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William Plumlee

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Posts posted by William Plumlee

  1. Well put, I think you've passed the hazing stage. You see what a s...hole this is. Not to say there aren't people who work against that. It's an education forum of sorts. Many, certainly myself, like to be educated. Educate.

    Welcome to the club. Its hard to rise above the twisting and pre conceived ideals and speculations of some. I know, I have been there also. Some have a motive, which one can only guess. Others are really sincere in their research and findings and protect it much like a new born baby. However, regardless of individual motives and passions its our duty to rise above the pathetic whimpering of some and continue to forge ahead in the search for truth.

    I have followed these post these past few days and watched them decay into personal slaps on both sides. I feel we should refocus, extend our hands to each other and together continue the work, which is so badly need at this time in our history. Its our duty to find the truth as to the JFK assassination and the reasons behind it. Some of us have been thrown into this muck, because of our past actions and decisions, good or bad, of many years ago. Circumstances and the grinding wheels of history has at times dictated our movements and actions, and our destiny. In most cases it was by our choice that we threw ourselves into this fray.

    I have made thousands of mistakes over the years. I have let some rub me the wrong way. I have played into the hands of some who had no other motive than to destroy the truth or to push their private speculations upon me in hopes of drawing me into their fold. Perhaps their reasons were only to add stature to their egos at the expense of truth. I walked into the Kennedy assassination research years ago, as a blind man, as a child grouping around trying to find my way in a sea of disinformation. I have been shot at, stabbed, burned out of my house, lost two marriages, put in jail, fought IRS for years, and lost my mind, because of JFK and the operations of our secret, shadow, government. I too, have lost focus many times and reacted in childless ways to those who took issue as to what I have said and had to say about that dreadful day.

    So let us get back to the donut and not concentrate on its hole, and together focus on the task of which we chose.., and do it in a respectful manner to each other. Thank you, Tosh Plumlee

  2. ..., more like preponderance of various evidence. In time I became convinced that LBJ and the Texas, 'Good ole, Boys' network, either directly or indirectly, were involved in some way in the assassination of Kennedy.


    Shortly after the assassination I had real problems with that. I thought first the Cubans did it..., then the Mob did it, then an independent group working inside MI and CIA did it. It was not until some years later, that I came to the firm conclusions that the TEXANS were involved up to their necks in the assassination, including J Edgar Hoover, the political interest in Texas, to protect LBJ and his associations before Washington and to stop him from being thrown off the ticket and investigations into his activities in behalf of Texas Special Interest.

    I hope this may shed some light as to my views on the subject. Brian, I do appreciate your interest and wish you the best. Tosh

    Thank you for your thoughts.

    I realize that there is limited Hard evidence in the JFK case. The hardest evidence, to me, seems to be a fingerprint from the snipers nest, a picture of 3 tramps analysed by a respected forensic artist and the arrest of a man in the Dal-Tex building. Interesting that those pieces lead to thugs with ties to the Good Ole boys in Texas.

    Malcolm (Mac) Wallace, was born in Mt Pleasant, TX in 1921. Accused and convicted murderer.

    Charles Harrelson was born in Huntsville, Texas, in 1939. Accused and convicted murderer.

    Charles Rogers was born in Texas in 1921. Served in Naval Intelligence. Accused of Murder.

    Eugene Hale Brading. a known Mafia courier. in town to visit Texas oil billionaire HL Hunt.

    Brian: Do you believe in a thing called, "preponderance of the evidence". In my opinion; it seems to me that the realm of our political system for decades now, has gone far out of its way to make sure that the Texas Connection will never see the light of day. Some of our so call leaders of today got their start in politics during and after the Kennedy assassination and through the LBJ area. It has taken years to cull most of them out. Today, a few of those old gate keepers are still around and they still remain hidden in their Texas strongholds, vigilant watchdogs as to the legacy of which they have helped create for their masters who helped thrust them to their lofty hights...., of course this is only my opinion.

  3. Perhaps they were really DPD or law enforcement and went toward where they thought shots were fired and then quickly corrected their movements to another location, or got cold feet and ran for protection.

    Hmmm...Can't square that with Phil Willis getting angry with cops running from

    the shooting positions.

    I mean, how much suicidal bravery would have it required for average citizens

    of Dallas to accuse guys dressed as cops of shooting Kennedy?

    I was being a little "Devil's Advocate" there. If true that would prove conspiracy right? In Dallas in those days DPD could do no wrong. I know I was raised there in the forties, fifties. I went to juvenile hall when a Dallas cop caught me drinking out of a colored marked drinking fountain in a park on a hot August day. My dad had to come down and get me out. I was ten years old. It cost my father ten dollars to get me out. Sorry, I drifted off again.

  4. Tosh:

    I am beginning to agree with you. I came on to this forum only to address the evidence, information, and the witnesses I have offered to support that a shot was fired through the front of the windshield from the area of the south knoll and the rationale for my response criticizing the article of Thompson, Barb, and Jerry. I have posted some extremely long posts presenting information and asking questions.. It has been a long time since anyone has addressed or responded to those questions. Martin is an expert and has already presented proofs that the windshields in the article by Thompson, Barb, and Jerry are not the same or at the least, has created serious doubts. I did not know Martin so it is not like I was in a court case presenting my expert witness in opposition to someone else's. Jerry is the one who sought out Martin's opinions. I am afraid that no matter what proofs are presented here by Martin that people are going to say it's a dress, a pocket, a purse, or someone trying to rush Kennedy's drycleaning back to him. My participation in this forum was for a limited purpose. if I cannot even elicit responses I am willing to move on and I am sure I will stir criticsm when I finish my book. I came here to support my criticisms and research. I am not going to do so after my book is finished. I knew there would be smart, critical people here. I guess that I can only interpret silence as acquiesence. I am seeing that the position of some is not to be confused with the facts as their mind is already made up. I do not mind a parallel of dealing with these issues but I am not going to let unanswered questions fade into oblivion. I highly criticized the position that there was no hole in the windshield. Where is the defense to my assertions? Tosh, I believe this, in fact, could be by design.

    My best,

    Doug Weldon

    When you put up an expert before a jury and he crashes and burns, you’ve got a real problem. Right Doug? Well, you offered up Martin Hinrichs as “the only impartial photo expert on this forum” and look what happened.

    First off, if you look carefully at the visual of Altgens #6 that Martin put up, you can see that it came from a printed source... a book or a magazine. Obviously, such a source won’t cut it for detailed analysis because of the digital manipulation involved in the printing process itself. For the kind of analysis Martin is indicating he might do in the future, he will have to use a photo or scan deriving from the original AP negative. I’m sure Pamela McElwaine-Brown would oblige him if he asked. Or he could ask me and I would gladly oblige. Garbage in, garbage out... as we all understand.

    He claims that the damage to the windshield shown in Altgens #7 occurs at the identical place where the “spiral nebula” appears in Altgens #6. He says this and indicates how he might start to show this but he hasn’t done any part of what is necessary to show this. That is why he cannot provide Jerry Logan with the actual numbers required for a 3D reconstruction.

    He also says that “I do believe we see the same damage in Altgens 6 and 7.” [emphasis in original] By this, he must mean that the damage to the windshield apparent in Altgens #7 is identical to the purported “damage” of the “spiral nebula” in Altgens #6. Here he gives no back up or argument whatsoever. Apparently, he is saying, “Well, that’s the way it looks to me! Trust me!”

    Alas, that is not the way it looks to anyone else. Here are two photos recently put up on this thread by Robin Ungar. Outlined in red are the “spiral nebula” in Altgens #6 and the damage to the windshield apparent in Altgens #7. (Note that for reasons unknown Ungar reversed the enlargement form Altgens #7.)


    I have no idea whether Martin Hinrichs is an expert in 3D technology. He may well be. If so, I look forward to seeing his analysis of Altgens #6. I think his comparing the Couch photo with Altgens #6 was a nifty piece of research that disclosed the true nature of the socalled “spiral nebula”.... it’s the apron or purse of Lady #8 standing along the curb of Elm Street. However, his claim that the “spiral nebula” is identical to the damage shown in Altgens #7 is just loopy.

    You offered as an important consideration, Doug, that “the one impartial photo expert on the forum concluded that there was the same damage in Altgens #6 and Altgens #7.” So we took a look at your expert and the absence of any reasons or evidence given for his “conclusion.”

    You put an expert like that on the stand and you must know what will happen to him. If you want credibility, Doug, in the future, I’d be more careful about what experts you commend to us.

    Josiah Thompson


    Which expert do you want me to pay attention to, the purse, the pocket, the apron, the fabric , the dress, or that there is nothing there? I am not a photo expert but I am confident that Martin is very knowledgeable or I don't believe Jerry would have consulted him about comparing the windshields in your article. You were stating your praises until he disagreed with you.

    Doug Weldon


    So you honestly think that A6 looks just like A7 and CE350?

    If we did photo lineup and asked who wasn't a member of the gang which of these would the average person say didn't belong?

    After Martin's analysis, would you please point out the pencil, pen sized hole in A6 and A7.

    I hope you're not relying on Martin just because I asked his opinion. I asked for three opinions and he was in the minority.

    Martin is a smart guy with a good eye but I wouldn't want my entire book to rest on what he's actually demonstrated so far.




    As I've noted before I do not believe that CE 350 is the windshield that was in the limo in Dallas. Also, as I told Josiah I had consulted other experts in photography before and I didn't wait all of these years to hope that I could jump on this forum and hope somewhat like Martin would come forward. If there are two other opinions about the windshield comparison I would respond as Josiah would and ask you to post them and give Martin the opportunity to defend his position. I thought you had stated before that you did not believe there could be a valid comparison of the windshiels now.



    ".... TEA ANYONE?...".

  5. xxxxx

    You guys are going into, "in-fighting", and are starting to loose your audience. That seems to always happen when the so called research community tries to resolve matters. Put your egos on the shelf and get back to the basics. Lets say the damn shot missed and is in the grass and there is no hole in the window. Was there a shot fired? If not then why the hell are we here. We are not here to prove who is right and who is wrong. Lay it out, and let your audience make the critical decisions.... geese grow up or move out.

  6. If we are to speculate then lets speculate and argue till the next century on some of these thoughts. With all the possibilities established after years.., all the pros and cons and egos.. we are going to be here for a very very-- long long time. Tosh

    Not me. :)

    The more I look at the case the less of a mystery it becomes. Others report

    the exact opposite experience studying the case, but that's probably because

    they spend too much time studying the head wounds.

    No, I've found that the witnesses tell us all we need to know, pretty much.

    The witnesses, the Dealey Plaza films/photographs, and the properly prepared

    contemporaneous documents answer all the key questions, as near as I can tell.

    Especially this witness: Rosemary Willis.

    From the HSCA report "Presence of Possible Gunman on Grassy Knoll"


    Ms. Willis...gave no information on the direction or location of the shots, but stated

    that her father became upset when the policemen in the area appeared to run away

    from where he thought the shots came from; that is, they were running away from

    the grassy knoll.

    This is the typical nutteresque interpretation of Rosemary's comments, from


    Rosemary was also documented in the HSCA report that her father, military veteran

    Phillip Willis, became upset when the Dallas policemen, sheriffs, and detectives --who

    first quickly ran onto the grassy knoll where he thought the shots came from-- then the

    authorities ran away from the grassy knoll.


    Since when does any American -- much less a Texan like Phil Willis -- get angry

    when the sheriff's posse rides out after the bad guys?

    Seems to me like Rosemary and Phillip Willis saw guys dressed as cops immediately

    leave their ambush positions.

    What do you think, Tosh?

    Perhaps they were really DPD or law enforcement and went toward where they thought shots were fired and then quickly corrected their movements to another location, or got cold feet and ran for protection.

  7. Why would DCM wave with his arm stretched up to the max? Wouldn't it be more natural to wave with your arm extended forward, rather than all the way up? To me it looks more like a signal for something than an innocent wave.[/b]




    I ask myself the same question regarding not only the way DCM held his arm in the air right after JFK started clutching his throat, but why he lifted his arm into the air at all if he was indeed the Cuban "Gator" who, along with others, was flown in to Dallas as part of an "assassination abort team." Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" Hopefully, Tosh will weigh in on this detail and clarify it for us.


    Thanks Thomas for bringing an old thread to life. I think the DCM thread of long ago (2006) should be incorporated into the South knoll shooting threads. I have inserted one of my post from then, below. Sometimes when threads get pulled away from the original subject matter, valid information gets confused with the facts and statements are lost within speculations. Such is the case with previous postings and the South Knoll shooter of today.

    In answer to your question: "... Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" ...".

    As you know we had radios that did not work and for all I know an alternate plan of communications between team members could have been in place and that is why all the strange waving etc. That too, is speculations. Perhaps we will never know. That is why some years ago I asked everybody who was anybody in reference to the assassination to see if they could tell if this man had fingers missing and that would go a long way in proving if that man was indeed Gator. As you can see that request went nowhere or never reached any kind of conclusion.

    ( I would like to clear one point: There was an argument about side arms. I said we had side arms. I was told that the bulge in DCM's clothing was a gun. I said no it was not a gun, but perhaps a radio. It was not meant that we did not have guns or side arms... the subject matter was about the bulge in the photo of which I said was perhaps a radio. We always carried side arms when we went on any UC mission, flying or otherwise.)

    If any one cares to go back and read the past DCM post, of which you have brought forward, and I thank you for that, then I think they will help the new breed of researchers, which have came on the scene this past few years, to reach an educated guess as to what it all means .



    I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

    We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8" or 10"x 2" with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

    I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

    Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is. ...".

    This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Oct 6 2006, 09:20 PM

    Here is another old post:

    "... QUOTE (Jack White @ Oct 4 2006, 03:35 AM)

    Was the Cuban packing a sidearm? Look at the shape of the bulge.


    That is, without a doubt, the best view of DCM I've seen to-date. Thank you.

    I'm not sure it is a sidearm, but it could answer (quite easily) the question I had which was: "if he's using a radio in the other photographs, where did it go?" Walkie-Talkies from that era were substantially larger than today's, and were not as easy to conceal. If one was pocketed or belt-clipped under the jacket, it could very easily look like this.

    No question, though, there is something under that jacket (other than the DCM himself)! ...".

    Notice how there is "no focus" on any subject as well as "photos".

    From the old 2006 DCM thread

    "... Jack. Perhaps you know. Did Life Magazine publish that picture? If so what date? I am not aware that Life Magazine published that particular Cancellare photo shortly after the assassination. What publication in Life did it appear and when? If there was a cover up and pictures were doctored by Life, as some have claimed over the years, then it seems to me to be very important that two people on the south knoll photographed would have to be removed or brushed out if they were operational and too if shoots were fired around that south location. Could you provide information to support your statement, "Many are not altered,

    like Cancellare...". How do we know this? Have you done extensive work on this photo and that particular location in the past? I was told you had NOT done work on that Photo or that location. Tom Wilson, I was told did do work on that photo and told many the photo had been tampered with and he found two people at that location as well as a possible third person in the south parking lot. Tom is now dead but his signed statements live on.

    This is not meant to challenge you. I ask you some years ago if you would do work on that photo for me. Remember? Did you do any work on that photo? I think Jim Marrs was there in your office when we asked if you would do the work. Its been awhile. Do you have any results of the work you did on that photo, if any? If you did not, then how can you say the above. I think and always have that this is a very important photo for true researchers. If it proves that people have been brushed out... my point is made. If it proves nothing was there 30 seconds after the fatal shot then it proves we were not at that location at the time of the picture. It does not prove I am lying. Again I thank you for all your fine work, but I would like to know about this picture and ITS Negatives chain of custody. Thanks Tosh..".

    To this date, 2010, question about the south knoll photo has never been resolved. The thread died a slow agonizing death, lost in speculations and total confusion with no subject matter or focus.. Tosh

    Hi, Tosh. Tom Wilson was unheard of, as I recall, when you and Jim visited my office. Tom surfaced when Oliver Stone hired him

    about 1990. I do not recall Jim, you and I discussing the Cancellare picture.

    I did not have a good copy of Cancellare until Peter Lemkin let me copy a print he purchased from Life. It was you and Peter

    who discussed Cancellare. Peter asked me to "enhance" it photographically, and I did all within my capabilities to bring out

    anyone on the south knoll using darkroom techniques. I told Peter I could find nothing. Peter then prevailed on me to ask

    Tom what he could do, since by that time I had become acquainted with Tom. Tom reluctantly did so as a favor to me, but

    became irritated with Peter because Peter was pushing him, so basically a rift developed between Peter and Tom. Later

    Peter did get some information from Tom that he had found two figures in shadows, but did not furnish Peter any copies,

    and in fact would not return Peter's Cancellare print, because he wanted to use it in his lawsuit against the government.

    Peter can confirm all the above. To be clear, you did not ask me to work on the photo. Peter did, and I did, without results.

    There is nothing to show, because MY results showed nothing. All of my dealings regarding Cancellare were with Peter,

    so perhaps you are confusing talking to Peter with talking to me.

    That is about all that I know about the Cancellare photo. Most of what I know came from Peter.


