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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. Jack White has been a fearless proponent for critical thought and fresh analysis in reference to the COLD WAR ERA photographic record and its relative cultural value in the commercial media....his concerns are my concerns, broadly if not point by point....witness the glossy photos lying about the Moon, resting on the landing gear, if my eyes don't deceive me ...

    Mr. Oswald had a false record that Jack White analysed critically, much to our common advantage and only due to his pioneering efforts........

    I will weigh Jack White's perception of a given photo against any other interpreter evenly and with careful attention to his interpretation.................

  2. Jack my friend.

    My wife disagrees.

    But you and I will go down in history.

    Knowing the truth of the bad Hasselblad frames, Apollo and all that...

    Call a spade a spade

    but the bad art direction of the second moon shot

    gives the NASA game away.

    Where are the stars?

    Where are the leaps?

    Abject perception, head down, they lie.......

  3. Makes you wonder what the CARLTON HOTEL 1952 meant to Richard Russell and Lyndon Johnson.

    Remember, Richard Russell was single handedly in charge of intelligence and military intelligence oversight in the Senate, as committee and subcommittee chair of the key Senate committees. He knew more than any man alive about joint operations, programs and plans. He knew he was being asked to cover up one of runaway programs that had completely gotten away from any congressional oversight whatsoever.

    He knew he was going to have to keep a straight face and protect his own life on this one.

    >>>>>>>>> :)

  4. No.

    The House findings came from one house of Congress, have general and vapid conclusions and bear little of the Presidential, Executive and Supreme Court impramatur that the Warren Commission findings STILL bear.

    The House committee reluctantly referred to a conspiracy, and naming no names, made it clear that OSWALD and RUBY were there prime conspiritors.

    The House Committee stayed within the confines of a mild bureaucratic oversight finction, rubberstamping false and evasive agency testimony and only pointing out the most glaring of mistakes in the Warren/FBI record.

    Who is in the conspiracy? They don't say, so people with a bent toward blindly naive patriotic defensiveness can claim quaint and absurd notions like:

    The KGB did it,

    Castro did it,

    or other HERRING sent upstream to spawn by sources like ANGLETON and FITZGERALD.

    It is extremely suspicious that MCADAMS follows this old, Warren Report, approach to every question.

    And NO, the FBI, Treasury, CIA and Military have never shown any signs of supporting any other findings than the WARREN COMMISSION.

    The joint agencies that killed Kennedy have not approved the 1978 House findings.

  5. John

    One of the State Department intelligence estimates officials who was on the wrong side of the analysis on Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction conclusions (he could find none) died mysteriously.

    I don't have his name but he perished by hurtling down the side of the State Department building, or Foggy Bottom. Suicide of course. Would have been a bit awkward to say "we pitched him out on his head" ....

    Landed in a basement window well.

    High Fall.

    Of course his little analysis group was the only one vindicated when the WMD hunt came up empty.

  6. A recent private email from a member asked me what I thought the agencies

    might have used against JFK in the security process, if they removed his clearance and removed him from power via an executive sanction:

    I wrote back:

    Hey XXXXXX,

    Yes, of course. The "problems" are the same ones that are exposed in his biographies. These are stressed by his opponents and downplayed by his supporters... Mary Meyer's friends knew very well that she shared her LSD-25 with JFK, and this relationship with her (the wife of CIA honcho Cord Meyer) I believe was pivotal, both in its extramarital and pharmacological aspects. Meyer's

    mysterious murder and CIA interest in her diary point to this being a well

    observed tryst (and trip).  After the MK ULTRA program, it is hard to believe

    a top executive could indulge in social LSD without some agency interest.

    This didn't occur in a vacuum, agency and military concern for Kennedy's

    "softness" on Communism and hostility to the CIA, etc., was the setting for

    the specific pretext of incapacity. The Addison's adrenal deficiency and

    subsequent injections of amphetamine were part of his file...the use of opiates

    for pain, and alleged marijuana use (no source-LA hearsay, sorry) were contributing. His "questionableness" probably goes back to FBI and ONI files concerning Inga Arvad (Inga BInga) during WWII. His array of sexual partners was a matter of interest, and of course Ellen Romesch, apparently an East German spy, could have been the last straw. The agencies (ONI, JCS security, NSA, CIA, DI, Treasury & FBI) may have had evidence from medical records of syphilis (rumored) which has neurological aspects.

    Your note hints at the charged partisan aspect of this theory.

