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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. George

    That is why many of now look closely at the possibility

    of a south knoll headshot. Wm. Tosh Plumlee says he

    heard shots from there, and Al Carrier and DOn ROberdeau

    take this theory seriously.

    I think it likely Kennedy was killed by a shot that entered his

    right forehead and exited his right rear skull,

    and this was probably fired from the "Left Flat" the

    area to Kennedy's left.

    No Grassy Knoll shooter had an angle to leave the wound described at Parkland.

  2. Tim

    This is little more than a scenario.

    It would go like this:

    Jack "Okay Okay send in the damn air support"

    Mac "Oh no sir that has already been decided. No air cover, it would start WWIII"

    Jack "Okay then damnit what do you want me to do?"

    Mac "There is nothing we can do, sir."

    Otherwise this story is way off base, not a central, leading approach to the BOP certainly...

  3. The Orchid Man is really a typical cold war counter intelligence program.

    Operation ARTICHOKE and the MK series ULTRA program would do this

    and more. Under cover of truth serums, the research went into mind

    control, hypnosis, psychedelic suggestion, auto-post hypnotic suggestion,

    triggered sociopathic deniable agency, and the hypnosis of coded information

    for transmission across cold war borders.

    Since the Colby releases show that 100,000 dosages of Sandoz CIA LSD

    was stored in the Atsugi Japan military counter-intelligence MK ULTRA offices,

    then it is safe to say that LEE HARVEY OSWALD was a program subject.

    His post Marine attempted defection into Minsk and Soviet society is a second clear


    His counter defection back into the arms of the Paines, the DeMorenschildt's and the Welcome Wagon show a clear pattern of international intrigue.

    Jim, have you got the whole file on the Marcano Il Duce rifles, the black

    combat quality sniper rifles with no serial #'s ? the 6.5s the Americans

    took out of Italy in 1943, the evil Roman Mussolini rifles....those were the ones...

  4. Bill Miller:

    The camera is also in front of the fence. Gary Mack has said that he tried to tell Nigel Turner of the mistake and that Turner ignored him.

    The video still shows what a badgeman would have seen,

    a big concrete wall between him and the limousine.

    Note the small break in the wall, and the absolute superiority of the

    3'6" wall to a pop up sniper...

    Anyone who doubts blood could be shed between the fence and the wall should look again at that photo from the fence top, it shows the sniper's nest,

    behind the wall, inside the secured sidewalk area...where the blood is shown

    in the Couch video....friendly fire of some sort....

  5. Everyone look up at the photos Bill Miller has posted.

    In the close up of the right hand photo, there is an arrow pointing

    to a man in white standing at the break in the retaining wall.

    This is where the blood was spilled.

    This is the exact spot where the NIX home movie film shows

    the CLASSIC GUNMAN in a white shirt tracking the limousine

    with a gun barrel.

    Thanks Bill for posting this pivotal clinching image of the White

    Shirt Classic Gunman......


  6. Some one is also muddying up the waters here, vis a vis false papers.

    By using the flash papers of Secret Service, a life felony, I am sure,

    the conspirators were taking a great chance, being caught with these.

    Or were they? C.D. Dillon and the "loop" Vince Palamara outlines meshes

    with these provocative false Secret Service agents like Bernard Barker,

    riding in on the false papers...

    i.e. the false papers gave some cover to the real ss who were totally failing ...

    That was a pretty quick strategic sealing off of the north rear bay of the TSBD?

    They are on both sides of Elm, at the TSBD, at the fence, behind the fence, sweeping the Dealey median, the overpass, the back of the TSBD loading dock...


  7. Jim,

    I meant to get back with you on that.

    I thought I had it in my library, but I don't. Other memebers

    should know what it is I have, and I haven't looked on the net,

    maybe something there.

    The memo sequence is a series of drafts between 11/21 and 11/24

    of the BUNDY national security memorandums.

