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William Plumlee

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Posts posted by William Plumlee

  1. Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

    a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

    ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

    pictures retouched.


    There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

    seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

    that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

    BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

    MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



    Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

    I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

    Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

    with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

    anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

    IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

    those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

    the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

    like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

    photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

    It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

    Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


    Thanks Jack for the up date. However, keep in mind.., I was told by Bernard Finsterwald Jr. and Gary Shaw in 1980 that the picture negative in question went to life Magazine and also to SS before it was ever published. It appeared in Gary Shaws early book, can't remember the name, before it appeared anywhere else. Thanks again. Tosh . Thanks again

    Cancellare was an employee of Life Magazine on 11-22. His negatives and slides went to

    them immediately. Trask probably has the full story. I would have to do lots of checking,

    but my recollection is that it was first published soon after the assassination. It is possible

    that the govt had access to it before it was published.


    Jack. Perhaps you know. Did Life Magazine publish that picture? If so what date? I am not aware that Life Magazine published that particular Cancellare photo shortly after the assassination. What publication in Life did it appear and when? If there was a cover up and pictures were doctored by Life, as some have claimed over the years, then it seems to me to be very important that two people on the south knoll photographed would have to be removed or brushed out if they were operational and too if shoots were fired around that south location. Could you provide information to support your statement, "Many are not altered,

    like Cancellare...". How do we know this? Have you done extensive work on this photo and that particular location in the past? I was told you had NOT done work on that Photo or that location. Tom Wilson, I was told did do work on that photo and told many the photo had been tampered with and he found two people at that location as well as a possible third person in the south parking lot. Tom is now dead but his signed statements live on.

    This is not meant to challenge you. I ask you some years ago if you would do work on that photo for me. Remember? Did you do any work on that photo? I think Jim Marrs was there in your office when we asked if you would do the work. Its been awhile. Do you have any results of the work you did on that photo, if any? If you did not, then how can you say the above. I think and always have that this is a very important photo for true researchers. If it proves that people have been brushed out... my point is made. If it proves nothing was there 30 seconds after the fatal shot then it proves we were not at that location at the time of the picture. It does not prove I am lying. Again I thank you for all your fine work, but I would like to know about this picture and ITS Negatives chain of custody. Thanks Tosh

  2. Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

    a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

    ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

    pictures retouched.


    There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

    seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

    that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

    BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

    MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



    Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

    I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

    Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

    with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

    anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

    IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

    those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

    the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

    like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

    photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

    It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

    Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


    Thanks Jack for the up date. However, keep in mind.., I was told by Bernard Finsterwald Jr. and Gary Shaw in 1980 that the picture negative in question went to life Magazine and also to SS before it was ever published. It appeared in Gary Shaws early book, can't remember the name, before it appeared anywhere else. Thanks again. Tosh . Thanks again

  3. I recieved an email from Gary Mack suggesting I consider that this man had a transistor radio under his jacket and not a walkie-talkie. Gary, 'ya gotta be kidding!...this guy was operational and not listening to the baseball game!....and no transistor radio was that big or that square!

    I found this on ebay - a transistor radio from 1963:

    This auction is for a vintage General Electric two band AM/SW transistor radio. Model P925. Was made in 1963. This is the First GE transistorized shortwave portable. Dimensions: 9” X 5.5” X3”.



    The ideal size transistor radio to carry around under one's jacket. Not.

    And by the way, the dimensions of the bulge under DCM'm jacket look significantly bigger than 9" X 5.5" X 3", IMHO.



    I'm old enough to remember the introduction of battery powered transistor radios and, yes, there were two sizes..hand held and ones you could bring to the beach party [larger]. No one would take the later and put them under one's jacket....and I won't even consider that this guy and TUM were not operational or operational diversion. Add to that the very strange thing he has over his shoulders under his jacket...either an antenna or some very awkward and large object....as was suggested like a sled. EVERYTHING about these guys was suspicious. The items they took to DP, the items they USED and gestured with in DP, how they reacted during and after the shooting and the fact they have never been identified. Most suspicous is that they were never ID'd by the official 'investigations' - no operatives were...and that was NO coincidence.