    JFK lovers will shy away from the theory, suspecting that I am playing to his enemies in the manner of Seymour Hersh (Dark Camelot)...they think it might be true, but don't want to talk about it, because it does reflect back on John....

    Those on the right see the theory as a way to "slag" him, and probe for real dirt, and real security lapses.  They hope to prove the incapacity charge as a final coffin-nail on JFK. Since the 25th hadn't been passed yet, there was no legal way to sanction the President, if he was a security risk, except possibly through impeachment.  The 25th allows for a very streamlined "impeachment" by cabinet level executives---and it appears, to me, to normalize the sanction of November 1963...


    Thanks to members who forwarded the LANCER postings related to Kennedy's security file.

    Thank you to Dave Bodner for the feedback.

    Ex Poste Facto is often invoked, especially in issues of legitimacy, transition and sovereignty. In this case the 25th came in while Johnson was still in power, although he had been elected in his own right in 1964. The executives who made up the Cabinet and Joint Chiefs, the executives in the agencies gained ascendance somewhere along the line. Secretaries of the Navy, as John Simkin shows, had powerful ambitions and ruthless methods. Executive chiefs of the NSA 68 agencies had virtually limitless prerogatives. Culturally the concept of "EXECUTIVE ACTION or EXECUTIVE SANCTION were very much in the Air, as it were: OO7 James Bond was licensed to kill, the spy who came in from the cold was murdered, a few heads of state were murdered in the 1950's and 1960's, and a certain propaganda effort culminating in THE DAY OF THE JACKAL and EXECUTIVE ACTION really brought the issue to consciousness.

    Recent LANCER postings point to a continued effort to brand John F. Kennedy a traitor, and guilty of treason. It is seriously put forth by some that JFK was a communist agent, and the recent postings on these forums show an intense interest on the NAVY and SEALS to impugn John Kennedy's medical record. The Point of view of these postings is that of the conspirators, the rage and hatred of those who would have stripped a sitting president of his security clearances and taken his life. While I have outlined medical and pharmacological pretexts for EXECUTIVE ACTION under the joint agencies, I now see that the TREASON charge, synonymous with the outrageous COMMUNIST charge, will be and has been the principle declarative position of the "MICC"

    The militant reactionaries in positions of power who assented to his assassination by a joint agency effort saw JFK as a Soviet Spy, and immorally lax security risk who had sex with Iron Curtain spies, a man given to injections of amphetamines and weekends with mistresses and psychedelics. Just imagine what NSA chief MARSHALL CARTER, NAVY CHIEF OF STAFF ADMIRAL LEMNITZER, ARMY CHIEF OF STAFF JOINT CHIEF MAXWELL TAYLOR, TREASURY SECRETARY C.D. DILLON and the executives MCCONE HELMS and KARAMESSINES had in their files about John Kennedy.....how can anyone doubt that forces within the government used pretexts and rationalizations to remove him?

  7. This is a frame from the hughes film provided by Lee. (Robin Unger)

    Robin and Lee,

    I was just curious about that frame Robin posted. I was checking what frames of the Hughes film I had and I found the following. I'm not sure if it's the exact same frame as your's but I noticed this curious item which I have circled. It does not appear to be in the frame Robin posted.

    Any ideas?



    That one looks nicely blocked open to give the spotter about 8 inches of open window.

    The bright round lens is a big support to Lee's whole theory, looks like a tripod telescope type thing, a 200 mm. thing.

  8. Yes, Wow! And our man Ligget, John the Mortician, was convicted of killing the widow of this Jay Peck, who was a body double for Lyndon, covered for him at the Murchison party, etc. Ligget was the clean up man. His brother MALCOLM LIGGET is clearly pictured in the above photo with Jack Ruby and a women who interceded to advise Lois Ligget.

    This is the team....

    We have got to find this DeMorenschildt film.

  9. It is suspicious that any rational person would take the official government line on every possible angle and detail, and never venture any independent suspicion whatsoever, unless he were a self appointed (or appointed) government hack and mouthpiece. Obviously his site is a put-up job to distract and slow a researchers findings on the search engines.

    That goes for Dave Perry, too, as well as John McAdams, both have agendas for the state >>>>>>>>>>>


  10. Dear Jack,

    The google ads are queerly linked to the texts, since you and I posted on NASA the search engine knows we talk about NASA and the ads follow....Its not like a magazine where Andy and John actually "approve" the ads....

    In a similar manner, I clicked on an ad on this forum and was offered, FOR SALE, a perfectly good TERM PAPER on JOHN F. KENNEDY.