    These were raw Presidential Directives concerning VIETNAM objectives,

    nothing specific to the Colby program.

    However, I believe it was MARK LANE, unearthed the NSC directive drafts

    and shows a premonitional upgrade of strartegic objectives in southeasst

    asia concurrent with the events in Dallas. McGeorge Bundy I believe was

    the Nat/Sec/Adv at the time, and did a pitiful job of co-ordinating or controlling

    anything and is indicted in this whole mess, with his brother William. (Wm advisor?)

    I thought I could present this stuff, I can't find it...but it exists...book appendix..

    overall strategy picture, not a PHOENIX draft, (although that did stem from tha

    Johnson strategy. ) 1965 was the big year, Johnson said in 1969 that 1965 was

    as much about Indonesia as Vietnam, and he had to keep the pressure on...

    so militarily, 1964 was the set up for the big push in 1965.

    Kennedy was killed late 1963...with Diem...



    I dealt with the subject of Taylor and the coup in the thread "Seven Days in May" and feel confident that Taylor was in fact supportive of the overthrow of Diem. I believe that Shanet posted information that suggested that the Phoenix Program was OKed within hours/days before the assassination, suggesting that a major change in policy was in effect at the time of the assassination. If Kennedy was not supportive of these changes who would be in a position to both know and to act upon that information. I continue to suggest Taylor was and also continue to point to Taylor's close relationship with Edwin Walker as a key connection to this whole mess.

    Jim Root

  8. You defend yourself well.

    I guess you are pretty independent and thorough,

    but some of us think you might be prone to seeing things

    that really arent' there, this applied material,

    and maybe missing things intrinsic...

    like the blood and Classic Gunman and fully halted limousine.

    The puffs of smoke and deeply veiled figures are not as pressing, to me...

    Remember Missing the Forest for the Trees...?

  9. Jim hamilton,

    That character is a ringer for Watergate Burglar and CIA agent

    James McCord....great photo of the crowd control....

    notice "McCord" making eye contact with the man in the grey suit (left)

    This photo shows the SWEEPS that James Richards and I discussed relative

    to the SPARTACUS 'Aftermath at Dealey Plaza' photos.

    Men in suits, a few paces apart systematically combing the grounds,

    rounding up witnesses (note the five African Americans talking with the

    man in a suit (upper right)

    The same thing was happening across Elm. These gentlemen, including

    the ringer for McCord, appeared out of no where, acted in a co-ordinated

    manner, presented false (or uncorroborrated) "flash" Identification to witnesses,

    then disappeared into thin air. Some may have come from the Motorcade

    but most just seem to be there, taking charge of the evidentiary moment...

  10. Penn Jones was a great theorist and the courage to look into this in the 1960s.

    A recent thread brought out one major mistake he made, though.

    He accepted a genuine looking document from anonymous sources

    (a hostile agency) and published it as true, and vouched for it.

    The recent KGB files appearing in the US now show that the LHO note

    to a Mr. Hunt, which many of us believed true, was manufactured to make

    the CIA look bad..........I even posted it and had to remove it when the

    forgery was pointed out and I thank Tim Gratz for pointing out how

    a big piece of the Penn Jones story turned out to be psychological ops ...

  11. After reviewing John's entire Suite 8 material, I must say the winking is more than just bad taste. Congressman Thomas Albert headed the powerful House Appropriations Committee?

    The material on Fred Korth is also important, as Secretary of the Navy...General Dynamics and the industrial espionage lead back to the Paine's and Bell Helicopter. John has done some very heavy lifting, and James has the photo....

  12. Duncan

    Great post, very helpful, welcome aboard, etc...

    While I always put forward the unexplained NIX film gunman,

    these figures you present are not compelling support for me...

    This figure is at the break (6 inch disjuncture) in the retaining wall, the visual

    landmark for the NIX CLASSIC GUNMAN, but this has the break as seen from far to NIX's right..

    Also the figure is smaller in scale than the Classic Gunman should be.