    I totally agree with you on everything you say on this issue. If ever any evidence were needed to prove a conspiracy, it's the photos taken of DCM and TUM. It's so darn obvious...



    Jack or someone, anyone - would be helpfull to have DCM's photo showing the lumps in his clothes next to the 'radio man' usually also referred to as 'Hicks' and his similar lumps. Plumlee FWIW said Sergio next to him has a similar [communication device] object he was using - there were no doubt others...something about the size of these objects with a long antenna were state of the art then, as far as we know. The safe houses of Dallas were full to bursting just before and just after noon on 11/22/63 and then all melted away out of town and out of history.....leaving the only 'player' identified by the authorities, one Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy as having done all of the 'doins' and even masterminding the coverup, killing the witnesses etc after his death...hell with the magic bullet..that Lee was a master magician to have done that!....

    I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

    We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8"or 10"x 2" hand held with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

    I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

    Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is.

    ".... While on the south knoll, Sergio and I were attempting to evaluate the most logical places where shooters might be located, but everything was confused, the timing was off, team members were late getting into position. They were not where they were supposed to be and the limited radio contacts that we had with them were not working, or spotty at best. ...". (recap of 2004 testimony)

  4. I recieved an email from Gary Mack suggesting I consider that this man had a transistor radio under his jacket and not a walkie-talkie. Gary, 'ya gotta be kidding!...this guy was operational and not listening to the baseball game!....and no transistor radio was that big or that square!

    I found this on ebay - a transistor radio from 1963:

    This auction is for a vintage General Electric two band AM/SW transistor radio. Model P925. Was made in 1963. This is the First GE transistorized shortwave portable. Dimensions: 9” X 5.5” X3”.



    The ideal size transistor radio to carry around under one's jacket. Not.

    And by the way, the dimensions of the bulge under DCM'm jacket look significantly bigger than 9" X 5.5" X 3", IMHO.



    I'm old enough to remember the introduction of battery powered transistor radios and, yes, there were two sizes..hand held and ones you could bring to the beach party [larger]. No one would take the later and put them under one's jacket....and I won't even consider that this guy and TUM were not operational or operational diversion. Add to that the very strange thing he has over his shoulders under his jacket...either an antenna or some very awkward and large object....as was suggested like a sled. EVERYTHING about these guys was suspicious. The items they took to DP, the items they USED and gestured with in DP, how they reacted during and after the shooting and the fact they have never been identified. Most suspicous is that they were never ID'd by the official 'investigations' - no operatives were...and that was NO coincidence.



    I totally agree with you on everything you say on this issue. If ever any evidence were needed to prove a conspiracy, it's the photos taken of DCM and TUM. It's so darn obvious...



    Jack or someone, anyone - would be helpfull to have DCM's photo showing the lumps in his clothes next to the 'radio man' usually also referred to as 'Hicks' and his similar lumps. Plumlee FWIW said Sergio next to him has a similar [communication device] object he was using - there were no doubt others...something about the size of these objects with a long antenna were state of the art then, as far as we know. The safe houses of Dallas were full to bursting just before and just after noon on 11/22/63 and then all melted away out of town and out of history.....leaving the only 'player' identified by the authorities, one Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy as having done all of the 'doins' and even masterminding the coverup, killing the witnesses etc after his death...hell with the magic bullet..that Lee was a master magician to have done that!....

    I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

    We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8" or 10"x 2" with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

    I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

    Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is.

  5. Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

    a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

    ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

    pictures retouched.


    There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

    seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

    that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

    BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

    MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



    Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

    I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

  6. Posted on another thread in answer to questions asked of me by a forum member:

    After reading this forum and some of the research done there in, I think we all "embellish" to some degree. However, in the FBI case, I was ask to tell them background on my"alledged" connections which I did.

