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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Re Dorothy Hunt's purchase of $250,000 of insurance before her 1/8/72 plane crash, Carl Oglesby in "The Yankee and Cowboy War" refers to this purchace on p. 237. The first person to heavily cover the account of this palne crash is an American self described "muckraker" named Sherman Slolnick, who also states that the Hunt's made this purchase. (His stuff is also online I bleieve). I remember the day that crash happned and just by seeing Nixon's three aids Butterfield, Krough and Chapin leave their White House posts, within days for positions at United Airlines and FAA it was so clear to me that this plane was sabataged. Just from reading the paper. This was before I had read a single JFK assination book. (But 73 would change all that!) Dawn Meredith
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Posner a Wall Street lawyer, by trade? I agree, it would be interesting to have him aboard. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hello Am brand new to this forum stuff, so please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. I cannot imagine why anyone would want the likes of Posner in here. Or Rahn either for that matter. Last year, on the 40th anniversary, Rahn's LN nonsense was featured on the front page of our local paper, The Austin American Statesman. It was sickening. I wrote a lettert to ed. but it did not get published. There was a post earlier I read from someone who called herself a newcomer to JFk research and she was not convinced that the media is paid off, or more specifically the Posner types. Of course he is, why would he be on all the tv shows when this subject is covered? I do not for one minute beleives he truly believes his own Cased Closed foolishness. He comes out of nowhere and Case Closed is a best seller and he's now this big expert, please. He's a "CIA prostitute" to employ an old Jim Garrison phrase for people like him. Her other comment concerned the infighting in the research community. Having known many members of this group for now over 30 years I can attest that this is all too real. SOmetimes it is ego, the old "I was right first" angle. I saw this in David Lifton when Best Evidence first came out. And that book certainly had some powerful evidence that took him many years to amass, so I do give him credit. Other people come into the case to cause it to fit their preconceived agenda, like Blakey and his mob did it conclusion. If the Mob did it then who killed all those boys in 75?? And why? The mob had no power to tell the secret service to "stand down" . Or to remove JFK's body from Dallas for an autopsy. (Just two txamples, there are tons) As for the establishment media:Life, CBS etc. has been pushing the coverup since the start. When Life reversed the Z frames to hide the backward headshot that ws a purposeful action, not some little accident. Of course they are on someone's payroll. And no one further down in these media outlets can publish anything contrary to the WC lies. Last year I wrote Peter Jennings a long email begging him to educate himself on this subject and not be part of that "proof of the MBT" garbage. Of course I got no reply. Wrote Cronkite too, same result. I could only watch 20 minutes of that sorry piece of very clever disinformation. It made me sooo angry. Even The History Channel, the one place you could get serious research, via Nigel Turner's work, caved into cencorship by removing "The Guilty Men". Can't even buy it from them now. Very sad, it was a great segment. Dawn Meredith
  3. My name is Dawn Meredith, Austin, Texas. I have been reading about /researching the case since 11/22/63. I wrote two research papers on the JFK assassination while a student at Harvard- (evening Extension program)- 1973-1976. I have been an attorney since 1985. Have been involved with the research community since the days of the now defunct Cambridge- based Assassination Information Bureau. Deeply wish the research community was more united, less devisive. Believe JFK's murder was conducted by the highest levels of the US "shadow" government. Believe Garrison /Prouty got it right. The cover-up continues and the so- called "liberal media" is most complicit in this on-going cover-up. Have written many members of the government -(Congress, Senate) - and media many times over the years , usually to no avail. After the failure of HSCA I lost all faith in the government to ever seriously investigate these matters. I view the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK, as well as 9-11, as interconnected. Fear that the US is quickly becoming a fascist state. No hidden agenda, "all I want is some truth". Been waiting since age 14. Co-founder Deep Politics Forum
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