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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. That is a mind bender.

    I would have to agree with Lee on this specific thing:

    the FUZZY AREA in the upper right quadrant of the first forty or so frames of

    Zapruder (while they mask the connecting portico of the County Records and the

    Jail) does resemble the retaining wall and bushes 180 degrees away....

    The black oblong really doesn't match the dark portico connecting the buildings,

    and the black rectangle within the FUZZY AREA is too far left, or to the northwest...

    This material is as suspiciously forged as the headwound frames....

  2. John and Members

    I would also point out that this Forum's Biography page is a very nice way to identify yourself to people using the search engines. It will go to the top of similarly named people and it looks great on the google results page---

    I have a cheapie webpage from register.com and it is interesting:

    it is on the w.w.w. but not linked to google or the search engines....


    (Scribner's and Sons Co. goes online through another name DALE/ and scribners.com is a motorcycle shop, so I got a classic domain name for my photos, geneology and history papers....I call it the COLONIAL VICTORIAN: CULTURE AND HISTORY online journal @ scribners.org --and it was a lot of fun putting in the photos and texts.....highly recommended editorial exercise...)

    I would love to have some link from here to my site ...

    Shanet in Atlanta

  3. Here's 158 kb jpeg of the windshield.

    GREER has turned ONE of his side rearview mirrors at a sharp angle to watch

    the PRESIDENT. That may, or may not, be considered suspicious.

    However, the spiral shaped, CLASSIC windshield bullet hole is easy to see.

    To the left of the center rearview mirror.

    Clear as day, you can see the paisley, or comma-shaped, shatter point.

  4. Here's an old AP wirephoto of the assassination.

    If you know where to look, the bullet hole in the windshield is pretty clear.

    There is an unusual amount of "dust" and what looks like confetti.

    I suspect this was added to make the bullet hole in the windshield ambiguous.

    I had to reduce the photo to post it. The hole was even more clear in the larger photo.

  5. Lee

    I hate these overlays.

    Where did the black and white material come from?

    You have placed a big block over a NIX frame. Where did it come from?


    To be honest with you, this stuff is very hard to visualize, let alone believe.

    You are telling us that the third man in the EMMETT HUDSON position is

    a "phantom" while trying to get us to "see" someone who ISN'T there

    laying down behind them.

    You may be on to something, but these posts are to confusing to be compelling.

    Sorry but this is too much like the blinking, confusing stuff on LANCER....


    The Nix cameraman fell from grace somehow, so here's a new one.  Frame 419.  The subject of this man's camera does not appear to be the motorcade.

    Smoke on the knoll?

    - lee

  6. The Secret Service casualty is an interesting news story.

    It may be totally false, based on the rumors and excitement of the day.

    Or it may indicate an actual incident.

    Perhaps there was return fire, cross fire, friendly fire or "fragging" going on

    during the ambush...it is not unlikely.

    With false identification being flashed at the Knoll by Bernard Barker and

    others, it is certainly possible that a conspirator with false federal I.D.

    was wounded or killed, reported initially and then hushed up.

    I have a hunch JD Tippett and LH Oswald were involved in the plot

    to kill the President, but tried to "turn" the effort.

    A shot across the grass from the TSBD to the Fence/Wall would explain the

    puddle of blood and the wounding of a "Secret Service" man....

  7. Ian

    I definitely "jumped the gun" when I saw that black "barrel" in the area I was

    investigating. Hopefully you and I will be somewhere in the middle between

    Gary Mack and certain analysts -- one is far too conventional, and others "see" things...

    However, because the FUZZ area is a quadrant with sharply drawn edges, I don't think this is a camera problem, but a handling issue....

    I am still worried about the Kodak reference letters coming and going in the

    left sprocket margin....

    LEE - Where exactly is the "smg" ?

    The overlays you presented are

    not very clear in relation to each other....

    The enhancement most resembled a real estate "t" shaped sign...

    Can anyone name the building with the narrow vertical windows?

    The black connecting portico roof is still a suspect area.

    I believe it is just south of the County Records Building, or is it the CRB?

    Definitely, the cross-comparison of good photos is a powerful tool.....

    Thanks for participating in that little investigation...