    Jack thats a pretty good recap.., but at the time in your office with Jim, I believe we had talked about Roscoe White as well as the Cancellare photo. I believe I mentioned Gary Shaw's and Larry R. Harris book, "COVER-UP", 1976 page #126 where the Cancellare photo first appeared that I knew of at the time.

    I had the book with me that day. That is why Jim took me to you office to see if we could find out if you could tell us if someone was in the shadows, because of your photo expertise. That would have gone a long way in proving that Sergio and I were in those shadows that day.

    While there we talked about about Roscoe White and I mentioned the lump on his wrist and how he broke his wrist in a training accident in the Army. That was long before Tom Wilson and Peter came on the scene in reference to the photo. I ask Peter some time later, when Peter told me about Tom Wilson and wondered if you and Tom could compare notes as to the findings in reference to two people in the shadows and Peter said he would have to get a better picture perhaps even the negative. That was the first I knew about Life Magazine and the Federal Government. Jack. Its really a mute point today. That post was from 2006 and that was the impressions I was under at the time. Tom said he found two people and you found none... a Mexican stand off. Nothing came of it and we all wasted a lot of damn time fooling around with a damn picture that everyone wanted to keep secret because of whatever... paranoia, egos, or what. Anyway lets not waste time on this crap. Your a busy man.

    Two people can look at a picture and come away with many different view points... Thats what makes the art world so intriguing and the art worth millions to some and nothing to others. Haver a good one 'Old' friend, Tosh

  8. Tosh:

    I am beginning to agree with you. I came on to this forum only to address the evidence, information, and the witnesses I have offered to support that a shot was fired through the front of the windshield from the area of the south knoll and the rationale for my response criticizing the article of Thompson, Barb, and Jerry. I have posted some extremely long posts presenting information and asking questions.. It has been a long time since anyone has addressed or responded to those questions. Martin is an expert and has already presented proofs that the windshields in the article by Thompson, Barb, and Jerry are not the same or at the least, has created serious doubts. I did not know Martin so it is not like I was in a court case presenting my expert witness in opposition to someone else's. Jerry is the one who sought out Martin's opinions. I am afraid that no matter what proofs are presented here by Martin that people are going to say it's a dress, a pocket, a purse, or someone trying to rush Kennedy's drycleaning back to him. My participation in this forum was for a limited purpose. if I cannot even elicit responses I am willing to move on and I am sure I will stir criticsm when I finish my book. I came here to support my criticisms and research. I am not going to do so after my book is finished. I knew there would be smart, critical people here. I guess that I can only interpret silence as acquiesence. I am seeing that the position of some is not to be confused with the facts as their mind is already made up. I do not mind a parallel of dealing with these issues but I am not going to let unanswered questions fade into oblivion. I highly criticized the position that there was no hole in the windshield. Where is the defense to my assertions? Tosh, I believe this, in fact, could be by design.

    My best,

    Doug Weldon

    When you put up an expert before a jury and he crashes and burns, you’ve got a real problem. Right Doug? Well, you offered up Martin Hinrichs as “the only impartial photo expert on this forum” and look what happened.

    First off, if you look carefully at the visual of Altgens #6 that Martin put up, you can see that it came from a printed source... a book or a magazine. Obviously, such a source won’t cut it for detailed analysis because of the digital manipulation involved in the printing process itself. For the kind of analysis Martin is indicating he might do in the future, he will have to use a photo or scan deriving from the original AP negative. I’m sure Pamela McElwaine-Brown would oblige him if he asked. Or he could ask me and I would gladly oblige. Garbage in, garbage out... as we all understand.

    He claims that the damage to the windshield shown in Altgens #7 occurs at the identical place where the “spiral nebula” appears in Altgens #6. He says this and indicates how he might start to show this but he hasn’t done any part of what is necessary to show this. That is why he cannot provide Jerry Logan with the actual numbers required for a 3D reconstruction.

    He also says that “I do believe we see the same damage in Altgens 6 and 7.” [emphasis in original] By this, he must mean that the damage to the windshield apparent in Altgens #7 is identical to the purported “damage” of the “spiral nebula” in Altgens #6. Here he gives no back up or argument whatsoever. Apparently, he is saying, “Well, that’s the way it looks to me! Trust me!”

    Alas, that is not the way it looks to anyone else. Here are two photos recently put up on this thread by Robin Ungar. Outlined in red are the “spiral nebula” in Altgens #6 and the damage to the windshield apparent in Altgens #7. (Note that for reasons unknown Ungar reversed the enlargement form Altgens #7.)


    I have no idea whether Martin Hinrichs is an expert in 3D technology. He may well be. If so, I look forward to seeing his analysis of Altgens #6. I think his comparing the Couch photo with Altgens #6 was a nifty piece of research that disclosed the true nature of the socalled “spiral nebula”.... it’s the apron or purse of Lady #8 standing along the curb of Elm Street. However, his claim that the “spiral nebula” is identical to the damage shown in Altgens #7 is just loopy.

    You offered as an important consideration, Doug, that “the one impartial photo expert on the forum concluded that there was the same damage in Altgens #6 and Altgens #7.” So we took a look at your expert and the absence of any reasons or evidence given for his “conclusion.”

    You put an expert like that on the stand and you must know what will happen to him. If you want credibility, Doug, in the future, I’d be more careful about what experts you commend to us.

    Josiah Thompson


    Which expert do you want me to pay attention to, the purse, the pocket, the apron, the fabric , the dress, or that there is nothing there? I am not a photo expert but I am confident that Martin is very knowledgeable or I don't believe Jerry would have consulted him about comparing the windshields in your article. You were stating your praises until he disagreed with you.

    Doug Weldon

    Hey! Lets get re-focused.. let us, together..., "keep our eye upon the donut and not upon the hole". We have a good debate going here on some of these threads. I for one have blocked out a few days so I can study what is being presented and put forth as facts. I am learning a few things and I am an "Old Dog". Let us remember that an "EXPERT" in reference to the Kennedy assassination means, "X" is an unknown quantity and "spurt" is a drip under pressure. Which are we?

  9. Re: Tosh's post #94 -- addressed to all...

    Any relation between why people ran toward the north knoll and why Charles Hester ran to look out of the pergola windows (if that is indeed what he did)?

    Good point. And too, would he not have been rather close to Zapruder who was above the crowd and in a better position to see and hear the direction of the shots if they had been a few feet to his right?

    Another thought. Maybe Hester was trying to get inside a building for safety from possible other erratic shootings.

  10. I would have to go look to be sure, but I believe from memory that it's a pretty wide underpass and that a person standing where White was on the west side of the underpass over Elm could see someone behind the east winged banister at the south end.

    FWIW, not if the sniper was crouched or prone

    What difference would that make if the person was in White's line of sight behind the banister? If prone, the person could be even more likely to be spotted, since his body would be extended westward.


    I apologize. I have spent a lot of time in the south knoll area and know that it was a great spot to be concealed but I do not know who Officer White (what is his first name) is and where he exactly was allegedly standing.

    Doug Weldon

    Patrolman J.C.White was stationed on the bridge/overpass at the west end during his testimony to the W.C. he said he did not see the shooting as a train was blocking his view at that very moment .I thought it was several minutes befroe a train passed over the bridge?

    Fact: It was sometime after the shooting that the train was parked or passed over the bridge as the railroad yard logs supported. I think the tramps were suppose to have been taken from one of the box cars on that train or perhaps another located in the switching yard. Some of this was covered a few days ago on back post. Office White was located over Elm street on the west side of the overpass some ninty-five feet plus northwest of the south end of the overpass a few minutes before the motorcade drove into the Plaza area. Some in the DPD have said he had crossed over the tracks to the east side of the overpass above elm with the railroad workers, as JFK approached.

  11. Tosh, some pages of images that you may want to inspect, if you haven't already:



    I was told that The Cuban was making a fist and flashing a Victory sign at the limo to signify attempt 2 or to tell Greer where to stop. If this is true, The Cuban in most probability is "Gator." His V-sign wasn't a V sign at all. He was merely holding up the only 2 fingers he had. (The lower right corner photo)

    Also in that photo the Umbrella Man's umbrella seems painted in.

    Kathy C

    Here is a thought to consider: In picture #3 where all the people are running toward the north end of the underpass, could it be that they were running after the limo as it headed under the rail road to see what the results of the shooting caused? Even the railroad workers cross over to the other side to see the Limo speed off toward Parkland. What did they hope to see? The Limo? Or had bad the shooting was?..., or if the President had indeed been hit? Some who had ran toward that direction said they thought the shots came from that direction near the grassy north knoll and the fence and that is why they ran to that location. I am familiar with the Warren Report and what some say as to why they ran to that location. Others had said a different reason why they ran to that location. Perhaps selective testimony was used in the recap of events. Its possible.

    I think I would have been going the other way if I thought someone, or a nutcase, had shot at the President from there and might still be there. As to the motorcycle patrolman? If I were him I too might think, after seeing people running in that direction, that they might be trying to catch the shooter, or thought the shots came from over there and he drove up the slop or catch the shooter. Could it not be that most were only trying to see what was happening inside the Limo after the shots had been fired at the President?

    I know what the record says. But who established the record that day? Was it an accurate account of events as they happened? Could the echo effect had something to do with the direction of the shooting? What about the sound of a firecracker after some of the shots, or at the time of the shots? Could that have been the "windshield" being shot and hit? I find it difficult to accept that a shooter behind the fence less that ten feet away from some who were standing in front of the allege shooter or slightly to the side watching the Parade also ran toward the triple underpass. Would they not have turned and moved toward the shooter at the fence, or away from the shooter, or just hit the ground and covered their heads? Or perhaps ran the other way to get out of the way or another lunatic shot?

    If we are to speculate then lets speculate and argue till the next century on some of these thoughts. With all the possibilities established after years.., all the pros and cons and egos.. we are going to be here for a very very-- long long time. Tosh

    P.S. As to officer White being able to see behind the wedge bannister and pillar, you have to take into account that the railroad bed was raised some four or five feet above the foundation base with base rock that supported the load of train traffic in those days. If he was standing on or near the base of the bridge below the railroad grade, then he could not see someone crouched or prong in that area of the wedge and banister pillar. That would be a perfect place for a shooter to hide himself ..., even from view of the south parking lot which is lower than the bridge foundation base. I can see two shooters there.. one in the parking lot and the one positioned in the wedge. Perhaps you would have to go to the Plaza today in order to get a perspective on this. Keep in mind that today the railroad tracks (Metro tracks) are about two feet lower than they were in 1963.

  12. In my opinion those are very good deductions. You said it in a way that I have been trying to say for many years now. In the past when we got to this level the thread was diverted or accusations were made as to my credibility. Only a few seem to really read or listen to what I had to say. As I have said before, "... only they know their true motives....". Thanks Cliff. Very good observations.

    Hello Tosh: I hope I am not diverting this thread, but you have converted me on 2 subjects recently, the possible South Knoll shooter and that DCM is "Gator" and not part of the Assassination team. Wondering if you can help connect a few loose puzzle pieces.

    There have been many groups suspected to have involvement in the JFK assassination: CIA, Cubans, Military, Right-Wing, Mafia, and you posted a suspician that LBJ/MacWallace are involved. I assume that your ABORT team got its instructions from the CIA, but did you have any indication of who was sponsoring, or directing, the assassination team ?

    Brian: I'll do my best. As I have said, I was never at the level, or in the loop to really know the planning stages of the Abort Team and how or who put it together. However, the following are my thoughts and calculated assumptions based on the connections I had from the JM/WAVE, CIA Miami Station and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., at the time.

    I believe a group operating out of the Pentagon intercepted Intel information from south Florida concerning a hit to be made on the President around November 17 th. The Special Group (not the 5412th) working MI, then took this information and started their own independent investigations. This was not a CIA, per say team or investigation; nor did the CIA dispatch this team. At the last minute they (Military Intell, Pentagon) put together a "specialized", top secret.., (undercover) team to be dispatched to Dallas. The Secret Service knew of this team but did not work with them, because they (MI) did not have enough information to support their evidence.

    Also, the DoJ and Hoover, did undermine this intelligence which came from two Cubans who were planning to fire a Bazooka at Air Force One, at West Palm Beach, Florida while the President was visiting there in early November. (Somewhere there is a document from Hoover on this) I believe this was the start of the suspicion that the Cubans were behind the assassination, however, I see that as speculations. I too, at one point over the years, thought the Mob and the Cubans were up to their necks in the planning to assassinate Kennedy. I felt that elements of the CIA used the Mafia as they had previously used to kill Castro were involved in the assassination of JFK. After the assassination, I WAS TOLD, my Friend Roselli always took exceptions with my thinking on this and told some that that was all wrong and I of all people should know this.

    Many years later, a Texas researcher from Austin Texas, by the name of Jay Harrison, made contact with me.. ( I had known Jay since the early fifties when he was with the DPD as an investigator concerning the "Minute Men", and other groups that operated in and around Dallas and Fort Worth. We started to look into information he had obtained in reference to LBJ and Mac Wallace and the golf course near Austin and the murder there in reference to someone connected to LBJ. Jay also showed me many documents which indicated that LBJ COULD have been involved, however no direct proof..., more like preponderance of various evidence. In time I became convinced that LBJ and the Texas, 'Good ole, Boys' network, either directly or indirectly, were involved in some way in the assassination of Kennedy.

    A few years ago before Jay died of cancer, he called me to Austin and showed me a fingerprint card, of which he said was the palm and fingerprint of Mc Wallace and was found on a box in the,'snipers position' in the TSBD. I was very cautious on this and told Jay so. I checked with some sources in the DPD of which I had a contact and was told that there was something to Jay's information, but they could not prove the authenticity of the find. A few years later, or perhaps as early as one year later, that information appeared in a book. Jay had been working with the author in secret for a few years. I was told this sometime later just before Jay died.

    "... but did you have any indication of who was sponsoring, or directing, the assassination team ?..".

    Shortly after the assassination I had real problems with that. I thought first the Cubans did it..., then the Mob did it, then an independent group working inside MI and CIA did it. It was not until some years later, that I came to the firm conclusions that the TEXANS were involved up to their necks in the assassination, including J Edgar Hoover, the political interest in Texas, to protect LBJ and his associations before Washington and to stop him from being thrown off the ticket and investigations into his activities in behalf of Texas Special Interest.

    I hope this may shed some light as to my views on the subject. Brian, I do appreciate your interest and wish you the best. Tosh

    Has anyone found any additional current information about the golf course murder near Austin Texas?

  13. Thank you Bernice and Robin for your support!

    Much appreciated. Words like your says me, it's not just a waste of time (as my wife said to me more than once and to quit) to share the research with others.

    best to you :)


    Martin you and Doug and OTHERS keep on keeping on... I know how one can get pulled of track and forced to loose focus on facts and drift into speculations.... what is this thread really about... pro or con? was there a hole?... did a shot miss? What does it all really mean? Was there two shooters, or more, in the Plaza that day? Was there a conspiracy that day? Did JFK change shorts before he left for the plaza? This is an important thread I believe, but I also believe it -- in time will go into oblivion. And that could be by design.

  14. John Swinton was a journalist who worked for the New York Times. Just before he died in 1901 he said: "There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

    "... There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. ...".

    John" Would you say the 'gate keepers' of the media, create the history we record and report in our research to the generation of today?

  15. Why would DCM wave with his arm stretched up to the max? Wouldn't it be more natural to wave with your arm extended forward, rather than all the way up? To me it looks more like a signal for something than an innocent wave.[/b]




    I ask myself the same question regarding not only the way DCM held his arm in the air right after JFK started clutching his throat, but why he lifted his arm into the air at all if he was indeed the Cuban "Gator" who, along with others, was flown in to Dallas as part of an "assassination abort team." Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" Hopefully, Tosh will weigh in on this detail and clarify it for us.


    Thanks Thomas for bringing an old thread to life. I think the DCM thread of long ago (2006) should be incorporated into the South knoll shooting threads. I have inserted one of my post from then, below. Sometimes when threads get pulled away from the original subject matter, valid information gets confused with the facts and statements are lost within speculations. Such is the case with previous postings and the South Knoll shooter of today.

    In answer to your question: "... Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" ...".

    As you know we had radios that did not work and for all I know an alternate plan of communications between team members could have been in place and that is why all the strange waving etc. That too, is speculations. Perhaps we will never know. That is why some years ago I asked everybody who was anybody in reference to the assassination to see if they could tell if this man had fingers missing and that would go a long way in proving if that man was indeed Gator. As you can see that request went nowhere or never reached any kind of conclusion.

    ( I would like to clear one point: There was an argument about side arms. I said we had side arms. I was told that the bulge in DCM's clothing was a gun. I said no it was not a gun, but perhaps a radio. It was not meant that we did not have guns or side arms... the subject matter was about the bulge in the photo of which I said was perhaps a radio. We always carried side arms when we went on any UC mission, flying or otherwise.)

    If any one cares to go back and read the past DCM post, of which you have brought forward, and I thank you for that, then I think they will help the new breed of researchers, which have came on the scene this past few years, to reach an educated guess as to what it all means .



    I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

    We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8" or 10"x 2" with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

    I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

    Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is. ...".

    This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Oct 6 2006, 09:20 PM

    Here is another old post:

    "... QUOTE (Jack White @ Oct 4 2006, 03:35 AM)

    Was the Cuban packing a sidearm? Look at the shape of the bulge.


