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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. Thank you for posting material on Frank Wisner and Marshall Carter. They are indicted in the most serious breaches of public faith in American history. Marshall Carter participated in the gravest domestic spying and psychological operations of the 1960s and Frank Wisner was the principle architect of the use of former Nazis in the CIA.

  2. Jack White

    The use of uniforms or false uniforms would indicate a central or south american

    strategic planning element...i.e. the Nelson Rockefeller influenced western hemisphere plans department of the CIA,

    and the United Fruit / Guatamala veterans.

    Also remember that a Dallas Police officer was slated to die long before JD Tippett was killed. Any return fire that killed a police officer, by aggressive secret service

    officers or an "abort team" would have killed a, well, police officer, and could be

    written off as "friendly Fire"

    I don't know much about Rosco White but this whole line of inquiry points in that direction.....

  3. You are suggesting the Rivele story may pan out, after the "real" names

    come out, instead of the "fed" names he put out before. Perhaps.

    I think the Laotion IndoChina French Connection, where it intersects with

    OAS mercenary assassinations in Europe and South America in the period

    1960-1963 could be a fruitful angle. The only name I have Albert Spaggiari,

    of Nice, a mercenary in Laos who claimed to have had "DeGaulle in my sights"

    and not fired.

    In fact, because Albert "Bert" Spaggiari disappeared

    after his arrest for the great Riviera bank robbery,

    I believe he is a suspect, or strong lead into the culture.......

  4. Exactly. The person in the photo is in the "Emmett Hudson Position"

    this sidewalk and stairs lead directly from the site of the headshot

    back to the disputed area between the fence and wall (where the blood

    was found and where classic gunman and black dog man stood)

    The figures on the stairs jump like monkeys on the hunt

    and they controlled the vital path betwween the secret service limousine

    and the railroad yard parking lot...

    The photo is very early, seconds only after the shots.

    Note the absence of people at the fence/underpass yet.

    Note the presence of men in suits sweeping the plain to the left, the south "flat"

    Note the spotter team sitting calmly on the curb.

  5. John,

    I can vouch for all that. The CIA Kermit Roosevelt coup in Iran is central to any understanding of twentieth century foreign policy. The United States is still trying to return to the geo strategic situation before th Ayatollah overthrew the installed SHAH of IRAN.

    The entire WAR IN IRAQ is predicated on regaining the lost stratedic middle east presence, and return to the situation pre-1979.

    With the GULF OIL and IRANIAN INTELLIGENCE advisory material concerning Kermit Kim Roosevelt, you have linked the mastermind of the MOSSADEGH executive action to the secret intelligence with the greatest worlwide presence after the KGB and the CIA in the period addressed on these forums, and I am talking about the Iranian agency, SAVAK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  6. In response to some emails about my theory, I am posting my interpretation

    of all this from three months ago.

    I think John Simkins and James Richards have found the tactics employed,

    and this theory may well provide the strategy behind the events in Dallas:

    History, one thousand years hence, will see a shorthand record of the state-approved coup d’etat.

    The future’s historians will see a group of World War II-era presidents, followed by the assassination of President Kennedy and right then, almost simultaneously, the rapid ratification of the twenty-fifth amendment to the United States Constitution. Then the futile Southeast Asian land war, the Civil Rights Acts and urban race riots.

    Other details about the decades will recede, one thousand years from now, the Beatles, maybe, a walk on the Moon - just shorthand survives - in the future historians’ understanding of our United States history.

    I won’t dig out my T.B. MacCaulay, my Thomas Carlyle, my Tott, Elton, or my dusty old Edward Gibbon for you, but suffice it to say, as one who has read political history, that kings and emperors wrote and re-wrote the record of their illegitimate ascensions, at will and after the fact, thoughout all of our recorded history, across the world.

    To believe in them makes you a positivist, a sucker, a naïve believer in progress and the State’s eternal accuracy, honesty and diligence.

    I will not footnote or add a bibliography to this piece. The information you all are aware of, it is public and the facts are well known. I believe the theme, the thesis, the theory I present here follows from the facts, both inductively and deductively. Inductively, it makes sense of all the specifics, all the questionable government acts - and deductively it follows from this general principle: People in power tend to cover their tracks when they arrive illegitimately.

