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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. _____________________ Tim: I think there are plenty of us here. Hell I still remember most of the words to Sounds of Silence, S &G's first hit!! Interesting thread too. But the Kennedy's DID NOT kill MM. She was murdered to be sure. And it was to balme it on the Kennedy's. Was not a suicide. Dawn ps Tim: This will need its own thread, but do you think Castro killed RFK too, by chance:) GREAT pics guys, thanks so much.
  2. Despite calls to have the page removed it is still there. _______________________ Calls from whom? It's amazing to think that NSA types are sitting around monitering SINGLE pages on the web!! But I have long wondered how long such freedom of information will be permitted. First they give us McAdams and his ilk to confuse those interested in learning the truth, now it's becoming outright cencorship. But then again, itsn't that just what Operation Mockingbird IS?: CIA control of the media, and the net has become the "media", as a news source for many. Dawn
  3. Someone should write a paper on just the number of alleged "suicides" in this case. It's astounding. Most people do not commit suicide. But it's sure a convenient way to get rid of someone. Take former Tx. Secty of Agriculture Henry Marshall for example. He was really going after LBJ and his scams with Billie Sol Estes. But his death was declared a suicide. Even tho his arms were not long enough to fire the shotgun into his body, several times, after he'd already been exposed to carbon monxide. Not til Tx. Range Clint Peoples was finally able to get the DA to convene a Grand Jury did the suicide verdict change. And of course Clint Peoples himself died in a single car accident. Just as many other people close to this case have left this life. Including LBJ (alleged) hit man Mac Wallace. Suicides, car accidents,...so many dead witnesses. Penn Jones used to keep count. I wonder if anyone is now. Dawn
  4. John, Prayers for your accident and that they find the sob who did this to you. Did the police get a plate number or anything? Friggen scary. I was just going to post something yesterday in response to Tim G's. query (I think it was him) as to researchers/writers who have been killed or attempts on their lives. My post was that this does not usually happen UNLESS the person gets too close to something very sensitive, or writes about someone who is too important. Hatfield comes to mind ("Fortunate Son"), but of course we all "know" that was suicide. I woke up too early this morning and had "Coast to Coast" on the radio. A conspiracy guest was on and the phone went dead. The host commented that "evertime we have someone one about conspiracies something goes wrong with the phones, everytime". They are out there, everywhere. Dawn
  5. [ This forced these issues to be discussed on radio and television. Articles began appearing in mainstream newspapers. In the long term Mockingbird failed to deliver. As a result the CIA (Operation Mockingbird) had to change its tactics. It could no longer argue convincingly that JFK had been killed by a lone gunman. It therefore had to resort to Plan B. Mockingbird therefore used its media assets like Jack Anderson to push the Mafia theory. It also manipulated the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation. This included the appointment of G. Robert Blakey as chief counsel of the HSCA. He in turn appointed Dick Billings as editorial director of the report. Billings had been a long-time CIA media asset. ___________ John, I agree that SOME of the press went to Plan B, but by and large the press in the US has continued as it has from the beginning: to say LHO acting alone killed JFK. Mainstream press in the US is most unkind to people who know there was a conspiracy. Conspiracy believers are portrayed as a bit nuts. Operation Mockingbird has been a tremedous success. That many people have become educated on this subject is due to the work of the dilligent critics. Not to the press in this country. Just look at what the press did to Oliver Stone in the 6 months prior to the relase of "JFK". Never has been a film so trashed. By the right, the left and the middle. All of mainstream journalism treated Stone with utter contempt and hostility. Anyone: name me any person in the "establishment" US press who writes the truth on this subject. Dawn
  6. . When I consider the power that has been involved, I clearly realize that my life, the lives of everyone that I know, the lives of John & Robert Kennedy, other heads of state, religous leaders, Popes------ the life and lives of no one or any group are at all important to the master plan and can in no way stem the tide. Nothing has resisted this force which started as a ripple sixty years ago. Sorry ! No real message. Just venting. Charlie Black <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________________________ Charlie, What event occurred "sixty years ago"? Dawn
  7. ___________________________ I no longer remember the particulars or even have the article, but an old boyfriend of mine did an article on Sullivan's death, in I think 78 or 79 and he- (Harvey Yazijian, of the Assassination Information Bureau)- concluded that it was NOT an accident. Dawn
  8. Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” As it is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle I think he is suggesting that rich individuals will find it very difficult to get to heaven. After all, Jesus made it clear that he wanted people to share their wealth with the poor. If they did not decide to do that then they didn’t deserve to go to heaven. Anyone who has spent anytime at all studying the life and words of Jesus knows that he was probably the world’s first socialist. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________ Even if Jack is correct in his Biblical interpretation, I agree with John that Jesus was a Socialist. That's also why I cannot stand the Christian Right's so unloving, unforgiving attitides. They love all wars, hate all gays, ya I know hate the sin love the sinner is what they SAY but I can FEEL the hatred moral majority types feel for people they do not understand. Basically for anyone who does not profess Jesus as Lord. I do, BUT I don't hate others who do not. I don't think God does either. The God in Whom I believe would not deny Anne Frank a place in heaven. JFK displayed more true Christian love and concern for this planet in his brief presidency than W and his band of warriors ever could. He can talk the talk, but just barely.
