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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. (Sanitized for my protection)

    Great, look forward to reading that.

    Joan Hoff, the mainstream academic historian of Watergate, she leans toward the prostitution theory, based on the procurement case against PHILIP MACKIN BAILLEY

    ....and yes, from the fragmentary evidence we have, Ms. XXXXXXXXXX

    was a featured name in Cathy Dieter's evidential Trickbook of the pimp Mr. Bailley.

    As far as sex-trades go, there are the girls of the Carousel Club in Dallas, hanging on Jack Ruby, there is "Inga Binga", Inga Arvad and of course the MK/Ultra swank pad whores, these pros are standard issue in any Capitol city counter-intelligence setup, by compromising public figures, these prostitutes fueled the wiretapping and listening post craze around the Potomac River circa 1972.

    Prostitutes and electronic listening devices, one way mirrors and cameras were just too much fun, too easy not to delve into. Hence Mullen, Paisley and Hunt intersect with Dieter, the trickbook and XXXXXXXXX, ########'s new wife.

    SUPPOSEDLY, and this isn't firm, YYYYYYYYYYYY, Carter's secretary later, had the trickbook in her desk that Sturgis and MArtinez and Bernard Barker were all looking for.

    Most of the second hand hearsay about the content of the illegal Watergate phone logs transcribed before the burglary of May 19, most accounts of these cite sexual trysting and promiscuous content, on the Liddy to Mitchell phone tap logs of the Democratic HQ.

    Its all in SECRET AGENDA and you can pull up the civil trials. Leading historical theory of Watergate, the trickbook angle. Can't talk about it though....

  2. The ancients believed in The Four Humors:

    The Sanguine or Red Flushed optimum Humour, hot but healthy.

    The Phlegmatic or Cold Dry Humour, slow but effective.

    The Melancholic or lethargic Humour of Yellow bile, a depressed biliousness and

    The Choleric or Black Humor, an active and angry black bile mood.

    The Magic Number Seven Stems From The Seven Planets,

    The Sun, The Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury

    which formed the seven magic numbers of the calendar.

    Fourteen Candles was a fortnight.

    Seven Candle Menorahs were typically used in the Grecian Mediterranean for weekly calendars, to mark the calends.

    Few people suspect the wisdom imbedded in these commonplace observances.


  3. Where does he get this stuff? He just posted the Richard Russell Lyndon Johnson material.

    Yes, the Sixties were all about the civil war, because reconstruction was a failure and the northerners left in 1876, Jim Crow and sharecropping serfs held out until the modern era, then the crisis of modernity struck the South and the threat of insurrections: civil rights legislation ended the revolt potential, but hotspots of the sixties were tied to the failures of reconstruction; and the loss of will after the war between the states, the war of northern aggression, the war of southern independence, the war to preserve the Union, the war to free the slaves, the war to secure industrial hegemony, the war of victorian calvinism, the war of manifest expansion. A powder keg was left a mouldering, called white supremacy in the United States.

  4. "Carters Executive Order 12036 January 1978: A Window into Chronic Structural Problems Within the US Intelligence COmmunity"

    By Shanet Clark 2004

    This piece addresses U.S. political history as it relates to late twentieth century intelligence reform. Based on a wide reading of legitimate secondary intelligence sources and primary documents from the Carter Library (and many from the Ford Library) it uses Executive Order 12036 as a case study in incomplete and limited intelligence agency structural reforms. The main academic “syllabus-level” writers are cited in alternation with primary Presidential documents and news sources. The conclusions are based on my overall view of the field of intelligence reform since the late 1970’s and offer a timely comment on the post 9/11 reform efforts. The history of Congressional oversight is briefly reviewed. The parallels and differences between Gerald Ford’s intelligence reform efforts and Jimmy Carter’s intelligence reform efforts are stressed, with a focus on the role of the Vice President.

  5. John and Members

    I have sworn the veracity of my autobiography and photo avatar.

    This is my Intelligence Reform Paper,

    on Carter, Brezhinski & Turner developed iva the "CIA Recharter" sanitized boxes at the Carter Library.

    Ford, Colby and Kissinger primary presidential papers.


    This is the history of Germany between the Wars, crucial period of the Weimar decline, when Streseman couldn't maintain a republic's parliamentary center.


  6. Sanitized


    I am afraid technically you mustn't ever say it so absolutely. It is a theory with quite a bit of speculation and unknown details. Very few people have ever seen the inside of the "Clout trickbook" full of DC high end hookers.