  8. http://www.jfkjr.com/archives/

    If you are familiar with Lee Forman's seminar thread on the Zapruder,

    you know there is an anomaly in the upper right quadrant of frames 1-40

    which looks like a matte overlay, a fuzzy indistinct area to the right of the

    building with the narrow upright windows. (Lee says it looks like the retaining wall

    and it does):


    Looking at Muchmore, I found the large black block, which is seen in Zapruder inside this strangely fuzzy area.

    In Muchmore it is a black "marquis" shaped balcony.

    About 22 seconds into the MUCHMORE film (link provided at the top of this post)

    a very clear RIFLE is seen. It is pointed downrange and hangs over the

    portico between the two buildings.

    This is a very clear, naked eye, unmistakeable film image of a rifle ...

    Go to Muchmore, pause at 22 seconds and look at the second story above the

    black connecting portico. You will see it in the area "fuzzed" in the Zapruder film.

  9. Malcolm Liggett was John Liggett's brother. John Liggett was a mysterious mortician in Dallas and he went on a little trip away from work and family on November 22, 1963...

    I got a copy of three episodes of Nigel Turner's TMWKK from another member and I listened to that vile story again. John Liggett was working for Malcolm. Malcolm terrorized John's wife after the assassination and seemed to get very wealthy (with John) after the dirty work was done. She fingered him as a character in a photo with Jack Ruby at the Carousel, and Malcolm and Ruby were photographed there with a women who "helped" (handled) Mrs Liggett after the "death" of John.

    It was great watching Mrs John Liggett tell of Malcolm Liggett talking to her in a park, saying she could never again contact her husband. The arrest and staged 'death', and relocation to Las Vegas, all seem to have been staged by Malcolm Liggett to protect his little brother John.

    Liggett is my "bernardo de torres" -- a guy so scary you are not supposed to mention him. I think he has being suing people about the History Channel show....

    Very dirty scenario here and , I need to look into the story around the Carousel photo...

    John Liggett was the Michaelangelo of post mortem reconstruction in Texas and he had disappeared for many outside jobs before 11/22 .... he damn near went crazy with fear until Oswald died....and Malcolm Liggett was the "heavy..."

    Was there room in Air Force One to work on the body in flight?

    That is what Mrs Liggett suggested happened ...



    I can hear the jackals, or are they hyenas?

    Yes, there they are, the yellow, long-headed bastards...

    not even social carnivores, these scavengers will rip up the man's legacy, indeed

    ...if they can get to his flesh before the brain-eating baboons make camp --- quiet!

    I hear them!

    That mofuque could write, turn a phrase, dangle a participle, split an infinitive with the best of them. Poor macho bastard spent his life trying to get over that boring Ohio River town, Louisvile, (the last refuge of that spineless turk Rick Pitino), and Louisville was where he was born. The Louisville thing is what made him so mean. He was a hyper masculine type, as the academics like to say, hyper masculine and proud of it.


    Firing his weapons and small artillery pieces on his range at Woody Creek Colorado. A regular Algonquin Round Table in the Alps. Fierce parties where one never slept -- except during lunch and dinner -- and what did it get him?

    After his undoing the brain eating baboons took the wheel of the land yacht,

    that giant black cadillac got ditched in the Laurel Canyon ravine in a 10.9 split.

    OBSCENITY, ANGER and DRUGS, that was the pyramid lead of the New York Times obituary...

    George McGovern's campaign manager Gary Hart followed Hunter's political ideas, if not his plans. Hunter was the man whispering with Warren Beatty in the corner when the Parallax was first Viewed and the good guys still had a chance. His joint on Jimmy Carter at Law Day in Athens Georgia sent one obscure hillbilly to the White House, and his take on Richard Nixon put him on the chopper home to San Clemente and Whittier....and he was the first columnist known to fax in a story, he called it the mojo wire and he loved it. Holed up in hotel, behind deadline and feeding the MOJO WIRE...what a trip that guy was...

    There is a reason Hunter S. Thompson was the most respected, feared and widely read honcho at the ROLLING STONE. His puzzled hunch, casual insight and forced reflection at deadline was better than ten sissy-man attempts at structure and hip irony. He could write better on a fifth of liquor and an eightball of coke than George Will could after church. He constructed realities, tore them down, veered down to the bar, told a joke, scared you and brought you all back home for chinese...

    Now Hunter S. Thompson was a Doctor, a Ph. D. in journalism from Columbia.

    He wrote for Scanlan's on their South-Central America beat, after doing Sports.

