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Bill Miller

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Posts posted by Bill Miller

  1. 14 hours ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    From the FBI statement of William H. Shelley, March 18, 1964:

    " Immediately following the shooting, Billy P Lovelady and I accompanied some uniformed police officers to the railroad yards just west of the building and returned through the west side door of the building about ten minutes later . I remained in the building until about 1 :30 PM when I was asked to go to the Dallas Police Dept . t o furnish an affidavit . 1 returned to the Texas School Book Depository Building about 5 PM . I did not leave the building until about 7 PM that day ."

    That's funny, I don't see any uniformed police officers walking with "Shelley & Lovelady" in the Darnell film. Maybe I need a photo expert to help me see them.

    Once again you fail to understand the purpose of an affidavit. It is a general statement that sets the groundwork for later testimony. It's a figure of speech given by the person who wrote the statement. Lovelady and Shelley noticed police officers running towards the RR Yard, so they walked up that way as well. I do not know of anyone who thought that both BS and BL were implying that they went arm and arm to the RR Yard with the police officers who went there ..... at least not until now.    :)

  2. 59 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Here's a thought. As Bob has noted, a lot of these affidavits look like boilerplate. And Bob wonders if they have been fiddled with.

    I agree that a lot of them look like they were written by the same person. And that makes me wonder how accurate they are.

    We are having a hard time finding Calvery. Some of you guys have searched for her repeatedly over a span of years.

    Maybe we are looking in the wrong place.

    I wonder if Calvery was really standing closer to the concrete island, near the traffic light. Where Shelley said he talked to her after the shooting. Are there any pictures showing the spectators there?

    An Affidavit is a general statement taken of witness before a more detailed interview can be given. When a line of people stand along the street and all watch the same event unfold before them - there is really no reason to think that there would be a vast differences in their descriptions.

    Calvery told where she was standing and some have used the statements of three other women to place her between the two road signs. One cannot help notice that to avoid the one woman in that line of witnesses who is wearing the same type of black skirt as running woman .... there is a desire to place Calvery elsewhere other than where she was originally said to be.    :)

  3. 5 hours ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    No, it's a matter of Truly lying. There just weren't enough people standing in front of the TSBD to make a "mob" capable of doing what he described. Did you happen to notice, in the Couch film, that most of the spectators in front of the TSBD entrance have not moved very far from their positions prior to the assassination?

    Truly had to come up with a good story to explain why he left Ochus Campbell and placed himself at the foot of the TSBD steps. His task was to read Baker's mind telepathically and deduce that Baker wanted to go to the roof of the TSBD. Everyone had their part to play.

    Truly was standing out in the intersection to which there is no film showing what happened at the moment that would cause Truly to leave that spot and move to the extension in front of the stairs leading into the TSBD. But personally I believe you read too much into what Truly said so to feed the need for something conspiratorial to feed your theory. Truly said a sudden panicked surge back from the people who had congealed around him (blue text below) is what caused him to move closer to the building. Furthermore, the start of Baker's run upon getting off his bike isn't captured on film to know if he did or did not move people out of his way when he entered the crowd, nor is there film of Baker going up the stairs to know if he pushed people aside at that time as well. To say otherwise takes a bit of telepathic deducing on your part from where I sit.   :)

    Mr. TRULY. I heard an explosion, which I thought was a toy cannon or a loud firecracker from west of the building. Nothing happened at this first explosion. Everything was frozen. And immediately after two more explosions, which I realized that I thought was a gun, a rifle of some kind.
    The President's--I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in this area. It is misleading here. And that is the last I saw of his ear, because this crowd, when the third shot rang out--there was a large crowd all along this abutment here, this little wall, and there was some around us in front--they began screaming and falling to the ground. And the people in front of myself and Mr. Campbell surged back, either in terror or panic. They must have seen this thing. I became separated from Mr. Campbell. They just practically bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building.
    Mr. BELIN. When you saw the President's car seem to stop, how long did it appear to stop?
    Mr. TRULY. It would be hard to say over a second or two or something like that. I didn't see I just saw it stop. I don't know. I didn't see it start up.
    Mr. BELIN. Then you stopped looking at it, or you were distracted by something else?
    Mr. TRULY. Yes. The crowd in front of me kind of congealed around me and bore me back through weight of numbers, and I lost sight of it.
    I think there were a lot of people trying to get out of the way of something. They didn't know what.

    Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do or see?
    Mr. TRULY. I heard a policeman in this area along here make a remark, "Oh, goddam," or something like that. I just remember that. It wasn't a motorcycle policeman. It was one of the Dallas policeman, I think-- words to that effect.
    I wouldn't know him. I just remember there was a policeman standing along in this area about 7, 8, or 10 feet from me.
    But as I came back here, and everybody. was screaming and hollering, just moments later-I saw a young motorcycle policeman run up to the building, up the steps to the entrance of our building. He ran right by me. And he was pushing people out of the way. He pushed a number of people out of the way before he got to me. I saw him coming through, I believe. As he ran up the stairway--I mean up the steps, I was almost to the steps, I ran up and caught up with him. I believe I caught up with him inside the lobby of the building, or possibly the front steps. I don't remember that close. But I remember it occurred to me that this man wants on top of the building. He doesn't know the plan of the floor. And-that is-that just pepped in my mind, and I ran in with him. As we got in the lobby, almost on the inside of the first floor, this policeman asked me where the stairway is. And I said, "This way". And I ran diagonally across to the northwest corner of the building.

  4. 1 hour ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    5. Molina saw Truly enter the TSBD but, even after repeated questioning, did not see Baker enter the TSBD.

    Molina didn't hear anyone say the President had been shot either, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen and he just missed it or had forgotten. The man standing next to him said ....

    Mr. BALL - And before you went back into the Building no police officer came up the steps and into the building?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Not that I know. They could walk by the way and I was standing there talking to somebody else and didn't see it.
    Mr. BALL - Did anybody say anything about what had happened, did you hear anybody say anything about the President had been shot?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; right before I went back, some girl who had walked down a little bit further where I was standing on the steps, and somebody come back and said somebody had shot President Kennedy.
    Mr. BALL - Do you know who it was who told you that?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Sir?
    Mr. BALL - Do you know who the girl was who told you that?
    Mr. FRAZIER - She didn't tell me right directly but she just came back and more or less in a low kind of hollering she just told several people.


    But of course maybe by then Molina had already gone inside and that is where Calvery spoke to him.

    Mr. BALL. Had somebody come up and said the President was shot before
    you saw Truly go in?
    Mr. MOLINA. No.
    Mr. BALL. Do you know a girl named Gloria Calvary?
    Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. Did Gloria come up?
    Ms.. MOLINA. Yes, she came. I was in the lobby standing there and she came in with this other girl.
    Mr. BALL. What did she say?
    Mr. MOLINA. She said "Oh, my God, Joe, he's been shot." They were both horrified. I said "Are you sure he was shot?" She said "Oh, Joe ,I'm sure. I saw his hair fly up and I'm sure he was shot" something to that extent


  5. 24 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    Truly is standing all by himself near the bottom of the TSBD steps while a small group of people make their way in an orderly fashion up the TSBD steps. Where is this panicky mob that bore him back to the steps and separated him from Ochus Campbell?

    There is no footage showing him moving from where he was next to Cambell to where we eventually see him near the stairs. That footage is missing. So like I have said - it all depends on how Truly perceived things. Perhaps if we could see film of how Truly got from point A to point B, then a better understanding of what he said and why he said it may be learned. After all, those people in Darnell around the extension appear to be coming from Elm Street, as well as people near and on the steps. Perhaps these are part of the people Truly spoke about.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    1. Did Eddie Piper have a Seeing Eye Dog, Bill? Seriously, he couldn't even tell if the man was a police officer or not. Seriously, this witness does not support the official story.

    Mr. BALL. Was he an officer?
    Mr. PIPER. Yes; I believe he was an officer.
    Mr. BALL. A police officer?
    Mr. PIPER. Yes; a police officer.
    Mr. BALL. Did he have a white helmet on?
    Mr. PIPER. No; I don't think so. I didn't pay any attention to it. I was already excited over the shooting or something when he came running into the building.



    5 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    2. West could barely remember who came in. Another useless witness.

    Mr. BELIN - Did you see Roy Truly coming in at all that time? Do you know Mr. Truly? 
    Mr. WEST - Yes, sir; that is the boss, the superintendent. 
    Mr. BELIN - Did you see him, do you remember, while you were eating your lunch, come in the building? 
    Mr. WEST - Yes, sir; I think he came in with the police. 