    This could be a figure back closer to the fence, and slightly forward of NIX Gunman,

    a spotter or source of the blood. Also, this individual you point out has

    a variegated shirt or jacket, the NIX figure washes out because of his white shirt...

    they say he had no skin tone, just white, and many deform and push him back

    to the pergola wall, as a field of sunlight among foliage shadows......

  13. But I am fascinated with the thread,

    how Bill super-imposed and then Eugene digitally enhanced that,

    and Alan Healy's remark about beginners being unable

    to see BADGEMAN....

    Beginners can see NIX film's Classic Gunman clearly,

    and that seems to be the big problem.

    First, we need to stop explaining away evidence.

    Secondly, we need to stop creating new false evidence.

    Third we need to take a fresh look at all the outward (not occult) aspects of the

    available film record....although I agree with Dr. Manik, it is all suspect or corrupted.

    Hi Shanet,

    for the longest time, I had trouble pinpointing Badgeman in a full copy of Moorman.

    I guess it had something to do with the low resolution of the full copies that I had picked up on the forums, along with the many shapes & shapes that are seen above the wall.

    Now that I am straight(the flash of light is right above the corner of the wall) & looking at him a little more often helps too, it is easy to see why he has always been placed behind the fence & not the wall.

    Do you understand why they have put him back there Shanet?


    I am debating a few points.

    First, the famous MOORMAN Polaroid may or may not be the exact snapshot

    she took at 12:30 pm, it may not be the one filmed at 1:00, and simply because

    there is video of a snapshot does not mean the snapshot is actually the one in the

    video. The Polaroid now shows a blank space where NIX shows a marksman,

    in Nix the Marksman wears white against a dark background, in MOORMAN we

    see only a field of white grey. Any pro bono lawyer could that Polaroid thrown out as evidence...

    I am a novice when it comes to retouching photos, but I can easily

    imagine the geniuses who gave us the backyard photo set, also giving us

    a misleading Polaroid taken "The Moment of the Fatal Shot"

    Finally, I see the Black Dog, I see the Badge (armband) Man,

    but I fail to see how these are more compelling than the

    CLASSIC GUNMAN tracking the limousine from the spot the blood was found...

  14. Thanks for that .... (?) ...

    From a recent post, on the ballistics model > > > > > > > > > >

    So much of the problem is in an accurate estimation of the wounds,

    on which to base our ballistics model.

    The Warren commission and HSAC material is compromised and mutually

    exclusive. The right temple wound is generally interpreted to be a back to

    front tangential wound by the "lone gunman" supporters, but it is seen

    as a front to back tangential temple wound by traditional "grassy knoll"

    The Bullet into the back didn't penetrate or exit, so it wasn't super high power,

    maybe it was hollow or even mercury filled?

    I believe in an early forward originating .22 shot to JFK's throat, although

    AL says that any shot would have been "for the Kill" --evidence points to

    small caliber preliminary entry wound. Small caliber rifle from the front

    The photos and X-raays apparently cover up a right temple entry wound

    and a large rear lower skull exit wound. High powered rifle from the front.

    Connally sustained two or three distinct bullet events, from a fairly high angle,

    possibly all from the rear. His ribs, wrist and thigh damaged, but not mortally.

    Possibly an Il Duce 6.5 with working sites from the rear.

    Don Roberdeau's evidentiary map shows skull and bullet material downfield

    from the limousine, originating from the Dallas Textile building, and Ms.

    Gutierrez makes it clear that the Blood and Tissue pattern conforms to

    a forward originating shot. Shots from front and back, headshots: skull forward, tissue backward.

    High powered front and back fire.

    Organized crime, when it comes together in an alliance to murder someone,

    will often use multiple caliber weapons and multiple shots to make it clear

    that more than one entity (crime family, motorcycle gang, capo) is taking

    responsibility....multiple weapons, calibers and directions not only signifies a

    tactical triangulation, but also multi-unit coalition of forces is involved.

