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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. I suppose there are a number of things Ferrie might have done with the package between the time he retrieved it and the time Garrison subpoenaed him in December 1966. As best I can tell, Ferrie's place was a pit on the day he was found dead, but there is no indication of anything like a search. The back boor was busted open, but that was by Jimmy Johnson, who found the body. The only inventory I've found of the apartment does not list anything like that package. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ____________________________________________ Thank you Judyth for that post. It clears up a lot of things. I hope Nancy takes it in the spirit in which you clearly wrote it. At this point I just do not know what to make of Nancy. One private reason that I shall not post. It concerns, of course Bob Vernon. I tried to help Nancy, she knows that I did, we had hours of email and phone conversations. She is far more intelligent than her posts show. In fact that is why I asked to call her rather than email when assisting her, I could not understand her posts. I agree it may be an eye problem, I thought at first English was not her native language, but upopn speaking with her discovered that not to be the case. I have not ceased trying to accomplish what Nancy and I discussed. It's still in the works, things take time. Great info on Ferrie Roy, sorry you had to come into the picture this way, but every piece of this puzzle is important in the big picture. "There are many people ...that have the answers to questions and don't even know the questions exist" A researcher famous for his lack of seeking fame. A friend. Dawn
  2. ________________________________-- Thanks Pam, the voice of reason here!! Dawn
  3. ____________________ Hi Jack, I for one always thought Hunt looked like one of the tramps. But is this not the same one that others believe to be Chauncy Holt? If so, your photo shows more of a resemblance to Hunt, if I am to understand that one photo is an actual photo of Hunt and the other is tramp. Am I missing something here??? thanx, Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hunt was a tramp. Holt was a con-man. Jack <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________________ With all due respect, Jack I think that is an over simplification. Your opinion to say the least. I find the Holt story most compelling. But both sets of the photos are very interesting also. I do hope you will respond to Karyn's post on Wim's forum re the question of "Hunt's ears" in her photos. Thanks for responding. I am a bit of a novice in all the film/many photo etc., areas of the case. And of course over the years there have been so many id's of the tramps, All cannot be correct....but Karyn makes very good points, re the "layover" of Holt and tramp, and her issue re the ears (Hunt's). Dawn
  4. ________________________________ Nancy, Now I am totally confused. Are you saying here that Judyth is now saying Lee was NOT a patsy and in fact in on the conspiracy to kill JFK? Say less and be clear, otherwise people will just skip your posts. I would also like to see a post from Judyth on this one point.. thanx, in advance, to both ladies, Dawn
  5. My recollection about Connally's daughter is that she was not a suicide, but was shot by her husband in a domestic dispute. Her husband was the son of a former FBI man. Jack <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________________- Keep in mind that it was LBJ who emphatically did not want Connally next to JFK, but wanted Sen Yarborough, ( a liberal), instead. Was Connally involved in this heated discussion? Great points Dan!!! Dawn
  6. ____________________ Hi Jack, I for one always thought Hunt looked like one of the tramps. But is this not the same one that others believe to be Chauncy Holt? If so, your photo shows more of a resemblance to Hunt, if I am to understand that one photo is an actual photo of Hunt and the other is tramp. Am I missing something here??? thanx, Dawn
  7. Kennedy's limo was moving away from the window. Elm Street also goes down hill, so from above, Oswald had a straight shot. He did not have to "lead" his target, like a duck shooter. And with a muzzle velocity of 2000 feet per second, the path of the bullet in the distance it had to go was also a straight line. Add to that a 4.5 power scope and the shot was, and I mean this literally and figuratively, a no-brainer. Is this question really what makes you doubt Oswald's guilt? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ___________________________________-- Paul: Watch the Bob Groden video (1993). Then tell us it was LHO acting alone. Are you working for Posner??? I still think you are a put on. And you said you'd love to prosecute LHO. I trust then you know rules of evidence and legal procedure, what is relevent and admissible, The hearsay rule and exceptions to, how to do voir dire, how to challenge jurors for cause, how to cross examine witnessses. How to introduce evidence. (Just for openers). The critical community got an opportunity to ask a few questions last year of Sen Arlen Specter. My friend Steve Jones was there and saw this whole thing. His report to me is on either this site or Wim's, don't remember which. READ IT. Specter is an atty and just look at his answers to Mark Lane. Priceless. Dawn
  8. Paul I posterd, but it is under your darn bio. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well it isn't after all, guess it's in cyberspace. I just do not believe you really believe this. I think this is a put on. And I 'd love to try the case with you. Dawn
  9. Paul I posterd, but it is under your darn bio. Dawn
  10. ___________________________________ Or go to Andy's store. Don't have spelling of his last name, but I'm sure it c van be found under "The Last Hurrah". Best source and best prices and all round great guy. Yes, title of Ford's book is "Portrait of THE assassin" He's the no one persopn I'd love to interview. Dawn