    NASA pays the bills, and has a pervasive public information presence.

    I saw a US NAVY recruiting billboard today, do you know what it said?



    Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend

  11. Absolutely, the game has winners and losers...

    The game with David Ferrie, the game of defector and counter-defector, the extremes that Oswald went to to involve those groups Pat mentioned are obvious signs of manipulation, and LHO should be seen as a program (or LEGEND) rather than a person, like the Minsk diaries and embassy appeals, the Connally letter.... Read some Grahame Greene or John Le Carre and you will get this sense that people use allegiance, alliance and identification in multiple orders of false ways, and Oswald was of that special time, of that era, in that Milieux.

    For the agencies and commisssions (and Tim Gratz ) to walk us through a "Communist" conspiracy based on Oswald, is almost laughable at this point.

    Oswald comes across as a loyal American kid, given over to intrigue, used by forces in ways that he never imagined, since he was lost in a Cold War counterintelligence program and assassination deception plan.

    I call him a "burn card," a programmed guy in the bowels of the Marine/ONI list of loyal losers.

  12. Of course, UNITED FRUIT. I knew that would quickly lead to some vital relationships and those were very compelling. Mr Kerry is a Forbes, and the Dulles interests were against any kind of equitable land reform...great waste and a racist policy against Mestizos, the US had preferred genocide and removal to actually co-existing with Native Americans....where the spanish had intermarried ....the Southern Nations issues in American Foreign Policy are the saddest, because here the US squandered so many opportunities to lead, elevate, validate and ennable the south and central american nations to something of greater value...

    By :bircher: I mean bringing the Rockefeller interests, but the FOreign POlicy in the WH circa 1960 devolved on some Nelson Rockefeller era structures if I remember my WALTER LEFEBER textbook on US policy. (WH=Western Hemisphere)

    Mr. Welch was a puzzling paranoid populist, full of counter intuitive suspicions, n'est pas?

  13. Click on this declassified file:



    Note the lack of Excised Material.

    Note the list of readers, and the handwritten points.

    Consider the time and place.

    These are not the Military, Treasury or Central agency assets in Mexico, these files relate only to FBI in Mexico City.

    Mr. Sullivan is principle Washington Overseer and Mr. Gale signed off.


    This is a juicy one:



    Here's the Index for Paul Wolf's linkpages to Church Commission and COINTELPRO files:


    BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOURCES ON FBI COINTELPRO counterintelligence domestic program:


    This is a feast!


  14. Interesting reference to the quick response on the part of the VP secret service.

    Indeed the car door is open as the agents turn to look back at Oswald and the Dal Tex building. What happens next is in doubt. From this point to the EMMETT HUDSON POSITION, the [tactical offensive salient] the films are missing. Nix and Muchmore cut this part out completely, the slow descent across the arcade under the fully triangulated fire. The forward initiating shot to the throat was followed by effective shots from the rear, left front and right front, a barrage, and the films are missing these frames. Zapruder is suspicious, with Kennedy frozen in space and a large looming green grass ganzfeldt showing signs of superimposed forgery.

    Because of the shirt and resemblance, I have always thought this was LHO out front.

    The Red Shirt operative, his partner, the Umbrella Man, his partner, the black dog man, his partner, and the men on the Overpass and South Knoll have never been identified.

    Eugene Brading was caught and gave a staged and stilted story that paralleled the story of a man who strongly resembled a CIA paramilitary figure T.SHACKLEY.

    LUCIEN CONEIN and JAMES MCCORD are also clearly photographed...

    My point is you don't have to go too far beyond the available common sense evidence to find evidence of co-ordinated conspiracy and cover up by the government..,

  15. This is an interesting page on how this could be...


    Morningstar is obviously a little bit "far Out" but this is worth reading.

    I think the Tramp Cop has been identified. It is isn't Tippett.

    Tippett was killed before the tramps were taken off the train and walked across the plaza.

    Two scenarios keep suggesting themselves to me. First, if you credit Judyth, then Tippett and Oswald were the two "hot dogs" out to save Kennedy from within the squad, they appeared to support and participate, but shared a private agenda to disrupt or derail the ambush, if possible.

    It is also quite possible that Tippett was Badgeman (or NIX gunman) and took a bullet while conspiring on the grassy knoll, from law enforcement or renegade assassins. The possibility that TIPPETT was murdered for his knowledge of the events, or even wounded at Dealey and removed to the "scene of the crime" across town keeps coming to me as a scenario. Some form of crossfire, friendly fire, or return fire happened at the [tactical offensive salient] and it is no stretch to think that jack ruby, lee oswald, or JD Tippet was involved in that violent exchange...

