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Bill Miller

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Posts posted by Bill Miller

  1. 28 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    So you believe that this lie about the curtain rods just popped into Frazier's brain? I don't understand that. Why wouldn't Frazier just tell the truth?

    Furthermore, can you explain why Frazier would at first come up with the lie about curtain rods, making Oswald look guilty, only to lie again, saying the bag was too short for a broken down rifle to fit inside? Making Oswald look not guilty?



  2. On 3/11/2017 at 5:44 AM, Alistair Briggs said:

    Alas, that is not true whatsoever. The other thread had nothing to do with photographs or the day of the assassination, so why Brad decided to post in it about a photo on the day of the assassination is, well, unkown really. And he directed his post directly to me and I responded, apparently responding to someone asking you a question is 'trolling' and unless one agrees 100% then they are put on 'ignore'. lol


    here is the video link that Brad posted in the other thread if you are interested in it John. :) (btw, as Brad said in the other thread - " Possible Hearing Damage Warning! Turn your headphones volume way down during the beginning of the video! ")

    A very interesting video indeed. ;)


    Blevens is one of the worst at evaluating film evidence as anyone I have ever seen. I too bought a copy of the same negative of Dillard's from the Dallas Morning News and doesn't show anyone in that window. But more importantly is that the alleged Oswald face is further from Dillard's camera than the faces/heads of the men on the 5th floor and if that was a real person as Bleven's claims, then the head is too large to be that of Oswald's when compared to the heads seen in the 5th floor window.

    I also might add that Bleven's never mentions the absence of the body if standing so close to the glass. I put Bleven's claim right along side of his claim that Greer shot JFK with a chrome plated hand gun which in reality was the sun shining off of Kellerman's head. Bleven's misread the film without noticing that Greer's two hands were visible with on near the door panel and the other on the steering wheel. Another observation he missed was that if Greer was shooting a hand gun at JFK (one the no witness ever saw) Greer's left arm would be crossing over his torso to take aim and all of Greer's white shirt is seen.  Welcome to the world of Leroy Blevins Sr.


  3. In the mid to late 50's, cameras were internally set to run at 18fps so to remove the flicker effect. However, the hardware (dials) were not changed because so many were already produced, so they were used instead of making new ones.

    I for one have never seen any evidence of film alteration on the Zapruder film. Unless there is a new claim I have not seen - all the past ones had been debunked. One of the best moves Zapruder could have done was having three copies of the film made. Zapruder kept the camera original and a first generation copy made from the original film. When Life Magazine bought the original film - Zapruder kept his first generation copy. As far as I know - Life magazine damaged the original and had to splice the film at a point before the shooting had began. The first generation copy made from the original has remained in tact.

  4. On 3/9/2017 at 8:45 PM, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    You can't see Woman In White pull Woman In Black's right arm up to a horizontal position?  Do you think that's not Woman In Black's arm, but Woman In White's black coat on her (Woman In White's) left arm, instead?

    At one point you thought one woman had an oversized left arm with a hand on the wall which was the sun shining off a woman you didn't even see - and now you are asking me to see things that your eagle eye has spotted.  .60_zpskbpgi7eb.gif


    On 3/9/2017 at 8:45 PM, Thomas Graves said:

    Do you think a gust of wind might have blown Big Girl's dress out a bit, to make her hips look even wider than they were?

    A gust of wind -  60_zpskbpgi7eb.gif    Do you know from what direction the wind was blowing at the time of the assassination?


    On 3/9/2017 at 8:45 PM, Thomas Graves said:

    If Running Woman was standing on the upper part of the grass or on the concrete "patio" near the pergola during the motorcade, and if Big Girl was standing only about 1/3 of the way down Elm Street, don't you think Big Girl could have beat Running Woman to the Island / Steps?  For that matter, does it look to you as though Running Woman is running towards or from that part of the Island that's closest to the steps?

    --  Tommy  :sun

    Seems like a lot of ifs are being implied. In the beginning there was doubts being tossed about concerning whether it was possible for running woman to have gotten back to the steps to meet Patrolman Baker having come all the way from Elm Street. Now you have Big Girl beating her by so much that she can be already standing on the steps having a chat with Washout Man.  I don't think so.    :)

  5. 2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    BUMPED for Bill Miller's comment.