    5 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    3. Truly told all kinds of fantastic stories in his WC testimony that are not supported by the Couch film.


    noun: perception; plural noun: perceptions
    1. the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
      "the normal limits to human perception"
      a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.
    5 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    4. The Darnell film does NOT show Baker running past Truly, nor does it show Truly turning as Baker passes. You obviously don't even know the Couch film from the Darnell film.


    Not sure what world you are talking from, but in mine this film shows Truly just to our right of the man in white who is wearing the cowboy hat.  This part of the Darnell film shows Patrolman Baker running by Truly who then turns almost 180* and begins to move towards the stairs before going off-camera.



    5 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    5. Molina saw Truly enter the TSBD but, even after repeated questioning, did not see Baker enter the TSBD. Neither did Frazier, who was also standing directly in front of the door.

    Frazier said he could have missed Baker go by as his attention

    Mr. BALL - And before you went back into the Building no police officer came up the steps and into the building?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Not that I know. They could walk by the way and I was standing there talking to somebody else and didn't see it.


    5 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    Pretty sad, Bill; you have a whole bunch of nothing.

    60_zpskbpgi7eb.gif     What ever you say.

  7. 52 minutes ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    It's a nice story but not supported by the film. I don't see Baker pushing a single person out of the way in the Couch film.

    The same goes for this piece of Truly's testimony:

    "Mr. BELIN. All right.
    Then what did you see happen? 
    Mr. TRULY. I heard an explosion, which I thought was a toy cannon or a loud firecracker from west of the building. Nothing happened at this first explosion. Everything was frozen. And immediately after two more explosions, which I realized that I thought was a gun, a rifle of some kind.
    The President's--I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in this area. It is misleading here. And that is the last I saw of his ear, because this crowd, when the third shot rang out--there was a large crowd all along this abutment here, this little wall, and there was some around us in front--they began screaming and falling to the ground. And the people in front of myself and Mr. Campbell surged back, either in terror or panic. They must have seen this thing. I became separated from Mr. Campbell. They just practically bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building."

    Might have to get a photographic expert to make the final call on this one but the Couch film does not seem to support this story either. 

    It's all a matter of perception in my view. Dave Wiegman started filming as his car rounded the corner and when his shaky film shows the view down the street and even before the limo has entered the Underpass - the crowd along Elm Street have dispersed.


    The street curves and any object going away from someone will appear to not be moving when its hardly moving. Attempting to pick knat dung out of pepper does not make Truly being dishonest about what he thought he saw. Studies have shown that two people can witness the same event and have a different memory of it based on how each one perceived it.

  8. 10 hours ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    Ol' Gloria must have been a track star!

    To start with you are assuming that


    5 hours ago, Robert Prudhomme said:

    Two independent witnesses on the 1st floor? Oh, you must mean Eddie Piper and Troy West. Let's see what Eddie Piper told the warren Commission, shall we Mr. Miller?

    From the Warren Commission testimony of Eddie Piper, May 14, 1964:

    "Mr. BALL. You told us that after the shooting you came out onto the floor? 
    Mr. PIPER. That's right.
    Mr. BALL. And the first people that you saw on the floor after the shooting was who?


    Mr. PIPER. Mr. Truly and some fellow---I really don't know who it was; like I say, it was some fellow that was with Mr. Truly.
    Mr. BALL. Some fellow; how was he dressed?
    Mr. PIPER. Oh, I don't know.
    Mr. BALL. Was he an officer?
    Mr. PIPER. Yes; I believe he was an officer.
    Mr. BALL. A police officer?
    Mr. PIPER. Yes; a police officer.
    Mr. BALL. Did he have a white helmet on?
    Mr. PIPER. No; I don't think so. I didn't pay any attention to it. I was already excited over the shooting or something when he came running into the building.
    Mr. BALL. And what did Truly and this--some fellow do?
    Mr. PIPER. Well, Mr. Truly and this fellow run up the steps. He just hollered for the elevator and I said, "I don't know where it is at," and I'm still standing over there by that table and he ran up on up the steps with this police officer--him and another fellow and I was standing there and the people began swarming out and around--different ones coming in, but it was where nobody could come out."

    LOL That's quite the witness you have there, Bill. Do you think Baker took his white helmet off on his way into the TSBD? :)

    Now, let me see, I'll bet your other independent witness was Troy West, right?