    The key to the desk is the key, how did the burglars get the key to ********** desk? Did zzzzzzzz have it?

    ZZZZZZ says he got permission from Haldeman for all this stuff, but he didn't.

    Magruder didn't know what was going on, he was intimidated by Liddy.

    Mitchell was non-committal and nodded some permission to Gordon. As far as the alleged Trickbook theory goes, well zzzzzzzzzz and Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx persue litigation when declaratives are used defaming said spouse and besides, we don't know if its true. The courts throw a fairly heavy cloak and wide range over who is not a public figure. For instance, despite her prominence in the Democratic Party, the complainant against Mr Liddy, who was repeating the story.

    Apparently, **********, a public figure and ********* was claiming to be a private figure and it held against Liddy, despite being a President's secretary.

    The judge ruled you couldn't say she had a trickbook full of whores in her desk at the Wategate's Democratic Headquarters, or she'd sue, because she was a private figure and it wasn't true and she didn't know what they were taking about.

    xxxxxxxxxxx was allegedly "Clout" because zzzzzzzzz was Nixon's#####.

    Clout, the listing in the trickbook that zzzzzzzzz was supposedly tasking the team towards (an unsupported allegation, legally) was his wife xxx and she had been mixed up with her roommate, and the senators and foreign dignitaries were getting their slacks washed and the central file was picking up tidbits and all was well, at the sheraton, if you wanted to get laid (50s) or turn a trick (20 somethings).

    The Prostitution Trickbook Theory concerning the ######, xxxxxxx the Stunning Blonde and the horny democratic state officers is a titillating and Profumoesque angle on the Watergate, but it again drags to Paisley, Bennett and Dallas 1963.

    But the pimp was too crazy and dropped out and the court dockets were moved then destroyed.

    Get it, Clout? Like Klute.

    KLUTE film, Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland 1971.

  7. I'm going to try to find a copy of Clifford's book to get the exact description of the meeting.

    Ron, meeting of the Intelligence Oversight Board = McCone-Helms lunch following the morning's grilling by the Board in Beschloss's Crisis Years, page 672:

    "The two men and several colleagues took their meal in a small room next to the Director's office that McCone called the 'French Room'.... Furnished with a round table, television, and easy chairs, the chamber was one of a maze of holding rooms designed by Allen Dulles so that visitors who did not wish to encounter one another did not risk doing so. A door flew open. McCone's aide Walter Elder cried out, 'President Kennedy has been shot!'"

    It would still be interesting to obtain a full roster of those present for the meeting, which cannot be found in Clark Clifford's book.


    Utah Senator Robert Bennett was the CIA corporate frontman for a number of domestic operations through out the twentieth century. When Bennett ran the Robert K Mullen office of public lobbying, he carried out covert domestic CIA projects liasson funtions. These had to be denied when his assistants James McCord Howard Hunt and a "sixth man" named I believe Russell, the Watergate burglary team itself had been part of the Mullen Co (Bennett) front.

    The 1972-1974 political crisis re-surfaced intense scrutiny on Mullen, Hughes (Maheu was Mullen, if I remember). Heinous breakdown of the Wall of separation.

    Part of the Church Rockefeller Colby reforms. The illegal US work was done by Mullen; and Hunt was payroll.

    Howard Hunt had highest CIA domestic operations license in 1963.

    Retired 1970. Sent packages to Agency after retirement, possible false exit.

    The domestic (illegal off-charter NSC-1947 violations) operations were exposed.

    The Hughes and Larry O'brien industrial espionage game plays some role in this.

    James McCord (A Piece Of Tape 1974, Imprint) was an industrial espionage expert, he taught industrial espionage. This is the context for the Office of Security agent John Paisley's death and strange liason role in the Washington burglary and plans interface, he was the CIA OS case officer that actually knew all about the Watergate burglaring from the point of view of the observers in the escort ring group. Paisley was in an unsustainable quandry, and knew too much.

    So the Cubans weren't all Cuban, Hunt and McCord and radiohost columnist Gordon Liddy were beltway Anglos, with a very obscure and occluded tasking and methodologies. In May 1972 the dinner at the Watergate, the team stayed late unsuccessful

    May 19th (/) the tapings, sneaking up the stairs (when was the alias sign-ins? that night I believe) the whole thing blew sky high when the doors began to be torn off their hinges, total giveaway, loud, banging...not just tape hints, real crowbar stuff in the Watergate, a few stories above the National reserve bank, Mr Sturgis made a dreadful racket. I think McCord signed in at the reserve, and Mr Russell left, and their was a team in the hotel across the street, Liddy, Hunt and one other young man (name) It was a burglary. Mitchell had evidently okayed the plan to Liddy, Dean and Haldeman tried to use it to some advantage, no one in the Oval Office has as good a motive as the trickbook interests.