    Scanlan's columns show a mature, dignified, graceful, and focused foreign policy mind, a cultural moderator at his best, a commentator both interesting and well researched. By 1964 Hunter S. Thompson was an immutable columnist, a natural writer, a twentieth century prose artist. He could have stopped there and been syndicated, celebrated and given wealth, like Marvin and Bernard Kalb---

    But no, something happened on the way to the news office. The year of our lord 1966 saw the credentialed doctor roaring across the Golden Gate bridge at dawn, with a dancing babe on the back of his hog, no helmet, on wet streets, with acid.

    The edge crept so close to Hunter Thompson he could taste it, like rust on plated silver. The edge was where the Fillmore dance bands and their extended circle of friends brought to Hunter Thompson, a hypermasculine man from the Ohio River state of Kentucky. Wearing his aviators (actually they were shooting glasses) and the lamb fleece vest, chinos and white sneakers, FDR lucky strikes and a beer, he set out to tell the truth, at any cost, after mixing with Jerry and Jorma, and Ken Kesey and Tom Wolfe...

    He saw the bright Kirlian corona of bulllxxxx shining around the 1967 Hell's Angels, saw the uneasy relationship of the anti war "flower" people and the outlaw bikers (captured at Altamont in Let It Bleed) and this BIKER thing really grossed him out. He tried the Kesey / Ginsburg peace ovation approach with the Hell's Angels for about thirty seconds. He stayed with them and stayed with them and stayed with them until he got hurt. Sonny Barger and Tiny came at him with chairs and pool cues when they saw what he had written --- and this gave him nightmares for about the next twenty years and five books. "Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga" showed his writing style. His power, control, ease and clarity of motion, succinct diction, all there in the King's English, mofuque ... in black and white and technicolor ...

    His brain fried like a skillet, he took on the most well known Campaign Trail assignment in American Political history, and made the ZOO PLANE a real place for one brief shining instant. He partied with the Secret Service and stashed his Wild Turkey 101 in their trunk, next to their rifles and riot gear. He would slip out of the press room to do a line and end up smoking a joint with the janitor in the toilet, where he found out THE GREAT POLITICAL TRUTH OF THE MOMENT.... and of course he predicted the whole Nixon thing, and Hunter hated the asselikes.

    With the "Great Shark Hunt" the columns and letters which mark his last phase began to be published. The adventures. Holed up in the Florida Keys near an airstrip in a motel just to get the real feel of coke smuggling angst, he captureeeed the tension, the unpredictable and feral side of his fellow man.

    Posting a regular weekly piece in the San Francisco chronicle we sat at the coffee shops and taverns on the Haight Ashbury and read about his lack of interest, his disgust, his existential "Why?"

    I could go on but we should leave it at that, about twenty years back,

    back in the day, with him posting columns and raising hell.


    That screeching and thrashing I hear is the troop of baboons, the social carnivores and scavenging hyenas have arrived.

    Oh, look, one has hit him with a scrap of dung, and the other has found the entrails....






    JULY 18, 1937 - FEBRUARY 20, 2005


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  11. Sharp eye, Lee, as usual

    Looks like the mattes had picked up some text along the way ...

    Good stuff on Thompson, that guy was a ranking "lifer" in the agencies.

    Edited the Army Intelligence Magazine and was in charge of intelligence

    concerning the Luftwaffe....now that is just a good independent journalist, Lee...


    This whole Zapruder / backyard / Life Magazine connection goes through

    an intelligence agent, Thompson...very interesting...

  12. Even within the context and paradigm (assumptions) of the Warren Commission,

    the Single Bullet and Lone gunman theory, the CIA is at fault

    -- The CIA failed to monitor and impede the Dallas assassin, a counter defector who had recently been sighted at communist bloc embassies, a man tied to Hunt, Phillips and DeMorencshildt, a man whose wife was daughter of a KGB/GRU family, a man who was given to Marxist rantings on television, etc.

    If nothing else, the CIA failed to do their ACTUAL and LEGITIMATE duty,

    and failed to protect the President against hostile possibly foreign controlled threats.

    But given the Minsk issue, Edwin Walker, The Baron, David Ferrie and the lookalike sightings, it probably went much much deeper, CIA-wise...