    That is, without a doubt, the best view of DCM I've seen to-date. Thank you.

    I'm not sure it is a sidearm, but it could answer (quite easily) the question I had which was: "if he's using a radio in the other photographs, where did it go?" Walkie-Talkies from that era were substantially larger than today's, and were not as easy to conceal. If one was pocketed or belt-clipped under the jacket, it could very easily look like this.

    No question, though, there is something under that jacket (other than the DCM himself)! ...".

    Notice how there is "no focus" on any subject as well as "photos".

    From the old 2006 DCM thread

    "... Jack. Perhaps you know. Did Life Magazine publish that picture? If so what date? I am not aware that Life Magazine published that particular Cancellare photo shortly after the assassination. What publication in Life did it appear and when? If there was a cover up and pictures were doctored by Life, as some have claimed over the years, then it seems to me to be very important that two people on the south knoll photographed would have to be removed or brushed out if they were operational and too if shoots were fired around that south location. Could you provide information to support your statement, "Many are not altered,

    like Cancellare...". How do we know this? Have you done extensive work on this photo and that particular location in the past? I was told you had NOT done work on that Photo or that location. Tom Wilson, I was told did do work on that photo and told many the photo had been tampered with and he found two people at that location as well as a possible third person in the south parking lot. Tom is now dead but his signed statements live on.

    This is not meant to challenge you. I ask you some years ago if you would do work on that photo for me. Remember? Did you do any work on that photo? I think Jim Marrs was there in your office when we asked if you would do the work. Its been awhile. Do you have any results of the work you did on that photo, if any? If you did not, then how can you say the above. I think and always have that this is a very important photo for true researchers. If it proves that people have been brushed out... my point is made. If it proves nothing was there 30 seconds after the fatal shot then it proves we were not at that location at the time of the picture. It does not prove I am lying. Again I thank you for all your fine work, but I would like to know about this picture and ITS Negatives chain of custody. Thanks Tosh..".

    To this date, 2010, question about the south knoll photo has never been resolved. The thread died a slow agonizing death, lost in speculations and total confusion with no subject matter or focus.. Tosh

  16. yes many lean towards a lbj cia rogue connection..could be...take care on your many trips re the Border Wars stay safe...we will await your return and thank you for your information...as always..best b

    Bernice: Just before I was to leave for Mexico, I checked the Forum and noticed an old posting had been brought forth, the DCM of 2006. I think it should be copied into the South Knoll thread. (have you notice how fast all this goes into the black hole of postings. Seems to me researchers cannot focus on any topic and reach an educated conclusions. I've got to run now...just a figure of speech.

    Posted today Feb., 2010 on the DCM thread of Oct., 2006

    "... Thanks Thomas for bringing an old thread to life. I think the DCM thread of long ago (2006) should be incorporated into the South knoll shooting threads. I have inserted one of my post from then, below. Sometimes when threads get pulled away from the original subject matter, valid information gets confused with the facts and statements are lost within speculations. Such is the case with previous postings and the South Knoll shooter of today.

    In answer to your question: "... Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" ...".

    As you know we had radios that did not work and for all I know an alternate plan of communications between team members could have been in place and that is why all the strange waving etc. That too, is speculations. Perhaps we will never know. That is why some years ago I asked everybody who was anybody in reference to the assassination to see if they could tell if this man had fingers missing and that would go a long way in proving if that man was indeed Gator. As you can see that request went nowhere or never reached any kind of conclusion.

    ( I would like to clear one point: There was an argument about side arms. I said we had side arms. I was told that the bulge in DCM's clothing was a gun. I said no it was not a gun, but perhaps a radio. It was not meant that we did not have guns or side arms... the subject matter was about the bulge in the photo of which I said was perhaps a radio. We always carried side arms when we went on any UC mission, flying or otherwise.)

    If any one cares to go back and read the past DCM post, of which you have brought forward, and I thank you for that, then I think they will help the new breed of researchers, which have came on the scene this past few years, to reach an educated guess as to what it all means . ...".



    I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

    We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8" or 10"x 2" with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

    I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

    Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is. ...".

    This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Oct 6 2006, 09:20 PM

    Here is another old post:

    "... QUOTE (Jack White @ Oct 4 2006, 03:35 AM)

    Was the Cuban packing a sidearm? Look at the shape of the bulge.


    That is, without a doubt, the best view of DCM I've seen to-date. Thank you.

    I'm not sure it is a sidearm, but it could answer (quite easily) the question I had which was: "if he's using a radio in the other photographs, where did it go?" Walkie-Talkies from that era were substantially larger than today's, and were not as easy to conceal. If one was pocketed or belt-clipped under the jacket, it could very easily look like this.

    No question, though, there is something under that jacket (other than the DCM himself)! ...".

    This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Today, 08:22 AM

  17. Why would DCM wave with his arm stretched up to the max? Wouldn't it be more natural to wave with your arm extended forward, rather than all the way up? To me it looks more like a signal for something than an innocent wave.[/b]




    I ask myself the same question regarding not only the way DCM held his arm in the air right after JFK started clutching his throat, but why he lifted his arm into the air at all if he was indeed the Cuban "Gator" who, along with others, was flown in to Dallas as part of an "assassination abort team." Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" Hopefully, Tosh will weigh in on this detail and clarify it for us.


    Thanks Thomas for bringing an old thread to life. I think the DCM thread of long ago (2006) should be incorporated into the South knoll shooting threads. I have inserted one of my post from then, below. Sometimes when threads get pulled away from the original subject matter, valid information gets confused with the facts and statements are lost within speculations. Such is the case with previous postings and the South Knoll shooter of today.

    In answer to your question: "... Was he signaling "The Boss Has Been Hit" to other members of the "abort team?" ...".

    As you know we had radios that did not work and for all I know an alternate plan of communications between team members could have been in place and that is why all the strange waving etc. That too, is speculations. Perhaps we will never know. That is why some years ago I asked everybody who was anybody in reference to the assassination to see if they could tell if this man had fingers missing and that would go a long way in proving if that man was indeed Gator. As you can see that request went nowhere or never reached any kind of conclusion.

    ( I would like to clear one point: There was an argument about side arms. I said we had side arms. I was told that the bulge in DCM's clothing was a gun. I said no it was not a gun, but perhaps a radio. It was not meant that we did not have guns or side arms... the subject matter was about the bulge in the photo of which I said was perhaps a radio. We always carried side arms when we went on any UC mission, flying or otherwise.)

    If any one cares to go back and read the past DCM post, of which you have brought forward, and I thank you for that, then I think they will help the new breed of researchers, which have came on the scene this past few years, to reach an educated guess as to what it all means .



    I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

    We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8" or 10"x 2" with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

    I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

    Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is. ...".

    This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Oct 6 2006, 09:20 PM

    Here is another old post:

    "... QUOTE (Jack White @ Oct 4 2006, 03:35 AM)

    Was the Cuban packing a sidearm? Look at the shape of the bulge.


    That is, without a doubt, the best view of DCM I've seen to-date. Thank you.

    I'm not sure it is a sidearm, but it could answer (quite easily) the question I had which was: "if he's using a radio in the other photographs, where did it go?" Walkie-Talkies from that era were substantially larger than today's, and were not as easy to conceal. If one was pocketed or belt-clipped under the jacket, it could very easily look like this.

    No question, though, there is something under that jacket (other than the DCM himself)! ...".

  18. TOSH YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN THIS OLDER LINK AND http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9376




    2009 robert speaks...




    I noticed the last pha; "...Asked the same question, Max Steingrout believes it was LBJ, Hoover & rogue CIA elements...".

    Thanks Bernice: I do appreciate your work, time, and postings. I have taken these past few days to answer a few questions, but now I must get back to my own projects and productions concerning the "Border Wars", here in Mexico. I will be traveling during the next few months.

    Most of what I have had to say (Pro and Con) in reference to the JFK matter has been said by me over the years. It does no good for me to ask questions in reference to JFK.., and too, I see little interest in the South Knoll threads. You take care and the best to you and all. Tosh

  19. This sent to me via e-mail and cut and pasted without change from T. Plumlee:

    Peter. I remember You, Jim Marrs, and I, going over this when we were marking the FBI FOIA pages in Arlington, Texas. Jim ask those questions. I'll do by best to recap the answers: As to who we were waiting for, in my mind at that time, it could have been anybody. I did think, in a passing thought, that it could have been Roselli. But nobody responded to that answer, or wainted to hear that.

    Question: Also about the original flight plans back that changed and the mention of meeting-up with a former Eastern Pilot. Care to comment on that? Answer: Yes. From what I remember the flight out of Dallas (no flight plan filed) was to originally fly back to Houston Texas where (I thought) I would go back to Florida on another flight and the DC-3 would be flown back to West Palm by an Eastern Airline pilot. I was told another flight out of Red Bird went to Wichita Falls, Texas near the AFB there. Sometimes people just don't listen or read what is said. From my view point I feel some answers they do not want to hear or read. Perhaps because they just don't fit into the scope of things as they see them. [/color]

    Wichita Falls, TX. I understand that's where Robert Oswald has lived for a very long time.

    Kathy C

    Kathy: I was not aware of that. Anyone know how far from the airport he lived? Is he still alive? If so would he tell if Oswald was suppose to see him around that time? Thanks, Tosh

  20. In my opinion those are very good deductions. You said it in a way that I have been trying to say for many years now. In the past when we got to this level the thread was diverted or accusations were made as to my credibility. Only a few seem to really read or listen to what I had to say. As I have said before, "... only they know their true motives....". Thanks Cliff. Very good observations.

    Hello Tosh: I hope I am not diverting this thread, but you have converted me on 2 subjects recently, the possible South Knoll shooter and that DCM is "Gator" and not part of the Assassination team. Wondering if you can help connect a few loose puzzle pieces.

    There have been many groups suspected to have involvement in the JFK assassination: CIA, Cubans, Military, Right-Wing, Mafia, and you posted a suspician that LBJ/MacWallace are involved. I assume that your ABORT team got its instructions from the CIA, but did you have any indication of who was sponsoring, or directing, the assassination team ?

    Brian: I'll do my best. As I have said, I was never at the level, or in the loop to really know the planning stages of the Abort Team and how or who put it together. However, the following are my thoughts and calculated assumptions based on the connections I had from the JM/WAVE, CIA Miami Station and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., at the time.

    I believe a group operating out of the Pentagon intercepted Intel information from south Florida concerning a hit to be made on the President around November 17 th. The Special Group (not the 5412th) working MI, then took this information and started their own independent investigations. This was not a CIA, per say team or investigation; nor did the CIA dispatch this team. At the last minute they (Military Intell, Pentagon) put together a "specialized", top secret.., (undercover) team to be dispatched to Dallas. The Secret Service knew of this team but did not work with them, because they (MI) did not have enough information to support their evidence.

    Also, the DoJ and Hoover, did undermine this intelligence which came from two Cubans who were planning to fire a Bazooka at Air Force One, at West Palm Beach, Florida while the President was visiting there in early November. (Somewhere there is a document from Hoover on this) I believe this was the start of the suspicion that the Cubans were behind the assassination, however, I see that as speculations. I too, at one point over the years, thought the Mob and the Cubans were up to their necks in the planning to assassinate Kennedy. I felt that elements of the CIA used the Mafia as they had previously used to kill Castro were involved in the assassination of JFK. After the assassination, I WAS TOLD, my Friend Roselli always took exceptions with my thinking on this and told some that that was all wrong and I of all people should know this.

    Many years later, a Texas researcher from Austin Texas, by the name of Jay Harrison, made contact with me.. ( I had known Jay since the early fifties when he was with the DPD as an investigator concerning the "Minute Men", and other groups that operated in and around Dallas and Fort Worth. We started to look into information he had obtained in reference to LBJ and Mac Wallace and the golf course near Austin and the murder there in reference to someone connected to LBJ. Jay also showed me many documents which indicated that LBJ COULD have been involved, however no direct proof..., more like preponderance of various evidence. In time I became convinced that LBJ and the Texas, 'Good ole, Boys' network, either directly or indirectly, were involved in some way in the assassination of Kennedy.

    A few years ago before Jay died of cancer, he called me to Austin and showed me a fingerprint card, of which he said was the palm and fingerprint of Mc Wallace and was found on a box in the,'snipers position' in the TSBD. I was very cautious on this and told Jay so. I checked with some sources in the DPD of which I had a contact and was told that there was something to Jay's information, but they could not prove the authenticity of the find. A few years later, or perhaps as early as one year later, that information appeared in a book. Jay had been working with the author in secret for a few years. I was told this sometime later just before Jay died.

    "... but did you have any indication of who was sponsoring, or directing, the assassination team ?..".

    Shortly after the assassination I had real problems with that. I thought first the Cubans did it..., then the Mob did it, then an independent group working inside MI and CIA did it. It was not until some years later, that I came to the firm conclusions that the TEXANS were involved up to their necks in the assassination, including J Edgar Hoover, the political interest in Texas, to protect LBJ and his associations before Washington and to stop him from being thrown off the ticket and investigations into his activities in behalf of Texas Special Interest.

    I hope this may shed some light as to my views on the subject. Brian, I do appreciate your interest and wish you the best. Tosh

  21. I believe Gator thought the man next to him was someway involved in the attempt on the President's life (Gator's POV) and stationed himself there as a possible person who only wanted to see the parade and to watch this persons movements.

    Free Louis Witt!

    The Umbrella Man takes a bad rap in my book. Here's Rosemary Willis to the HSCA:


    The Presence of Possible Gunman on the Grassy Knoll

    Rosemary Willis...noticed two persons who looked "conspicuous." One was a man near

    the curb holding an umbrella, who appeared to be more concerned with opening and closing

    the umbrella than dropping to the ground like everyone else at the time of the shots. The

    other was a person who was standing just behind the concrete wall down by the triple

    underpass. That person appeared to "disappear the next instant."

    Compare Rosemary's description of UM with Witt's description of his actions to

    the HSCA:

    "I think I went sort of maybe halfway up the grassy area (on the north side of Elm Street),

    somewhere in that vicinity. I am pretty sure I sat down....(When the motorcade approached) I think I got up

    and started fiddling with that umbrella trying to get it open, and at the same time I was walking forward,

    walking toward the street....Whereas other people I understand saw the President shot and his movements;

    I did not see this because of this thing (the umbrella) in front of me....My view of the car during that length

    of time was blocked by the umbrella's being open."

    Louis Witt has been accused of being a xxxx because he had his umbrella opened

    as the limousine passed by.

    But just because his umbrella was up in time to see JFK doesn't necessarily mean

    he managed to locate JFK in time to see the President get hit in the throat. Witt wasn't

    paying sufficient attention to JFK -- as per Rosemary Willis and Witt himself.

    On another thread awhile back I commented on UM and DCM/Gator:

    UM is a major rabbit hole, folks. DCM sat down next to him because DCM wasn't

    sure if Witt was a civilian or a redundant signalman and was probably startled by

    UM more than anything.

    This isn't far from Tosh's view of the interaction between UM and DCM/Gator. After

    reading Al Carrier's comments in Ron's article I've come around to Tosh's view on this.

    All Carrier paraphrased by Ron Ecker: "[W]ould shooters need such a signaler?

    Could not shooters more easily see for themselves, through their sights, whether more shots

    were needed?"

    Wouldn't the shooters have a spotter with binoculars alongside them, instead of a

    signalman in the street?

    Why would a signalman carry a radio that went unused during the shooting?

    If UM and DCM were perps why would they stick around the crime scene?

    In my view the actions of DCM/Gator are more consistent with what Tosh describes,

    an abort-team member with a radio who latched on to the suspicious, "conspicuous"

    (but innocuous) Louis Witt.

    In my opinion those are very good deductions. You said it in a way that I have been trying to say for many years now. In the past when we got to this level the thread was diverted or accusations were made as to my credibility. Only a few seem to really read or listen to what I had to say. As I have said before, "... only they know their true motives....". Thanks Cliff. Very good observations.

  22. Tosh, do you remember anyone you were flying in or out with large communication devices such as that which seems to be under 'Gaitor's' jacket? Did Sergio have one that size and shape?

    Also, you mentioned long ago that when the plane you were on was waiting to leave [delayed in leaving] you heard some talk that while not clear someONE was being waited for and some aspects of what was said made you think it might have been Oswald they were waiting for. Also about the original flight plans back that changed and the mention of meeting-up with a former Eastern Pilot. Care to comment on that?


    "... Tosh, do you remember anyone you were flying in or out with large communication devices such as that which seems to be under 'Gaitor's' jacket? Did Sergio have one that size and shape? ...".

    Anws; YES. If you remember I told you that, "...the communications were not in place and things were all F'ed up... nobody was where they were supposed to be and the radios did not work right..". (note; the 'crystals' in the had held (walki-talkie type radios of the time) were not set to the same frequencies and some of the team could not communicate with each other because of this) Also, when you were working with Tom Wilson on the south side photo, I told you, and when I did talk very briefly on the phone in Boulder Colorado with Tom while you were there, I told him about the radio's and that Sergio had a radio and I had a clip board. This was in reference to the two objects Tom had said he had found in the picture that were in our hands.

