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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. foreign involvement in the assassination. See, for instance, Vincent J. Salandia's "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: A Model of Explanation" re Allen Dulles' role in suppressing expected testimony by Marina Oswald that her late husband might have been a Soviet agent. Interestingly, in that article Salandria also suggesta a link between the assassination of JFK and the coup that replaced Khruschev less than a year thereafter. ________________ Attorney Vincent Salandria has long viewed the assassination of JFK and the resultant cover-up as a domestic conspiracy with international implications. Calling this "...a patent Cold War killing--the bloody work of the US military-intelligence systems and its supporting civilian power elite", Vince gave the keynote address in Dallas at the COPA conference on 1998. The title of his presentation was "The Transparent Conspiracy". I am not certain if COPA (Coalition on Political Assassinations) materials can be viewed online, but I imagine they can be purchased. Vince Salandria has never expressed the view that JFK was murdered by any "foreign" conspiracy, and to even hint at such here is laughable. Dawn
  2. ___________________________ Tim, You may not know that the emails that Gerry Hemming recently sent out that you were cc'd on were sent to me. I did not ask for them, and was actually surprised that they ended up in my mailbox...so that is what I am curious about. But you're not going to tell me. Hemming is not someone I would ever trust, so to see eamils from him cc'd to you on this case at the same time as you are relentlessly and shamelessly writing such unsupportable themes blaming Castro for Kennedy's murder just struck me as ODD. So I thought I would ask. As I noted elsewhere, you are not able to receive a PM on this forum (?? why I do not know) I asked via the post. So neither of your humorous responses is a real "response", so I must conclude that you and Mr Hemming are doing some sort of business together ??? Again, strikes me as ODD. Dawn ps I have not forgotten your question re "Castro did it" and legal, "admissible" evidence to the contrary. Will respond.
  3. ______________________ Dan, Good goals, but does this mean you will cease all forum activity? I hope that you will meet all of your goals but will periodically check in here and do so with the knowledge that your wife is well before these activities. The real war is just getting underway. But I know you have your armor for that one. Dawn
  4. ______________________________________________ Great thread. Gets us back to connecting the dots, to why this is all so very relevent today. Thanks also to John R for reprinting here "The Taking of America". I hope everyone will take the time to (re)- read this remarkable book. I would be most curious to have Tim Gratz' comments on this book, since he is so vocal here questioning posters as to what books we read, when posting his " Castro did it" comments. I have not checked in several hours, but I am also still waiting to see if he answers my question as to just what he and Gerry Hemming are up to. The sound of silence is suddenly deafening. Dawn
  5. ________________________ Tim, Read my lips: It is LBJ who I do not think is telling the truth. I think his statement was self-serving, as were many other peoples' who have participated in this long cover-up. Caroline is not ever going to bring a wrongful death action, nor could she: statute of limitations is long over. But even if it were not I am sure she has not ever believed that Castro killed her dad. (And I did learn from a cousin one time that members of this family do read books and do have an opinion on this case). Leave my friggen job out of this!! What on earth does what I do for a living have to do with this case??? Do you even have a job???? And if so, do I harrass you about it?? I have read LOTS of books on this subject, but I right now I am extremely busy with my job. And I will not be made to feel defensive by you that I am not prepared to "try" this case here in cyberspace. I have not once ever said that I "know" who killed JFK. I just know who did not: LHO, Castro or the Mafia. So, just continue Jack Anderson's little message:" Castro did it" . When you know FULL WELL that if the leaders of this country ever believed that any U. S. president was killed by Castro, an invasion would be launched and this time Castro would be DEAD. Have a good day gentlemen, but I have participated in this silliness long enough. I feel like I am speaking with my right wing cousin Howard now, who is calling me an "intolerant liberal" because I have asked him to cease sending me his never ending "enlightening" words of Rush Limbough and Ann Coulter. I am not impressed with either that crap or your arguments in favor of Castro. I also do not believe you really believe this, but just like to debate it here. Dawn ps: Out of curiosity, what exactly are you you up to with Gerry Hemming??? Now there's a real bastion of truth for you.