    --Paul Trejo

    It looks to me that it was a part of Frazier's character to offer a fellow worker a ride. The guy (Brian Harper) I mentioned as riding with me to work happened only when I found that he passed through Glasford to get to work. Once I found that out - I offered for him to save his gas and ride along with me if he liked.  I just remembered just now that a school chum named Jack Rudd got on at Unarco Rohn where I worked. I did the same thing with Jack as he only lived a few blocks from me. Just having company during the 30 minute drive was nice - especially when going home at night as we were 2nd shifters.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Andrej Stancak said:

    It is everyone's chance to draw conclusions from O'Toole's investigation into Frazier's story. I drew mine: Frazier lied about curtain rods, his voice had failed him.

    I think the stress test was as bogus as a polygraph would have been. Forget a Lawyer - a mere Paralegal could have kept that nonsense out of court. Frazier had been gone from home a long time - and he like most of America was quite stressed over the assassination. So here you have a guy who found himself drawn into a historical tragedy - been quite stressed all day as everyone else was - and by evening he was most likely aware that Lee (the guy he drove to work that day) was suspected of shooting the President. And while he believed the package Lee brought to work was too short to be a rifle .... he had to question himself as to could it had been possible that Lee did actually bring a rifle to work that day? That would explain the reason Buell was stressed each time the package Lee placed in the back seat came up.

    The proper thing to have done was question Buell at a time other than the day of the assassination and after getting a nights rest and something to eat. I know people who would be freaked out just being questioned by the police just because they would feel intimidated even if they had done nothing wrong. Here was someone who was probably wondering if they were going to try and tie him in with the murder of the President of the United States because he knew Lee brought a sack to work said to be curtain rods.

    Geesh - I was audited by the IRS a few years ago and even though I believed I checked and double checked my figures .... I was still nervous as a cat trying to tip-toe through a dog pound with a bell hung around my neck. I would be more suspicious had Buell not shown any stress. I also find the idea that Buell lied about curtain rods a bit self serving. Once again a witness is considered lying to make a theory look possible. That theme seems to have worn itself out.

  7. 22 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    There's no sudden and dramatic action from him until his hands snap up to his throat and face, and then he lunges forward from the back shot.  Also, your reply seems to imply the back shot or one of Kennedy's hits also hits JBC.  Please don't tell me you think or believe in the SBT?  Like you said on another thread, we're all entitled to believe in what we want, but I'll be very surprised if a so-called photo expert - as folks tend to call you around here - would be this gullible.

    You can believe what you like .... its no big deal. I am only saying that Mary Woodward was right there looking at the President's face as he was smiling and waving to her and the ladies next to her when she heard the first shot and saw the President react to being hit by the bullet. Woodward believed she and her friends was the last thing the President ever saw..

     From the time JFK goes behind the road sign to the point where he emerges is about 2/3rds of a second. Betzner and Willis locked the first shot in between their two photos. There 16 Zapruder frames between those two photos and half of that is 8 frames which is just under .5 seconds. Interesting that Willis said that he could have delayed pressing his shutter by a half a second if I remember correctly. I didn't even mention studies about reaction times to a stimuli like being shot by a small caliber round that didn't hit an bones.

    1 - Hugh Betzner said he had just snapped his photo and was going to start to wind his camera before the first loud shot rang out. It is a fact that Betzer's photo equates to Zapruder frame 186.

    2 - Phil Willis said that he took his photo after the first loud shot rang out. It is a fact that the Willis photo equates to Zapruder frame 202.

    3 - Connally stood his ground when he said he heard the first shot - that he had time to look to his right to see if he could see the President - and just as he was facing just about forward/center during his head turn to then glance over his left shoulder is when he felt the bullet slam into him. His description was like being hit with a doubled up fist.

    I have only offered a breakdown of the evidence based on the witnesses statements in conjunction with the Zapruder film for people to consider for themselves. I am of the opinion that while witnesses statements can sometimes vary .... when those statements are supported by photographic evidence .... I must believe the witnesses got it right for the most part.

  8. 8 hours ago, Brad Milch said:

    My one & only personal experience with Robert Groden & his sidekick dates back a few years. It's not intended to influence anyone. It happened as I'm about to describe. It is what it is.

    I was visiting Dealey Plaza & Groden walked up to me outside the north pergola shelter (cupola) where Zapruder & Sitzman were stationed creating the Zapruder film. I asked him if he was Robert Groden & he said he was. I shook his hand & complimented him on his contributions to humanity in getting the Zapruder film viewable to the public on TV back in 1975. Then I made my first mistake: I asked him a question about the assassination.