    Let's see what Mr. West had to say to the Warren Commission. From the Warren Commission testimony of Troy West, April 8, 1964:

    " Mr. BELIN - Who was the first person you saw on the first floor after you - while you were eating your lunch? Someone came in the building? 
    Mr. WEST - Yes; before I got through. The officers and things were coming in the front door. 
    Mr. BELIN - Who was the first person or persons that you saw coming through there while you were eating your lunch? 
    Mr. WEST - Well, that was the police. 
    Mr. BELIN - A police officer? 
    Mr. WEST - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BELIN - Anyone else? 
    Mr. WEST - I guess it was a bunch of them, I guess, FBI men, and just a crowed of them coming in there. 
    Mr. BELIN - Did you see Roy Truly coming in at all that time? Do you know Mr. Truly? 
    Mr. WEST - Yes, sir; that is the boss, the superintendent. 
    Mr. BELIN - Did you see him, do you remember, while you were eating your lunch, come in the building? 
    Mr. WEST - Yes, sir; I think he came in with the police. 
    Mr. BELIN - Was he one of the first people in, or did other people come in ahead of him, if you remember? 
    Mr. WEST - Really, I just don't know. 
    Mr. BELIN - That is okay if you don't remember. That is all I want you to say if you don't remember. Did you hear anyone yelling to let the elevator loose or anything like that? 
    Mr. WEST - I can't remember. "

    Hoo boy, I really hope I haven't used up all of your "independent" witnesses (what's the difference between an independent witness and a dependent witness?) because these two are beyond useless.

    1 - Piper said it was a police officer, but didn't pay much attention to whether the officer had a helmet on or not. Piper does remember the officer hollering for the elevator, recalled Truly and the officer ascending the stairs together.

    2 - West remembered a police officer first coming through the door and Truly entering with the police.

    3 - Truly saw a motorcycle policeman (Baker) running for the stairs and followed him. Truly couldn't remember if he caught up to the policeman just he got to the door or as soon as he passed through it to the lobby. (Piper said Truly entered the building with a policeman) Truly said that he and the policeman immediately ran to the elevator and then proceeded up the stairs.

    4 - The Darnell film shows Patrolman Baker running through the crowd and right past Truly. The same film captures Truly turning towards the stairs before panning away.

    5 - Molina remembered seeing Truly enter the door to the front entrance of the building within 30 seconds of the shots.

    Makes a bit more sense when put into the proper prospective and keep in mind that all time frames given were mere estimates.   :)

  9. 2 hours ago, Robin Unger said:

    Mr. BALL. Did you see Mr. Truly go into the building?
    Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. Where were you when you saw him go into the building?
    Mr. MOLINA. I was right in the entrance.
    Mr. BALL. Did you see a police officer with him?
    Mr. MOLINA. I didn't see a police officer. I don't recall seeing a police officer but I did see him go inside.
    Mr. BALL. Did you see a white-helmeted police officer any time there in the entrance?
    Mr. MOLINA. Well, of course, there might have been one after they secured the building, you know.
    Mr. BALL. No, I mean when Truly went in; did you see Truly actually go into the building?
    Mr. MOLINA. I saw him go in.
    Mr. BALL. Where were you standing?
    Mr. MOLINA. Right at the front door; right at the front door.
    Mr. BALL. Outside the front door?
    Mr. MOLINA. Yes, outside the front door I was standing; the door was right behind me.
    Mr. BALL. Were you standing on the steps?
    Mr. MOLINA. Yes, on the uppermost step.
    Mr. BALL. You actually saw Truly go
    Mr. MOLINA. Yeah.

    Mr. BALL. You were still standing there?
    Mr. MOLINA. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. How long was it after you heard the shots?
    Mr. MOLINA. Oh, I would venture to say maybe 20 or 30 seconds afterwards.
    Mr. BALL. Had somebody come up and said the President was shot before
    you saw Truly go in?
    Mr. MOLINA. No


    Good catch, Robin. I missed that one.


    Molina doesn't recall seeing a police office enter the building with Truly, but two independent witnesses on the other side of the door and on the first floor did see Truly come through the door with a police officer..

  10. 1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Bumped for Miller.

    And a question for the great photo and film analyst:  Why are you so petty, William?  Aren't you glad to know that I've proved, independently of your "curved eyebrow" and "nose" and "skin color" analysis, that Calvery (and Hicks and Reed) was misidentified a long, long time ago?

    Are you envious that you didn't prove it my way, yourself?

    --  Tommy :sun

    PS  The question remains: Where was the real-deal, light-skinned but chunky Gloria Jean Calvery watching the motorcade from?  "K" and "Running Woman" look much too thin to be her, IMHO.