    You said I had a camara and I said after a heated debate that you were wrong, it was a "clip board for taking notes and diagrams. Sergio did have a walkie-talkie type radio. That was one reason I later told some that I thought it was Gator sitting on the curb .., and I also told you, ".. he (Gator) had a radio in his pocket", That was when Tom and others thought Gator had a gun..., and you sometime later,said it was indeed a gun. We debated, to put it mildly, that issue. I said it WAS not a gun. I again said no you it was a radio. I do remember.

    Question: "...heard some talk that while not clear someONE was being waited for and some aspects of what was said made you think it might have been Oswald they were waiting for. ...".

    That was some years later that I said, in answer to that question: "... I said it COULD have been Oswald, but I did not know for sure and that would be speculation on my part".... I did say I thought we were waiting on a "Marine", which Could have been Oswald but I did not know for sure. ( heard from basic talk from some of the crew) The impressions I had at the time there was no name that I knew of. As to who we were waiting for, in my mind at that time, it could have been anybody. I did think, in a passing thought, that it could have been Roselli. But nobody responded to that answer, or wainted to hear that.

    Question: Also about the original flight plans back that changed and the mention of meeting-up with a former Eastern Pilot. Care to comment on that?

    Answer: Yes. From what I remember the flight out of Dallas (no flight plan filed) was to originally fly back to Houston Texas where (I thought) I would go back to Florida on another flight and the DC-3 would be flown back to West Palm by an Eastern Airline pilot. I was told another flight out of Red Bird went to Wichita Falls, Texas near the AFB there.

    Sometimes people just don't listen or read what is said. From my view point I feel some answers they do not want to hear or read. Perhaps because they just don't fit into the scope of things as they see them.

  23. I must agree, your information re the south side shot imo is entirely a different subject in it's own in the area of tosh and his observations in being there that day etc.but are ..two separate fields but similar and relating to each other in a very important way... and we need it to come together but not if tosh leaves though he has always been very open and wanting such looked into and released so it could have been time for the researchers to have had both side in otherwards but not if his bag has been packed, imo tosh i cannot understand your doing so, in the past i have broken a thread with other info and have been asked the same to start a new thread, and have done so, so have many others so you could also. it's no big deal....if you do want all out there so it can possibley be worked on and connected..sorry to repeat myself but this kind of thing cheeses me off and it shows as a rule...take care all i shall too...best b..

    a couple of others b..the second one if from tosh's approximate area...of view ...

    Interesting articles from some years back... in case anyone is interesting in reading it.





    Billy Sol ESTES

    Billie Sol Estes (born 1924) was a scandal-ridden Texas-based financier best known for his association with U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson and for having accused Johnson of a variety of crimes, including the assassination of his presidential predecessor, John F. Kennedy.[1]

    Estes was born in Alanreed in west Texas. He amassed his fortune through the federal surplus grain program. After marrying in 1946, he moved to Pecos, the seat of Reeves County in southwest Texas, where he sold irrigation pumps powered by natural gas. He channeled those profits to launch still another successful business selling anhydrous ammonia fertilizer.[2] Mr. Estes currently lives in Granbury, Texas.

    Fraud charges

    In the late 1950s, the United States Department of Agriculture began controlling the price of cotton, specifying quotas to farmers. The limited production hurt Estes' businesses. He responded by expanding into cotton production himself. Over the next few years he developed a massive fraud, claiming to grow and store cotton that never existed, then using the cotton as collateral for bank loans. During this same period he became involved in Texas Democratic state politics and made political contributions to U.S. Senator and later Vice President of the United States Lyndon Johnson.[3]

    On June 3, 1961, Estes' local contact at the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Henry Marshall, was found dead in his car with five gunshot wounds on a remote part of his own ranch. County Sheriff Lee Farmer attributed Marshall's death to carbon monoxide poisoning brought about from a hose attached to the exhaust pipe of his car. The body was buried without an autopsy. The suicide verdict was later overturned.[4]

    On April 4, 1962, Estes' accountant, George Krutilek, was found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. Krutilek had been questioned by the FBI about Estes the day before.

    Meanwhile, Lubbock attorney Warlick Carr, brother of future Attorney General Waggoner Carr, filed some thirty civil suits against Estes to reclaim damages.

    As a result of these deaths and an investigation into his business practices, on April 5, 1962, Estes and several business associates were indicted by a federal grand jury on fifty-seven counts of fraud. Estes was accused of swindling investors, banks and the federal government of at least $24 million through false agricultural subsidy claims on cotton production and the use of non-existent supplies of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer as collateral for loans. He was eventually found guilty of additional federal charges and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

    Two of Estes' associates, Harold Orr and Coleman Wade, were also indicted but died of carbon monoxide poisoning (apparent suicides) before they went to trial. Estes was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to eight years in prison. Howard Pratt, manager of a Chicago fertilizer supply company, was also found dead in his car from an apparent carbon monoxide poisoning. There was also a half bottle of liquor in his car; however, after testing, no alcohol was present in Howard's body.

    The high-profile case generated extensive national press coverage and was the first topic of President John F. Kennedy's press conference on May 17, 1962. As a result of the financial and political scandal, Kennedy apparently began to consider dropping Johnson as his running mate in the 1964 election. The political fallout extended to the election of Ed Foreman as a Republican to the United States House of Representatives from west Texas in 1962. At the time, he and Bruce Alger of Dallas were the only Texas Republican congressmen. There were twenty-two Democrats in the national delegation. Democratic incumbent J. T. Rutherford's ties to Estes were the main cause of his defeat. Foreman, however, was defeated two years later in the Johnson-Humphrey landslide.

    Although Estes went to prison, his conviction was later overturned by the United States Supreme Court in Estes v. Texas, 381 U.S. 532 (1965). His appeal hinged upon television cameras and broadcast journalists having been allowed in the courtroom, depriving him of a fair trial. He prevailed by a narrow 5-4 vote.

    Allegations and conspiracy theories

    After his release from jail and LBJ's death, Estes began making allegations regarding Johnson. According to the authors of The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Estes claimed to have funneled millions of dollars into Johnson's pockets from the cotton allotment scam. Although some contributions are a matter of record, Johnson denied the bribery charges.

    The Estes case also figures prominently in the best-selling book A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power by the Texas historian J. Evetts Haley.[5]

    Estes later claimed Johnson was involved in a conspiracy to murder witnesses in the Estes trial as part of a wider conspiracy related to the Kennedy assassination . In 1984, Estes' lawyer, Douglas Caddy, wrote to the Department of Justice claiming that Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Malcolm "Mac" Wallace, and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of Henry Marshall, George Krutilek, Harold Orr, Ike Rogers and his secretary, Coleman Wade, the president's sister Josefa Johnson, John Kinser and John F. Kennedy. Caddy added, "Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders."[6]

    Estes agreed to provide supporting proof to the FBI, which proffered immunity in exchange but Estes ultimately refused to produce any evidence.

    Critics suggest Estes' claims of his involvement in a wide conspiracy involving mass murder and political assassination were motivated by the desire of a convicted felon to deflect responsibility for his own criminal behavior and later as a means of generating publicity for the purpose of selling a book he had written.

    Billie Sol Estes in popular culture

    Folk-protest singer Phil Ochs wrote a song about the incident called "The Ballad of Billie Sol." Allan Sherman performed a parody folksong (co-written with Lou Busch): "Oh, Look What You've Done, Billie Sol, Billie Sol," as did Jesse Lee Turner: mp3.[7][8][9] The Chad Mitchell Trio performed "The Ides of Texas" about him as well. More recently, Houston-based singer/songwriter David Brake wrote the song "Swindler" about Estes and performed it with That Damn Band. Estes' professed active membership in the Churches of Christ was a cause of some discussion among his fellow parishioners.[10]


    ^ "Billie Sol Estes and the JFK assassination". http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbakerB.html.

    ^ "Same reference above". http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbakerB.html.

    ^ "The Estes Documents". http://home.earthlink.net/~sixthfloor/estes.htm.

    ^ "Henry Marshall". http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKmarshallH.htm.

    ^ Haley, J. Evetts (March 9, 1964), A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power, Palo Duro Press, ISBN 1568490097

    ^ Livingstone, Harrison (July 6, 2006), The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy: Stunning Evidence, Trafford Publishing, ISBN 1412040558

    ^ http://rcs-discography.com/rcs/ss/09/ss9192.mp3

    ^ GNP Crescendo (RCS Label Listing) at rcs.law.emory.edu

    ^ Jesse Lee Turner: GNP Crescendo 188 at rcs.law.emory.edu

    ^ Leroy Garrett (1962 February), The Church of Billie Sol Estes, Restoration Review, Volume 4 Issue 2.

    Further reading

    Duscha, Julius (1964) Taxpayers' Hayride: The farm problem from the New Deal to the Billie Sol Estes case Little, Brown, Boston, Massachusetts, OCLC 360916

    Estes, Billie Sol (2004) Billie Sol Estes: a Texas Legend BS Production, Granbury, Texas, OCLC 61207259; an autobiography

    Estes, Pam (1983) Billie Sol: King of Texas wheeler-dealers Noble Craft Books, Abilene, Texas, ISBN 0-915733-00-5; a biography by his daughter

    Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee (1966) Operations of Billie Sol Estes: eighth report by the Committee on Government Operations Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, House Committee on Government Operations, United States Congress, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., OCLC 35

    Staff (25 May 1962) "Investigations: Decline & Fall" Time Magazine an account of the Billie Sol Estes scandal; Time cover: "The Billie Sol Estes Scandal" 25 May 1962

    “Billie Sol Estes” is strongly related to:

    Lyndon B. Johnson John F. Kennedy Estes v. Texas The Men Who Killed Kennedy Lou Busch J. T. Rutherford Ed Foreman Bruce Alger J. Evetts Haley Chad Mitchell Trio Reeves County, Texas Collateral Quota Felon Taylor County, Texas Allan Sherman Phil Ochs Pecos, Texas Ranch Accountant Hubert Humphrey Autopsy Bribery Fertilizer Carbon monoxide John F. Kennedy assassination United States Department of Agriculture Abilene, Texas Irrigation Ammonia United States Department of Justice Fraud Assassination Vice President of the United States Natural gas Federal Bureau of Investigation Cotton Prison Historian Suicide

    SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOUR FORUM> I tried to post this in the SOUTH KNOLL #2 thread in answer to Peter Lemkin's questions. It would not load or post.


    "... Tosh, do you remember anyone you were flying in or out with large communication devices such as that which seems to be under 'Gaitor's' jacket? Did Sergio have one that size and shape? ...".

    Anws; YES. If you remember I told you that, "...the communications were not in place and things were all F'ed up... nobody was where they were supposed to be and the radios did not work right..". (note; the 'crystals' in the had held (walki-talkie type radios of the time) were not set to the same frequencies and some of the team could not communicate with each other because of this) Also, when you were working with Tom Wilson on the south side photo, I told you, and when I did talk very briefly on the phone in Boulder Colorado with Tom while you were there, I told him about the radio's and that Sergio had a radio and I had a clip board. This was in reference to the two objects Tom had said he had found in the picture that were in our hands.

    You said I had a camara and I said after a heated debate that you were wrong, it was a "clip board for taking notes and diagrams. Sergio did have a walkie-talkie type radio. That was one reason I later told some that I thought it was Gator sitting on the curb .., and I also told you, ".. he (Gator) had a radio in his pocket", That was when Tom and others thought Gator had a gun..., and you sometime later,said it was indeed a gun. We debated, to put it mildly, that issue. I said it WAS not a gun. I again said no you it was a radio. I do remember.

    Question: "...heard some talk that while not clear someONE was being waited for and some aspects of what was said made you think it might have been Oswald they were waiting for. ...".

    That was some years later that I said, in answer to that question: "... I said it COULD have been Oswald, but I did not know for sure and that would be speculation on my part".... I did say I thought we were waiting on a "Marine", which Could have been Oswald but I did not know for sure. ( heard from basic talk from some of the crew) The impressions I had at the time there was no name that I knew of. As to who we were waiting for, in my mind at that time, it could have been anybody. I did think, in a passing thought, that it could have been Roselli. But nobody responded to that answer, or wainted to hear that.

    Question: Also about the original flight plans back that changed and the mention of meeting-up with a former Eastern Pilot. Care to comment on that?

    Answer: Yes. From what I remember the flight out of Dallas (no flight plan filed) was to originally fly back to Houston Texas where (I thought) I would go back to Florida on another flight and the DC-3 would be flown back to West Palm by an Eastern Airline pilot. I was told another flight out of Red Bird went to Wichita Falls, Texas near the AFB there.

    Sometimes people just don't listen or read what is said. From my view point I feel some answers they do not want to hear or read. Perhaps because they just don't fit into the scope of things as they see them.

  24. Celerino "Celle" Castillo

    inmate: 11807-280

    Federal Prison Camp, La Tuna

    P.O.Box 8000

    Anthony. New Mexico, 88021

    A real Mess and a Real injustice

    If your really interested in injustice, then you should become familiar with this case. I worked with Celle in Central America and in the Iran-contra. There is no doubt in my mind and that of others that Celle was setup to cover the sins of two administrations and the CIA Mexico drug for guns affair..., of which very few Americans really know the truth of those secret operations. I post it here for anyone that is interested and in hopes of aiding Celle in his personal fight to obtain Justice from a very corrupt system.., and too, to obtain his freedom. I'll put my life on the line for my friends and collegues.., thats all us Ops boys have left in the political corruption of these days. Tosh Plumlee

    Task Force Seven OMC/235 CIA COG AMSOG American Mexico Specialized Operations Group/ CIA-MI

    Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd

    2709 North 28 1/2 Street

    McAllen, TX. 78501



    --- On Sat, 7/11/09, celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net> wrote:

    From: celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net>

    Subject: Re: THE STORY

    To: xxxxxxxx

    Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 9:27 AM





    “You’ve never lived till you’ve almost died. For those who fight for it, Life has a flavor, the protected will never know.”

    Jim Lamotte & Ricardo Davis

    Green Berets in Vietnam

    July 04, 2009

    As I have stood in the cross hairs of those who target Second Amendment freedoms, I had realized that firearms’ trafficking was not the only target my government had initiated against me.

    After years as an “expert witness” for the defense, I still believed in our judicial process in obtaining “checks & balances”, because the function of justice is to serve truth. However, at the end of the day, it became inevitable that it was business as usual in how our government continues to tear the fabric of our constitution. The main purpose of the Constitution is supposed to be to protect the citizens from our government.

    People have continued to ask as to why I did not contest my case in a trial jury. First, I found that I did not have the funds to take my case to trial. Therefore, I had to settle with hiring my attorney Roberto Eddie DE LA GARZA on April 14, 2008, for a plea out agreement for approximately $5,000.00. Second, my 84-year-old mother strongly advised me to take a plea because she did not want to pass while her only son was incarcerated.

    On January 30, 2009, my appeal attorney filed an Amended Motion for Release Pending Appeal citing Sixth Amendment right to effective representation.

    In January of 2009, the Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson ordered a hearing on the motion for February 19, 2009.

    On February 18, 2009, Assistant United States Attorney, State Bar 24062266, Mark ROOMBERG filed a Government’s Response to Defendant’s Amended Motion for Release Pending Sentence.

    On February 19, 2009, the Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson did not ruled on my motion to release pending appeal; until he had heard a brief from my attorney for a later date. However Judge Furgeson did extend my self-surrender date to July 20, 2009, giving me the opportunity in assisting my attorney on the case. Reason given was that my former attorney, DE LA GARZA, had hijacked my file from October of 2008 to February of 2009.

    On October 22, 2008, on my attorney’s advised, I plead out to two counts Superseding Information:

    · Count One: Conspiracy to Traffic in firearms without a Firearms License;

    · Count Two: Trafficking in Firearms without a License.

    I was sentence to 37 months incarceration. The Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson had at first order my self-surrender for March 5, 2008.

    On June 18, 2009, Public Defender, Judy Fulmer Madewell, my appeal attorney, filed a Brief Appeal to the Honorable Judge Royal Ferguson in reference to my appeal on Ineffective Council “conflict of interest” and the district court’s erred in applying a four-level increase to the offense level.

    On June 30, 2009, the judge, Order Setting Status Conference for July 10, 2009, ten days before my self-surrender date of July 20, 2009.

    History of the Case

    On March 6, 2008, I was illegally arrested in San Antonio, Texas by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives Special Agent Allen DARILEK and ICE Special Agent Marcus SEXTON. Their Criminal Complaint was filed on March 05, 2008 and signed by United States Magistrate Judge, John W. Primomo. The said complaint was authored by agent DARILEK.

    As I read the complaint, I could not believe the absurd and outlandish allegations that he had sworn.

    · COUNT ONE: (PERJURY): The act or an instance of a person deliberately making false or misleading statements while under oath. AGENT DARILEK swore to this criminal complaint.