    (1) I crash a plane on the Opa Loca Bombing range in 1957. (now documented)

    (2) I was lost in Cuba in 1958. (now documented)

    (3) I was flying guns from Arizona to Florida. 1963 (now documented)

    (4) I was associated with known Mafia figures 1958-64 (now documented)

    (5) I was associated with John Martino and John Rosellie in 1959 and 1961 (now documented)

    (7) I saw a person thrown out of a C-46 between Florida and Cuba

    (8) I remember when the Raider ship (Rex) came on the scean and was berth not far from the Kennedy Compond at West Palm Beach. 1962 (now documented, by FBI)

    (9) I was at the Fountainblu when it was opened and I used to hang out at the Rondy Plaza, Green Manisons, and "Sloopy Joes" before the Fountainblu. (now documented

    (10) I put money in a bus locker in West Palm Beach for John Roseli and the FBI/CIA picked it up and gave it back to Roselli. (now documented)

    Yes, I guess I do "embellish" my stories, as viewed by the FBI in 1958, 1963, and 1978. Because the documentation did not appear to support these matters told to the FBI in 1959 and so on untill the documents were declassified in 1981,... in reference to 1959 and 1963 documentation.

    The FBI agent apparently told him to put his thoughts down on paper in a coherent, logical way to better faciliate some kind of action. But there didn't seem to be any response at that point.

    Is this true, Tosh? If so why did you not respond?

    I did respond, twice in written sworn affidavet, 61 pages which remain classified today and was not declassified with the other FBI FOIA documents of 1981 (released to Barnard Finesterwald Jr and Gary Shaw in 1981)

    So I don't know what the real story may be. Tosh seems to be a decent guy who has seen a lot in his years. I get the impression from a surface glance that many people don't believe him, but that doesn't seem to faze him a bit.

    Ah, so Mark gets the impression that many people don't believe Tosh! Based on what? Could those who do not believe Tosh here, step forward and identify themselves? Because I want to know if Mark's impression is correct!

    Many people have not looked into the documents which have been released and they have only accepted what has been told by the FBI and others who have preconcieved conclutions. To accept my story would conflict with the established record and their research and books and compromise classified information.

    Once again, it comes down to anecdotal evidence with a splash of official paperwork that may or may not support the thesis. We have seen this with Roscoe White, Judyth Baker and many others.

    What have we seen exactly with Roscoe White, Judyth Baker and many others? That they are not believable, like Tosh, or what?

    The same MO to shield information which might prove damaging to some government operations.

    I'm not saying it's *not* true,

    But Mark is certainly not saying it is true either, right?

    I'm just pointing out that a plus b doesn't necessarily equal c. I think it's important to remember that. These theories pop up occasionally and are accepted as gospel by some. Some of them may BE gospel, we may actually have the real truth staring us in the face. But if it can't be proven in a court of law, it's only theory.

    Man, this retoric reminds of Gary Mack: Everything is possible, but also "inconclusive". The evidence we have from official sources, like the FBI and Warren Commisssion, is "as close as we can get".

    It seems I am always answering questions on these forums, which I always try to answer the best I can. Sometimes I miss a few. I try not to speculate. But when I ask questions they are never addressed. It seems to be one side.

    Now Wim; I have four important question for you. They are not to challenge you

    ( (1) The military service number of a person we both know, was assigned to a army cpl who was killed in Sipan in 1944. I have asked you and others, if this can be explained to me. That was over two years ago that this question was asked. I first asked the question to Joe West in 1993-4 what this persons S/N was RA or US?. I did not receive a respond, or a different service number then. Sometime later I received a service number, but I was told that I had copied the wrong number (years later another number was given to me) I checked it out and I sent your other friend copies from the VA confirming the S/N that belonged to the dead army cpl; but this was not given to you at the time by your new friend.

    I asked you over a year ago to check the number with your friend before you completed your book. I have not herd from you on this matter. The number you gave me (that this person told you was his number) is that the right number? This is not to challenge you. I want to know if that is your friends service number that he had while in Laos in the sixties. I think you are a honest man and a good researcher. This is not to put you on the spot.