  6. Stan- I think this memorable statement calls for a special designation. I dub you, WABOS. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________________ Yea Robert Charles, Shanet and Stan. Tim: Yes Castro did not die, but it was not JFK who was trying to kill him. But I suppose you will continue to " read" this into whatever author you read, and post such. Regardless to the massive evidence to the contrary. Yes even tho I am a Democrat, I have known Lyndon was a crook as long as I can remember. And if one believes all that has been written about his relationship with one Malcolm Wallace, also a murderer. I did not like either candidate in 1964. Just because one realized Lyndon was a bad guy does not a Republican make. Dawn
  7. ___________________________________ I totally concur with Ron's assessment of this conversation. They KNEW tape was running and it does not take the skill of a Robert DeNiro to get through this conversation. Hoover talking about setting up LHO, pretending all the bullets came from behind, while discussing Connally taking a bullet from the FRONT. Do the non believers here need a signed confession from LBJ and J. Edgar??? This tape is pretty darn close to one.
  8. It is the source you've quoted in the past. Lambert's source on Ferrie's condition is Dr. Ronald A. Welsh, whom she interviewed in 1993. Welsh told her that microscopic slides of Ferrie's brain tissue indicated that in addition to blood vessel perforating, there was "scar tissue indicating that Ferrie had had another bleed, a small one, previously . . . at least one or two of them at least two weeks before he died. This is a common occurence with Berry aneurysms," Welsh told her, "people have one or two before they blow out completely . . . His headaches were from the early bleeds" (Lambert, 302 fn.). The above is from your archived newsgroup posts held on Mr Reitzes anti-Garrison website. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ___________________________________________ Patricia Lampert's trash Garrison book "False Witnesses" is of course going to be backed-up by equally- anti- Garrison Dave Reitzes. An excellent review of this "false" book is in JimDiEugenio's Probe Magazine Vol 6 No. 4, entitled "False witness: Aptly Titled", article written by Jim D (" Destiny Betrayed") and another Garrison author Bill Davy ("Let Justice Be Done") Just thought I'd add some balance in here. This article is well worth the read. Dawn
  9. In any event, the above is further support for my point that the primary beneficiary of the death of John F. Kennedy was indeed Fidel Castro.[/color] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tim Gratz _______________________ JFK's death: Who benefited? Now let's see, LBJ was about to be indicted, but became president. Just a coincidence, I guess. After LBJ we might have had Bobby Kennedy, but I guess the Castro forces killed him too, so we ended up with criminal Nixon. Then came Warren Commissioner Ford, then for a brief 4 years Cater, but Bush Sr. and his little "October surprise" ended that, giving us 16 years of Reagan and Bush. Then came Bill, and Monica gate... Then two terms of Bush Jr. Now how does Castro "benefit" from any of this???? To say that Castro was the principal befeficiary of JFk's death is hogwash, pure and simple. There is no credible evidence that LBJ really BELIEVED that JFK was killed by a "foreign conspiracy". I cannot believe this thread is even still going on. Dawn
  10. [ just as JFK needed LBJ's support in the South. Simple politics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________ And speaking of interesting double crosses does anyone kow what Lucianne Goldberg was up to those days? It was reported by Glen Sample (The Men on the Sixth Floor) that she was working in the campaign press office for LBJ in 1960. Was she really there working I wonder, or was she a spy that far back? People do change political parties, but Ms. Goldberg played SUCH a pivital role in the near-impeachment of Clinton, that I wonder what she was up to during Watergate. (And of course, in 1960 too). Just curious, anyone know?? Dawn
  11. ____________________ Hey Tim, No I have not read either of those books. One of these days....too much to read and so little time. No, I "figured out" Watergate for myself, by reading the newspaper at the time. I was working for George McGovern's election bid at the time so when Watergate occurred on 6/17/02 I was very excited and followed it closely. Knowing a bit of how "good spies" DON'T operate, reading about McCord's actions placing the tape on the lock being not vertically, so that it could not be detected by security guard Frank Wills, but horizontally TWICE, was proof to me that McCord was trying to get them caught. So one had to wonder why? Why were they REALLY there and why they acted so unprofessionally. Had Nixon become too dangerous to a faction of the CIA? Was it some sort of payback? (And do either of those books answer these questions?) Dawn