    Historically, however one got into office, if he was finally. Emperor or King or President, it was legal. It had to be “legal.”

    Now in the civil republic that we call the United States, in fall of 1963, certain forms were followed and certain associations were formed.

    Acts were committed that were apparently crimes, but they were actually quite “legal,” under the secret regulations and security clearances then in existence, inside the Pentagon and White House, and then made legal again -

    The trace of the actions and the identities of the actors are found in a few paragraphs of Constitutional forgiveness, the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, written in 1965 and ratified in 1967. A kind of ‘killing under color of law’ theory emerges from the study of the period, from the biographies and history of the U.S. leadership in the 1960s.

    Much hinges on the Cabinet. The 25th amendment tells us that all or part of the Cabinet majority, with the Vice President also on board, shall have the power to decide on the incapacity of the sitting president. This means the role of Treasury Secretary C.D. Dillon becomes crucial in the deed and the aftermath. By deed and aftermath I mean principally, the Dealey Plaza ambush and the Warren Commission’s investigation. Read the twenty-fifth amendment, Vice President Lyndon Johnson is in there, and so is Treasury Secretary C. Douglass Dillon.

    The Treasury Secretary is the top of the chain of command for the Secret Service. If Occam’s Razor points to too many suspects, then a unity forms from that, a super-ordinate explanation, an over-arching scheme, both simple and comprehensive. All is explained by the scenario described, in 1965, in the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.

    The subsequent rationale, or ex post facto legislation - which ratifies a change in government after the fact, this technique is as old as the written language.

    Lyndon Baines Johnson, Douglass Dillon, J. Edgar Hoover, the powerful Dulles brothers, these cabinet members and cabinet-level advisors to Kennedy and Johnson. I think they are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. They could decide upon the President’s incapacity to perform as commander.

    The militant reactionary political enemies of John Kennedy formed powerful nodes of power in the web of secret defense interests. It is the unspeakable reality of American political violence which is at historical issue. In 1963 mercenaries and Mafiosos were engaged full-time in the Caribbean and along the Gulf Coast of the U.S., that traditionally unstable US tropical southern border (since Dutch, Spanish and French times, and the war of 1899). Cuba, a right wing mob casino paradise, was lost to the radical, Fidel Castro. John Kennedy failed to initiate the armed air invasion plans the CIA had hoped for and the Bay of Pigs failed miserably.

    Now we all know that John Kennedy was a charismatic and intellectually bright man, but he had a strong egocentric aspect, and orgies of all kinds generally followed closely on his person and his staff. After spending a lifetime considering critically the scope and magnitude of what I know and what I know I know, through both cognition and metacognition, deductive and inductive reasoning, published and private sources:

    I find it was an inside job, it was a government job, and it was put up to important people as a fait accompli, “a done deal.”

    The assassination was presented to Lyndon Johnson, C.D. Dillon, J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon, as a done deal, a fait accompli, before and after the fact.

    This was done by the spies, Kennedy’s enemies. The militant force used the security mechanisms in place to declare John Fitzgerald Kennedy unfit for security clearances and sensitive positions of authority.

    Someone in defense intelligence or the CIA circa 1963 took this type of intercepted intelligence to a higher level, 'Well, Jack’s now takin’ the Sandoz doses with Cord Meyer’s wife, LSD thing they’re on now, he’s crazy now, totally mentally unfit do to anything as commander in chief, now he’s clinically, criminally, chronically insane, according to Caption b subsection A, paragraph E, and so on …'

    I paraphrase, and form a theoretical scenario. My theory doesn’t hinge on Jack Kennedy using LSD, or having syphilis, or even suffering from Addison’s adrenal deficiency. My theory hinges on the willingness of the spies, his enemies, to declare him incompetent, and I think the theory is a reasonable conclusion.

    And so that was that, from the Plans Directorate and 111th they scrambled to work, and the angry Cuban Alpha 66 group did the heavy lifting, with their partners, the mob. Douglass Dillon, Kennedy’s inexplicable choice for Treasury secretary, was the ultimate head of the Secret Service in 1963. The fix was in, and it was “legal,” due to incapacity.

