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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. ____________________________-- John: I agree with much of what Dixie has written. Fist and foremost I wish to thank each author for the work that has gone into each presentation. I too have printed off several, as I want to read, and re-read, at my liesure, making notes to self, underlining and the like. (And it is this to which I was referring when I said I agree with Dixie, not the part about "new confession" stuff, as I am not sure to whom she is referring. Not Tosh I hope, I loved his paper, and look forward to more). For those of us who work a fulltime job, trying to read all of the papers has proven to be too much in one week, so I have read somewhat selectively, thus far. I think you will receive additional feedback in the upcoming weeks from others who will read futher as time permits. The level of scholarship on this forum continues to impress and inspire me!!!. Many thanks to all for the magnitude of their contribution, and to John for providing this forum. Dawn
  2. ______________ C-span, in the US, had several hours yesterday of a fantastic conference. I tuned in late, but Got to see Gary Aguilar do a great job on Max Holland, (on the Garrison case); updated on Oswald/Cia, Cyril give a long impassioned tirade against the leftist press for just ignoring this issue. General pretty amazing tv. Hope it gets repeated so I can tape it. Dawn
  3. ______________ C-span, in the US, had several hours yesterday of a fantastic conference. I tuned in late, but Got to see Gary Aguilar do a great job on Max Holland, updated on Oswaod?Cia, Cyril give a long impassioned tirade against the leftist press for just ignoring this issue. General pretty amazing tv. Hope it gets repested so I can tape it. Dawn
  4. COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE! "TRIVIALIZING A TRAGEDY" is an understatement! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ________________________________-- It's the "re-education" of today's youth on the case. Wonder who this little Scottish group is really working for??? No on can truthfully study this case and believe the WC. Sounds like a Posner "realtive". This cannot be simply "for the money". This is way more sinister than just " trivializing". This is "education" , nazi style, the $9.98 is incidental.
  5. You will not get banned for not posting your photograph. If we at a real seminar we could see each other faces. If you feel so strongly about keeping your facial characteristics a secret, then I, and the others will have to live with it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ------------------- But why no bio Mr Connolly??? Just curious. And Richard Smith, I encourage honest debate, just did not want to see what looked like boring infighting. Felt it could be done in an email. This is indended to be a serious forum, so the personal attacks re. alteration of the Z film were getting to be too much. We can all read the book and decide for ourselves. And whether or not you believe the FIles story, this too can be dealt with in an adult manner. As to being accused of being "CIA" or a disinformationist, well you must admit in this case there have been more than a few of those. John's rule of having a bio and a photo is a good way to encourage trust. If there is one thing that is lacking in the "critical community" it is trust. So any way one can facilate such constitutes good practice, I believe. Dawn
  6. ____________________-- Don: Old Dan-I'd- Rather-Not went one even better in 1975. In a CBS "docudrama" -(my word)- he attempted to explain what caused the "backward head motion" of JFK", by saying "Jackie did it"!!!! (meaning, pulled him back). I still have the transcript as I did a school paper critical of that particular show. (Got to show the Zapruda film to my prof). Dawn ps Interesting timing, they should have run the story yesterday!!!
  7. Larry: They are the same Doug Caddy. And why the print evidence has not gone further is because since Glen Sample obtained Wallace's print from Doug Kinser's murder to do the comparison to the latent, that "channel" has been blocked. As in no one can get access to that print now from Austin DPS. You "need a case to attach it to". I don't think Nathan Darby himself can even get it at this point. Dawn
  8. ____________ Great job Larry. Now we just need the updates from Kyle Brown and Tom Bowden. Wallace killed Marshall and Tx Ranger Clint Peoples. Did he shoot (at) JFK??? We have two books that say he did. And the fingerprint evidence. But I don't see Billie sol getting any grants of immunity from the present Justice Dept. I have always found the date that Billie Sol's attorney wrote to the Justice Dept detailing all these Mac Wallace alleged murders a bit interesting : Aug 9/84, the ten your anniversary of Watergate.* And who was Billie Sol's atty? Doug Caddy, lawyer to the Watergate burglars. (Another "Dallas to Watergate" connection, or merely co-incidence?) Dawn *"The Men onthe Sixth Floor" Sample and Collom
  9. ____________________________________________ John Stockdale clearly knew something about the assassination. To be "suicided" so soon after the assassination tells us two things: he knew something and 2. It was feared he'd go public. Brings to mind thae story of CIA guy Gary Underhill who claimed CIA killed JFk, then "committed suicide" in May of '64. I think Penn Jones first wrote about him, later Garrison , and he's in JIm Marrs' list of deaths in "Crossfire". Good research on LBJ. Dawn
  10. Steve: The "safe" house (although I am not sure that is a good term for that place) was directly behind the 1026 N Beckley house where Oswald had rented a room for a short time. This place had been active for over three years before Oswald had came on the scene. It is hard to find and cannot be seen from the Beckley street brick house. It is at the back of the house next to an alley. Most of the rooms had been converted to bedrooms and in some circles you could call it a "flop house". This is where I carved my initials in a kitchen draining board in the spring of 1963 (WRP) The other places I refer to as "safe houses" were on Zangs Blvd, Harlendale St, and the one near Oak Cliff Country Club next to Red Bird Airport. All of these places were ongoing independents, long before the assassination. They were independent of CIA or Military operations. Alpha-66 had a part in some of these houses, but were not CIA funded or nor were any 'cut out' companies of the CIA used to support them. In fact the FBI wanted them shut down (at the request of the CIA) because of the harm those operations were doing to sanctioned operations being conducted in Florida at the time; raising money and arms to launch unauthorized missions into Cuba were exposing secret plans to start up a 'second front' Around 1962. Later (Spring 63) these Dallas operations were interfering with the President's secret peace plan and 'olive branch' extention to Fidel Castro. Most of these independent groups were put under surveillance by the FBI and their activites were past back to Hoover himself. The Kennedy assassination compromised most of the Dallas operations and they were disbanded shortly after. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ------------------------ Tosh: Thank you for sharing your most remarkable story. Like Tim, I want to know more. It is most curious that Johnny Roselli should have been with you. But John's point on this is well taken too. Is your testimony still classified? Do you have a personal opinion of who killed JFK? I totally agree with you that the people on your plane were acting more in a manner commensurate with having "failed" in stopping an assassination rather than a celebratory mannar. (I have read some horror accounts of these celebrations in other circles). I hope your story paves a path for others who are still alive who can shed further light on the truth. We know there are several living who can, if only they would. Many thanks, Dawn I hope you will be able to shed further light on this tragedy of now 41 years.
  11. ps The McCord photo and one bearing a strong resemblance to him are on another post from today, not this one, sorry.
  12. Nic, Thanks very much for your compliment; I always enjoy hearing from you, which is too infrequent. Tim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________________________ Excellent paper, Tim. You have picked up where Carl left off, demonstrating just how deeply Hunt ties BOP to Watergate. Why Nixon would pay any amount Hunt demanded. As Sam Erwin used to say "what did the president know and when did he know it?" I want to ask these qustions of Chuck Colson, John Dean, Howard Hunt, James McCord and anyone else who could shed further light on these significant Bay of Pigs/Watergate connectins to the assassination of JFK, 41 years ago today. Your paper, and the others prsented at this seminar, needs to be published in the print media. The Dalleks be dammed, they are liars. Great job. Love the pics too. That sure resembles McCord to me!! Dawn
  13. ______________________________________ John: Dr Phil Melanson has written excellent books on both the RFK and MLK case. "The Robert F Kennedy Assassination", and "The Martin Luther King Assassination". Dawn
  14. I think this is a real possibility, the strongest evidence of it being the Mac Wallace fingerprint. (I believe it's Wallace's fingerprint because Darby says it is and because the FBI says it isn't.) There is no way that Johnson would have his own known thug Wallace there in the TSBD. But Wallace could have been put there to make Johnson subject to blackmail if he didn't toe the line in the cover-up. The same could have been done to the CIA. Suppose, for example, that two of the arrested "tramps" were Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt in disguise. That could have been pursued, if necessary, instead of dropped. With respect to the Mafia, consider the arrest of Jim Braden. Again, that could have been easily pursued to finger the Mafia, thus assuring Mafia cooperation, the Mob even going so far as to have Jack Ruby shoot Oswald. Having anti-Castro Cubans on the scene, including one conspicuously within spitting distance of JFK by the knoll, obviously made them potential patsies. Potentially having the goods on everybody could also explain why our lookalikes saw no need to stay away if they wanted to be there. Everybody and his brother were fair game as far as "who done it," but everybody could feel pretty safe as long as everyone cooperated. One might even say that it's surprising that more people weren't there! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -------------------- Hi Ron, So are you in effect saying Wallace's fingerprint was "planted" to blackmail LBJ???? I recall seeing one of John's post to this effect also, but tell me HOW DO YOU PLANT A LATENT??? Remember this latent print was found at the same time as the assassinaation, how could anyone ever know to connect it up with LBJ? History is hindsight, all the stuff that's been written about Wallace and LBj since is one thing, but how could anyone have known this in advance? I want to respond more fully on John's article too, as it really: ( 1. )does not give Barr McClellan the credit he is due- (like not even mentioning all the Clifton Carter stuff) but does credit Dave Perry on why no one should listen to Barr. (too much to address tonight). Read a lot more about just who Mac Wallace was to LBJ. I think there is PLENTY of evidence that Wallace was LBJ's hired hit man, period. (Anyone here read the other account of Mac Wallace being there at LBJ's at his people's bequest, the account given in Sample and Collom's "The Men On the Sixth Floor"? (you can get it online). (And the print evidence is a fact. I am glad you acknowledge that.) Who else WOULD LBJ have had there? IF he was involved at the assassin stage, which I have always believed to be the cae. Remember: means, motive and opportunity. John well lays out just how close LBJ was from no longer being "a heartbeat away". It's clear, he was going to be dropped from the ticket and probably indicted. The tapes between he and Hoover speak volumes. I think John makes a good case for LBJ, conspirator before the fact, even tho he backs away from it. I also agree that there were other "patsies", and waters muddied beyond all recognition. But: I agree with Wim: we need "the all-of-the -above" category to check off on the question of "who killed jfk". Dawn
  15. ---------------- I agree with Richard. Great piece Al. I see John's point too, but on the issue of Lansdale, Prouty has me convinced. Just look at someone you know well from behind, you can tell it is this person. It isn't like this is a fuzzy photo we are talking about, where you really cannot tell who it is. And why not be there? When you hate someone that badly, and the hit is so well planned, what is the risk really? It's been 41 years and they've still gotten away with it, so the risk paid off, right? Dawn ps. Just got in from a memorial service and my husband directed me to a new news story: a new video game "recreating the assassination of jfk" to "show that it was done with 3 bullets". I realize this is off topic, but am so disgusted I wanted to post it somewhere, and this is my first post of the day. The "new history". for today's kids. ...Sick beyond all belief!!