    Meanwhile RBennett and his phony Mullen Co. is doing known illegal domestic operations with the same characters. Hunt and McCord, Cubans

    The theory that the Watergate burglary concerned the prostituition ring, an ongoing blackmail and political extortion ring? Have you heard about the trick book, the lawsuit over even naming the woman with the supposed trick book at the democratic state headquarters desk in the mid 1972 may election season?

    And I am the one who says the theory needs more specifics, and Bennetts realtionship to those mercenary outings and madcap commando programs, those plans remained secret.

    How they interfaced with the Nixon oval office is not really totally clear.

    This was the WH flap. The WH flap was not the WH white house, all though it is ambiguously suggestive of the oval office.

    The WH flap was all about western hemisphere station Mexico City, the WH, where Hunt took orders as a WH domestic plans figure.

    When Howard Hunt and Doug Caddy hit the headlines, Robert Bennett and his CIA front contacts had to clean things out and check in with helms. This period is recorded in documentation of Mullen requesting continuance despite the agencies dismantling of the watergate sheraton observation and information team.

    Then Paisley got whacked and nobody wanted to talk about it any more.

    Am I right, Tim? Or what?


  8. LBJ was covering up a military coup.

    I totally agree, but I still think LBJ was also participating, in so far as we can ever really know.


    Is saying that "LBJ was covering up a military coup" not sufficiently consistent with thinking that "LBJ was also participating?"


    LBJ was covering up a military coup: many would agree with that.

    Sad event. Handed him a fait accompli then he called everybody in for WC and the 25th amendment.

    By 1968 all Lyndon Johnson could say in his first memoirs was that Vietnam's heavy US casualties were a fair price for vigilance in Indonesia and Asia,

    Funk and Wagnalls 1969.

    Richard Russell and the Root brothers personify the closed door censored secret tax based expenses that run unchecked, unbridled.

    Anti Trust enforcement has dwindled to nothing, Martin Marietta, Lockheed all bundled now in giant international conglomerates. That is really the beneficiary, the large corporate private US industry firms, the revolving door beltway elites.

    Anti Trust enforcement was Robust in the early 1960s non existent today.

    the Keratsu, the german, dutch, swiss and british multinational organizations (under free trade) largely unregulated, or regulated by hostile obstructionists.

    A corporate military coup.

  9. John

    To quote Oscar Wilde: “Disobedience in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and rebellion.”

      Of the commissioners I find John J. McCloy the most interesting:

    "As for myself, I don't want to overemphasize it, but I spent 10 years of my life on a case which people have now forgotten about, but it was a rather famous case at one time. It was called the Black Tom case. It involved litigation--you probably heard of it--it had international and national prominence, at one time. It is hard to conceive of any experience that required any more exacting or more sustained investigative work than that litigation did. The outcome of it finally didn't take place until just before the beginning of World War II. It related to crimes that had been committed by the German Government in this country while we were neutral in World War I-murder, arson, explosions, and sabotage were involved. I won't go into all the details of it, but it took years of my time and experience, and I had rather extensive investigative training as a result of it."


    McCloy spent ten years of his own life uncovering a German governmental coverup involving spies, "murder" and "sabotage."  What better man to have on the commission?  And we concentrate on who was in Dealy Plaza instead of the big picture.  I think McCloy would appreciate that.

    Jim Root

    I Agree with you Jim, this deserves a lot more attention, I am unawared of this litigation between parties and between the wars.


  10. Thanks to John Simkins for a great Conference, Excellent hosting, reasonable editorial decisions and great historical writing on the Lyndon Johnson elite habitus.

    I have posted a sworn photo and sworn autobiographical page.

    Click on any hotlined name to read any member's Biographical Details.

    My open welcome to researchers and moderator columnists.

    Australia, Britain, U.S. Spain, Holland are presently well represented, and all age groups.

    Burnt out spy cases, disgruntled former employees and whistleblowers welcomed.

    Shanet Clark, Education Forum Member: Atlanta, Georgia: USA. 12/2004

  11. Nic - we crusties in the states really are glad you are here.

    Gibson Vendodotti the legal minor is another wonderful onlike participant and fully contributing Education Forum Member, as is Geraghty.