    Groden motioned for me to follow him to his table that held stacks of his books, magazines & DVD's. He picked up a copy of 'The Search For Lee Harvey Oswald', held it in front of his body & told me 'the answer is in here'. How much for the book? 100 bucks he told me (I discovered later it was around 19 bucks in bookstores). I asked him another question. Groden held up something else & told me 'the answer is in here'. I'm starting to think this guy is hustling me.

    Then the sidekick comes over. He saw everything that happened during the ambush, he claims. He was THERE, he tells me. He saw this, he saw that. He heard this; he heard that. A shooter was here; a shooter was there. He knew all the Dealey Plaza witnesses, where they lived & what they ate for supper. He knew everything there was to know about the Dealey Plaza ambush. He held up a copy of Altgens 5 & pointed to where he said he stood during the JFK ambush as proof that what he was saying was genuine.

    I walked over to where Mr. Sidekick claimed he was standing in Altgens 5. I squatted down to an adolescent's height & looked at Elm Street, from the intersection to the triple overpass. The dip in the road was so deep just after the intersection that cars traveling down Elm Street seemed to disappear from sight from that point most of the way to the overpass from Mr. Sidekick's alleged position on Houston Street in Altgens 4.. It became apparent to me that with the streets lined with spectators & a motorcade passing though, plus the pandemonium following the attack on JFK & John Connally,this sidekick guy didn't see a darn thing half a century ago (if it really was him in the Altgens 5 photo).

    At this point, I'm thinking this sidekick guy was trying to hustle me too. A genuine Texas hustling team. Sheesh! I didn't see anything like this on Geraldo Rivera's 'Goodnight America' TV show all those years ago.(note: in all fairness, since Mr. Sidekick didn't try to sell me anything, what he showered me with would be called 'shuck & jive' in the part of the USA I was raised & educated in; universally referred to as BS)

    As I do with all people that impress me as hustlers, I left without saying a word, with my money still n my pocket.

    I haven't given much thought to either of those two (Groden or sidekick) since. I have sometimes wondered what it was about me that gave them both the impression that I had just arrived in America & Texas directly from a banana boat.


    Brad Milch


    That side-kick of Robert's was a guy named Mike Brown and I never believed a word he said. I doubt that he was ever in Dealey Plaza when JFK was shot. He no longer works with Robert. I am sure that the other vendors thought a lot of Mr. Brown because I once saw him hand over a hand full of Robert's booklets behind his back for little cash when Robert was busy doing an Interview. The vendor would then walk off into the Plaza and sell the booklets at the same price Robert got for them. I asked Mr. Brown if he and Robert usually sell the booklets to the other vendors and he said they did. At dinner that evening, I told Robert what I had witnessed and was not surprised for he had been experiencing a lot of shortages. I expect now that Mr. Brown is gone that the shortages have stopped.


    Here is a low resolution clip with the gunshots included. These shots were determined from witness statements and photos.

    1 - The first shot came between Betzer's photo and Willis's photo.

    2 - The second shot comes at the moment Connally's shoulder is driven forward and down

    3 - The third shot comes between Z312 and Z313 when Kennedy's explodes

    4 - The next shot comes when Moorman took her photo that captured what appeared to be a muzzle flash at the Badge Man location. Three and four allows the listener to her what Kellerman described as a Sonic Boom .... Bang - Bang!  Two shots almost over the top of the other.

    Click onto the image to start the film clip with gunshots inserted.



  10. 8 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    I don't quite see the sequence of shots as Bill described it.  I agree the throat shot hits when Bill says and then the head bobbing back and forth is I believe the force of the back shot slamming into him 1/2 second after the throat shot. I agree where JBC is hit - much later than JFK and obviously nullifying the SBT.

    The official stance was that JFK and Connally was hit by the first shot (SBT), that the President had an immediate reaction and that Connally had a delayed reaction, But Dr. Cyril Wecht said that when a bullet slams into bone - the reaction is immediate. The term is the 'Transfer of Momentum' or the 'Transfer of Energy'. I often describe the shooting of a cue ball into another ball - the reaction when one ball hits the other is immediate. One can have a delayed reaction to a stimulus, but hit someone in the back of the head or in she shoulder and they won't pause before movement occurs.