    Why Jack Kennedy made Clarence D. Dillon the head of the U.S. Treasury, no one will ever know. Robert Lovett had turned it down. Dillon, Reed & Co. was a Wall Street institution and C.D.Dillon was a sort of late model Andrew Mellon for President Kennedy. An attempt at bipartisan Cabinet leadership, and a sop to the right. Anyway, C.D. Dillon ran the 1963 Secret Service, a branch of Treasury then, and he and the intelligence paramilitary put the thing into place, and then they covered up the assassination with the Warren Commission and the Twenty Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.

    Nothing else explains the route, the failure to prepare, the lack of running boards on Jack’s presidential limousine. Why no running boards, why drive at walking speed, why the slow detour? We can’t blame a building or a fence or a knoll, people did this. They think they committed no crime. But they implicated themselves in the apologia, which is the 25th Amendment.

    Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was elevated to the now compromised (or politically constrained) Presidency, was sitting in the Oval Office while the 25th Amendment went through. After that Cabinet members and a V.P. had the power to incapacitate the President.

    This organic legislation, a fundamental addendum to the republic’s Constitution, implicates Clarence Douglass Dillon (whose name was on the currency in the 1960’s), the amendment indicts Vice President Johnson and other cabinet level advisors in the defense and domestic security web, it explains the acts of Johnson’s friend and protector, J. Edgar Hoover, and possibly Sect. Robert MacNamara, and possibly Maxwell Taylor, the 1964 ambassador to Saigon.

    This top-down scheme allows for the coordinated order of events seen in the event and its aftermath. The amount of troubling illogic in the murder and all the bizarre aftermath points to a Program, a Program approved by at least a few heads of Cabinet.

    Jack was a playboy, a movie star, a total wild man. The people that lived up his rear-end, taping him, snapping pictures and listening in, they caught him being very naughty, and they took the case upstairs. Incapacity. Dulles got on board with all his baggage. The plan came off the books, the plane was off down the runway, and at Dealey Plaza the deal went down...

    In the future, this will be the conventional wisdom, and all the rough consensus about a government conspiracy points toward this explanation, the “legal” model.

    Sources? The Twenty-fifth amendment, that’s about as primary as you get, and the Warren Commission, and all it suggests, and neglects, that is primary, that is substantive, that is contemporary.

    Affidavits of the assassins and the assassin’s helpers, and the investigative reporting of Seymour Hersh, and the late Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Dorothy Kilgallen, and the behavior of the 1963 Secret Service in the primary document, a color film by Abraham Zapruder, and the photos of the railroad overpass crowded with people over Kennedy’s bloody head…is that a primary source, a film of a walking speed open-car ambush?

    The top guys did it. Those that control the FBI, the Naval Hospital, military intelligence, and secret service would never have co-operated without orders from higher-ups. I present a coherent, compelling, cohesive hypothesis, a theory to explain the facts.

    In Dallas, Mr. Barnes was there, and Mr. McCord, Eugene Brading and Jimmy Files, Niccolletti the hit man, Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Johnny Roselli, and Dave Morales, Lansdale the ugly American, he was there, and all together, so it looks like a government job, with mob contractors participating, similar to what was planned for Castro.

    I’m a patriotic American and I wish the current officeholders of the Secret Service, Pentagon and the Treasury well, I really do.

    But in 1963 the Republican Treasury Secretary C.Douglass Dillon was a responsible party. Lyndon Johnson was a responsible party. John Edgar Hoover was in authority. Alan Dulles and the Cabell brothers were responsible. Ed Clark was implicated. Tracy Barnes was implicated. William Harvey was implicated. Dave Morales was implicated. Clint Murchison was implicated. H.L. Hunt was implicated. David Attlee Phillips and Desmond Fitzgerald were involved in the murder, and they were gung-ho patriotic Americans.

    The team of mercenaries and hitmen that had worked under federal control in the late 50’s were also implicated; Sam Giancanna, Mr. Marcello, Mr. Trafficante, the infamous Johnny Rosselli, Mr. Niccoletti and his driver Jimmy Files, they were all implicated. And the medical crews, and the FBI, and the Dallas police, who failed to protect the suspect. Oswald, who was lost to history, made one substantive statement “I am a patsy.” His career in counter-intelligence is evidence for my theory.