    First and foremost, DARILEK alleged that I had conspired with a convicted felon, Dominick Colombrito, in purchasing weapons at a gun show. I attempted to convince DARILEK that Mr. Colombrito was not a convicted felon because he sold weapons with a Federal license. I question DARILEK if Mr. Colombrito had been taken into custody; Agent DARILEK assured me that he had been arrested. DARILEK, in a pretext, displayed a mug shot of Mr. Colombrito. On April 03, 2008, I received a telephone call from Mr. Colombrito assuring me that he was not a convicted felon and that he has never been arrested by a federal agency. In my opinion, agent DARILEK manufactured this evidence because this was the only way he could arrest me because I was not a prohibited person, nor the individual who had sold me the weapons. Agent DARILEK knowingly and intentionally violated my constitutional rights. The question is did the Assistant United State Attorney Mark ROOMBERG approved the complaint before it was sworn to. According to the Domestic Operations Guidelines: “The United States Attorney shall be consulted…shall be furnished progress reports of the investigation at regular intervals to ASSURE APPROPRIATE PARTICIPATION BY PROSECUTING OFFICIALS.

    · COUNT TWO: PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT is a procedural defense; via which, a defendant may argue that they should not be held criminally liable for actions which may have broken the law, because the prosecution acted in an “inappropriate” or “unfair” manner. Such arguments may involve allegations that the prosecution withheld evidence or knowingly permitted false testimony.

    ROOMBERG failed to report to the court and the defense, that agent DARILEK had manufacture evidence in his complaint. The law is very clear. If a federal employee receives information that another federal employee committed a crime and fails to report it, he himself has just committee a crime.

    DE LA GARZA also failed to bring this information to the court.

    · COUNT THREE: CIVIL RIGHT VIOLATION (Fourth Amendment) prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures.

    In the “end justifies the means,” BATFE agent Daniel CASEY (McAllen Field Office) conducted one of the most grievous atrocities an agent can commit. On March 06, 2008, he illegally search my residence by coercion threatened the owner that if she did not give permission to search the house, he was going to call the police, news media, and wait for my grandkids to get home so they could witness the search. This allegation was made in front of the other agents, which included ATF agent Robert FLORES

    · COUNT FOUR: SELECTIVE PROSECUTION is a procedural defense in which a defendant argues that they should not be held criminally liable for breaking the law, as the criminal justice system discriminated against them by choosing to prosecute. In a claim of selective prosecution, a defendant essentially argues that it is irrelevant whether they are guilty of violating a law, but that the fact of being prosecuted is based upon forbidden reasons. Such a claim might, for example, entail an argument that persons of different age, race, religion, or gender, were engaged in the same illegal actions for which the defendant is being tried and were not prosecuted, and that the defendant is only being prosecuted because of a bias. In the U.S., this defense is based upon the 14th Amendment, which requires that “nor shall any state deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    For several months the informant in this case Jay LEMIRE was not arrested in my case until I threaten to expose it to the judge. The government in an attempt to avoid this violation was forced to arrest LEMIRE. Injustice is evident when as you are made aware that LEMIRE received five years probations for the same violations I had been charged with.


    Another allegation on DARILEK’S complaint was that I had sold weapons outside the United States.

    This allegation was without merit or any evidence whatsoever. U.S. Magistrate John W. Primomo did not buy into it and dismissed the charge. Yet, Judge FERGUSON took the allegation to weight against me into the federal guideline on my sentencing.

    Brief for the Defense/-Appellant In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit U.S. v. Celerino Castillo, III

    Page 7: No. 08-51144

    The Government admitted that it had no “proof that he was selling to prohibited person.” “We suspect and we can’t prove that, yes, these guns were going south of the border.”

    On April 29, 2008, I met DE LA GARZA at the Embassy Suites in McAllen, Texas. DE LA GARZA was in town for a meeting with head of the U.S. Attorney Office in McAllen (Leonard). I question DE LA GARZA what his business was with the U.S. Attorney. Finally, DE LA GARZA confessed that his son, Andrew DE LA GARZA, Criminal No. M-07-141-2 had been arrested on February 2007 in South Texas by BATFE. He had been arrested for straw purchases and other serious gun violations by the BATFE. I warned DE LA GARZA that he needed to address the court to see if there was a conflict of interest on his behalf. It was later reveal that there were allegations that two BATFE agents Robert FLORES and Daniel CASEY had been involved in both of our cases. See BATFE

    EF 3120.2 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION prepared by SA Robert FLORES dated 03-06-08: on the consent search of my parent’s resident. Also see BATFE EF 3120.2 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION prepared by SA Daniel P. CASEY dated 03-06-08 on the consent to search of my residents. He assured me that there was no conflict. This should have been my first red flag on what I suspected that DE LA GARZA was up to. I also requested him to file a motion on Outrageous Government Conduct in regards to the Criminal Complaint. Our lunch was cut short; because he had the appointment at 1:30PM with the U.S. Attorney Office. DE LA GARZA admitted that both he and Leonard had gone to law school together. He also stated that he had paid Jack Wolf $50,000.00 to make sure that his got off the criminal charge. As of this month DE LA GARZA’S son is now down to one count of the 5 (five) counts he had original be charged with.


    I requested from my attorney a copy of the Grand Jury transcripts of the Criminal Indictment of what agent DERILEK AND AUSA MARK ROOMBERG had testified to. I suspect the Government had failed to turn over the Grand Jury transcripts on Discovery for obvious reasons. DE LA GARZA assured me that there were no grand jury transcripts. That should have been my second “red flag” for me, but I trusted DE LA GARZA because our families went way back in History. As you will learn later, I was deeply mistaken. DE LA GARZA continued to promise that he would file the Motions.

    In June 2008, I pled out to the two counts of a federal indictment. Guilty pleas in the absence of trial prevented the judicial search engine from finding out what actually had happened, thus impeding the pursuit of truth. In other words, I pled out to two bogus charges.

    For this hearing, the government gave a head’s up to a young female reporter, who walks the halls of justice for last minute hearings on a Friday

    afternoon. I noticed ROOMBERG texting on his cell phone. Within one hour after my plea, it was on the radio airways. By the time, I got home, (four hours later) it was on the local television station. The following morning it was in the local newspaper. I certainly would love to pull ROOMBERG’S cell phone calls/texts to see whom he was calling while in the courtroom. I certainly hope that this information will be revealed when an inquiry is initiated on to how my case was mishandled by the government.

    Could there also been a telephone call or text to AUSA Toni TREVINO of the McAllen office? She is the prosecutor who is now being sued by a former client (defendant) where she withheld evidences in his trial, plus other serious allegations where transcripts were allegedly altered. The federal courts of appeals are just sick to death of prosecutorial misconduct and not being able to do anything about it in the Bush administration. This is a shot across the prosecution’s bow. This AUSA allegedly had a meltdown in federal judge, Ricardo Hinojosa’s courtroom. The allegation is that she started to cry because she had lost a case and started blabbering, “it’s not fair”. She is the same AUSA who had a DEA agent, Amanda DAVIS commit perjury before a grand jury. This is a fact. AUSA TREVINO also allegedly received information that someone had changed the transcripts of a hearing, where she had been chastised by a federal judge for breaking a plea agreement. She failed to report this allegation to the proper authorities for criminal investigation. AUSA TREVINO is married to Benito TREVINO, an alleged former Republican chairman for Starr County. This picture should start to get clearer. TREVINO once forewarned a defense attorney (Shelby Wisefield) that I best be careful in what I did against the government, because she was going to do everything in her power to get me arrested. The picture is not that blurry now.

    For the past several months, I vigorously attempted to address my concerns to the government through my attorney. I felt my attorney was reluctant in addressing my issues.

    On September 2008, I received a telephone call from DE LA GARZA who stated that the government was dismissing my criminal case because they had failed to charge me with the proper charges. According to ROOMBERG, their office had allegedly been the first to initiated Polk vs. U.S. back in the late 1990s. So if they are the experts on Polk vs. US, why the eight months delay?

    See attached copies of Transcripts “Guilty Plea” dated October 01, 2008: Page 2: Line 3.


    We filed a motion to dismiss – he’d pled guilty but we filed a motion to dismiss indictment on a case that was pointed out to me…

    Let me take one step back. The reason we superceded was because our office discovered the Polk case because the plain language of the statute the defendant was initially charged…


    “Precludes an individual being charged with [a crime] where the straw purchaser bought a firearm for an individual who was not a prohibited person [such as a convicted felon]. The defendant [Castillo] was not a prohibited person.” [u.S. Attorney Johnny SUTTON]

    Also see copies of Transcripts “Sentencing hearing dated October 22, 2008: Page 7: line 14

    Go figure, on their intelligence or boldness of outrageous government misconduct. If our government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it has invited every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. The record will reflect that this district office of the criminal law continues that the “end justifies the means”. This would bring terrible retributions and unrestricted secrecy in unlimited corruption, as we can clearly see in this case.

    According to a New York Times, story dated April 15, 2009, by James C. McKinley Jr. “At gun shows in these states, (Texas) there is even less regulation. Private sellers, unlike licensed dealers, are not obligated to record the buyer’s name, much less report the sale to the A.T.F.”

    ROOMBERG made a federal case that I had not documented any names of the people I had sold guns too. I was given four-level increase for trafficking in firearms. My base offense level was 12 and then was shot up to 21. I was protected under the Second Amendment.

    On October 1, 2008, my case was being dismissed but not with a catch. The government was now charging me with, Trafficking in Guns without a License and Aiding and Abetting. I had to scan through the new pled agreement while in the courtroom. I asked my attorney, how was it possible for the government to prove that I sold a gun. There was never any evidence introduced to who I had sold the guns too. He assured me that the government could do what they wanted to do. He insisted that if I took the plea, I would more than likely received probation. This was the real deal, “the government would dismiss my case, and my attorney would convince me to plea out.” I argued my point to my attorney that in half of the gun shows weapons are routinely sold without a license. I soon learned that this was not the first time that this U.S. Attorney’s Office had initiated a plea agreement in the courtroom. The case was the involvement of the Lampazianie family who continue to proclaim their innocence – despite the fact that they each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy as part of a group plea bargain. The family members contend that the plea deal was slapped together in the courtroom just before the trial was set to begin in 1999. They also stress that the plea deal was not in writing and was presented to them as a last-chance offer before facing a trial they believed was fixed.

    · COUNT SEVEN: PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT “one of the most reprehensible things a prosecutor can do is to attempt to put into evidence before the court his own altered evidence.”

    Prior to signing the agreement ROOMBERG stated to my attorney that if I pled out to this new agreement that I would NOT lose my benefits. ROOMBERG assured my attorney that Jay LEMIRE was pleading to a similar charge, so that he would not lose his Social Security benefits. My attorney failed to obtain a written entry of my benefits into the plea agreement. DE LA GARZA also reported this allegation to Bill Conroy’s story dated February 01, 2009 title, ‘Iran/Contra whistleblower Cele Castillo increasingly looks like a framed man.’ “De La Garza also claims that in a discussion outside the courtroom that day, Oct. 1, Roomberg told him that Castillo would keep his benefits if he pled out to the new charges. And De La Garza says he relayed that information to Castillo.”


    …I – I will not in any way do anything to remove your benefits, but there – there are instances where I understand in a sentencing a federal judge can remove the benefits that people receive from either Social Security, the Veteran’s Administration, or whatever. It’s not my plan to do that. Is the Government planning to ask for that?


    No, Your Honor, In fact, in regards to the superseding information, the reason these particular charges were chosen, we could have picked another charge causing a false entry – causing a licensed firearm dealer to put a false entry into their book which would be more of a falsity crime and which to my understanding from talking to other attorneys would have a far greater impact than this would because it is not a criminal falsity crime, either the conspiracy or the one substantive count, it would not impact on that. I’m not an expert on that. We’re not taking a position on it. We’re certainly not seeking that from the Court. But that – That’s our position.


    “Well, that’s helpful, and I would not order it anyway. You’ve earned those benefits and –“

    My attorney once again assured me that there was no reason why the judge would not place me on probation, because I had no previous criminal record plus my health issues would be brought under consideration. He stated that in the worst scenario, I would get one year, and that I would self surrender in March of 2009.

    Between the 1st and the 22 of October 2008, I checked with the appropriate departments to recheck the status of my benefits. I checked with the Office of Personal Management (OPM) Government office and they advised me that I would loss every aspect of my retirement annuity if I was to be incarcerated for a felony charge. This would include my family’s health and life insurance (half a million dollars) that I have had for the past 28 years. I then proceeded to check with the Veterans Administration Benefits, and I was assured that my benefits would be reduced upon my incarceration in excess of over 60 days for a felony conviction. The amount not payable may be apportioned to a spouse, dependent children or parents. I finally contacted the Social Security Administration about my benefits and asked them that if I was incarcerated, would I lose my benefits. The individual further stated that no government court order would change their policy. The question remains as to how ROOMBERG was able to make these farfetched statements about me not losing my benefits.

    If our courts lose their authority and their rulings are no longer respected, there will be no one left to resolve the divisive issues that can rip the social fabric apart…The courts are a safety valve without which no democratic society can survive.

    Rose E. Bird,

    Chief Justice, Supreme Court of California

    On October 13, 2008, when I realized that DE LA GARZA had failed to address my concerns to the Judge Ferguson, I decided to address them, in a letter, to Judge Ferguson. On Oct. 22, 2008, Judge Ferguson confirms that he had received my letter of concern.

    On October 22, 2008, I presented myself for my arguments on my sentencing before Judge Royal Ferguson. We proceeded to address our five arguments (objections) that had been implemented on the new Pre Sentence Investigation Report, an unprecedented two hour sentencing. (See attachment) My attorney and I (mostly me) vigorously attempted to make my case on the following objections.

    The first was the objections to the number of weapons that the government was trying to implicate on me. The government could only submit proof of the last eight weapons that I had purchase from LEMIRE. Only four of those weapons were seized. ROOMBERG kept using the phrases to support the government’s position as “we believe”, “we think”, & “we suppose”. The judge, without any evidence, rejected our arguments.

    The second objection pertained to the trafficking in arms. We made our argument that I did not sell to a prohibited person or that that person was going to commit a crime with the guns, criteria for trafficking in arms. Once again, the government kept saying, “we believe”, “we think”, and “we suppose”. The motion was denied. I started to realize that the cards were stack against me. It was not going to make a difference what we argued; they were all going to be denied.

    See transcripts on “Sentencing” dated Oct. 22, 2008

    Page 11; Line12:


    Do we have proof that he was selling them to prohibited persons? NO!

    Clarification: This is what I said in regards to the above statements by ROOMBERG at my sentencing.

    Sentencing Transcripts October 22, 2008

    Page 22; Line 14:


    …The Government knows who it is You know, and he didn’t – didn’t break the law, you know. He bought them from me just like – just like another person. He has a Texas driver’s license, he’s from the U.S. and He’s not a prohibited person.

    My explanation was that the surveillance units had seen me meeting with the individual and had identified him through his license plate.

    ROOMBERG knew exactly whom the guns went to because the agents had followed me on surveillance when I delivered the shotguns in January 2008. Two agents, from two different agencies have written reports [REPORT OF INVESTIGATION] to that effect. Now may there be no mistake that the individual who took custody of the guns did in no way shape or form break the law by taking custody of the guns. He was not a prohibited person and the government knew this to be a fact. The agents on surveillance did not witness any guns exchange between this individual and me. This can be confirmed in their surveillance report. Once again the judge ruled against us.

    Page 29; Line 10:


    The majority of these guns he only knows by a nickname and a general area where they live … The types of guns are the FN 5.7 and the P 90 which are the assault rifles.”

    ROOMBERG lied about the P90 rifle. This weapon is nowhere to be found in my case. He just plain made up this allegation.

    PAGE 35; LINE 13


    You know, this – this is a close call for me. And it – I have struggled with it and struggled with it…


    …I’m just struggling with this. It seems to me that – if I can have more information about the purchaser, but the problem is that information seems to be pretty elusive.


    My attorney argued that under relevant conduct issue of trafficking that I should not be held accountable for conduct that has no basis or evidence to support the allegations the government was making that I was involved in trafficking of weapons outside the U.S. ROOMBERG addressed to the court that the government had no idea who the guns went to and that they only had a nickname to go by. Again, the judge ruled against us.

    On February 19, 2009, before the Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson, ROOMBERG made a serious allegation against me. He alleged, without any proof to the court that since by sentencing, the BATFE had traced two of the weapon in my case to have been found in Mexico. He identified them in his GOVERNMENT RESPOND TO DEFENDANT’S AMENDED MOTION FOR RELEASE PENDING SENTENCE; DATED February 18, 2009. The weapons in question were one FN-5.7x28 and a P-90 assault rifle. I warned my attorney that the P-90 assault rifle had no bearing in my case. This weapon was never mentioned in my case and that I strongly believe that ROOMBERG was once again lying to the court. ROOMBERG never mentioned if these weapons were used in a crime, just that they had been found. If ROOMBERG documented the P-90 from BATFE recorded indicating that they had been seized in Mexico he should had gotten the serial number and the model number. He failed to properly identify these weapons with serial numbers. It is a good indication that he was just manufacturing evidence. He never produced any identification for the courts. When I was first arrested by BATFE, their first statement was that they had found one of the guns in Mexico. This is the M.O that BATFE uses to intimidate a citizen.