    It is one simple question in that respect. Would you give that number on open forum for researchers to check for themselves as to it being your friends Service Number?

    (2) The operative name I gave to Joe West, Oliver Stone, and that other friend of yours, was a phoney name. How did you friend get that name to pass back to me saying he knew me? You bought that can of worms in good faith and I told you about that years ago. Would you explain this on open forum. Again this is not to challenge you.

    (3) The young shooter who got himself in trouble in Mexico, was "Billy Joe Keesie" from El Paso Texas who stold a bunch of parachutes from Fort Bliss and shot a politician in Mexico. It seems this has transformed into your friends story which came from Joe West to your other friend and then to you after you bought the can of worms. I have went over and over on this through the years with all concerned. Would you explain to me on open forum who first told you that story? It did not come from me, but I was used to confirm it. My statement was "a young shooter who got himself in trouble in Mexico". It came back to me from Joe West and your other friend that what I had said was confirmed by your friend, that remains in lockup, that he was the young shooter I was talking about.

    (4) The airport meeting in Chicago, when I flew Nicolette to Santa Barbra CA was said that your friend drove him to the airport and he remembered me. I remembered a young person about my age being the driver but I told everyone concerned that I could not ID this person, only confirmed that Nickolettle was flown from this airport.

    It seems if I "play ball" with some, then I am a good guy. However, if I do not "play ball", then nothing I say is truthful. I am tired of the bullxxxx games. Cut to the chase. If I am to go on "Point" alone then I am going to "Flame IN" wrapped in the banner of truth regardless of how ugly it may be. I lived it. Others make money off it. The FBI years ago covered their ass and left a lot of good people out to fend for themselvs.

    Researchers use the FBI's paperwork when it confirms their projects. However, when the papperwork goes againest their project then the FBI is wrong and working for the CIA. I do not know who the xxxx I work for and do not care. I have just tried to point the way in good faith. My little way of trying to help. Boy what a mistake.

    And Now I go on a long long long vacation. See You'all in the Spring... If the Hogs don't eat me first.., and the creek don't rise...... And the good Lord willing. You'all write whens yous get work... :ice:P:blink: Tosh

  7. Cocaine Airways

    A former CIA pilot says secret flights to El Toro could explain a Marine officer’s ‘suicide’

    William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee


    Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 3:00 pm

    When we first spoke, a decade ago, the fear in his voice—the staccato pace, the tremor—was unmistakable.

    “I can’t talk to you,” he said. “This is all classified.”

    He answered just one question: if he told me what he knew, he’d go straight to federal prison for violating U.S. national security laws.

    Then he hung up the telephone.

    Two weeks ago, I tracked the man to his home in rural Pennsylvania. This time, he didn’t hang up on me. The terror in his voice was gone, replaced by the cheerful nonchalance that maybe just comes with being 69 years old and knowing that your kids have finished college, you’re well into retirement, and it’s too late for anyone to ruin your life for talking to a reporter about matters that powerful people would rather keep secret.

    He laughed when he recalled our conversation a decade ago. He apologized for not answering my questions. He asked me what I wanted to know.

    Over the course of the next several days, the man told me his life story.



    FWIW (protection before the fact. Has nothing to do about JFK's assassination)

    OC WEEKLY Follow Up to Article of Sept. 16, 2006


    Men in Suits: Weekly story brings past to life for ex-CIA pilot


    Thursday, October 5, 2006 - 3:00 pm


    Plumlee in his military days. Photo courtesy Tosh Plumlee

    Thirteen years ago, former CIA pilot Tosh Plumlee went on television to discuss his top-secret career running drugs and weapons for the agency during the 1980s—a career that included covert flights to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Plumlee had already testified about that activity to Senator John Kerry’s 1989 inquiry into the CIA’s ties to Central American drug traffickers. His testimony remains classified until 2020. After the program aired, the FBI warned Plumlee that if he kept talking, he could go to federal prison for violating U.S. national security laws.