    I believe it was Mary Woodard to said the President was smiling and waving at her and the ladies that were with her when the first shout sounded. The the President reacted by immediately bringing his hand towards his face at that instant. That reaction is seen on the Zapruder film. (see below)




    And Kennedy as he first comes into view from behind the road sign. His hands are in front of him and his mouth is open.  (see below)


    I think Woodward nailed it in her description.


    Then after coming out from behind the road sign - Connally experiences what he described as a blow to his back. His right shoulder is driven forward and down causing his left shoulder to rise,


    Two bullets - two different times - two separate shots.


    JFK as seen in Altgens appears to be pointing to his wound. The same can be seen in the Zapruder film. I regret that I do not have my enlargements with me to show this finger point from the Zapruder film.


  11. 15 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    I can easily accept a theory of six shots.  IMHO, it was two shots that tore JFK's head off -- one from behind, and one from the front.   The one from behind was a full-metal jacket, and the one from the front was a frangible (exploding) bullet.   

    IMHO, one reason that the Bethesda doctors would never release JFK's brain for legal examination was that the evidence too clearly showed evidence of multiple bullets -- and the FBI "Lone Nut" theory could not accept this outcome.  So, JFK's brain "went missing."

    To address the brain and what you said about Bethesda, I can only say that  Paul O'Conner said that when they removed the President from the shipping casket ... and had him on the table ... Paul said there was no brain to remove.

    In Dallas the doctors said that a quarter or more of the brain had been blasted out. Yet when the President arrived for the autopsy - the brain was not present. In Lifton's book called "Best Evidence", he shows a photo that was taken of a small lump under a sheet and on a gurney that was taken into the Morgue. Lifton said the official word was that a still-born baby had been brought in at the same time the President was there. However, Lifton went on to say that there were no records from any of the hospitals in the area that a still-born baby had been delivered by anyone in the days prior or on the day of the assassination. Lifton felt that a brain had been taken to the Morgue and placed into the cranium of JFK.  And as I recall when the autopsy started, the President was now in the casket he had been in at Parkland when he left there. So when the brain was weighed it had a weight of a normal sized brain. The problem is that in Dallas a good portion of the brain (25%+) had been blasted out, thus the remaining portion of the brain would weigh 25% less than a normal brain.

    So I agree that the initial brain would have yielded clues as from where the President was shot, it was the second 'full' brain that had to go missing or else there would have been a big problem as to how it became in-tact when so much of it had been reported missing back at Parkland.


    15 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Also, I suspect that most of the Dealey Plaza witnesses testified to three shots -- and that the last two shots came close together for two key reasons:

    (1) the WC hearings were delayed for months after the JFK assassination occurred; and

    (2) the WC witnesses at Dealey Plaza had plenty of time to talk to each other and compare notes.

    The above may have been possible, but it may have been because of where they were located at the time of the shooting. And some witnesses stayed true to they hearing more than three shots fired, as well as the spacing of the shots where there was a pause and then the next two came very close together.


    15 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    The gossip around Dallas in December 1963 was that there were three shots (that the Dallas Police insisted on) and that the final two came quickly upon one another.   Therefore, this became common "knowledge," as if "everybody knows" this.  This influenced the WC testimony, I believe.

    Certainly not all Dealey Plaza witnesses repeated this story -- but most did -- and their sentences are so similar and often identical that it almost seemed as though they were coordinated -- or at least became part of the Zeitgeist of Dallas in December, 1963, and a sort of Dallas dogma by 1964, when the WC hearings were held.

    --Paul Trejo

    There were plenty of witnesses who said the shots were evenly spaced apart as well.

  12. 7 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Miller, you act tired and are clutching at straws and above all refuse to address your mistakes when caught out. . I find it rather boring and have no interest to confer about your denials any further. The shoddy research you put forward. The lack of will to actually properly dig in and compare. Your 'method' may have been something 20 years ago, but you have been overtaken by a long shot. And in a way there is nothing wrong with that, I expect that to happen to me as well. Part of life I guess. Accepting it is another matter tho.

    This is my final reply to you, I wish you well.