    A highly-classified document once existed, it was the authorization for the executive action. Incapacity (with the eye dotted and the tee crossed) of the Commander in Chief; JFK was stripped of his security clearances, and his removal was officially authorized.

    But in the Constitution itself is another rapidly written, but after the fact, rationale. This is an ex-post facto, presidential ascension, legitimacy rationale, a document like the ones we have seen so many times in British and Roman history. It was a national security crisis…and John Kennedy was clinically insane, from drugs. Kennedy was declared clinically incapacitated and was stripped of his security clearance, because he had indulged in the psychedelic LSD-25, which the CIA had introduced for mind control and human experimentation in the Chemical Warfare Program MK/ULTRA. The same agencies had spied on Kennedy and discovered this mistake.

    The Twenty-fifth amendment gives cover to the events of November, 1963; especially since the Vice President and some of his Cabinet level advisors were still in power in 1965 when it was composed, and even in 1967, when it became law, ratified in “the summer of love.”

    Why this sudden rush to radically re-write the rules for a Presidential succession? Dallas and the unusual ascension of Lyndon Baines Johnson was the motivation.

    What laws or rules drive good historical theory? Theories explaining evidence must be concise, compelling, coherent, cohesive. The simplest scheme possible to explain all the known facts and misunderstandings. Occam’s razor, or the law of parsimony should drive theory derived from evidence. Keep it simple stupid. No bells and whistles.

    So with the Kennedy assassination, a simple answer, an explanation, at last. But damn it is hard to swallow, despicable murder…like Julius Ceasar, or Alexander II.

    This was a story of top-down orders, from the VP and a Cabinet bloc. The Commander-in-chief had suffered “incapacity.” During the Cold War, involving the Cuban mercenaries, and secret nuclear operations…

    Johnson, Hoover, C.D. Dillon, Alan Dulles, the Warren Commission and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, how does all this fit together? A top down, top level security crisis, an executive action, a non-crime, a “legal” event.

    May God in Heaven bless our martyred leader, John F. Kennedy, and God protect us all.

  7. Roger,

    Interesting post.

    The counter-intelligence games of the period 1958-1964 can shed light on the Kennedy assassination, but they require intense concentration and

    critical thinking. Black is White and Up is Down, and nothing is what it seems...

    Sorry to tell you, but the photo didn't post, & that is very suspicious.

    I think it was the CIA - but Tim Gratz says the KGB did it (kidding, of course)...

    (I always click on "insert into post" and the photo goes where the cursor is

    blinking in the text box.......)

  8. While the Steve Revel and Christian David material is quite weak, I still think it possible that a French OAS assassin - with possible French Indochina paramilitary experience, and Algerian death credentials - came into this country as a hired gun for the Dallas effort.

    The third tramp is my choice for this individual, and I believed he fired from the railroad tracks, possible the south knoll parking lot at the tracks.

  9. Maybe the microsoft search engine won't participate in the most obvious "slanting and steering" of Google, where three or four 'safe and sanitized' sites always come before the more critical websites.

    John, could you give us some numbers on how many visitors read these threads?

    How many people who go to Spartacus then continue on to read part of this Forum?

  10. The fact that Des Fitzgerald was elevated to DDP (deputy director, but really chief executive over all programs in the field) this shows me that he was totally on board and committed to the cover up of the century. Helms's other Deputy Director (of intelligence analysis) was Marshall Carter.

    Obviously Des wasn't demoted or sanctioned for his role in the Cubela, Mexico City and JM/Wave activites he had been running.....rather rewarded.

    Also, again obvious, is that DOMESTIC COVERT CIA operations did not end with the inauguration of Johnson...they accelerated apace, utterly against the Constitution and relevant laws....internal press intimidation was the hallmark of the whole period, and COINTELPRO, CHAOS and MOCKINGBIRD were the chief vehicles of this effort, which can only be seen as a cover-up and illegal domestic interference in representative government.

  11. The William Randoph Hearst United States Senate Scholarship is a

    high honor, nearly comparable to the Rhodes or Fulbright.....

    It certainly hasn't impaired my critical approach to US History

    For instance I can still post this photo of Wm R. Hearst

    at Harvard in 1888 dressed for the Hasty Pudding Show....

    (and thus criticize him for his racist insensitivity)...

    I fail to see how I can embarass myself by presenting my universally

    recognized academic credentials on an international educational forum ....