  16. Tim, I wish you had been on this forum just a bit sooner, as I did announce my itinerary. Very ominous atmosphere in Little Havana. I particularly was influenced by your series of articles and had discussed Diosdado with Tosh Plumlee with regard to the the timings of flights which required Customs to look the other way. Tosh shared a few names to look up at Marathon Airport, where I had a great room directly across from Abyss Divers. I would have loved to hook up with you there - the partying was hellagood, with the women all showing their boobs and everyone winding up closing the Green Parrott at 4am. I love the place! Tim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________ Ya Tim, Happy belated birthday!!! Looking forward to hearing about the whole trip. Dawn
  17. Dawn: I enjoyed Kitty Kelley's rendition of a New Year's Party at the end of 1986, just after the public disclosure of Iran Contra, when one would imagine there being some trepidation about the looming investigations. But in unconcerned, almost giddy fashion, a number of the men at the party, including Poppi Bush and C. Boydon Gray, were wearing buttons which read: "Who Is Max Gomez?" - the alias for Feliz Rodriguez. I consider this very strange sounding behavior indeed! Tim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________ Tim: Just goes to show what arrogant bastards they really were!!! ((are). Ya, Reed and Cummings give Rodriguez alias as "Max Gomez". He, Terry Reed was "CIA handled" by "John Cathy" who is really Ollie North, (or as my husband and I affectionately refer to him "felon North"). Says Ollie put him (Reed) "into play with Barry Seal". Lots and lots of drug smuggling that old Ollie was into. Ah, all the stuff we really didn't learn about "Contragate" Dawn
  18. -------------------------- Thanks Wim for this excellent piece. I hope this puts to rest the question of "which George Bush" in CIA, re the events of 11/22/63. Of course it is daddy Bush!! Re: Felix Rodriguez and his friendship with THAT George Bush. Terry Reed and John Cummings, in "Compromised....How the White House was Co-opted by the CIA" - (about, inter alia, the Iran Contra/drug running activities)- speaks about this man and his friendship with Bush, stating on p. 219: "Rodriguez was a man who prided himself on having friends in high places. One of these was George Bush, with whom he had been photographed on more than one occasion". Dawn
  19. ___________________________- Tim and Jim, I thought it was common knowledge that BOP was not only approved by Nixon, but in fact he was a main participant in the planning. That he was "expected" to win the election and BOP would have resulted in the end (death) of Castro. Dawn
  20. Wim, Keep in mind that HSCA feel very short on investigating any intelligence leads, passing that off instead to the Justice Dept. Then Reagan was elected and his Justice Dept did nothing. I remember calling and obtaining the name of the JD atty. who was allegedly "in charge of that". Cubbage was his name. I called every year on or about 11/22 to see if anything was being done. Of course nothing was. Proof of conspriacy: God where does one begin? Let's start with the Warren Commission. What was it's job? To find the truth of the assassination? No, but to "disspel the rumors" and prove to the public that one man was responsible. Any first year investigator/police officer knows that is how not to conduct a murder "investigation", but is how to construct a cover-up.
  21. If you are under age you had been abide by your parents' wishes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________________________________ Gibson Are you really only 14 and already writing screenplays? I am so glad to see younger people researching this case. This is our job, to leave good solid leads for the next generation of researchers, and attempt to interview every person still alive connected to this case. Never know who just might hold a grain, or wealth of information. Dawn
  22. Dare I add the name Mac Wallace to this list? Comments? Dawn ps Wim, If LBj did say that to Ms. Brown, I think we can infer from that what he meant. And I strees the word DID, since some of her story is questionable, like where (and if) this party was actually held.
  23. NOt to add to this but, I hope I see a post here that the Judith tapes of 4 years ago have been received by one of the four people in the so-called "Judith group". At least this would end that particular discussion. Debra, ball's in your court. thanks, Dawn ps everyone else, please note that John has posted new rules re name calling and the like.. Let's please keep this to (1.) research and ( 2.) When necessary, keeping other's honest. Just no name calling.
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