    I find your response to be pure diatribe to which I have come to expect from those who are disturbed when others don't buy into their theory. It's the same thing I witnessed years ago with Fetzer and his gang when it came to the bogus alteration claims they made in a book called - Assassination Science.  I have interviewed witnesses for years and often times from groups who witnessed the same event and there are always things that some of them said that were not exactly how others described an event. It came down to perception. But in the end the truth was somewhere in the middle. For instance some people want to believe that Oswald stood outside with Buell Frazier, Billy Lovelady, Bill Shelley, and others and no one admitted it because they were all afraid to speak up. That the powers that be intimidated them all on the very afternoon of the assassination. I say to that way of thinking - hogwash! The best case scenario that refutes that theory is Buell Frazier. There is no doubt that had Lee been standing next to Buell that Frazier would have said so. I believe that would be true of the other people on the stairs as well for when they gave their affidavits, and five months later when testifying before the Commission they had no way of knowing whether or not there was film or photos taken of them all together standing around the entrance to the Depository. One could only imagine the questions that would arise had there been any images of Lee standing there with them all and each and every person somehow had forgotten that crucial detail.

    The fact is that Prayer Man is not Oswald. Not only do I believe PM is too big to be Lee, but whether Baker met Oswald on the second floor or the first floor - Oswald cannot be both inside the building and outside at the same time. And no witness said that when Truly and the Patrolman entered the building did they confront Lee before going up the stairs. The witnesses who say Truly and the Patrolman were the first to enter the building knew they went to the elevator and then raced up the stairs. Again, no mention of a confrontation with Lee on the first floor.

    Both Patrolman Baker and Roy Truly mentioned having to take the stairs before the Oswald confrontation. It was after heading up the stairs is when Baker saw Oswald. Here is where some people have thought they found a smoking gun ... Patrolman Baker having not been familiar with the floor plan of the TSBD said in his affidavit taken on 11/22/63 that he ran into Oswald on the third or fourth floor. Truly on the other hand knows the floor plan of the building and he said he had started on his way up the stairs to the third floor when he realized the Patrolman was no longer right behind him. Truly then came back down to the second floor where he found Patrolman Baker confronting Lee Oswald.

    In Truly's affidavit of the 22nd - he only references the second floor and the door to the vestibule. While there is no further statement about the second floor - one should ask why was the second floor door mentioned at all?  Had Truly and Patrolman Baker had just ran right by it and never stopped, then why was it mentioned in Truly's 11/22 affidavit. I believe the answer is found in Truly's testimony before the Commission when Roy came back and found the officer confronting Lee in the lunchroom. As far as I know there was no lunchroom on the third floor and this is why on 03/20/64 Patrolman Baker recreated his run to the second floor lunchroom.



  13. 3 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    That is incorrect. I didn't make such a reference. I don't know who Albert Doyle is. I think I have seen his name, possibly as a member here, but I have no recollections of his opinions or postings.

    Again, I have made no reference to him all, and, of course, no reference to him in relation to you.



    Sorry about that - it was a reference that Kamp has made.

  14. 3 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    That said -- although most of the WC witnesses from Dealey Plaza claimed that they hear three shots, with the last two occurring very close together in timing -- their testimony was not unanimous. Emmet Hudson, for example, was standing right next to JFK when JFK's head was torn off, and Emmet said he was certain that there were four shots.

    Millican claimed ti have heard as many as 6 shots which is what the acoustics ended up finding. No one will ever know or sure.

    What I do want to say is that when the Movie JFK was made .... depending on where witnesses were positioned throughout the Plaza determined on the number of shots they heard. This information was told to me by Robert Groden. It seems to me that Robert told me they did 23 or 33 test firings. I will ask him again because I hate guessing, but the number was at least 23 and the result was always the same. People at one end of Elm didn't hear shots from the knoll and visa versa.

    The first sound of a shot kit JFK in the throat. He knew it hit him there for he appeared to be pointing to it in both Altgen's 6 and in the Zapruder film.

    But before then and just as the President comes out from behind the road sign his mouth is open and his hands are already starting up towards his mouth where he appears to cough as if to dislodge something in his throat.




    Connally said he heard the first shot and glanced over his right shoulder but couldn't see the President, so he started to turn back the other way when he was hit. The moment the shot hit the governor drove his right shoulder forward and down while his left rose a few inches. (see below)


    The moment Connally is hit -



    The kill shot happened when two shots were said by witnesses to come over the top of one another. SS Agent Kellerman described it as the sound a plane makes when it breaks the sound barrier - Boom ... Boom!  One that hit the President in the top of the head and the other missing and creating the furrow in the grass on the south pasture that Edna Hartman saw.