  11. __________________________________ Paul, You would be much happier on McAdam's forum. I read your bio and then your comments all made sense. If LHO did it then kindly do something Sen. Specter refuses to do and EXPLAIN how the single bullet theory is possible. And don't tell me Peter Jennings has already done so last year in his absurd cartoon. That was fiction done with sophisticated graphics, nothing to do with real life. Buy Groden's video "JFK", (1993) and after seeing it post your comments. We'd all be delighted to hear your explanations. In fact I will be willing to make a copy of this video myself (with Bob 's permission of ourse and payment for same to Bob)- and send it to you. (Since it was a Christmas present, I am not sure where my brother in law obtained it and he is out of town, on business at the moment.) Probably on ebay tho. Dawn
  12. ___________________________ Shanet: I read an article in the 70's about Ford's book, that it was signed by him and "with personal regards", but that Pres. Ford had misspelled "personal" . ) Dawn
  13. Many thanks Dan. Let's see how HC handles this one. Dawn
  14. Great research guys, and thanx, James for the pics. (I always love your pics and posts). What a group!!!! Strange bedfellows? No, it all falls into place. So fitting that McLendon and Phillips should have formed AFIO, especially in 1975, during the Chruch Committee: they must have enjoyed some good laughs at this- (timing) - irony, combined with their continued success, IF of course, there was a conspiracy to kill JFK , and they had any role in same. Dawn
  15. ___________________________ I totally agree!!! Also JFK had so much $ he could not be bought off. In fact he never even accepted his payments as President. How many other presidents can that be said of? Nixon and his ilk detested the whole good looking, Ivy league, charming types. Look at what Tricky did long before JFK to Alger Hiss. There was a fascinating film in 1980 called "The trial of Alger Hiss" that is very constructive to get a sense of this kind of thinking, this primal envy and hatred. Another great flick on this subject is, if I can remember correctly "The Secret ....Life? of J. Edgar Hoover" Sorry that I no longer remember the name, saw it in about 73 or so. Hoover detested RFK-( and MLK)- beyond anyone's imagination. You can't write a screenplay of fiction that would ever equal these two films. Dawn Bingo! Hatred and animosity toward JFK personally and toward everything he stood for from an ideological standpoint. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  16. ______________________________ John: The "events surrounding the Bobby Baker scandal" have already gotten a lot of people killed. So I am not surprised that this one is on your worry list. Dawn
  17. "No one is entitled to the truth" E. Howard Hunt. That should be the title for the next serious JFK assassination film/play/book. What a quote!!. I have one of his books around someplace, one of the novels, never read it, just might tho Dawn
  18. _____________________ Excellent idea, I am in process of doing the same. More later on this. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ______________________- Oh, we also need to include the media in this, as they are complicit in the cover-up. To this end I wrote to several last year, no response, including: Walter Cronkite, and Peter Jennings- (can view this email on Wim's site)-. I can't scan it here as my scan button suddenly stopped working just this morning when I tried to scan the words of Vince Salandria to John. My computer is demon possessed, I sware. )) Dawn
  19. _____________________ Excellent idea, I am in process of doing the same. More later on this. Dawn
  20. There is a relatively easy way to verify who is the "record" owner of real estate. This would require some work (therefore cost) with a New Orleans Title Co. I tend to doubt EHH owned the property. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ____________________________ But wouldn't it be very interesting if he did??? Looking forward to updates on this. Just one more CIA tie-in if true. Dawn
  21. Nancy, Please take this off the forum. If you have a beef with Judyth do it in private. This forum is for serious research. Please understand. If Judyth is lying it will come out. You were friends, now enemies, this is sad to see. Why did you "go over to Vernon" when you know he is Judyth's enemy??? You did even tell me Vernon is "deep throat", which is just crazy Nancy. You are smarter than that. You must know better. You have a lot o f knowledge, this I know from our private talks and emails. I do hope and pray that you and Judyth can mend this problem. I have tried to help you Nancy- (at your request)- but it did not work out. I cannot help that. I tried. In the spirit of forgiveness, please stop this. Dawn
  22. Go back to Vince Salandria's words to Gaeton Fonzi in "The Last Investigation" Dawn
  23. Great thread. Oswad is so fascinating, as we know so much, yet so little. Jack White's stuff blows my mind. I've always known there were many Oswalds, but never thought about Mom...god, how can anyone believe this was not a well thought out plot, with multiple back ups so that we'd still be guessing 41 years later? Of course it was a group of "all powerful" leaders, but they are in conflict with other high level groups, so it is not just one group. Oglesby uses Civil war Yankee/Cowboy analysis and I agree most of the time with this, but think it's even more far reaching, and we two agree on this, that it's gotta be international, something Vince Salandria said decades ago. So, why it DOES NOT matter to people is an UTTER mystry to me. SO forums do matter. YOu find others who care as much as you do. And some who just say they do. You develop the instinct to know the difference. It's virtual spiritual warfare. But then, look at the damn wold....duh. Dawn..
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