  12. [ If there is anything in the medical reports about David Ferrie being hit over the head and or any head injury please let me know? I presume this means at the time of his death. No, there was no evidence of an external blow. The proximate cause of death was a stroke. My understanding is that a few people believe the stroke may have been brought on by some external means. I have new information about Ferrie's medical condition. He saw a doctor and was actually hospitalized in the fall of 1966. The symptoms he was complaining of are quite interesting. I have noted before that Ferrie had long experienced severe headaches from 2pm to 6pm. He began complaining of head pain and other symptoms in the spring of 1966 and thought he might have encephalitis. He made out a new will in mid-1966, and the man who performed his autopsy said he had had a couple of previous minor bleeds in his brain area. ____________________________- Stephen, Very interesting new information on Ferrie. It sounds as if you believe his death to have been natural causes? Of course that would not take into account the suicide letter, and certainly not the timing of all of this. I hope your book will deal with these matters. (When is it due and is there a title yet?) ______________________ See, Files stated to me that he knew he was hit over the head and in a certain way that would be a blow to the back of the head. He has an idea now of possible two people who may have done it. I don't know much about Files, but I doubt that he was in a position to know much about the circumstances of Ferrie's death. Somebody asked the coroner in 1967 if a sharp external blow might have caused Ferrie's death, and it has entered assassination lore. I think Files may have read that somewhere. _________________________________ I think FIles has probably read several books and testimony on this case, which could account for much of his "knowledge", particularily where it is inaccurate information that has been published IN a book, or the various investigations: WC, Church committee (Schwicker/Hart sub committee), HSCA. ________________________________ Ferrie was found in his bed, as if he had retired for the evening. There was a small, seemingly bloody mass next to his mouth, as though he had bled or vomited. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________________________ To what do you attirbute this? Thanks, Dawn
  13. ____________________________ I was responding to a specific question on Wim's forum , of whether or not people on these kind of forums promote disinformation. I stated my opinion. I did not say or infer that Mr Gratz IS a disinformationist. One can ealily disseminate false and/or misleading information without being paid to do so. And I believe that Tim has taken to doing this. Even you John do not share his opinions that JFK was killed by a foreign conspiracy. I think that Tim is a good man and does not want to believe that his president was killed by forces at the top of his government. I have encountered this sort of thinking all throughout my professional career. People have a vested interst in believing we live in a great democracy and that we are not a murderous imperialistic nation, that our government would never murder its own president!!. I do not share this view and all my study on the assassination points to one answer: JFK bucked the powers that be in his own country and they removed him. For TIm to say there is no "proof off SS or FBI or CIA" involvement is just as silly, in my opinion, as saying that proof exists that LHO acting alone did this. When this thinking was put forth in just one or two threads that was one thing, but the last few weeks it became almost all the threads. Like "Why the CIA did not do it", after weeks of pushing the Castro did it, or Fidel did it, now the damn Soviets? There is no evidnece for THIS, and John you know this. (I cannot imagine anyone calling you a CIA agent. That is actually funny and totally absurd) John do you honestly think that no people have posted here with an agenda uunrelated to solving this crime? Disinformation does not always mean it is someone who is paid, but merely someone with a false agenda. Someone can honestly believe what they say and it still be false. I think this is where Tim stands. I have no quarrel with Tim, I merely believe he is wrong, and further I understand why he needs to believe this. I was just unhappy to see it taking over every thread. Dawn I tried to send Tim a PM yesterday re the Watergate thread where we were agreeing, but the computer "told me" "recipeint had no right to utilize private message". This was puzzling. I wished to respond to his remarks, but not do so in public as they were private thoughts that I did not feel belonged on a public forum. Tim I agree with you that If any US citizen can be proven responsible for this crime such person needs to be held accountable. But you cannot fail to notice that every US investigation has been cut off from seeking the truth. We dissagree on "why" , which entities are being protected by this powerful government. We are in Rome Tim, when it comes to the truth about 11/22/63. All the evidence supports this, you just do not like this evidence.