    Then there is the shot that hit the chrome strip between the two sun visors and the missed shot that hit down by the underpass where Tague was standing. And oddly enough when these are added together - they total "6" shots.

  15. 1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:

    Bill, the hyperbole in your complaint that you are being expected to do an onerous amount, (26 volumes of WC testimony), of research to back the vulumnous totality of your assertions on these threads is utterly disingenuous, at best. Surely, given your apparent tremendous interest in this portion of the larger investigation, it would be expected that you would familiarize yourself with the relavant testimony after beinge divorced from those readings for thirty years.

    I have not been divorced from the witness testimony for over 30 years - I periodically refresh myself every now and then, especially when it came to the doctors involved in the President's care. The one thing that stuck in my mind when reading all the witness testimonies was how many of them were saying the same things, but wording their interpretations differently ...... especially when it came to time and space. I see that gets used as if written in stone here and sometimes used to claim someone is lying. Some witness says he or she remained at location "X" for a minute and then someone wants to use that figure of speech against someone's position that same witness moved from a certain location within 30 seconds. The Darnell film is a classic example. You show Shelley and Lovelady walking down the Elm Street extension and others are saying Lovelady is still on the stairs right through to the end of the Darnell film. Buell Frazier on the other hand said in his testimony that he stayed put after the shots, but Lovelady and Shelley left right away which allows them to be walking the extension in Darnell.

    Mr. BALL - The three of you didn't go any place?
    Mr. FRAZIER - I believe Billy and them walked down toward that direction but I didn't. I just stood where I was. I hadn't moved at all.

    I think what differs me from others is that I have no vested interest one way or the other where the evidence leads.

  16. 1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:

    Of course, if your purpose is to pull up some popcorn and toy with some folks who are trying to come-up with answers to this mystery, then semantics, misdirection, a faux scepticism and a paper cap declaring your expertise will surely get you through your daily excercise. It appears you have been fooling people for years. I don't see that fact as a guarantee of your future experience; but I don't make it a habit of trying to predict the future, yet I do tend towards optimism.



    If you think your theory is the correct one, then run with it. Its when you carry on over someones view that doesn't support your own - you tend to become aggressive which then in turn makes you appear to not have as much confidence in your claims as you let on. You have referenced me as another Albert Doyle who is a lunatic Holocaust denier. For your information - I totally believe the Holocaust happened. Just sayin' ... the one with the loudest voice doesn't mean that person is right.

    Hundreds of books on the assassination with each claiming to have solved the murder of JFK. Nearly all of them with their theories as to how the assassination occurred and by whom. While I know there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, I don't go so far afield as to think everyone who testified was a xxxx. And while I have been away from the forums for a decade or so, I still discuss the evidence from time to time with people who have an interest in it. And for the past several years I have been asked to come back to this forum to add some balance to it. Someone once described it as an asylum being run by the inmates. So I will look at what evidence that interest me and I will give my opinion towards it. No one has to agree with it, but everyone will have to learn to live with it.


  17. 17 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

    That is NOT what I am talking about.

    First the claim of the coke and second attributing Baker and Truly in an article where they are not mentioned at all.

    If this is the way you handle the evidence then Lordy help us all.

    Squirm away Miller, but you are not let off.

    Do yourself a huge favour and retract what you said in both instances.

    I said I remember reading somewhere about Oswald having bought a coke whether it be testimony or in a book or article.  It's been more than 30 plus years since I spent more than three years reading the 26 Volumes of the Warren Report and I still have to be refreshed on things I read in it. I have no intention of going back over everything I have ever read in my 45 years of reading about the assassination over a coke. Especially when it doesn't add anything to Prayer Man being Lee or Lee being confronted by Truly and Baker on the second floor. Did you think you were going to run a distraction with me - really?

    I find your first floor Oswald as where Truly and Baker ran into him to be a bunch or rubbish. I am entitled to that opinion and can't really understand why you are so threatened by it.

  18. 5 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

    WHERE MIller?

    Where in this article does this mention Baker and Truly!

    Even Doyle is reposting it as gospel at DPF, so indulge us all!!

    I have carefully laid out my opinion about the second floor meeting with Oswald and said why he was not on the first floor or standing next to Frazier where PM seems to be. It's archived for your reading pleasure.

  19. 5 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

    I think the public can see what you are made of Bill Miller.

    And the 2nd floor lunch room encounter NEVER happened.

    There is just too much evidence to dispute it.