  9. _______________________ Tim: Did Castro have all these guys killed too??? (Sorry, could not resist that one)
  10. Thanks Pat, I appreciate your response. Do you have a copy of Patricia Lambert's book on the Garrison fiasco? - False Witness - she describes Billings role.I'll try and respond to the other issues when I get time.Thanks for your patience. Mel http://www.melayton.co.uk <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________________________ For an excellent "balance" to "False Witness" I strongly recommend three readings: JimDiEugenio and Bill Davy's review of this book in Probe Vol 6, No.4 ("False Witness:Aptly Titled), as well as Jim's book on the Garrison investigation: Destiny Betrayed and Bill Davy's "Let Justice Be Done". Dawn
  11. John, I believe this post and the view of Cutler and Sprague is the best explanation for what happened to Mary Jo. ( I used to see Cutler around in Massachusetts decades ago and thought he was a bit nuts with his dart out- of -the- umberella theory, but his work on Ted is commendable.) Very little research has been done on this tragedy. Teddy's story never made sense from the start. I have always believed it was a frame-up. And of course he still must keep silent. Oh but to hear what Tedd really knows/believes about this entire conspiracy.
  12. ___________________________ Hmmm, one minute Tim says Castro did it, now it's the KGB.... He hangs out with Gus Russo..... I guess the right wingers who come to these forums just can't handle that JFK was offed by the powers that be in the good old US of A. Anyone who says differently may just be on their payroll. There, I've said it.
  13. Then again, had RN followed John Connally's advice, he would have burned the tapes, even before the Butterfield revelation, and the "smoking gun" conversation would never have surfaced. __________________________ I think Nixon was way too arrogant to have burned the tapes. I think he thought he could use Execuative Priv. and have the courts back him on this and keep his damning words from the public. Think of the times he'd been caught in scandal and was albe to brush it under the rug. His famous "Checkers" speech comes to mind. People should see Stone's brilliant film "Nixon" to reaquaint themselves with this sinister man. Hopkins is masterful as Nixon.
  14. On 1st February, 1969, Nixon had a meeting with Helms (director of the CIA), Karamessines, and Meyer. Nixon gave his commitment to covert operations. However, he gave them one bit of advice: “Don’t get caught”. Nixon’s attitude towards the CIA changed when James McCord got arrested on 17th July, 1972. He was understandably upset when McCord admitted to being CIA. This was followed by the way Hunt and the CIA was linked to the White House. Nixon also knew that another one of the Watergate burglars, Eugenio Martinez, had been working for the CIA. Nixon now believed he was being set-up by the CIA. This was all out war. High-ranking CIA officials had no choice, Nixon had to be removed from office as soon as possible. It is at this point that the CIA began giving information on Nixon’s illegal activities to the Washington Post. As a key player in Operation Mockingbird, Ben Bradlee and the Washington Post was the obvious vehicle for the destruction of Nixon. In this way, the CIA involvement could be contained. This is why Carl Bernstein was in a position to expose the activities of Operation Mockingbird in the Rolling Stone in October 1977. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ________________________ Except what we actually learned about Watergate was only the tip of the iceberg. I remember how exicted I was during the Watergate hearings when the name Alex Butterfield was first introduced. Would they finally investigate Dorothy Hunt's plane crash I wondered? There was a flurry of activity, everyone was a buzz about big secrets. But all we would learn about was the existance of Nixon's taping system. I always wondered about Alex Butterfield. First he helps cover- up the 12/8/72 plane crash, then, less than a year later he reveals his former boss' taping system, therby propelling Tricky Dick toward resignation. Was Butterfield playing both sides? (Like McCord).