    Plumlee kept his mouth shut, settled in a small town in rural Pennsylvania and enjoyed the quiet life until three weeks ago, when he told his life story to OC Weekly (see “Cocaine Airways,” Sept. 15). So perhaps it should come as no surprise that, four days after that article appeared, things got weird for Plumlee all over again.

    On the morning of Sept. 18, Plumlee went to a local coffee shop to read the newspaper as he does every day. The town where he lives is small enough that strangers tend to stick out. He noticed two men sitting in a car in the parking lot of the restaurant. After he finished his coffee and morning read, he saw that the two men—both wearing suits—had moved from their car to a small table outside. As he walked past them, one of the men called out, “Hey, are you Tosh Plumlee?”

    As Plumlee turned around to answer, both men sprang from their seats and approached him. One of them flashed an official-looking badge identifying himself as an FBI agent. Plumlee was only able to make out part of the man’s name on the badge.

    “We just want to let you know that you’re being investigated for making false allegations against the government,” the man said.

    The man didn’t mention OC Weekly, but the timing wasn’t lost on Plumlee. “I said, ‘Well, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do,’” he says. “‘So I’ll see you in court.’”

    Plumlee drove home and immediately called the Pittsburgh office of the FBI. He provided them with the partial spelling of the name on the badge and asked if they had an agent matching that description. “They couldn’t confirm if they had any agents by that name or whether I was being investigated,” he says. As he hung up the phone, the possibility dawned on him that he was being harassed by bogus feds.

    “They showed me credentials, but that doesn’t mean nothing,” Plumlee says. “And the FBI doesn’t work like that. The FBI doesn’t come out and hit somebody on the street and say, ‘Hey, we’re investigating you.’ And how are they going to prove anything? They’d have to go to court and open up all these secret files. That’s never going to happen. I believe it is somebody passing a message to me that they are watching what I’m saying.”

    If somebody is trying to send Plumlee a message, it wouldn’t be the first time. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Plumlee was writing a book, Black Knights of Cuba, about his CIA days. Among other things, the book included Plumlee’s recollection that right-wing Cubans planned to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in Miami in November 1961 by firing a bazooka at Air Force One—and that he and other operatives had been in Dealey Plaza on the day of Kennedy’s assassination, looking for pissed-off Cubans.

    In the course of researching the book and calling old contacts in Miami, he’d been told to back off from the book project. Plumlee says he ignored the advice. In 1981, he was driving from Grant, Colorado, where Plumlee lived when he wasn’t flying on a regular basis, to nearby Bailey when someone fired several shots at his truck, riddling it with bullets. Lisa Lien, whose parents owned a local restaurant that Plumlee used as his mailing address and telephone number, was in the truck with Plumlee at the time.

    “We were coming back to the restaurant and we were shot at,” she says. “I don’t remember a whole lot, because I was 20 and it was more than 20 years ago. We got out and were really freaked out. Neither of us got hit, but there were bullet holes in the bottom of one of the doors or toward the rear end of the truck.”

    In August of that year, two men in suits approached Plumlee in Denver and told him to stop stirring up the past. “One of them was supposed to be a Secret Service agent,” Plumlee says. “But his name didn’t check out. And of course, everybody was saying he was CIA, but I don’t go there on stuff like that.”

    That wasn’t the end of it, however. A few weeks later, someone attacked Plumlee outside a bar in Evergreen, Colorado. “I got pretty well beat up and the Evergreen Police Department never showed,” Plumlee says. “And I drove home and that’s when I see my house is on fire.” Neighbors were able to retrieve Plumlee’s dogs from the house, but most of his belongings—including his documents and partially written manuscript—went up in flames. “There was a hole in the window, and accelerant was all over the place,” he says. “It was firebombed. Who was behind it? Was it the CIA? The Cubans? I have no idea.”