    I say Baker meeting Oswald on the second floor did happen. So we must agree to disagree. And in case you missed it - I do not believe Frazier stood there talking to Oswald and was intimidated not to tell anyone, especially not knowing if someone had a clear image showing Prayer Man's face. But then again i don't have a lot of time invested in the need to have Prayer Man be Oswald.   :)



    Read my essay for a change, instead of filling this forum with your speculative assertions.

    The entire JFK assassination is full of speculative assertions with many people feeling that theirs is the correct one.

  20. 1 hour ago, Andrej Stancak said:

    I hope it makes sense.

    Nothing makes sense when one attempts to rewrite the evidence in such a way to make Oswald out to be Prayer Man. Frazier was just a little more than an arms length from PM and facing his direction. Frazier went as far as to say that he could have been talking to someone and didn't see Patrolman baker run up the stairs. And the way Frazier is turned in the Darnell film ... it is not hard to see how that could have happened. And by the way, Frazier didn't even mention seeing the Patrol Officer getting off his bike and sprinting towards the TSBD, so it just lends to the credibility that Frazier had his attention focused somewhere else.

    Frazier also remembered a few people who were there with him outside the entrance and had Lee been there with Buell, then Buell would have said so in my view. And lord knows how long Campbell was out on the knoll observing the people searching the RR Yard. It could have been several minutes or even longer as far as that goes.

    As far as Truly goes ... there is no doubt in my mind that he knew which floor he and Baker was on when Oswald was confronted. I have yet to hear a rational response stating why Truly would mention that meeting with Oswald occurred on the second floor if it had occurred on the 1st floor. After all, Truly had to stop and come back down the steps to the second floor once he realized that Baker wasn't right behind him. It was the voices coming from the second floor lunchroom that led Roy to Baker and Oswald.

  21. 8 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    To keep some modesty here I won't repeat Buell's final sentences in his WC testimony -- but I recommend them for purposes of this discussion.

    LHO knew what he was doing.   He had become a user.

    --Paul Trejo

    I have read three of Buell's testimonies and his affidavit. Maybe it would help me if you paste the sentences you recommend for the purposes of this discussion.

  22. 9 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    You can't see Woman In White pull Woman In Black's right arm up to a horizontal position?  Do you think that's not Woman In Black's arm, but Woman In White's black coat on her (Woman In White's) left arm, instead?

    Do you think a gust of wind might have blown Big Girl's dress out a bit, to make her hips look even wider than they were?

    If Running Woman was standing on the upper part of the grass or on the concrete "patio" near the pergola during the motorcade, and if Big Girl was standing only about 1/3 of the way down Elm Street, don't you think Big Girl could have beat Running Woman to the Island / Steps?  For that matter, does it look to you as though Running Woman is running towards or from that part of the Island that's closest to the steps?

    --  Tommy  :sun

    My response was quite clear and doesn't need to be repeated.

  23. 3 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


    I do not know how much time would it take to run one or two extra flights. I am trying to figure out the scenario you have in mind in which Oswald would meet Baker and Truly in the first floor while descending from the second floor.

    Running down the stairs would be faster than running up them. And there is no scenario in my mind that has Baker and Truly on the first floor. That scenario was introduced by Campbell upon returning to the building after going out to the knoll first and then returning to the building after that. Campbell didn't even say how long it was that he spent out on the knoll and nor does it seem that he was asked that question.

  24. 3 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

    Thanks, Bart, this is very useful, and not that easy to find.

    Good to see that Campbell saw Truly and Patrolman Baker run into the building. They too can be added to the witnesses who saw what the Darnell film illustrates just short of the running up the stairs before turning the camera away from the scene.

    The next thing is when did Campbell see Oswald on the first floor?  It certainly wasn't when Baker and Truly entered the building because Campbell took off shagging tail for the knoll. It could have been several minutes before Campbell went back to the TSBD. Because Campbell saw Lee after returning to the building doesn't mean that Oswald wasn't on the second floor when Baker and Truly started up the stairs. It's looking to me that the person who wrote the story assumed that because Oswald was said to be seen on the first floor by Campbell who said shortly after hearing shots ... he raced into the building, thus Truly and Baker must have run into Oswald on the first floor as they ran to the elevator, but neither Truly, Baker, West, Piper, or anyone else who was in the building or who entered the building just behind Truly said anything about seeing Oswald on the first floor at that time.

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