    PAGE 9 of said motion: Governments Respond to Defendant’s Motion hearing February 19, 2009


    Based on new developments in this case, the government believes the defendant is a danger to the community as well. As discussed at sentencing, the government speculated that the guns Defendant, a resident who lived closed to the Mexican border, was purchasing in San Antonio via the straw purchaser were being smuggled to Mexico for nefarious purposed. Since sentencing, B ATFE has traced and located two of the “mata policias,” “cop killer,” weapons to Mexico-a FN 5.7 pistol and a FN PS-90 assault rifle…


    Page 19: line16:


    “That’s what these cop killing guns are meant for. They are not meant for shooting bambis. Bambi doesn’t wear flap jackets. You don’t need armor piercing bullets to go hunting.”

    During my sentencing and the latest hearing, ROOMBERG testified on numerous times the wrong amount of weapons I was being charge with. The official total was 35 weapons. He mentioned nine (9) times that there were 32 guns. He also falsified testimony on numerous occasions that that the FN 5.7x28 used armor piercing rounds, when they don’t. And about Bambi doesn’t wear flak jackets, it certainly would not matter because flak jackets are not bullet prove. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, a flak jacket vest is a form of protective clothing designed to provide protection from shrapnel and other indirect low velocity projectiles. But how would ROOMBERG know, he never served his country. I still owe a Vietnam era flak jacket.

    Page 20: line: 7


    “I would like to point out that it had Government’s response they mention two guns, one of which was an FN PS 90 assault rifle, but if you will look in the plea agreement or the indictment, there’s no such weapon directed. I would also like to point out that thought the prosecutor called the guns at issue cop killers, which they are called, according to the ATF government website, the FN 5.7, 5x7 times 28 – I don’t know to pronounce that part – millimeter is imported into the United – approved for importation into the United States as a sporting firearm. The ATF website also says the only ammunition that is approved for import into the United States is not armor piercing ammunition. That’s from the ATF’s own website.

    On January 13, 2009, I received a telephone call from Mrs. Madewell who advised me that she had for the past several months attempted to contact DE LA GARZA to no avail. She stated that she has not worked on my appeal because DE LA GARZA had not turned the file over to her or even spoke to him. She stated however, that her secretary had contacted him on several occasions where he had promise to turn the file to them. The appeal attorney claims that her office had offered to send one of their investigators to pick up the file; he decline. I asked her if he had to turn the file over to her and she replied that she thought that he did not have to. I then asked how she was going to file the appeal. She stated that she could not file the appeal without knowing the proper information. An appointment was made to meet with her the following week.

    On March 03, 2009, two days, before my first self-surrender, I finally received my attorney’s notes dated June 26, 2008. The notes will prove without reasonable doubt that ROOMBERG lied to the court. The notes indicate: the full name of the individual that purchase said weapons from me. Second: The surveillance unit had identified his truck with paper plates. (See surveillance reports by agents) And most significant: ROOMBERG made MapQuest from his computer in identifying the individual.


    The act by which one or more persons attempt to prevent, or do prevent, the execution of lawful process.

    At the prosecutor’s table, ICE agent Marcus SAXTON set in both my plea hearing and my sentencing, never once corrected ROOMBERG’S untruthfulness. Case agent Allen DARILEK never showed up to my last three court proceedings.

    The third objection was to relevant conduct-leadership role. The gun deals were between the “snitch” Jay LEMIRE and me. The government once again, “we believe”, “we think”, and “we suppose”. If the government was adamant in not knowing whom I was giving the guns too, how could there be leadership involvement between LEMIRE and myself? We were once again denied.

    Finally, we objected to a downward departure due to health and family under Sec. H of the sentencing guidelines & USC 3553. After receiving Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Vietnam and with the Drug Enforcement Administration, the judge found no compassion for a worn out veteran of three wars, who had placed his life on the line, on several occasions, to preserve his country. Apparently, it was not good enough. Denied.

    The Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson strongly denied that I was a danger to the community and so did the Probation Department.

    There is no proof the 32 guns he bought through a straw purchaser ended up in cartel hands. “BUT PROSECUTOR SAYS THAT CAN BE ASSUMED BECAUSE MANY OF THEM – 23 WERE HANDGUNS THAT CAN FIRE ARMOR-PIERCING AMMO…”

    I was sentenced to 37 months incarceration for my actions. The judge was kind enough to allow me to self-surrender and ordered my surrender for March 05, 2009. The question is how did DE LA GARZA know this back in October 2008 as to when I was going to self-surrender in March?

    The Narco News Story wrote a story in regards to the wrong doing in my case reference to The United States Attorney’s Office. Both DE LA GARZA and I were interview for said story. I assumed it was ok to do the interview since ROOMBERG has been interviewed by the San Antonio Express News on their story of gun running, dated December 14, 2008. The next three entries are from the newspaper story.

    · “We think the person sending the drugs and Receiving the guns are the same, “prosecutor ROOMBERG SAID.

    · Prosecutors and BATFE said they hadn’t heard of Castillo before his arrest in March.

    Both prosecutors and BATFE agents had heard of me prior to my arrest. The BATFE had initiated their case against me back in January 2008. Anyone in law enforcement knows that when you initiate a case on an individual, you run his name with all other law enforcement. Because of my activism, and history as an “expert witness” for the defense, they certainly knew of it. I am known in government files believe me. Let’s not forget the sting operation with a television station I was involved against BATFE at the Pharr gun show in January 2008 year. The BATFE was allegedly committing racial profiles on U.S. citizens.

    As for the prosecutors not knowing me, well how soon do they forget when I testified against the government, as an “expert witness,” in the same courtroom where I was sentence? It was the Arturo Gutierrez case. This was where the government was caught breaking the law. This was a sting operation by the FBI against several San Antonio police officers. In that case, the case FBI agent, Manny Ramirez was fired and his supervisors were asked to resign because of their misconduct.

    Now, I am not a conspiracy theorist, but this cannot go uncheck. Let’s see if we can use ROOMBERG’s allegations or (method of operation) that he used to convict me without any proof. It was revealed that when DE LA GARZA took on my case, he was under investigation by the State Bar for stealing approximately $30,000 from client/clients. For the complete story, visit the Texas State Bar web site on this month (January 2008) magazine.

    On October 15, 2008, DE LA GARZA received a notice from the Texas State Bar that he was to be suspended for one year, starting Nov. 01, 2008. On October 22, 2008, DE LA GARZA represented me at my sentencing, still deceiving me from his investigation. During my sentencing, the judge had stated that I have waived the right to appeal my sentencing. As for DE LA GARZA, he had misrepresented me from the very beginning.

    On October 28, 2008, DE LA GARZA emailed me and attached documents for my appeal on my sentencing. A note on the email: “I am enclosing the documents you have requested. Please print, sign where indicated and send to the clerk of the court by fedez or ups so it gets there NO LATER THAN FRIDAY. Appears you must personally sign the appeal etc. The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is saying I guess. Questions-call me. Remember you need to send the original NOTIC OF APPEAL and one copy and the original Motion for Court appointed Attorney and Once Copy. Must sign all in blue.” So, if I gave the right to appeal my sentence, why is he representing in filing for the appeal. In a phone called he stated that ROOMBERG had lied to the judge and that he had the notes to prove he had lied.

    In the middle of November of 2008, I spoke to my former attorney DE LA GARZA. He advised me that he had spoken to the attorney handling my appeal case and that he had turned over the file to her.

    On November 27, 2008, I received a letter from Public Defender appeal attorney, Mrs. Judy Madewell advising me that she would be handling my appeal on my sentencing. She also stated that if I needed any questions answered to contact her.

    Did ROOMBERG and DE LA GARZA conspire in order to convict me? Did ROOMBERG ignore the possibility of federal charges, if any, against DE LA GARZA on the State Bar’s findings? Numerous attempts by the Public Defender and me were made to attempt to retrieve my files from DE LA GARZA. He found no concerns or worries that the government would take any action against him. They are hoping that I will go to prison before this is expose and then, while I am inside, no one will listen or I will have an accident. This may-be, but all I can say to these individuals, that I am going to become the nightmare that their mother’s warned them about. Here is one reason why. When I finally received my files from DE LA GARZA, at the bottom of the file, I found a letter from ROOMBERG dated April 14, 2008, addressed to my former attorney. It allegedly contained a DVD of surveillance photos, which I never saw or knew that they existed. There was also an offer for me to plea out to one count, with an expiration of the offer April 28, 2008. I was never made of this offer by my attorney. I signed four different agreements with the Government, all with false information in them. The original one was asking for me to the seized firearms, laptop, and GPS. The Government never seized a laptop or GPS from me.

    So here, we are at the end of this story. The question to some would be why would the government come after me with bogus charges from the beginning? During the 1980s, I became an Iran/Contra Whistleblower against the Reagan/Bush administrations. I exposed our government as complicit in the drug trade and ARMS SMUGGLING. There were several bi-partisan investigations both in the House & Senate, which confirmed my allegations against the government. Several individuals involved in these atrocities, were convicted, but later pardoned. In addition, some of them continued to work for the Bush administration. Why was I targeted to the full extent of outrageous government conduct? I believe that U.S. Attorney Johnny SUTTON is very close to the BUSH family and I guess it was payback for all my allegations against the BUSH family.

    My fiasco has not been the only case the SUTTON administration has conducted. There is The House of Death, where he allowed an ICE informant to get away with murdering several people in Mexico with the knowledge of their handlers. There is also the prosecution of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. SUTTON allowed Osvaldo DAVILA to give false statements against the agents. As Congressman Rohrabacher once said, “Davila is a rotten habitual drug smuggler who should have been the target of SUTTON’S prosecution, instead of the agents.” Congressman Ted Poe also issued a statement on the Ramos/Compean appeal following a hearing in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, LA: “Today, before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, the US Attorney’s Office admitted that their star witness in the case against the agents, ‘told some lies’. The rest of us call that perjury. The fact that the prosecution knowingly allowed their witness to offer false testimony raises even more red lags about the overzealous prosecution of this case.”

    Many years ago, I took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States and have gladly fought for it on several occasions. I’ve continued this struggle, however this time it’s against the criminals in my own government. However, it certainly looks like I have lost this battle for my freedom, but I am desperately trying to learn to live to fight another day. It also bother’s the hack out of me as to how I am to interpret this struggle. There is no greater conflict in me with regards to how I feel about my government and how my government feels about me. All I have ever asked from the courts was for a chance to prove myself and asked for a fair and impartial opportunity, nothing that you yourself would not demand. Bottom line, I had been invited to a poker game and was handed a fix deck. I was brought up to believe, by my father, that beneath it all, we as Americans, are decent people, with an abiding scene of integrity and fair play.

    Back in 1996, I went before a Federal Grand Jury in Washington D.C, the same Grand Jury that former First Lady Hillary Clinton testified on “White Water”. I testified to the allegations of the CIA’s implications of murder, drug trafficking, and arms smuggling. I had been granted whistle blower status.

    In 1996, a great and honorable man, the Rev. Joseph Lowery invited Dick Gregory, Joe Madison, and I to a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. We were protesting the corruption in our government, specifically within the CIA and DEA. On that day, all three of them went to jail for me and the American people. On January 20, 2009, I saw the Rev. Joseph Lowery give the benediction at President’s Barack Obama swearing in. Come July 20, 2009, it will be my turn to carry the cross and become a political prisoner of my government. But before I do, I will utilize one other tool that has always worked on my spirit. I will conduct a pilgrimage to the federal court house in San Antonio.

    I certainly know that I am nowhere close to Senator Ted Stevens’ accomplishments, but I strongly believe the Prosecutorial Misconduct was more sever in my case then his. The judge in his case, Judge Emmet Sullivan has now held Justice Department lawyers in contempt for their Misconduct and most surprising has dismissed the case against Sen. Stevens. His investigation could lead to reprimands, disbarment, even criminal charges. I certainly hope that in the Senator’s case it will lead to more widespread reform – or at least more effective oversight – of a practice that is more common than many would like to admit, for quite human reasons. The United States Attorney General has gone where few before him, dared. Mr. Erik Holder should be praised for his actions on Sen. Steven’s case.

    ROOMBERG commented in the last hearing was, “that it was time for me to go to jail, for my wrong doing”. That maybe so come July 20, but in pointing out fact, our country can only move forward with confidence, only if it first cleans itself of its mistakes of the past. Checks and balances is what ordinary people are requesting in our judicial system. Whether ROOMBERG is punished for his action or not, we must never, ever accept the defense that somebody was “just following orders”.

    Also from the last hearing: ROOMBERG: “... the fact that he is a police officer and DEA shouldn’t treated more lenient. Anything, it should be – the court should use the message that no one is above the law, not the defendant, not anyone else.”

    Do you like apples ROOMBERG?

    According to the Department of Justice Press Release, Wednesday, May 13, 2009, “Deputy U.S. Marshal Pleads Guilty to Obstructing Justice by Witness Tampering.” And Express-News (05-14-2009) reporter Craig Kapitan: “Deputy Marshal draws probation” deputy Ben Bates was initially charged with obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and making a false statement to a federal agent --- all felonies with maximum punishments of either five or 10 years in prison, was allowed to plea to a misdemeanor charge of obstructing justice . He was sentence to one year of probation. How about them apples ROOMBERG? That is why it is called, “Selective Prosecution.”

    On April 10, 2009, my official complaint against the Government was hand carried by two veteran’s organization, Americas Last Patrol and a member of American G-I Forum, to the Office of Inspector General and the Civil Rights division at the Department of Justice. I am requesting for an inquiry of how my case was handle by the prosecution. However, I am fearful that the old guard is still present that will protect ROOMBERG. All I know is that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison, questioning myself that I should have done this or that.

    On February 27, 2009, I was awarded 100% disability from the Veterans Administration. However, it was not for my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (50%), but for my coronary artery disease. The VA revealed that I have chronic recurring congestive heart failure with two vessel coronary artery bypass graft. They also report that I have chronic congestive heart failure. Most significant I have (left) ventricular dysfunction with an ejection fraction of less than 30 percent. My incarcerated will certainly be my death sentence. But, as ROOMBERG would probably say, “they have doctors in prison”. I proudly served my country, and will continue to place my life on the line, so individuals, like ROOMBERG, are able to have that freedom.

    Democracy is two wolves & a lamb (Castillo)

    voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is

    an armed lamb contesting the vote.

    A true American patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his Government. I certainly earned those rights, even if it means going to jail.


    Celerino “Cele” Castillo, 3rd

    Former DEA Agent

    United States Army

    Combat Sgt. in Viet-Nam


    W.W.W. Powderburns. Info

    Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd

    2709 North 28 1/2 Street

    McAllen, TX. 78501



    From: Danny Romero <dromero90@yahoo.com>

    To: celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net>

    Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:57:36 AM

    Subject: Re: THE STORE


    --- On Fri, 7/10/09, celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net> wrote:

    From: celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net>

    Subject: THE STORE

    To: dromero90@yahoo.com

    Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 5:08 PM

    Danny, pls put this on web page.

    Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd

    2709 North 28 1/2 Street

    McAllen, TX. 78501



  25. Tosh Plumlee


    Join Date: Nov 2008

    Location: Las Cruces NM and Ligonier PA

    Posts: 300

    Celerino "Celle" Castillo

    inmate: 11807-280

    Federal Prison Camp, La Tuna

    P.O.Box 8000

    Anthony. New Mexico, 88021

    A real Mess and a Real injustice

    If your really interested in injustice, then you should become familiar with this case. I worked with Celle in Central America and in the Iran-contra. There is no doubt in my mind and that of others that Celle was setup to cover the sins of two administrations and the CIA Mexico drug for guns affair..., of which very few Americans really know the truth of those secret operations. I post it here for anyone that is interested and in hopes of aiding Celle in his personal fight to obtain Justice from a very corrupt system.., and too, to obtain his freedom. I'll put my life on the line for my friends and collegues.., thats all us Ops boys have left in the political corruption of these days. Tosh Plumlee

    Task Force Seven OMC/235 CIA COG AMSOG American Mexico Specialized Operations Group/ CIA-MI

    Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd

    2709 North 28 1/2 Street

    McAllen, TX. 78501



    --- On Sat, 7/11/09, celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net> wrote:

    From: celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net>

    Subject: Re: THE STORY

    To: xxxxxxxx

    Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 9:27 AM





    “You’ve never lived till you’ve almost died. For those who fight for it, Life has a flavor, the protected will never know.”

    Jim Lamotte & Ricardo Davis

    Green Berets in Vietnam

    July 04, 2009

    As I have stood in the cross hairs of those who target Second Amendment freedoms, I had realized that firearms’ trafficking was not the only target my government had initiated against me.

    After years as an “expert witness” for the defense, I still believed in our judicial process in obtaining “checks & balances”, because the function of justice is to serve truth. However, at the end of the day, it became inevitable that it was business as usual in how our government continues to tear the fabric of our constitution. The main purpose of the Constitution is supposed to be to protect the citizens from our government.

    People have continued to ask as to why I did not contest my case in a trial jury. First, I found that I did not have the funds to take my case to trial. Therefore, I had to settle with hiring my attorney Roberto Eddie DE LA GARZA on April 14, 2008, for a plea out agreement for approximately $5,000.00. Second, my 84-year-old mother strongly advised me to take a plea because she did not want to pass while her only son was incarcerated.

    On January 30, 2009, my appeal attorney filed an Amended Motion for Release Pending Appeal citing Sixth Amendment right to effective representation.

