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Drew Williams

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About Drew Williams

  • Birthday 10/26/1987

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    Conway, AR

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  1. Tim, I've never heard the name Gilberto Policarpo. Can you elaborate on the story regarding being responsible for taking out Oswald.
  2. Perhaps not all other guns were silenced. Also, if you are near the path of a bullet - even from a silenced gun you hear a loud whizzzzz! Echos in the plaza confounded everyone, no matter where the shots, in part. People can often judge where a shot came from by where and how it hit the victim rather than sound in and of itself. As professional assassins usually make sure their guns don't emit visible smoke and there was a puff of smoke near the fence, this may have been part of the original plan...shots from 'Oswald' window and ONE other conspirator behind fence without silenced gun. A shot from the Dal Tex building would be indistinguishable from one coming from TSBD and more liley IMO for the first shot. I don't believe anyone heard a "whizzzz" from the Grasssy Knoll. People heard gunshots. As you say, maybe a shot from the Knoll was part of the original plan. I do believe a shot from Dal-Tex is likely. It is just obvious to me that the conspirators weren't too careful in regards to the Knoll. Witnesses saw smoke and heard shots coming from there. If they were going to pin it on Oswald and the TSBD, why take this chance and not disguise the Grassy Knoll shot a little better?
  3. Maybe I am missing something guys, but if silencers were used to to put all attention at the TSBD, why did people claim to hear shots from the Knoll?
  4. I am going on 19 years of age, thought I don't hardly post, I read the forum constantly to get new information regarding the case.
  5. I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with. After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body. What are your opinions of this?
  6. I have never come across much information regarding the subject. IMO, it is a big piece of evidence that could explain who is setting up Oswald. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the info guys. Ill look at it all this weekend.
  8. Fairly new poster here. Long time reader, young man interested in the JFK case (17 years old) I have been fascinated with the Holt story for a while. Who here believes what he said regarding the events of 11-22-63? I believe he names himself, Charles Harrelson, and Charles Rogers as the 3 tramps. Also, anything out there prove/disprove Tosh Plumlee's story?
  9. I don't think a well trained shooter would miss Connelly, hit Tague, and possibly hit the sign.
  10. Who on here believes the actual 9-11 Commission Report?
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