the Feces

O violin? Sounds like the beginning of a Monty Python sketch...



LOL, Holy @&%# ! (On topic)

Regarding your third link (The Brown-Eyed Mullet), that's what my surfer friends would call (a rather short section) of a "brown elbow," or perhaps a short "log."

A couple of years ago Surfer Magazine asked some world famous surfers to describe a particularly good surfing maneuver each one of them had performed recently. Surfer A said, "It was so good, I 'popped a log.'" Surfer B said, "It (his maneuver) was so incredible (and created so much spray), that all the girls on the beach got w*t ! ...... Oh well, never mind... (Still "on topic" because I censored the j***y parts out, didn't I.)

--Thomas :rolleyes:

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Guest Stephen Turner

As a point of order, surely physical chastisement of the fairer Forum Members(Known in Britain as a bit of "slap and tickle") should be seen as an offshoot of the Moderators role. And I for one will not shirk from my duty.

I know this is off topic but I have developed a sneaky feeling that Lee H Oswald didnt shoot Kennedy, and that it was, in fact a massive conspiracy> Someone should start a forum about it.

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[...] "slap and tickle"[...]


I'm gonna have to google that. Usually it's the other way round for me-- first I tickle, then I get slapped...


"I know this is off topic but I have developed a sneaky feeling that Lee H Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy, and that it was, in fact a massive conspiracy. Someone should start a forum about it."


That's very funny, actually, given the context.

--Thomas :clapping



Edited by Thomas Graves
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I know this is off topic but I have developed a sneaky feeling that Lee H Oswald didnt shoot Kennedy, and that it was, in fact a massive conspiracy> Someone should start a forum about it.

A very perceptive comment. So far this thread has had 664 viewings. No doubt a large number of people visit the forum to get a regular laugh from some of our regular posters.

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