    We welcome everybody! Don't panic about the rules, if your under 18 don't post personal stuff just deal with the administrator discreetly and we all understand.

    If you're a wary adult, post the minimum he requires...

    but you can't be Batman13@pluto.velcro or anything like that and thats good.

    I've posted a new sworn biography and sworn my photo, for that matter.

    Tim, this personal philosophy of success is very healthy =

    I use a transactional analysis within a universal humanist critical life sensitive approach.

    Give a post Bourdieu, post Derrida, post Foucault post on the state of the critical cultural historian.

    Your seminar has about a thousand readers, you know......that whole Bay of Pigs thing........

  12. Tim

    I see you live in Chico.  One of my kids goes to school up there.  Sometime, when I'm in the area, we should block off some time and talk.

    Jim Root

    Chico is the college town in mountain California with the Sierra Nevada pale ale,

    the gold standard of pale ale on the US and International Scale and Independent reviews.

  13. 1962 Brown and Root purchased by Halliburton.

    1962 Beatles break nationally in U.K. on B.B.C. radio.

    1962 Bob Dylan's first album.

    1962 Oswald returns from Soviet Russia.

    Crucial year in cultural and political history, 1962 was back in the time of Charles DeGaulle, Ho Chi Minh & Mao Tse Tung;

    a transliminally conflicted time arena for the elite habitus and their existential critics.

    All three Hoovers were alive, Herbert Clark Hoover, his son Herbert Clark Hoover and of course J. Edgar Hoover, originator of the Justice Department's autonomous agency, the federal bureau. Who ever said President Hoover was there in Dallas?

    1962 wasn't culturally part of the Sixties,

    that historical Decade ran more 1/64 to 8/74.

    Beatles to Nixon Resigns.

    A generational equinox.

    Horrible brinksmanship and folly all around, like now............

  14. Shanet Clark

    re: Internet Geneology

    Education Forum

    Public Search Engine Informational Post 12/2004

    Shanet Clark: "I am apparently a fourteenth generation American,

    my direct ancestors came from England to Virginia in 1611.

    I have WWII, Civil War and Revolutionary War ancestors.

    The Pilot, John Clark, who was captured at Jamestown and held by the Spanish for four years, was then hired to pilot the 'Mayflower' to Plymouth, Massachusetts, and he is my direct ancestor. I know of no other person who had property granted to him at both Plymouth Colony and Jamestown, Virginia, and he is my great grandfather to the fourteenth generation. He was Quaker and did not sign the Mayflower Compact, however he piloted the ship, and an island in Cape Cod Bay is named after him."


    The Mayflower, Jamestown, and the First Family of Virginia,

    one Cavalier Virginian, Shanet Clark's Ancestry:

    14. D. Shanet Clark 1962- Author of this table, Historian.

    13. D. S. Clark 1922- Author's father, WWII Pacific Theater, M.D., Va.

    12. Elmer Sylvan Clark 1899-1971 Raconteur in Great Depression, Epicopalian, Mason, Va.

    11. Frederick W. Clark 1875-1944 Rail tunnel foreman, postwar Va. Great Depression, Va.

    10. Franklin W. Clark C.S.A. 1847-1929 Confederate Wise Artillery, Deacon. Post War Depression, Va.

    9. James Towles Clark 1813-1913 Victorian, Orange Virginia Union Church, Va.

    8. William Clark Rev. 1766-1834 Revolutionary Rider, Surveyor, Clark's Mtn., Va.

    7. John Clark 1741-1831 Revolutionary Supplier. Orange County, Va.

    6. William Clark 1711-1790 Left Spotsylvania County for Clark's Mtn. Orange County, Va.

    5. Edward Clark 1662-1736 m. 1662, m. 1681, m. 1699.

    Pregenitor of Virginia and Georgia Frontier Clark families, Va.

    4. Micajah Clark c. 1630-1699 Many later generations are named for Micajah Clark., who had arrived in Va. by 1671.

    3. Michael Clark 1610-1678 Born England, lived in Barbados, then on to Charleston, S.C. and Richmond, (Henrico Co.), Virginia.

    2. Edward Clark 1592-1630 England.

    1. John Clark, the Pilot 1572-1624. Hostage of the Spanish.

    Grants in Jamestown, Pilot's Grants, Plymouth Colony, Pilot of the Mayflower.

    (15) William Clark b. 1553 Stefenage, Herts.