    (for the purpose of exposing an anti-semite with no credentials, not even a name.)

  12. Could you guys post a large reference photo and a close up (if necessary)

    showing the BLack Dog Man....many of us have never seen him.

    Eugene C. - sorry to be so flippant about your photo enhancement -

    it was actually pretty cool, but I question its evidentiary value....

    Isn't black dog man a little black hat, behind the wall.

    the photo enthusiasts need to know that most of us have no idea

    what this thread is about and need a little GRASSY KNOLL 101

  13. The Mediaeval Period was a middle period between the Classic and Early Modern

    Periods. It is no longer approved usage to call it the Dark Ages, and the

    distinction between the High Middle Ages and the previous period is well put.

    I think that the term Dark Ages has some usefulness in describing the

    "trough" in learning between the third and twelfth century. The use of Greek

    was lost, Latin decayed, and scientific philosophies, engineering and learning

    all fell far behind the classical model.

    The Angles and Saxons (and Jutes and Geats) were a feral bunch, they lived

    in holes in the ground in SE England and were utterly depraved compared to

    the Romans or the Normans which bracketed them.

    cartography, geography, naatural science, astronomy, languages...all these

    were nearly lost, and the Indian Ocean trade Empire, the Sung dynasty, and the

    Arab centers far exceded Europe in physical standards of living and learning levels

    between the third and eleventh century.

  14. Let's start with a statement of fact.

    Over six million innocent people were murdered by the Nazi Party before Berlin was captured in 1945.

    Jews, leftists, intellectuals, gay men, Gypsies, Poles and the developmentally disabled were herded to forced labor camps and worked to death or murdered.

    As I say, this is an indisputable fact and the key to understanding the nationalist race ideology of the Party, which aggressively initiated the second world war.

  15. One point:

    It was a public expression of power.

    It was meant to intimidate and clearly signal the ascendancy of the joint agencies.

    It was a sloppy, overplayed, publicly bloody and transparently agency related ambush.

    If JFK died in his sleep, where would the fear and intimidation be, the thrill of the Hunt?


  16. Are you apologizing for amplifying and

    distorting the available photo evidence

    beyond any measure of normal human perception?

    Dr. Rorshach had a word for this....projection onto a neutral random background.

    More on point, you can photoshop a rock into Raquel Welch !

    Save it for Lancer, and make them blink and move ......

    (that may be a little harsh and dismissive, and I apologize, but that is how I feel)

  17. Could one of you post an uncropped, uncirled, no special effects photo

    comparison and explain this debate in a succinct manner.

    Who or what is a Black Dog Man?

    Who or what is a Badgeman?

    Are we going beyond the limits of the evidence itself with these theories?

    I see the group on the sidewalk (Emmett) acting strangely

    and a figure known as the CLASSIC GUNMAN in the Nix film.

    Why is this clear figure ignored while fanciful characters

    like BM and BDM are put forward?

    You might as well pick a face out of a satellite photo, IMO....

  18. Steve,

    Looks like a "cover your ass" memo

    translation "see, we had just found out Oswald was a bad guy"

    The timing of the call is very supicious, of course.

    The 112th was the critical element, along with the 1963 Secret Service.

    While they may not have ambushed JFK, they failed to prevent it.

    As a bumbling bureaucracy, leaks like this have fed the story.

    A joint agency domestic executive action is a reasonable theory to explain the facts.

    When we remember that it was 112th MI Captain Siewell whose

    license number was eradicated from the Gen. Edwin Walker

    house photo....

  19. THOSE WHO agree with my position please post your support on this thread.

    The ALIAS itself is a violation.

    This ALIAS has accused me of being a "fanatical Zionist."

    One thread has already been removed.

    LBJ's background can never be rationally presented by an ALIAS

    who pretends to believe that Israel dropped nuclear weapons

    near Thailand ---- and triggered the tsunamis. (see link-posted material)

    His Kennedy theory centers on the Jews, and is simply inflammatory hatred.

    My standards for collegial inclusion and co-operation

    are much more rigorous than this ....










  20. Click on the false alias "Salvatore Astucia" (anywhere it is underlined)

    Go to his bio page and review his postings.

    Click into his commercial sales links of his book and review these links.






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