    Thanks for proving something that was proven to most everyone some time ago.

    I think if you are going to call  Calvery "Chunky", then you should address the type of clothing she is wearing in the wedding photo along with her build compared to her thin looking husband standing next to her.

    Then you can compare the lady at the curb in Zapruder's film with Brandt's buddy for a width/girth comparison. They seem mighty close to me just like Calvery is to her husband. Perhaps if someone blurred the image to Darnell quality, then you could better make a determination.    :)

    So far I am finding references to a black skirt in the Calvery thread, but I did find a response to you from the woman (Linda) who did the Calvery orbit. 

    Linda:  Now...at the same time we can see Lovelady and Shelley trotting down the Elm Extension together. (To me in the clear anim. gif of them - i think Gerda made, didn't she? - those 2 are definitely Shelley and Lovelady. The hair, the build, dress etc... looks like them - and "Shelley" has on a black suit jacket it appears

    I guess at that  time you had not told her that Washout Man is now Lovelady and the guy in the Hughes film with a Lovelady hairline was wearing glasses.    :)


  11. 7 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,


    Truth be told, I secretly started admitting to myself several months ago that "Gloria Calvery" looked too dark-complected in the 11/22/63 photos and films to be the real-deal Gloria Little / (Gloria Calvery) in the high school yearbook photos.  You very recently said, yourself, that the woman labeled "Gloria Calvery" in the 11/22/63 photos and films had "black" skin, so apparently you thought she was an African American, not an American Indian, right?

    Calvery was obviously mis-labeled in the 11/22/63 images of women in the Plaza. That shipped sailed some time ago.  Also, I have tried to always refer to the woman mis-labeled as Calvery as having "dark" skin. Can you quote where I said she was "black" skinned?


    And while on the subject .... you have not added anything to any of this.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    Good one, William.

    Check out my new thread on Stella Mae Jacob ("Gloria Calvery"), Gloria Jeanne Holt ("Karan Hicks"), and Sharon Simmons-Nelson ("Carol Reed").

    It will put you in a better mood.

    --  Tommy :sun


    Calvery was native American 'Stella Mae Jacob' - is that what you are now implying because someone suggested that theory?    :)    Please tell me I am reading this wrong.


  13. 16 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    You must be kidding about Running Woman's being chunky Gloria Jean Calvery.  Here she, before she got married, trying to hide her substantial girth behind a tire!  (And why was she wearing that "dress suit jacket" at her wedding?  To hide her embarrassing figure!  LOL)

    The foolish hiding behind a tire remark just demonstrates the desperation you have to appear correct. 

  14. 29 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    Get real.

    Does anyone ever say they were standing "shoulder to shoulder" except, of course, at a Metallica concert?

    Regardless, do you really think narrow-waisted "Running Woman" was chunky Gloria Jean Calvery?

    I don't say things unless I mean them. Remove the dress suit jacket and put on a form fitting skirt and I come up with this woman ... the only running woman who was out along the curb when JFK was shot. The same woman approaching the two men who look like Shelley and Lovelady who turns towards Billy in passing as if to say something (?)  Note the shirt on the Lovelady looking figure and follow his head right through to the last frame. No mistaken the hairline here when he passes in front of the dark opening seen across the street.

    C%20and%20D%20copy_zpsyh2zty8c.jpg GCrun1a_zpskyickdjs.jpg  DarnellCropedSlow5_zpsxmsu1dvz.gif

  15. 7 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    PS  Or have you "found" William Shelly in Weigman, and you're just playing another of your little time-wasting games?

    Yes - time wasting games .....

    Graves:   " What does it matter whether or not William Shelley is visible (or identifiable) in Weigman?

    Do you think William Shelley might have been upstairs, foolin' around on the sixth floor?  

    Do you think William Shelley started walking down Elm Street Extension /  over to the "Island"  before the first shot rang out? "


    Why it matters if Shelley is seen or not goes to film quality.

  16. 7 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    With whom was your Gloria Jean Calvery standing on Elm Street while the shots were ringing out?  Carol Reed, Karan Hicks, and Karen Westbrook?  Or someone else?  Or you don't know / It doesn't matter?

    If Calvery wasn't standing with Reed, Hicks, and Westbrook, why did they all (IIRC) lie about it to the FBI, or why did the FBI "cook up" reports / statements to that effect?