    (was Tippett firmly linked by his radio traffic to the district where he was found? Or was it possible he was by the River and the Freeway at 12:30? ....either way, if he was hostile to the plans hatching at the CAROUSEL, they would have killed him, wouldn't they? If Oswald had broken ranks, they would have pinned it on him and killed him, correct? I think Oswald and Tippett got into the org. but couldn't get out the way they had hoped.>>>>>>>>>

  16. I know this sounds like "bircher" conspiracy theory, but the facts are that UNITED FRUIT COMPANY, as a corporate entity, acted as a state governing entity in Central America and South America throughout the 20th Century. This structure was embodied in the international programs and committees spearheaded by Nelson Rockefeller. The harsh authoritarian and totalitarian regimes were winked, propped up and often saved by the Kissinger Haig era foreign policy, (which of course we still live under)

    The central american fascism was a by product of US arrogance and corporate controls in an absence of oversight. The fact that so much of the KENNEDY assassination circles around Mexico City and the WH station points to an equatorial and even old Nazi source for the events of 11/22/63.

    Maybe the best way to put it is that the norms the US accepted and promoted in the south and central american theaters came back to Texas and the Gulf Coast on November 22nd....not exactly what Johnny Roselli and Lyndon Johnson claimed but similar, that the mindset of coups and dictatorships appropriate to the DOminican Republic, Haiti, Cuba and Guatamale spread to the USA....

  17. Vergilio Gonzales.

    He was with Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, Martinez, McCord and Hunt at the Watergate break in, May 19, 1972.

    From what I understand he defected out of Cuba, had the opportunity to meet and mix with Big Indian Dave Morales and John Martino while working with Felipe Vidal Santiago, and this core group was activated for the Dallas effort.

    Morales and Martino had deniability out the yinyang....while you have identifed the tactical group, I still think it was all a joint agency operation with orders stemming from the 8f Suite, if not the Joint Chiefs and Cabinet ......

    \Thanks for the scenario, very compelling.

    (ps James-did you see my post on J. Ligget as a suspect in DeMorenschildt's murder?)

  18. Thank you to Dave Bodner for the feedback.

    Ex Poste Facto is often invoked, especially in issues of legitimacy, transition and sovereignty. In this case the 25th came in while Johnson was still in power, although he had been elected in his own right in 1964. The executives who made up the Cabinet and Joint Chiefs, the executives in the agencies gained ascendance somewhere along the line. Secretaries of the Navy, as John Simkin shows, had powerful ambitions and ruthless methods. Executive chiefs of the NSA 68 agencies had virtually limitless prerogatives. Culturally the concept of "EXECUTIVE ACTION or EXECUTIVE SANCTION were very much in the Air, as it were: OO7 James Bond was licensed to kill, the spy who came in from the cold was murdered, a few heads of state were murdered in the 1950's and 1960's, and a certain propaganda effort culminating in THE DAY OF THE JACKAL and EXECUTIVE ACTION really brought the issue to consciousness.

    Recent LANCER postings point to a continued effort to brand John F. Kennedy a traitor, and guilty of treason. It is seriously put forth by some that JFK was a communist agent, and the recent postings on these forums show an intense interest on the NAVY and SEALS to impugn John Kennedy's medical record. The Point of view of these postings is that of the conspirators, the rage and hatred of those who would have stripped a sitting president of his security clearances and taken his life. While I have outlined medical and pharmacological pretexts for EXECUTIVE ACTION under the joint agencies, I now see that the TREASON charge, synonymous with the outrageous COMMUNIST charge, will be and has been the principle declarative position of the "MICC"

    The militant reactionaries in positions of power who assented to his assassination by a joint agency effort saw JFK as a Soviet Spy, and immorally lax security risk who had sex with Iron Curtain spies, a man given to injections of amphetamines and weekends with mistresses and psychedelics. Just imagine what NSA chief MARSHALL CARTER, NAVY CHIEF OF STAFF ADMIRAL LEMNITZER, ARMY CHIEF OF STAFF JOINT CHIEF MAXWELL TAYLOR, TREASURY SECRETARY C.D. DILLON and the executives MCCONE HELMS and KARAMESSINES had in their files about John Kennedy.....how can anyone doubt that forces within the government used pretexts and rationalizations to remove him?

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