    (16) Sir Thomas Clark b. 1527 Hertsfordshire.


    Shanet Clark is apparenlty a fourteenth generation American.

    He can trace back sixteen generations to the early 16th century.

    The Pilot John Clark, whose testimony to the Spanish Inquisition about the strategic condition of the North American English Colonial Coast can be read in numerous journals, was the man who was ransomed for the Virginia Company by King James I. The Pilot, John Clark 1572-1624 (1) had a number of children, Susannah, Edward, Katherine, Thomas. These were his heirs in England, Virginia, and Plymouth Colony.

    John Clark's son, Edward Clark, 1592-1630 (2) remained in England, and Edward was the father of Michael Clark 1610-1678 (3). Michael Clark is well documented in Barbados, and re-settled in Virginia after arriving in the formative year of 1670 into Charleston, South Carolina.

    Michael was the father of Micajah 1629-1699 (4), who was born in Barbados and moved to South Carolina and then on to Henrico County, Virginia.

    Micajah was the father of Edward Clark 1662-1736 (5) the founder of the Clark's Mountain Clan.

    This Micajah was also the father of Captain Christopher Clark, founder of another prominent frontier family. Edward Clark, Christopher Clark's brother, was the associate of Richard Taliafero, and as an overseer developed land in the new County of Orange, Virginia, in 1736, at Clark's Mountain on the Rapidan River. Some of these Clarks were surveyors, marking the James River and Greenbrier River valleys for the first time and explored the colonial Guyandotte Valley.

    The Clark's Mountain Clarks have been in central Virginia on the Rapidan River since 1736. Edward was the father of William Clark (6) 1711-1792 who had revolutionary associations. William was the father of (7 ) John Clark, "The Old Man of All the Mountain" (1741-1831) the master of Clark's Mountain, with its long views. John Clark was the father of William Clark (8) 1766-1834 a revolutionary veteran, Wm. Clark was the father of James Towles Clark (9) a Victorian methodist who lived 1813-1913. James Clark was the father of Franklin W. Clark (10) 1847-1929 a Confederate Veteran, and Franklin was the father of Frederick W. Clark (11) 1875-1944 a railroad tunnel foreman.

    He was the father of (12) 1899-1971 Elmer Sylvan Clark, no relation to Elmer T. Clark, author. Elmer Clark of Orange, Virginia was Shanet Clark's grandfather.

    [some dates are best estimates, and some links are contested or poorly attested]


    Literate, but less than aristocratic, Englishmen were originally clerks, lay church officials who wrote for the English courts, the sheriffs and the bishops. By the 16th century we know of a Sir Thomas Clarke, and the Latin Cleric or Clericus or Clerq goes back, with the underground church, before Augustine's arrival from Rome in the seventh century. Stone inscriptions in Christian graveyards in Britain show an unbroken British Druidic Christian Church from the first century contact in Rome and Wales to the seventh century, but little written text and few bishops' names have survived. The Clericus family were the original Clarks, writing, maintaining a literated culture and scholarly dignity even in the face of Saxon pagan tyranny in the Dark Ages in England.

    This Post should also clarify certain other historical families:


    The Georgia Family of Larkin Clark descended from Edward Clark (5).

    This branch founded Elberton, Ga. and participated in Revolutionary Land Lots.

    There are only traces of a connection of this Colonial Virginia Clark family to the family of General George Rogers Clark and his brother Captain William Clark (of Lewis and Clark). George Rogers Clark did refer to a cousin of my line, Marston Green Clark, as a "cousin" (GRC, Bodley, Frankort) in a letter, and the Marston Green name and other names are consistent across the two frontier family lines, but William and George Rogers Clark settled in the "west"; Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, and I have found no solid link from the Clark's Mountain (Civil War Observation Post) Virginia line and the George Rogers Clark line, however in the research I found John, Edward, Michael and Micajah, in addition to what I already knew about the Clark's Mountain characters going back to the Revolutionary Days from family records.

    Shanet Clark, Shan Clark, Member Author Education Forum International 2004

    Please contact me in Atlanta:

    email: shanetclark@yahoo.com

    website: http://w.w.w.scribners.org

    p < .05

  15. Jim

    Great posts.