    In January of 2009, the Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson ordered a hearing on the motion for February 19, 2009.

    On February 18, 2009, Assistant United States Attorney, State Bar 24062266, Mark ROOMBERG filed a Government’s Response to Defendant’s Amended Motion for Release Pending Sentence.

    On February 19, 2009, the Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson did not ruled on my motion to release pending appeal; until he had heard a brief from my attorney for a later date. However Judge Furgeson did extend my self-surrender date to July 20, 2009, giving me the opportunity in assisting my attorney on the case. Reason given was that my former attorney, DE LA GARZA, had hijacked my file from October of 2008 to February of 2009.

    On October 22, 2008, on my attorney’s advised, I plead out to two counts Superseding Information:

    · Count One: Conspiracy to Traffic in firearms without a Firearms License;

    · Count Two: Trafficking in Firearms without a License.

    I was sentence to 37 months incarceration. The Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson had at first order my self-surrender for March 5, 2008.

    On June 18, 2009, Public Defender, Judy Fulmer Madewell, my appeal attorney, filed a Brief Appeal to the Honorable Judge Royal Ferguson in reference to my appeal on Ineffective Council “conflict of interest” and the district court’s erred in applying a four-level increase to the offense level.

    On June 30, 2009, the judge, Order Setting Status Conference for July 10, 2009, ten days before my self-surrender date of July 20, 2009.

    History of the Case

    On March 6, 2008, I was illegally arrested in San Antonio, Texas by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives Special Agent Allen DARILEK and ICE Special Agent Marcus SEXTON. Their Criminal Complaint was filed on March 05, 2008 and signed by United States Magistrate Judge, John W. Primomo. The said complaint was authored by agent DARILEK.

    As I read the complaint, I could not believe the absurd and outlandish allegations that he had sworn.

    · COUNT ONE: (PERJURY): The act or an instance of a person deliberately making false or misleading statements while under oath. AGENT DARILEK swore to this criminal complaint.

    First and foremost, DARILEK alleged that I had conspired with a convicted felon, Dominick Colombrito, in purchasing weapons at a gun show. I attempted to convince DARILEK that Mr. Colombrito was not a convicted felon because he sold weapons with a Federal license. I question DARILEK if Mr. Colombrito had been taken into custody; Agent DARILEK assured me that he had been arrested. DARILEK, in a pretext, displayed a mug shot of Mr. Colombrito. On April 03, 2008, I received a telephone call from Mr. Colombrito assuring me that he was not a convicted felon and that he has never been arrested by a federal agency. In my opinion, agent DARILEK manufactured this evidence because this was the only way he could arrest me because I was not a prohibited person, nor the individual who had sold me the weapons. Agent DARILEK knowingly and intentionally violated my constitutional rights. The question is did the Assistant United State Attorney Mark ROOMBERG approved the complaint before it was sworn to. According to the Domestic Operations Guidelines: “The United States Attorney shall be consulted…shall be furnished progress reports of the investigation at regular intervals to ASSURE APPROPRIATE PARTICIPATION BY PROSECUTING OFFICIALS.

    · COUNT TWO: PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT is a procedural defense; via which, a defendant may argue that they should not be held criminally liable for actions which may have broken the law, because the prosecution acted in an “inappropriate” or “unfair” manner. Such arguments may involve allegations that the prosecution withheld evidence or knowingly permitted false testimony.

    ROOMBERG failed to report to the court and the defense, that agent DARILEK had manufacture evidence in his complaint. The law is very clear. If a federal employee receives information that another federal employee committed a crime and fails to report it, he himself has just committee a crime.

    DE LA GARZA also failed to bring this information to the court.

    · COUNT THREE: CIVIL RIGHT VIOLATION (Fourth Amendment) prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures.

    In the “end justifies the means,” BATFE agent Daniel CASEY (McAllen Field Office) conducted one of the most grievous atrocities an agent can commit. On March 06, 2008, he illegally search my residence by coercion threatened the owner that if she did not give permission to search the house, he was going to call the police, news media, and wait for my grandkids to get home so they could witness the search. This allegation was made in front of the other agents, which included ATF agent Robert FLORES

    · COUNT FOUR: SELECTIVE PROSECUTION is a procedural defense in which a defendant argues that they should not be held criminally liable for breaking the law, as the criminal justice system discriminated against them by choosing to prosecute. In a claim of selective prosecution, a defendant essentially argues that it is irrelevant whether they are guilty of violating a law, but that the fact of being prosecuted is based upon forbidden reasons. Such a claim might, for example, entail an argument that persons of different age, race, religion, or gender, were engaged in the same illegal actions for which the defendant is being tried and were not prosecuted, and that the defendant is only being prosecuted because of a bias. In the U.S., this defense is based upon the 14th Amendment, which requires that “nor shall any state deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    For several months the informant in this case Jay LEMIRE was not arrested in my case until I threaten to expose it to the judge. The government in an attempt to avoid this violation was forced to arrest LEMIRE. Injustice is evident when as you are made aware that LEMIRE received five years probations for the same violations I had been charged with.


    Another allegation on DARILEK’S complaint was that I had sold weapons outside the United States.

    This allegation was without merit or any evidence whatsoever. U.S. Magistrate John W. Primomo did not buy into it and dismissed the charge. Yet, Judge FERGUSON took the allegation to weight against me into the federal guideline on my sentencing.

    Brief for the Defense/-Appellant In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit U.S. v. Celerino Castillo, III

    Page 7: No. 08-51144

    The Government admitted that it had no “proof that he was selling to prohibited person.” “We suspect and we can’t prove that, yes, these guns were going south of the border.”

    On April 29, 2008, I met DE LA GARZA at the Embassy Suites in McAllen, Texas. DE LA GARZA was in town for a meeting with head of the U.S. Attorney Office in McAllen (Leonard). I question DE LA GARZA what his business was with the U.S. Attorney. Finally, DE LA GARZA confessed that his son, Andrew DE LA GARZA, Criminal No. M-07-141-2 had been arrested on February 2007 in South Texas by BATFE. He had been arrested for straw purchases and other serious gun violations by the BATFE. I warned DE LA GARZA that he needed to address the court to see if there was a conflict of interest on his behalf. It was later reveal that there were allegations that two BATFE agents Robert FLORES and Daniel CASEY had been involved in both of our cases. See BATFE

    EF 3120.2 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION prepared by SA Robert FLORES dated 03-06-08: on the consent search of my parent’s resident. Also see BATFE EF 3120.2 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION prepared by SA Daniel P. CASEY dated 03-06-08 on the consent to search of my residents. He assured me that there was no conflict. This should have been my first red flag on what I suspected that DE LA GARZA was up to. I also requested him to file a motion on Outrageous Government Conduct in regards to the Criminal Complaint. Our lunch was cut short; because he had the appointment at 1:30PM with the U.S. Attorney Office. DE LA GARZA admitted that both he and Leonard had gone to law school together. He also stated that he had paid Jack Wolf $50,000.00 to make sure that his got off the criminal charge. As of this month DE LA GARZA’S son is now down to one count of the 5 (five) counts he had original be charged with.


    I requested from my attorney a copy of the Grand Jury transcripts of the Criminal Indictment of what agent DERILEK AND AUSA MARK ROOMBERG had testified to. I suspect the Government had failed to turn over the Grand Jury transcripts on Discovery for obvious reasons. DE LA GARZA assured me that there were no grand jury transcripts. That should have been my second “red flag” for me, but I trusted DE LA GARZA because our families went way back in History. As you will learn later, I was deeply mistaken. DE LA GARZA continued to promise that he would file the Motions.

    In June 2008, I pled out to the two counts of a federal indictment. Guilty pleas in the absence of trial prevented the judicial search engine from finding out what actually had happened, thus impeding the pursuit of truth. In other words, I pled out to two bogus charges.

    For this hearing, the government gave a head’s up to a young female reporter, who walks the halls of justice for last minute hearings on a Friday

    afternoon. I noticed ROOMBERG texting on his cell phone. Within one hour after my plea, it was on the radio airways. By the time, I got home, (four hours later) it was on the local television station. The following morning it was in the local newspaper. I certainly would love to pull ROOMBERG’S cell phone calls/texts to see whom he was calling while in the courtroom. I certainly hope that this information will be revealed when an inquiry is initiated on to how my case was mishandled by the government.

    Could there also been a telephone call or text to AUSA Toni TREVINO of the McAllen office? She is the prosecutor who is now being sued by a former client (defendant) where she withheld evidences in his trial, plus other serious allegations where transcripts were allegedly altered. The federal courts of appeals are just sick to death of prosecutorial misconduct and not being able to do anything about it in the Bush administration. This is a shot across the prosecution’s bow. This AUSA allegedly had a meltdown in federal judge, Ricardo Hinojosa’s courtroom. The allegation is that she started to cry because she had lost a case and started blabbering, “it’s not fair”. She is the same AUSA who had a DEA agent, Amanda DAVIS commit perjury before a grand jury. This is a fact. AUSA TREVINO also allegedly received information that someone had changed the transcripts of a hearing, where she had been chastised by a federal judge for breaking a plea agreement. She failed to report this allegation to the proper authorities for criminal investigation. AUSA TREVINO is married to Benito TREVINO, an alleged former Republican chairman for Starr County. This picture should start to get clearer. TREVINO once forewarned a defense attorney (Shelby Wisefield) that I best be careful in what I did against the government, because she was going to do everything in her power to get me arrested. The picture is not that blurry now.

    For the past several months, I vigorously attempted to address my concerns to the government through my attorney. I felt my attorney was reluctant in addressing my issues.

    On September 2008, I received a telephone call from DE LA GARZA who stated that the government was dismissing my criminal case because they had failed to charge me with the proper charges. According to ROOMBERG, their office had allegedly been the first to initiated Polk vs. U.S. back in the late 1990s. So if they are the experts on Polk vs. US, why the eight months delay?

    See attached copies of Transcripts “Guilty Plea” dated October 01, 2008: Page 2: Line 3.


    We filed a motion to dismiss – he’d pled guilty but we filed a motion to dismiss indictment on a case that was pointed out to me…

    Let me take one step back. The reason we superceded was because our office discovered the Polk case because the plain language of the statute the defendant was initially charged…


    “Precludes an individual being charged with [a crime] where the straw purchaser bought a firearm for an individual who was not a prohibited person [such as a convicted felon]. The defendant [Castillo] was not a prohibited person.” [u.S. Attorney Johnny SUTTON]

    Also see copies of Transcripts “Sentencing hearing dated October 22, 2008: Page 7: line 14

    Go figure, on their intelligence or boldness of outrageous government misconduct. If our government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it has invited every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. The record will reflect that this district office of the criminal law continues that the “end justifies the means”. This would bring terrible retributions and unrestricted secrecy in unlimited corruption, as we can clearly see in this case.

    According to a New York Times, story dated April 15, 2009, by James C. McKinley Jr. “At gun shows in these states, (Texas) there is even less regulation. Private sellers, unlike licensed dealers, are not obligated to record the buyer’s name, much less report the sale to the A.T.F.”

    ROOMBERG made a federal case that I had not documented any names of the people I had sold guns too. I was given four-level increase for trafficking in firearms. My base offense level was 12 and then was shot up to 21. I was protected under the Second Amendment.

    On October 1, 2008, my case was being dismissed but not with a catch. The government was now charging me with, Trafficking in Guns without a License and Aiding and Abetting. I had to scan through the new pled agreement while in the courtroom. I asked my attorney, how was it possible for the government to prove that I sold a gun. There was never any evidence introduced to who I had sold the guns too. He assured me that the government could do what they wanted to do. He insisted that if I took the plea, I would more than likely received probation. This was the real deal, “the government would dismiss my case, and my attorney would convince me to plea out.” I argued my point to my attorney that in half of the gun shows weapons are routinely sold without a license. I soon learned that this was not the first time that this U.S. Attorney’s Office had initiated a plea agreement in the courtroom. The case was the involvement of the Lampazianie family who continue to proclaim their innocence – despite the fact that they each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy as part of a group plea bargain. The family members contend that the plea deal was slapped together in the courtroom just before the trial was set to begin in 1999. They also stress that the plea deal was not in writing and was presented to them as a last-chance offer before facing a trial they believed was fixed.

    · COUNT SEVEN: PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT “one of the most reprehensible things a prosecutor can do is to attempt to put into evidence before the court his own altered evidence.”

    Prior to signing the agreement ROOMBERG stated to my attorney that if I pled out to this new agreement that I would NOT lose my benefits. ROOMBERG assured my attorney that Jay LEMIRE was pleading to a similar charge, so that he would not lose his Social Security benefits. My attorney failed to obtain a written entry of my benefits into the plea agreement. DE LA GARZA also reported this allegation to Bill Conroy’s story dated February 01, 2009 title, ‘Iran/Contra whistleblower Cele Castillo increasingly looks like a framed man.’ “De La Garza also claims that in a discussion outside the courtroom that day, Oct. 1, Roomberg told him that Castillo would keep his benefits if he pled out to the new charges. And De La Garza says he relayed that information to Castillo.”


    …I – I will not in any way do anything to remove your benefits, but there – there are instances where I understand in a sentencing a federal judge can remove the benefits that people receive from either Social Security, the Veteran’s Administration, or whatever. It’s not my plan to do that. Is the Government planning to ask for that?


    No, Your Honor, In fact, in regards to the superseding information, the reason these particular charges were chosen, we could have picked another charge causing a false entry – causing a licensed firearm dealer to put a false entry into their book which would be more of a falsity crime and which to my understanding from talking to other attorneys would have a far greater impact than this would because it is not a criminal falsity crime, either the conspiracy or the one substantive count, it would not impact on that. I’m not an expert on that. We’re not taking a position on it. We’re certainly not seeking that from the Court. But that – That’s our position.


    “Well, that’s helpful, and I would not order it anyway. You’ve earned those benefits and –“

    My attorney once again assured me that there was no reason why the judge would not place me on probation, because I had no previous criminal record plus my health issues would be brought under consideration. He stated that in the worst scenario, I would get one year, and that I would self surrender in March of 2009.

    Between the 1st and the 22 of October 2008, I checked with the appropriate departments to recheck the status of my benefits. I checked with the Office of Personal Management (OPM) Government office and they advised me that I would loss every aspect of my retirement annuity if I was to be incarcerated for a felony charge. This would include my family’s health and life insurance (half a million dollars) that I have had for the past 28 years. I then proceeded to check with the Veterans Administration Benefits, and I was assured that my benefits would be reduced upon my incarceration in excess of over 60 days for a felony conviction. The amount not payable may be apportioned to a spouse, dependent children or parents. I finally contacted the Social Security Administration about my benefits and asked them that if I was incarcerated, would I lose my benefits. The individual further stated that no government court order would change their policy. The question remains as to how ROOMBERG was able to make these farfetched statements about me not losing my benefits.

    If our courts lose their authority and their rulings are no longer respected, there will be no one left to resolve the divisive issues that can rip the social fabric apart…The courts are a safety valve without which no democratic society can survive.

    Rose E. Bird,

    Chief Justice, Supreme Court of California

    On October 13, 2008, when I realized that DE LA GARZA had failed to address my concerns to the Judge Ferguson, I decided to address them, in a letter, to Judge Ferguson. On Oct. 22, 2008, Judge Ferguson confirms that he had received my letter of concern.

    On October 22, 2008, I presented myself for my arguments on my sentencing before Judge Royal Ferguson. We proceeded to address our five arguments (objections) that had been implemented on the new Pre Sentence Investigation Report, an unprecedented two hour sentencing. (See attachment) My attorney and I (mostly me) vigorously attempted to make my case on the following objections.

    The first was the objections to the number of weapons that the government was trying to implicate on me. The government could only submit proof of the last eight weapons that I had purchase from LEMIRE. Only four of those weapons were seized. ROOMBERG kept using the phrases to support the government’s position as “we believe”, “we think”, & “we suppose”. The judge, without any evidence, rejected our arguments.

    The second objection pertained to the trafficking in arms. We made our argument that I did not sell to a prohibited person or that that person was going to commit a crime with the guns, criteria for trafficking in arms. Once again, the government kept saying, “we believe”, “we think”, and “we suppose”. The motion was denied. I started to realize that the cards were stack against me. It was not going to make a difference what we argued; they were all going to be denied.

    See transcripts on “Sentencing” dated Oct. 22, 2008

    Page 11; Line12:


    Do we have proof that he was selling them to prohibited persons? NO!

    Clarification: This is what I said in regards to the above statements by ROOMBERG at my sentencing.

    Sentencing Transcripts October 22, 2008

    Page 22; Line 14:


    …The Government knows who it is You know, and he didn’t – didn’t break the law, you know. He bought them from me just like – just like another person. He has a Texas driver’s license, he’s from the U.S. and He’s not a prohibited person.

    My explanation was that the surveillance units had seen me meeting with the individual and had identified him through his license plate.

    ROOMBERG knew exactly whom the guns went to because the agents had followed me on surveillance when I delivered the shotguns in January 2008. Two agents, from two different agencies have written reports [REPORT OF INVESTIGATION] to that effect. Now may there be no mistake that the individual who took custody of the guns did in no way shape or form break the law by taking custody of the guns. He was not a prohibited person and the government knew this to be a fact. The agents on surveillance did not witness any guns exchange between this individual and me. This can be confirmed in their surveillance report. Once again the judge ruled against us.