  14. Bush as the deep throat for Woodward points this way. Was Bush a surrogate for Nelson Rockefeller at this point? A "Liberal" GOP Wall street insider with a strong interest in intelligence and central america.... Bush and Haig were transitional figures as Nixon resigned, power brokers throughout the resignation- impeachment drama.... they had a separate if not secret agenda....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________ You are not alone in thinking this. On 2/4/05 Woodward and Bernstein biographer Adrian Havill- ("Deep Truth")- announced that this is exactly who he has "discovered" to be Deep Throat. I guess the cigs are just a cover story? It's been long clear that the Watergate burglary was a CIA set-up to get Nixon out, now who at the CIA might have wanted that presidential gig? I just hope W and B stick to their promise to reveal the id of this person after his demise. Dawn
  15. _________________________________________ Hi Shanet: Once again the voice of reason on this forum. I do not come here very often of late because all I see are new threads begun by Tim Gratz on yet one more version of how either Castro or the Soviet Union killed JFK. I guess if enough people post this kind of nonsense the idea exists that those who believe JFk was killed by a coup d'etat will just go away. It is working for me because when there is no longer any meaningful dialogue, but just these same kinds of threads REPEATEDLY, I believe serious researchers will look other places. And that is too bad, this forum was once very exciting. I wonder what is going on here now. Why Tim do you start these threads and just presist in this utter nonsence? I know that this is a debate, but you are just saying the same thing over and over and no matter how much evidence is shown to the contrary, your response is just to start yet one more thread with the same red herring. IMHO. Dawn
  16. _______________________ Thanx Dixie, I stand corrected. Valenti was there and someone else (forget who) said it was him winking. Dawn
  17. ________________________ Sheenan has been over the years a very good analyst of political events. Where is this particular theory found ? Thanx, Dawn
  18. Seymour Weitzman was among the identifiers of the rifle found on the 6th floor. He identified it as a Mauser, later changed his mind. Seems like he was a key witness to support the conspiracy, until his mind was changed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Antti, Seymour Weitzman played a key role more than once on November 22, 1963. Not only was he one of the two officers who found a rifle on the 6th floor (both of them signing sworn affidavits that it was a German Mauser), he encountered the aforementioned SS agent, and also found a piece of skull, which apparently belonged to JFK. I have always wondered why he wasn't interviewed in the years following the assassination. We do know that he had some kind of mental problems later, and was institutionalized. You can still access online (sorry, don't have the url) the HSCA report on him, as well as a long interview with a psychiatrist who treated him. According to these reports, Weitzman talked often about all the people who had died that had connections to the assassination, and definitely believed there was a conspiracy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ___________________________ Is he still alive? Did he die in a hospital? Sounds like he was MKULTRA'd. Anyone know the url for his story? Thanks. Dawn
  19. ____________________________________ Why would the KGB be interested in trying to link E Howard Hunt to the assassination of JFK? Only way would be if they killed him and there's no way JFK was killed by a Russian and or Castro conspiracy. Logic says the forgery is CIA. (IMHO) Dawn
  20. __________________________ Great thread, surprised there are no updates on this one. I will have some news on Valenti when the time is right. He PERSONALLY saw to it that TMWKK was not only cencored but you cannot even buy it. More when I learn it, or rather, when it has actually happened, is a more accurate statement. We have not heard the last of those three cencored hours and Valenti. Ask yourself just why LBJ refused to leave without the body, and why he literally forced Jackie to be at his side as he was sworn in. He knew better. (Then for good measure, check out Valenti's wink AS LBJ is being sworn in.) Just my idle musings....could all be just one big string of coincidences, no? Better yet, ask why he hung around Dallas so long if he thought for one second his OWN life was in danger (Cuba/Russia). Dawn