    (...or Lee Harvey Oswsald with a broken gun by himself... ?....)

  15. My point is that NIX should take precedence over MOORMAN,

    a motion picture should take precedence over a throw-away Polaroid,

    and clear multiple images of a distinct marksman should not be so eagerly

    explained away........

    Shanet - I find your statement mind boggling to say the least. The Moorman original we still have - the original Nix film we do not have. The Moorman photo we have is the genuine article and has not been tampered with. That photo was widely shown soon after the assassination. To say that a dark second generation copy of a film takes precedence over an original photograph of lighter and better quality is a position I find illogical.

    Show me a November 22, 1963 television film of MOORMANs Polaroid

    that clearly shows the break in the wall area, or the Black Dog figure....

    it doesn't exist....

    She lost control of that photo while in illegal custody, remember?

    Jean Hill and Mary Moorman both talk about the man who took away the picture...

    in that little ad hoc debriefing area near the DAL-TEX....?

    You can blow up a doctored image and take a fresh Polaroid of it in seconds...

  16. I believe we see here a man sitting on the fire escape, black pants, knees up,

    facing right, looking over the diagonal railing toward Altgens.

    Below him is a gun nest, possibly.

    Lee Forman has found lens flashes and radios in this area, I believe,

    and it is very strongly argued that a team of one radio man

    and one sniper was here, or possibly one floor below...but here we see the

    fire escape man and the suspicious window "barrel"

  17. So much of the problem is in an accurate estimation of the wounds,

    on which to base our ballistics model.

    The Warren commission and HSAC material is compromised and mutually

    exclusive. The right temple wound is generally interpreted to be a back to

    front tangential wound by the "lone gunman" supporters, but it is seen

    as a front to back tangential temple wound by traditional "grassy knoll"

    The Bullet into the back didn't penetrate or exit, so it wasn't super high power,

    maybe it was hollow or even mercury filled?

    I believe in an early forward originating .22 shot to JFK's throat, although

    AL says that any shot would have been "for the Kill" --evidence points to

    small caliber preliminary entry wound. Small caliber rifle from the front

    The photos and X-raays apparently cover up a right temple entry wound

    and a large rear lower skull exit wound. High powered rifle from the front.

    Connally sustained two or three distinct bullet events, from a fairly high angle,

    possibly all from the rear. His ribs, wrist and thigh damaged, but not mortally.

    Possibly an Il Duce 6.5 with working sites from the rear.

    Don Roberdeau's evidentiary map shows skull and bullet material downfield

    from the limousine, originating from the Dallas Textile building, and Ms.

    Gutierrez makes it clear that the Blood and Tissue pattern conforms to

    a forward originating shot. Shots from front and back, headshots: skull forward, tissue backward.

    High powered front and back fire.

    Organized crime, when it comes together in an alliance to murder someone,

    will often use multiple caliber weapons and multiple shots to make it clear

    that more than one entity (crime family, motorcycle gang, capo) is taking

    responsibility....multiple weapons, calibers and directions not only signifies a

    tactical triangulation, but also multi-unit coalition of forces is involved.

  18. Dawn, the more times I review the link Jack provided on the forgery of Z, I see some compelling elements.

    The braking, halting slowing of the limo has been smoothed out and speeded up.

    The rear head wound has been moved to the temple and black-outed, it seems.

    The Red blood splash and dissipation in Zfilm doesn't make sense.

    The fast lurching agents and headsnaps in Zfilm don't make sense.

    The pincushion effect may be compelling to a cinematographer but I see these four things as his main points, and DR. MANIK (see the MANIK film and XRAY seminar paper thread ) agrees with the theory in Nigel Turner's 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy #5'...........

    Its just a doctored film, and this happened ALL the time....Howard Hughes was a film industry kingpin, Jack Valenti & friends, slick propaganda film units of the joint agency offices, etc.

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