    Maxwell Taylor was the initiator of a great deal of interagency military cooperation after Kennedy was gone. Guenther Lewy points out a growing interdependency of the armed forces paramilitary and the civilian CIA paramilitary during the mid 1960s. Taylor pushed the revolutionary counter-insurgency vietnamese program known as OPERATION PHOENIX onto a young officer name William Colby. He was a very high ranking officer, somewhere in the stratosphere of MacArthur, really. Because of the JCS. In the Cold War strategy was set by the civilian executive in concert with the Air, Naval, Armed and Marines top planning, research and intelligence group, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and one Admiral or General was the Chair. Not quite a Cabinet post, but a power node of first magnitude. In compromising relationship with Edwin Walker, a very dark scenario.

    Seven Days in May or Seventeen Seconds in November.

    It is where the evidence is going Jim, I agree

    The Warren Commission and the 25th Amendment washed out the history......officially. And gave legal cover and legitimacy to the new incumbents. Possibly, from a new theoretical approach. I don't like it one bit.


  16. Excellent point, that's what Nix shows, but Greer was way way slow before that...and some witnesses place eight to ten seconds between shots. Still,

    I am very concerned about the actions of the 1963 security team.

    Sorry the screen froze. Double post fault!

  17. Thank you Pat, You are the man! Great Post on point.

    Holding a copy of the Militant and the Mannlicher 6.5 duce piece,

    Oswald's head is a little too small, floating on a shadow on his left neck that shouldn't be there as he photoed apparently in the more direct sun.

    The easel was tipped, and thats a giveaway......

    Marina Oswald was not a good witness.

  18. Great thread, fantastic posts.

    John J. McCloy was the SEVEN SISTERS oil conglomerate attorney. Or was it McCone, the Atomic Energy Chief? McCloy was the US Oil Mouthpiece..........Before World War Two brought him immense influence in the world of MILITARY INDUSTRIAL CONGRESSIONAL COMPLEX, JACK MCCLOY was with CROMWELL & SULLIVAN, I believe, the New York international law firm that was the legal face of this post-Versailles treaty material (posted) , this firms agents masked and papered over the international agreements (with the Nazis, and post 1933, and post 1939 ) Patents and worldwide production and sales rights on leaded fuels, chemical additives, rubber synthetics and other war materials.

    The US and the Germans shared and fought over Nylon, fuel additives, dyestuffs, materiel.. petrochemical products made by the seven giant american oil companies, monsanto, dow, dupont and ashland (synthetic coal based gasoline technology) Lots of industrial espionage and sanctioned US German intertwinings.

    Jim Root and Ron Ecker and Jon Korienek are all confirming each other mutually, not as much dissention as portrayed, a cor consensus on this exists here... they show the ugly connections US elites had with I.G. Farben and the Krupps Thyssen industrial complex...thats the whole shadowy settlement, this international legal and commando action linked to Harriman Brown Bros. and Prescott Bush. McCloy was near willing to give up a second gunman, he knew Oswald was farce.

    Please, John Simkin, glad you asked....my philosophy of life in 39 seconds:

    Critical thinking. Incisive use of reason. Self-awareness. Tendency to corgi-like yipping into the face of authority... where did I develop it?

    The great books, protestant anti-clerical theory, whig theory, media political agenda theory, critics like Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Ginsburg and Kerouac and Gary Snyder, also Alan Watts... Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear... Artists and songwriters, poets, radical independents. My father was a Nixon antagonist exta ordinaire, the father is the source for much political variance.

    I have always been contrarian. I read Oscar Janiger, Vance Packard, the logic of political participation theory, the rhetoric of the founders and Lincoln, the rhetoric of MacCaulay and Bishop Gilbert Burnet, Rene Descates...Samual Clarke and Issac Newton, Montesquie, DeToqueville and Voltaite. Jean jacque ROUSSEAU...

    Irish Bishops, ancient martyrs, native American myth and tradition, British tradition (Boadicca, Bran, Caroadoc, Linus, Coel, and the Silurian Court in first century Rome) Madoc ObGwinet 1170 AD, Saint Patrick, Saint Augustine of Hippo, the first autobiography and a pious Victorian grandmother who was insistent on sanitation and church on Sunday.

  19. I agree with Geraharty, Anthony Summers is the king of working writers. Epstein and Hougan I've been rereading. Epstein is great on Nosenko and DEMORENSCHIDT........

    Blakey, he was the late 1970's House Committee lead counsel, had a limited hang-out fall back position (since Oswald was lost) the mafia and now we know what Roselli really was...no I don't think Blakey wants to defend the strange evidentiary interpretations he had, they were almost as bad as the Warren Commission, worse in many ways, because they had ten years of leads to dispose of.....

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