    A former neighbor of Plumlee who asked not to be identified by name claims she saw the fire from her house. “We thought it was a forest fire,” she says. “It wasn’t a small fire. It was fast, and there were men in suits running around. They split before the fire truck came.” On another occasion, the woman adds, men in suits parked near her house. “I think there were four guys, and a guy in front picked up a pair of binoculars and scoped our house out . . . There was an odd feeling in the air back then.”

    Brad Lien, Lisa’s brother, who now runs the family’s restaurant, also remembers the day of the fire. “I remember Tosh coming back from the bar all beat up, and then we heard about the fire,” he says. “We all knew about it because everyone and their brother had police scanners. It was pretty suspicious.” He adds that, because Plumlee used the restaurant as his home address, he’d often see strange visitors looking for Plumlee. “A couple of times people would come in looking for him,” he says. “We always said we didn’t know where he was. Guys in suits and ties. I’m a biker, these guys were clean. Any kind of fed or someone clean-shaven and smelling pretty you can spot right off the bat.”

    Plumlee later considered writing another book, but when his publisher told him he’d have to send it to the CIA to be reviewed and possibly censored, he backed down and kept quiet. When the Weekly first contacted him 10 years ago, shortly after his television appearance, to ask him about his covert flights to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, Plumlee refused. After his most recent visit from the two men in suits, he could be forgiven for wishing he had remained quiet a bit longer. “I live in a quaint little town and am active in community affairs,” he says. “I’m 69 years old and I’m not trying to start anything. Stuff like this just goes with the territory.”


  8. Tosh,

    Thanks for the answers so far! Really, I appreciate it very much that you answer my questions although I get the impression that others are even more frustrated than yourself by again answering them... :D

    What were you (the abbortteam) supposed to do, or what were your orders when you did indeed see/spot an assassin?

    -Tell him the plan to assassinate JFK was stopped by orders?

    -Arrest the man?

    -Shoot the man?

    -Or what?

    Overlooking what happened that day, may I conclude your mission as an abortteam failed?

    Gr. Paul.

    ".... -Tell him the plan to assassinate JFK was stopped by orders?

    -Arrest the man?

    -Shoot the man?

    -Or what?

    Overlooking what happened that day, may I conclude your mission as an abortteam failed? ...".

    When you read what I have said in 1992 and in other places found in research, which I quoted parts from in my previous reply then you would know the anwsers to these questions you ask above. That is how I know you have not read what is available and therefore have no clue to what I have said on this subject matter. It shows me you make conclusions before you have all the available information. The drift of your questions tells me you do not believe the Abort subject matter, or me, but you like others, make that determination by not evaluating all the available information or the things I have said. I call that "sloopy research". I mean this in the most nicest way.

    I am not responsible for what you belive nor would I try to force the abort story upon you. Its for you to decide and I respect your decision. We are free men and its our duty to think and questions matters. If we here in America had done more of that, then we and the world would not be in the sad shape we are in today. You take care and thanks for the questions. Keep plugging along. :P Tosh

  9. Good answers, Tosh.

    It sure can be frustrating, not?

    FWIW, IMO the absence of juicy details in your account, like "I saw movement and a gun barrel on the 6th floor ...... and also a puff of smoke on the knoll" adds to your credibility as well as your proven liasons with the intelligence world of black ops and-anti Castro folks.




    I totally agree with Wim. And thank you as well.

    A couple of questions: I know that you and J Harrison went way back, to before the assassination.

    And J was a Dallas police officer on that tragic day. Did you ever tell J about your mission

    concurrent with when it occurred? (I know that J knew about it, just no idea when he may have


    Have you ever considered writing a book about all of this? Or working with an author to get your story

    out there? It's such an important aspect of this case.


