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Bill Miller

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Everything posted by Bill Miller

  1. The man has his hand just under the child's chin ... almost as if preventing her from seeing the gruesome sight as it passes by them. The child's head is in profile.
  2. There is no doubt in my mind that it wasn't a CIA plot, but implying that it was does make for a more interesting story. Besides, why would the CIA want Jack gone ... he has been their best asset at making CT's look incompetent! Bill Miller
  3. You can see 4 cameras and even know what type they are? Now that is amazing! Maybe the child drove! I'm thinking the kid was CIA.
  4. His hand is just under the little girls head. Her head is in front of the man's face. Bill Miller
  5. This has gotten nuttier by the post. It doesn't matter if I take a photo of my hand from 5 feet away or from two feet .... the closer to the camera - the larger the image, but it can be scaled down to any distance. If you cannot see the problem with the missing part of the hand, then you have no business even trying to tackle photo interpretation. Bill Miller
  6. Gary Mack told me it is the James Hankins. It was published twelve years ago by Richard Trask in Pictures of the Pain, where it appears on page 245. Bill Miller Corham Art Flower Co. 1645 Stemmons RI1-1073 There was no Corham Chevrolet in any early 60's directory. Corham was only listed in the phone book. It was about 1/2 block below Oak Lawn on the southbound service road.
  7. Sorry about that, Floyd ... I saw a few things mentioned on that page and just picked one because I wasn't sure which particular point that you wanted addressed. You are right ... that particular print is convincing, except Oswald wore a brownish grainy looking shirt and Bill Lovelady wore a red plaided shirt. The reed of Lovelady's plaid shirt can be seen in color images of that doorway when JFK turned onto Elm Street. One such example would be the Hughes film. Your observation is one of the reasons why so many people do not believe the throat shot did not come from the alleged snipers window. Bill Miller Jack, you are not very good at photo interpretation when using good images, please stop wasting time trying to make something out of nothing from poor quality images. Bill Miller
  8. That is an understatement, Craig. Below are two more images of my hand ... not that anyone could not have held their hand in front of their face and see the same thing. I would have thought that my pointing out that over half of the alleged hand would be missing unless shoved into the seat that far (which is impossible), but I guess that observation is too complicated for everyone to cpomprehend it. Bill Miller
  9. Floyd, I believe the Nix film showed the car door open on the VP SS car as they were going down Houston Street. I also think I had seen this earlier in films of the trip through Dallas, as well, thus the door opened means nothing IMO. Bill Did you not post earlier that you have more important things to do! Jack White: " I now spend most of my time on more important things, like the mass murders of 911 and the deceitful moon photos. Few are as "dedicated" to JFK as "Bill Miller", who spends FULL TIME on it. I do many other things that are more important." Bill Miller The positions are not even close ... for Hill is errect in one image and leaning to his side in another. The angle at which the Miller photo makes Hill appear to be at less of an angle, but the Newman photo shows it quite well. Bill Miller.
  10. Nice photo of a hand shake, yet it has absolutely nothing to do with the photo in question. I am certainly amazed at how much time has been wasted on an illusion that when thought through it should have been obvious that the alleged hand is anatomically incorrect to be supported by the evidence. The amount of the alleged wrist that is seen is hardly as wide as the alleged thumb. As said before - a hand laying against those leather seats could not possibly have sunken into the cushion and hidden that much of JFK's hand and wrist and simply rotating ones hand a few degrees isn't going to compensate for this problem. Bill Miller
  11. Huh??? I am sorry that I couldn't find a terribly pixelled out image so just any outline of the alleged hand could be drawn in. Bill Miller
  12. See page 9/post 131. In that post I drew a stick figure showing Hill's hand on the drivers side of the car. There are also numerous post of the Newman photo showing Hill holding onto the side of the limo. In this thread it was said that Hill had to hold onto one side of the limo with his hand and hook his foot over the opposite side to help him keep balanced over the top of the First couple. The notion that Clint Hill has his hand on his knee is incorrect and nothong more than lines drawn onto a dark image. Bill Miller
  13. Jack, you are always claiming the same things over Zfilm alteration as if you have discovered the truth. Jack, your caption speaks about Zapruder being on the pedestal, but yet you also say that Zapruder and Sitzman were not on the pedestal - which is it??? Bill Miller
  14. Jack, I ask for it because if you think that is JFK's hand, then you need to explain why 2/3s of what would have to be the wrist is burried in the seat??? Bill Miller
  15. One would think that a naked intruder involved in a physical attack would have left DNA all over the place. Bill Miller
  16. Jack, I watched the ABC documentary just as any dedicated JFK researcher, except you, had done. Bill Miller
  17. The angle at which the foot is seen and possibly combined with the illumination of the leather spreading out/washing out onto the sole of the shoe due to the lightening of the photo - only makes it look like a left foot. Bill Miller Jack, please post your untouched Miller print that led to your conclusion. Like I said before, it is impossible for a hand to be pressed that far into the President's seat, thus your interpretation cannot be correct or your print has been retouched as well. Bill Miller
  18. Maybe if I word it this way you will get the message ... Did you not think that had you bothered to see the documentary, then maybe you would have known where their copy images came from ... possibly through the credits if nothing else? Bill Miller
  19. Well, in the Miller photo there does appear to be an antenna on JFK's side of the car, as well and Hill's foot is hooked around it. You see, the Newman photo has Jackie's antenna and the one in question almost lined up perfectly. The difference being is that Jackie's antenna is a bit shorter and the top of JFK's antenna is a tad forward and when traveling into the wind - an antenna should bend slighty backwards if anything else. It's just one of those flukes that both line up almost perfectly. Bill
  20. Jack, in your opening illustration at the start of this thread, you mentioned a couple of things about ABC and the unknown origin of their film. I just assumed that you had seen it before citing data concerning it ... my mistake. Bill Miller
  21. I would think that if the man was naked and in someone else's home uninvited - I'm guessing that the guy was more of a nut than someone interested in the JFK case. Bill Miller
  22. Dawn, I'd be the Mr. Miller who first checked Dale Myers animation against the Zapruder film and discovered that he didn't have his animation perfectly scaled. I am the same Mr. Miller who then posted my findings debunking Dales animation on Lancer's JFK forum. I am the same Mr. Miller who discovered that Connally's right wrist was too high to have had the same bullet wound it at the time Dale Myers claimed Connally was hit in the back by the single bullet. So now maybe you might remember which Mr. Miller I am. Bill Miller Brendan, while many of the CT's claims being made do deserve to be exposed as a result of poor research, you should consider being more thorough in your explanations or else it might make you appear to be merely trolling and not here for educational purposes whether it be teaching others or learning things for yourself. Bill Miller
  23. Congratulations, Jack. I too, know what it is like to have had a second and third chance at life after battling two separate bouts with cancer .... the last being given less than a 30% of survival. It truly does make one grateful to be here. Bill
  24. It's ashame that you do not believe in actual research or you'd get Trask's book and look at the photo of Mr Z just inside the shelter door with the Hester and Sitzman. Bill Miller I hope Jack lives to be 100, but that has little to do with JFK's assassination. I have posted that Jack had done some good things many years ago, but at the same time no one of us is immune to the damage that has been done in recent years from poorly thought out or ill researched claims. Even an aging home run hitter knows whats best for his team when his play has become counter productive. Bill
  25. David, maybe you'd care to post some Parkland photos with the top on the car and we'll see if the antenna mounts are still visible or not. I mean after all .. there is an antenna raised near the seat in the Newman and Miller photos. Bill Miller
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