    Page 29; Line 10:


    The majority of these guns he only knows by a nickname and a general area where they live … The types of guns are the FN 5.7 and the P 90 which are the assault rifles.”

    ROOMBERG lied about the P90 rifle. This weapon is nowhere to be found in my case. He just plain made up this allegation.

    PAGE 35; LINE 13


    You know, this – this is a close call for me. And it – I have struggled with it and struggled with it…


    …I’m just struggling with this. It seems to me that – if I can have more information about the purchaser, but the problem is that information seems to be pretty elusive.


    My attorney argued that under relevant conduct issue of trafficking that I should not be held accountable for conduct that has no basis or evidence to support the allegations the government was making that I was involved in trafficking of weapons outside the U.S. ROOMBERG addressed to the court that the government had no idea who the guns went to and that they only had a nickname to go by. Again, the judge ruled against us.

    On February 19, 2009, before the Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson, ROOMBERG made a serious allegation against me. He alleged, without any proof to the court that since by sentencing, the BATFE had traced two of the weapon in my case to have been found in Mexico. He identified them in his GOVERNMENT RESPOND TO DEFENDANT’S AMENDED MOTION FOR RELEASE PENDING SENTENCE; DATED February 18, 2009. The weapons in question were one FN-5.7x28 and a P-90 assault rifle. I warned my attorney that the P-90 assault rifle had no bearing in my case. This weapon was never mentioned in my case and that I strongly believe that ROOMBERG was once again lying to the court. ROOMBERG never mentioned if these weapons were used in a crime, just that they had been found. If ROOMBERG documented the P-90 from BATFE recorded indicating that they had been seized in Mexico he should had gotten the serial number and the model number. He failed to properly identify these weapons with serial numbers. It is a good indication that he was just manufacturing evidence. He never produced any identification for the courts. When I was first arrested by BATFE, their first statement was that they had found one of the guns in Mexico. This is the M.O that BATFE uses to intimidate a citizen.

    PAGE 9 of said motion: Governments Respond to Defendant’s Motion hearing February 19, 2009


    Based on new developments in this case, the government believes the defendant is a danger to the community as well. As discussed at sentencing, the government speculated that the guns Defendant, a resident who lived closed to the Mexican border, was purchasing in San Antonio via the straw purchaser were being smuggled to Mexico for nefarious purposed. Since sentencing, B ATFE has traced and located two of the “mata policias,” “cop killer,” weapons to Mexico-a FN 5.7 pistol and a FN PS-90 assault rifle…


    Page 19: line16:


    “That’s what these cop killing guns are meant for. They are not meant for shooting bambis. Bambi doesn’t wear flap jackets. You don’t need armor piercing bullets to go hunting.”

    During my sentencing and the latest hearing, ROOMBERG testified on numerous times the wrong amount of weapons I was being charge with. The official total was 35 weapons. He mentioned nine (9) times that there were 32 guns. He also falsified testimony on numerous occasions that that the FN 5.7x28 used armor piercing rounds, when they don’t. And about Bambi doesn’t wear flak jackets, it certainly would not matter because flak jackets are not bullet prove. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, a flak jacket vest is a form of protective clothing designed to provide protection from shrapnel and other indirect low velocity projectiles. But how would ROOMBERG know, he never served his country. I still owe a Vietnam era flak jacket.

    Page 20: line: 7


    “I would like to point out that it had Government’s response they mention two guns, one of which was an FN PS 90 assault rifle, but if you will look in the plea agreement or the indictment, there’s no such weapon directed. I would also like to point out that thought the prosecutor called the guns at issue cop killers, which they are called, according to the ATF government website, the FN 5.7, 5x7 times 28 – I don’t know to pronounce that part – millimeter is imported into the United – approved for importation into the United States as a sporting firearm. The ATF website also says the only ammunition that is approved for import into the United States is not armor piercing ammunition. That’s from the ATF’s own website.

    On January 13, 2009, I received a telephone call from Mrs. Madewell who advised me that she had for the past several months attempted to contact DE LA GARZA to no avail. She stated that she has not worked on my appeal because DE LA GARZA had not turned the file over to her or even spoke to him. She stated however, that her secretary had contacted him on several occasions where he had promise to turn the file to them. The appeal attorney claims that her office had offered to send one of their investigators to pick up the file; he decline. I asked her if he had to turn the file over to her and she replied that she thought that he did not have to. I then asked how she was going to file the appeal. She stated that she could not file the appeal without knowing the proper information. An appointment was made to meet with her the following week.

    On March 03, 2009, two days, before my first self-surrender, I finally received my attorney’s notes dated June 26, 2008. The notes will prove without reasonable doubt that ROOMBERG lied to the court. The notes indicate: the full name of the individual that purchase said weapons from me. Second: The surveillance unit had identified his truck with paper plates. (See surveillance reports by agents) And most significant: ROOMBERG made MapQuest from his computer in identifying the individual.


    The act by which one or more persons attempt to prevent, or do prevent, the execution of lawful process.

    At the prosecutor’s table, ICE agent Marcus SAXTON set in both my plea hearing and my sentencing, never once corrected ROOMBERG’S untruthfulness. Case agent Allen DARILEK never showed up to my last three court proceedings.

    The third objection was to relevant conduct-leadership role. The gun deals were between the “snitch” Jay LEMIRE and me. The government once again, “we believe”, “we think”, and “we suppose”. If the government was adamant in not knowing whom I was giving the guns too, how could there be leadership involvement between LEMIRE and myself? We were once again denied.

    Finally, we objected to a downward departure due to health and family under Sec. H of the sentencing guidelines & USC 3553. After receiving Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Vietnam and with the Drug Enforcement Administration, the judge found no compassion for a worn out veteran of three wars, who had placed his life on the line, on several occasions, to preserve his country. Apparently, it was not good enough. Denied.

    The Honorable Judge Royal Furgeson strongly denied that I was a danger to the community and so did the Probation Department.

    There is no proof the 32 guns he bought through a straw purchaser ended up in cartel hands. “BUT PROSECUTOR SAYS THAT CAN BE ASSUMED BECAUSE MANY OF THEM – 23 WERE HANDGUNS THAT CAN FIRE ARMOR-PIERCING AMMO…”

    I was sentenced to 37 months incarceration for my actions. The judge was kind enough to allow me to self-surrender and ordered my surrender for March 05, 2009. The question is how did DE LA GARZA know this back in October 2008 as to when I was going to self-surrender in March?

    The Narco News Story wrote a story in regards to the wrong doing in my case reference to The United States Attorney’s Office. Both DE LA GARZA and I were interview for said story. I assumed it was ok to do the interview since ROOMBERG has been interviewed by the San Antonio Express News on their story of gun running, dated December 14, 2008. The next three entries are from the newspaper story.

    · “We think the person sending the drugs and Receiving the guns are the same, “prosecutor ROOMBERG SAID.

    · Prosecutors and BATFE said they hadn’t heard of Castillo before his arrest in March.

    Both prosecutors and BATFE agents had heard of me prior to my arrest. The BATFE had initiated their case against me back in January 2008. Anyone in law enforcement knows that when you initiate a case on an individual, you run his name with all other law enforcement. Because of my activism, and history as an “expert witness” for the defense, they certainly knew of it. I am known in government files believe me. Let’s not forget the sting operation with a television station I was involved against BATFE at the Pharr gun show in January 2008 year. The BATFE was allegedly committing racial profiles on U.S. citizens.

    As for the prosecutors not knowing me, well how soon do they forget when I testified against the government, as an “expert witness,” in the same courtroom where I was sentence? It was the Arturo Gutierrez case. This was where the government was caught breaking the law. This was a sting operation by the FBI against several San Antonio police officers. In that case, the case FBI agent, Manny Ramirez was fired and his supervisors were asked to resign because of their misconduct.

    Now, I am not a conspiracy theorist, but this cannot go uncheck. Let’s see if we can use ROOMBERG’s allegations or (method of operation) that he used to convict me without any proof. It was revealed that when DE LA GARZA took on my case, he was under investigation by the State Bar for stealing approximately $30,000 from client/clients. For the complete story, visit the Texas State Bar web site on this month (January 2008) magazine.

    On October 15, 2008, DE LA GARZA received a notice from the Texas State Bar that he was to be suspended for one year, starting Nov. 01, 2008. On October 22, 2008, DE LA GARZA represented me at my sentencing, still deceiving me from his investigation. During my sentencing, the judge had stated that I have waived the right to appeal my sentencing. As for DE LA GARZA, he had misrepresented me from the very beginning.

    On October 28, 2008, DE LA GARZA emailed me and attached documents for my appeal on my sentencing. A note on the email: “I am enclosing the documents you have requested. Please print, sign where indicated and send to the clerk of the court by fedez or ups so it gets there NO LATER THAN FRIDAY. Appears you must personally sign the appeal etc. The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is saying I guess. Questions-call me. Remember you need to send the original NOTIC OF APPEAL and one copy and the original Motion for Court appointed Attorney and Once Copy. Must sign all in blue.” So, if I gave the right to appeal my sentence, why is he representing in filing for the appeal. In a phone called he stated that ROOMBERG had lied to the judge and that he had the notes to prove he had lied.

    In the middle of November of 2008, I spoke to my former attorney DE LA GARZA. He advised me that he had spoken to the attorney handling my appeal case and that he had turned over the file to her.

    On November 27, 2008, I received a letter from Public Defender appeal attorney, Mrs. Judy Madewell advising me that she would be handling my appeal on my sentencing. She also stated that if I needed any questions answered to contact her.

    Did ROOMBERG and DE LA GARZA conspire in order to convict me? Did ROOMBERG ignore the possibility of federal charges, if any, against DE LA GARZA on the State Bar’s findings? Numerous attempts by the Public Defender and me were made to attempt to retrieve my files from DE LA GARZA. He found no concerns or worries that the government would take any action against him. They are hoping that I will go to prison before this is expose and then, while I am inside, no one will listen or I will have an accident. This may-be, but all I can say to these individuals, that I am going to become the nightmare that their mother’s warned them about. Here is one reason why. When I finally received my files from DE LA GARZA, at the bottom of the file, I found a letter from ROOMBERG dated April 14, 2008, addressed to my former attorney. It allegedly contained a DVD of surveillance photos, which I never saw or knew that they existed. There was also an offer for me to plea out to one count, with an expiration of the offer April 28, 2008. I was never made of this offer by my attorney. I signed four different agreements with the Government, all with false information in them. The original one was asking for me to the seized firearms, laptop, and GPS. The Government never seized a laptop or GPS from me.

    So here, we are at the end of this story. The question to some would be why would the government come after me with bogus charges from the beginning? During the 1980s, I became an Iran/Contra Whistleblower against the Reagan/Bush administrations. I exposed our government as complicit in the drug trade and ARMS SMUGGLING. There were several bi-partisan investigations both in the House & Senate, which confirmed my allegations against the government. Several individuals involved in these atrocities, were convicted, but later pardoned. In addition, some of them continued to work for the Bush administration. Why was I targeted to the full extent of outrageous government conduct? I believe that U.S. Attorney Johnny SUTTON is very close to the BUSH family and I guess it was payback for all my allegations against the BUSH family.

    My fiasco has not been the only case the SUTTON administration has conducted. There is The House of Death, where he allowed an ICE informant to get away with murdering several people in Mexico with the knowledge of their handlers. There is also the prosecution of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. SUTTON allowed Osvaldo DAVILA to give false statements against the agents. As Congressman Rohrabacher once said, “Davila is a rotten habitual drug smuggler who should have been the target of SUTTON’S prosecution, instead of the agents.” Congressman Ted Poe also issued a statement on the Ramos/Compean appeal following a hearing in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, LA: “Today, before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, the US Attorney’s Office admitted that their star witness in the case against the agents, ‘told some lies’. The rest of us call that perjury. The fact that the prosecution knowingly allowed their witness to offer false testimony raises even more red lags about the overzealous prosecution of this case.”

    Many years ago, I took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States and have gladly fought for it on several occasions. I’ve continued this struggle, however this time it’s against the criminals in my own government. However, it certainly looks like I have lost this battle for my freedom, but I am desperately trying to learn to live to fight another day. It also bother’s the hack out of me as to how I am to interpret this struggle. There is no greater conflict in me with regards to how I feel about my government and how my government feels about me. All I have ever asked from the courts was for a chance to prove myself and asked for a fair and impartial opportunity, nothing that you yourself would not demand. Bottom line, I had been invited to a poker game and was handed a fix deck. I was brought up to believe, by my father, that beneath it all, we as Americans, are decent people, with an abiding scene of integrity and fair play.

    Back in 1996, I went before a Federal Grand Jury in Washington D.C, the same Grand Jury that former First Lady Hillary Clinton testified on “White Water”. I testified to the allegations of the CIA’s implications of murder, drug trafficking, and arms smuggling. I had been granted whistle blower status.

    In 1996, a great and honorable man, the Rev. Joseph Lowery invited Dick Gregory, Joe Madison, and I to a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. We were protesting the corruption in our government, specifically within the CIA and DEA. On that day, all three of them went to jail for me and the American people. On January 20, 2009, I saw the Rev. Joseph Lowery give the benediction at President’s Barack Obama swearing in. Come July 20, 2009, it will be my turn to carry the cross and become a political prisoner of my government. But before I do, I will utilize one other tool that has always worked on my spirit. I will conduct a pilgrimage to the federal court house in San Antonio.

    I certainly know that I am nowhere close to Senator Ted Stevens’ accomplishments, but I strongly believe the Prosecutorial Misconduct was more sever in my case then his. The judge in his case, Judge Emmet Sullivan has now held Justice Department lawyers in contempt for their Misconduct and most surprising has dismissed the case against Sen. Stevens. His investigation could lead to reprimands, disbarment, even criminal charges. I certainly hope that in the Senator’s case it will lead to more widespread reform – or at least more effective oversight – of a practice that is more common than many would like to admit, for quite human reasons. The United States Attorney General has gone where few before him, dared. Mr. Erik Holder should be praised for his actions on Sen. Steven’s case.

    ROOMBERG commented in the last hearing was, “that it was time for me to go to jail, for my wrong doing”. That maybe so come July 20, but in pointing out fact, our country can only move forward with confidence, only if it first cleans itself of its mistakes of the past. Checks and balances is what ordinary people are requesting in our judicial system. Whether ROOMBERG is punished for his action or not, we must never, ever accept the defense that somebody was “just following orders”.

    Also from the last hearing: ROOMBERG: “... the fact that he is a police officer and DEA shouldn’t treated more lenient. Anything, it should be – the court should use the message that no one is above the law, not the defendant, not anyone else.”

    Do you like apples ROOMBERG?

    According to the Department of Justice Press Release, Wednesday, May 13, 2009, “Deputy U.S. Marshal Pleads Guilty to Obstructing Justice by Witness Tampering.” And Express-News (05-14-2009) reporter Craig Kapitan: “Deputy Marshal draws probation” deputy Ben Bates was initially charged with obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and making a false statement to a federal agent --- all felonies with maximum punishments of either five or 10 years in prison, was allowed to plea to a misdemeanor charge of obstructing justice . He was sentence to one year of probation. How about them apples ROOMBERG? That is why it is called, “Selective Prosecution.”

    On April 10, 2009, my official complaint against the Government was hand carried by two veteran’s organization, Americas Last Patrol and a member of American G-I Forum, to the Office of Inspector General and the Civil Rights division at the Department of Justice. I am requesting for an inquiry of how my case was handle by the prosecution. However, I am fearful that the old guard is still present that will protect ROOMBERG. All I know is that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison, questioning myself that I should have done this or that.

    On February 27, 2009, I was awarded 100% disability from the Veterans Administration. However, it was not for my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (50%), but for my coronary artery disease. The VA revealed that I have chronic recurring congestive heart failure with two vessel coronary artery bypass graft. They also report that I have chronic congestive heart failure. Most significant I have (left) ventricular dysfunction with an ejection fraction of less than 30 percent. My incarcerated will certainly be my death sentence. But, as ROOMBERG would probably say, “they have doctors in prison”. I proudly served my country, and will continue to place my life on the line, so individuals, like ROOMBERG, are able to have that freedom.

    Democracy is two wolves & a lamb (Castillo)

    voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is

    an armed lamb contesting the vote.

    A true American patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his Government. I certainly earned those rights, even if it means going to jail.


    Celerino “Cele” Castillo, 3rd

    Former DEA Agent

    United States Army

    Combat Sgt. in Viet-Nam


    W.W.W. Powderburns. Info

    Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd

    2709 North 28 1/2 Street

    McAllen, TX. 78501



    From: Danny Romero <dromero90@yahoo.com>

    To: celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net>

    Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:57:36 AM

    Subject: Re: THE STORE


    --- On Fri, 7/10/09, celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net> wrote:

    From: celerino castillo <powderburns@prodigy.net>

    Subject: THE STORE

    To: dromero90@yahoo.com

    Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 5:08 PM

    Danny, pls put this on web page.

    Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd

    2709 North 28 1/2 Street

    McAllen, TX. 78501



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