  15. Then there was MM, another woman whose death has come under scrutiny but was most likely suicide. ______________ A.J.. Who commits suicide by putting things into her rectum?? Mighty unusual. Dawn
  16. I say heart attack. Or single car crash. Writing about the CIA is dangerous work. Or writing about Richard M Scaife. Dawn
  17. _______________________________ John, Imagine just for a second W. firing the head of the CIA and saying he'd like to rid the nation of the CIA. Like JFK did with Allen Dulles, after the Bay of Pigs. Imagine W saying Iraq is a terrible mistake and deciding to pull all the troops out, like JFK did with Viet Nam. Imagine W, who calls Cuba a "terrorist nation", instead having secret talks , through an intermediary, and planning, instead PEACE with Cuba, like JFk did, just prior ot his assassination. Imagine a president who regularily gave non-scripted press conferences. Imagine a president who was loved and admired by most of the country!! Imagine a leader who inspired hope and optimism, instead of fear and loathing. Imagine a president today saying the words JFK spoke on June 10, 1963, at American University: "And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal".
  18. HI John, I think it is a wonderful idea. I worry about this generation who was not around when JFK was killed, that it's just acient history and who cares? The more people who can learn that this murder was a major event in the downfall of this nation, the better. Once people begin to understand why Kennedy was killed they are not that far off from understanding just "who" really runs this nation now, and since 1963. The kind of power I mean, the total Nazi mentality and what JFK was up against. Dawn
  19. _________________________ Must reading. Dawn
  20. I think this subject attracts a lot of kooks. That way LN advocates can so describe all critics. Dawn Great stuff on the Phil Graham thread, by the way. (I always wondered if Deep Throat was not someone affiliated with the Post.)
  21. What is the theme of Epperson's work? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________ I have Epperson's "The New World Order". I guess this title sums up the theme of his work. Not very well written, but covers a wide variety of topics: Masons, New Age movement, Illuminati, Lord Maitreya -(what happened to his "appearance"??), Satanism. Nothing about JFK tho. Dawn
  22. The response by the US media, augmenting the cover-up. No major US media outlet has delved beyond the Warren Commission lie that Lee H. Oswald acting alone killed JFK. Good luck with the paper, Dawn
  23. ___________________________________ Interesting, how does a 21 year old become such an EXPERT on the death of John Lennon, Penn Jones' mental state and say with such authority that "there was no conspiract to kill Lennon"? Further, if someone (James) adds a contrary comment he " is in need of professional help". Now our 21 year old is a shrink too? Jane Fonda did not have nearly the kind of influence commanded by John Lennon, who was, up until his 12/8/80 murder, a committed antiwar activist and singer/songwriter. Just because he raised his son does not mean he changed his deeply-held political views. By 12/8, Double Fantasy had been released and John had done multible interviews. (Playboy comes to mind, also a long radio interview). Besler's book, while not conclusive of conspiracy, raises many legitimate points. Dawn
  24. Great insightful post John. Has anyone interviewed Penn Jone's wife on his alleged medical condition? If he had Alzheimers this would have been very evident to anyone who came into contact with him. Many reasons exist why someone would become reclusive in his or her elder years. Especailly someone like Penn who had dedicated his life to solving this case and to alerting his readers to the staggering amount of dead witnesses in this chapter in history. I am always quite surprised when anyone with evidence does come forward, given what such could cost. So it is not surprising that Mrs. Smith's son wants no part of what could very well have gotten his mother killed. Dawn
  25. __________________ John and Shanet: I think it is almost impossible to ever know exactly who did it. We can theorize til the cows come home. Fact is JFk had a lot of powerful enemies. Especially in Tx. To prove that we have been lied to for almost 42 years by our government we need to focus on who did not do it, and how to prove this. Of course everyone here knows this, but the trick is how to get this basic information to the general public. We do not have history books in schools or even universitiies that are honest. Very few in the press will touch this. Thank God for the internet, so that people who want to explore this matter can do so. Problem is getting people to care. In that regard this conspiracy has been nearly 100% successful. Except polls find that approximately 80% of US citizens do not bellieve the WC. But when asked what they do believe instead I have been dismayed at just how successful the other cover stories have been: ie "Mob did it" ," Castro did it". The press has been most useful in employing this secondary level of cover stories.
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