  13. I think this has something to do with the blood stains and suspicious activity

    on the grassy knoll...maybe a false "Secret Service" agent with forged I.D.

    took a bullet .... cross fire, friendly fire or "fragging"

    OSWALD, somewhat unstable and obviously inclined to change allegiances,

    may have tried to take out one of the other snipers with his shots...

    Judyth makes it clear he was in the plot, but wanted to turn it....


    Frame One through Frame 39 does have an anomaly in the upper right quadrant.

    It is persistent, it looks like a MATTE overlay and it resembles, indeed,

    the retaining wall and bushes in Nix and Moorman....

    It essentially airbrushes the windows of the building to the right of the three upright narro windows (county records?)

    View it in its "original" form here:



    ALSO: The animation above (Lees post of the horizontal shadow man) might be best interpreted as light and shadow falling on the Screen during a cineplex transfer. If one were filming a dub or "doctored"

    copy from a screen (or mirror) and someone opened a door, and light fell on the screen briefly, this is what you would see.

    This to me is the "watermark" that shows film transfer and duplication in what

    is supposedly an original. It didn't happen in the darkroom, because the light would be a dark spoilage, this is a light shining onto the image that is being filmed.

    ALSO: what are the strange letters on the left margin in 34-38, some are letters against the tree, some are against a solid background, glimpse of margin of

    composite element ...? (these #s return around 160...169 "M" in left margin... ?)

    The shadow overlay looks most human and like the Badgeman or gunman in

    Frame 170, against the follow up cars black hood --- check it out:


    Here is another anomaly, visible to the naked eye.

    Click on frame 183 -- what is the secondary source of the building?

    It is shown in the lower left hand corner and isolated in the upper

    bracket fragment ... this looks like the triple overpass or a brick building !


    ALSO coming and going at random are letters in the left hand margin

    M, I, K, D, C, R etc.

    Sometimes they are there and sometimes not....


    Duncan's theory comes into play here.

    If someone from a nearly identical Point of View as Zapruder were to pan

    across the parade route, a few yards before the limo, but with no limo in the frame, then this stock footage could have been used to superimpose the

    limo in the bottom of the released zapruder film -- and all the witnesses like

    Jean Hill and Mary Moorman would still be in the movie....

    That retouching of the first forty frames or so in the upper right hand that Lee Forman points out ... that is the "smoking gun" for forgery,

    this is more compelling than the pincushion effect problems

    or speed and braking issues.

    Some one asked what was the one "flag" for fraud, and here it is,

    along with the super fast blood dispersal 313-314.


    I googled ZAPRUDER FRAME (no pun intended) and got several good

    discussions. The big edit, the jump from no limo to limo in the kill zone,

    is supposedly Zapruder turning off the camera, then turning it back on.

    However, this would have produced strong overexposure of the First frame

    of the "restart" because the Bell and Howell always overexposed the first frame

    after a complete stop.

    So someone edited out the missing portion and made a spliceless splice,

    which means a false master print --- read the various opinions, they range from


    I am concerned about the letters on the margin, this is evidence of tampering that is not visible when the movie is screened, only when the full frames are inspected.

  15. You have such a rosy view of government!

    You want to insure that no one blames the agency, even if their agents acted on this.

    If the illegal, immoral and violent CIA programs and covert ops of the late 1950's

    and early 1960's set the stage for deniable, off the books operations, well, then the CIA still gets a free pass ...

    "it" didn't do it because the DI McCone didn't write the order down and send you a signed copy of the plans ......

    If the mindset of CIA MK ULTRA mind control, cancer-to-kill research, induced madness and political murder around the world set the stage and gave skills and training to the killers of Kennedy, do you still say the CIA had no responsibility?

    If John Gotti and Vincent the Chin order "Fats" Chicolino to kill Judge Parker,

    (under your theory) ... the "Mafia" didn't do anything, just a few "rogues" ...

    The system of running unstable and violent individuals, in illegal and poorly designed covert ops, the whole CIA joint agency DOMESTIC operations of the

    period...that is the backdrop we are working in front of in order to solve this crime,

    and place responsibility ....

    Your patriotic denial and willingness to forgive and indulge a classified secret agency until THEY relaease undeniable evidence AGAINST THEMSELVES is misplaced....

    I see it more like third century Rome, where the palace guard,

    Centurians and generals of the Legions decided who was to be Ceasar.

    Blood was shed and no one reading history is surprised. But Dallas ?

    Get real............Power is as Power does, and the victor cleans up after....

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