  21. Shanet: That says it all!!! Of course HSCA was a re-run of WC with the added bit of the mob did it thrown in for good measure, to make it look like they actually accomplished something in all those years. They left it to the AG's office to investigate further. Ha. Like the government is ever going to investigate itself. We need a Grand Jury NOW. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ______________________________ To Gary Mack AGAIN: I know that it was the damn Justice dept. who Congress asked to continue the investigation. They are HEADED by the Attorney General's office, or did you not know this? Question for Gary: Do you PM everyone else on this forum who posts or just me??? If you think people like me are going to just go away or be intimidated with these daily harrassing PM's you've got another thing coming. Second question to Gary: Why don't you post yourself??? I have said repeatedly that I will respond to questions re the murder of JFK only in PUBLIC as after almost 42 years of secrecy by our goverment I am disgusted. And No Gary I am not happy with the fact that by 2017 "all the records will be public" because I do not happen to believe that crap. I do not trust our government to ever be honest about its complicity in the murder and cover-up of the murder of JFK. I am glad you are so trusting. Final question for Gary: Why do you not use your real name: Lawrence Allen Dunkel?
  22. _______________________________ As alwyas, many thanks Dennis. I have found by watching eveything that one can on JFK's life and death we learn a bit more of the true nature of all of this, even when that is not what the producer intended. Critical thinking applies to documentaries just as it does to books, posts and the like. Dawn
  23. Yes, James. The Z film is a fabrication. http://www.users.bigpond.com/costella/jfk/intro/ Jack <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________________ Jack isn't this a vast over simplification? What are you saying here, that the Z film is a total fabrication like the moon landing was??? This is not intended as a funny comment, I am serious, when someone makes such a comment as yours further clarification is needed, especially when the maker of said comment also believes the moon landing was fake (which I don't disagree with, just don't know a lot about it). Dawn
  24. ______________________________ They wouldn't and they didn't Stan. Because exactly the opposite happened, sadly. This was not "by chance", the SS were involved. This was a coup d'etat, pure and simple. LBJ helped get it done in Tx but he was "not at the top of that pyramid". He was not in "control of" Dulles, Morales, Angleton etc etc. And just imagine the names we DO NOT KNOW and WILL NOT EVER KNOW, the behind the scenes movers and shakers. That the cover up has lasted this long and is only getting stronger demonstrates just how powerful these bastards are.
  25. But these are not legitimate analogies and do not stand up to rational comparison. Neo Nazis are not "identified" and dealt with in the same way as the victims of McCarthyism were. . Young Muslims banged up without charge in inhuman conditions by a repulsive Whitehouse regime have absolutely nothing in common with anti semitic historians getting into trouble with the law in Canada or elsewhere. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Andy, What alleged "commie" or "pinko" was ever dealt with as harshly as Ernst Zundel has been dealt with? A Hollywood blacklist is one thing; solitary confinement is another. This doesn't minimize what many liberals went through in the 1950s, but at least most of those who were alleged to be "commies" had the sympathy of many liberals, in the entertainment industry and academia. No one appears to have any sympathy for the likes of Ernst Zundel, except his fellow historical revisionists. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ________________________________- Keep in mind that entire families were ruined by the "Hollywood black list". Writers could no longer work, some killed themselves. Their crime? Often marching or being in some way associated with a peace movement!! Woody Allen did a wonderful movie about 30 years ago on this outrageous historical "event". I believe it was called "The Front". See it. Dawn
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