    --  Tommy :sun

    Calvery did not say that she and her friends were all shoulder to shoulder. I advise you read the Calvery thread to refresh your memory seeing how you posted no less than five times on the first page of that thread. The wedding photo of Calvery has her wearing a dress suit and she has been referenced as chunky which I am not certain why because she is no bigger than he very slender looking husband in the same wedding photo. Perhaps its her frontal view showing her hips? The woman seen in the light top and black skirt like running woman wore could have had the same said about her. The thing is we only see running woman in profile and at 59 years of age I have seen countless women who were curvy from side to side who were thin from back to front.

    In that thread we found that a black skinned woman was labeled as Calvery - obviously a long standing error someone had made. That Calvery immediately ran back to the TSBD. That a woman seen in the Zapruder film who was standing along Elm Street when JFK was assassinated was dressed like the running woman seen running towards the Shelley and Lovelady looking gentlemen who are walking away from the stairs. That Molinda said that Calvery came into the TSBD about 30 seconds following the shots. Prudhomme mentioned an interesting piece that said Gloria followed the Police Officer up the stairs. Seeing that two independent witnesses (Piper and West) who were inside the building and on the first floor when Truly and Patrolman Baker were seen as the first ones through the door and Molinda saw Calvery also entering the TSBD in the same time frame .... seems that someone like yourself who can see Lovelady in washed out film footage should also be able to see the running woman in Darnell as Gloria Calvery. - especially when there was no dust on the pavement to get kicked up so to leave anyone behind.    :)

    Now about that guy who you said looked to be wearing glasses ... can you not say what you saw that made him appear to be wearing glasses or is that just something you uncontrollably blurted out?

  17. 2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    I must admit that I almost never read your posts all the way through for the simple reason that I find them to be not only rather poorly written and poorly sourced (and therefore of limited value), but also consisting of intentional obfuscation (e.g., your making resolution-less certain images, and your substituting the face of a girl for the face of a man in one of those intentionally over-enlarged and therefore resolution-less images, and, well, ... your outright arrogance and bile.


    All the best,

    --  Tommy :sun

    You don't appear to study the images very close anyway, so its best you not waste your time looking at them. When you can .... show us what made you think the man in Hughes was wearing glasses.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    Wouldn't you agre that the two-frame GIF (by Sandy} I posted perfectly, or nearly perfectly, enlarged  in that it makes the Person Of Interest (your "Washed Out Man" / our Lovelady) as large as possible without  reaching "the point of diminishing returns," resolution-wise?  In other words, maximizing the overall potential identification-ability of the P.O.I.? 

    --  Tommy :sun

    The image is virtual mud. It's like spraying a lemon air-freshener in the outhouse after using it - the smell is still the same, but now with an additional hint of lemons.

  19. 14 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    Could you please show us a photograph (or film frame) of Gloria Jean Calvery which was taken on 11/22/63?

    I'd like to know what you think she looked like.


    --  Tommy :sun

    You must have been in one of your coma's again as the closest photo of Gloria was taken a few months before the assassination and has been posted several times. What we did do was show that the running woman was dressed like the woman who was standing along Elm Street when the President was shot.

  20. 1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:


    [Couch - Darnell]


    And this also from Couch - Darnell.


    --  Tommy :sun

    I see you don't mind enlargements after all.  You realize do you not that this is the same quality image that caused a discussion to take place as to who was standing between Washout Man and the woman in the black scarf - that brought us the discussion over the oversized disjointed arm reaching out towards the wall - and made the woman facing west all but unrecognizable. Below is the image that brought the discussion back down to earth.



    By the way - here is the film that the little girl came from .... feel free to show everyone how much clearer she is when seen at regular size. You won't show any difference because there is none. You complained because you didn't like the result and only blamed it on the image I posted.






  21. 2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    In Weigman we see Lovelady standing on the steps. Some 30 seconds later, in Darnell, Lovelady is gone and in his place is Washed Out man. Who just happens to look like Lovelady... at least with regard to his receding hairline. What are the odds of that happening? Very slim.

    That is the problem you are facing with your theory/belief.

    In that 30 seconds that you cite - Calvery ran back to the TSBD - nearly all the woman along Elm were gone from the curb before the limo made it out of the Plaza. The black guy fled the steps and arrived at the Island - two men, if not Lovelady and Shelley, came from somewhere who actually look like Shelley and Lovelady - and the amount of people on the stairs doubled.

    That is the problem you are facing with your theory/belief.

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