    Dawn: Yes. Jay knew about the "abort team" shortly after the event from another source. I did not tell him details of my part until years later. However, he would never accept that it was an "Abort Team". He did not like the term. We used to go round and round over that. At the time he never accepted that it was an 'Attack' or an 'assassin' team either. He told me up until his death that I was stupid for letting it go as an "Abort' and I would say "we were sent to stop it... thats piror knowledge". But his position was to say "Abort" ment that who started the event also tried to stop it and he could not accept that. Soon after the event of 63 we lost contact until about 1985 or a little before. It was around "The Contra Re- supply Network

    He had done a vast amount of research by then.., some of it on my background concerning Dallas Love Field and the Army Reserve, and too, that of my family which was from Dallas. I was amazed at what he had. He swore me to secret not to ever tell what he was going to show me or he would "KILL" me. I knew he was not kidding. for the next few years until his death we were in contact although we did not work together, we did exchange information and he verified much of what I told him and I think you know some of that. You know Jay. He was a loner.

    As to a book? No! Been there; tried that. People like me don't do books. Other people squeze little tid bits from people like us and whore it out in sensational form to sell books and buy houses on the coast. Publishers and agents like to deal with them because they are the true researchers and have all the right answers. They are the X-Perts (X being unknown. Spurt; being a drip under pressure) Besides in order to get published you have to embellish your writing with BS glorified BS and bla bla bla....

    The last time I was going to right a book (Deep Cover Shallow Graves) about all this I got shot at.., beat up, and my house burned down and IRS attatched everything I had. The CIA demanded I let them see what I was writing and I was chacter assassination by the powers that be and a bunch of "Wanta-Bees" on secret payrolls. I was put on "ICE" for over twenty years, as well as some of my friends. No thanks no books. I don't sell what I know. I give it away, because as Jay said, I'm stupid. I have only tried to help others these past few years to protect myself before the fact.., not after. Besides; who really cares? We have more important things to attend to these days. We are loosing our country and our freedom and nobody gives a damm about that. Why should they care about what I have to say. I am not an expert. I just lived it. I am getting my story out there, little by little... bit by bit... time proves all... Did not mean to go off on you.

    Your a true friend. I, like you, miss our friend Jay Harrison. He was one of a kind... May he rest in Peace.


  10. To make it easier :lol: :


    Thanks Wim; almost forgot about all those files. You can find reference to the destoryed gun running 1963 302 file declassified in 1981, as well as the Roselli/Plumlee #62-2116 file and the PHX-72-73 file of 1978; declassified 1997. Also note that these 1981 FOIA files were declassified (1981) after they went to the HSCA in 1978 as stamped, but they have never been released by the HSCA, althought many FOIA request have been made over the years. The FBI only released the early tampered files (two different sets of FBI files are on Plumlee. One set declassified in 1981, the other set declassified in 1997) After much proding by Bernard Finisterwald in 1981, the first set of files (1981) were declassified and released FOIA to Finisterwald. The other set which contained information concerning Rosellie and Plumlee remained classified until 1997 or there abouts.

    Reference Finsterwal's letter of 1981:

    "Tosh you must be something special.., you got your records in record time. Pardon the pun. Gary (Shaw) I would like these files back after you have had a chance to go over them".

    signed. Barnard Finisterwald, Jr.

    The FBI did not release the other files which mentioned Rosellie until 1997 long after the HSCA had concluded. The Roselli/Plumlee classified file was in the 1997 FOIA release, but not in the declassified 1981 release to the HSCA. A different FBI file was given to them and it did not mention Rosellie.

    The 1981 FOIA declassified files are over 347 pages with 105 withheld. Peter Lemkin, Jim Marrs and I numbered these early pages of the first releases in Fort Worth Texas about 1989-90 or there abouts. The 1997 declassified FOIA files are over 187 pages with 87 still classified. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has over 648 pages of Classified Files marked "Top Secret" as of 1991. The Senate Arm Services Committee has over 200 pages classified Top Secret, Committee Sensitive, 1992. This is a total of over 1,469 pages of files scattered all over the place in secret files somewhere in Washington DC., that encompass the years from 1959 through 1992. .....go figure.


    Thanks again Tosh

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